
“Nursing has broadened my horizons…its caused me to focus outside myself and my own little world…I like being in a profession that helps people. And I find the body of knowledge Ive gained is helpful in everyday situations. Plus, nursing gives you lots of varied opportunities for a career…you can change from one realm of nursing to another…and the flexibility of the schedules offered is a definite plus for those of us trying to balance family life with work.”As the nurse quoted above states, there are many reasons to consider becoming a professional nurse. In addition to the career advantages and personal satisfactions, the demand for registered nurses in the U.S. health care market has never been higher. Today people ranging in age from their 20s to their 50s are changing careers and moving to nursing. Theyre finding that when theyve already trained and worked in another field, they can leverage their knowledge and training in a new career that offers them challenge, stability, and fulfillment.One profession, lots of possibilitiesAs a professional nurse, you can use your knowledge and experience in so many different ways. You could organize a disaster relief effort…manage a hospital…educate the community…deliver babies…shape public policy…or make new discoveries doing critical research. Each day is anything but routine—nurses must always be ready to think on their feet.Check out some of the specialties and career paths available for nurses today.Youll find the question should be less about “Why be a nurse?” and more about “What kind of nurse do you want to be?”Consider all the benefits of professional nursingPersonal satisfaction and growth. As a nurse, youre making a real difference in peoples lives every day. No two days are the same, and nursing provides you with knowledge and experience you can use for yourself, your family, and your community, in addition to your patients.Career mobility. once you become a registered nurse (RN), you can take your career in other directions, too. You could work on the front lines in trauma care or in the justice system as a legal nurse consultant. You can work as a teacher, a writer, or as a researcher…interact with children or the elderly…work directly with patients or direct a health care agency. The opportunities are virtually unlimited—especially for nurses who continue to learn and educate themselves in their fields of interest.Job security. Because theres a shortage of nurses nationwide, you can find career options no matter where you want to live in the U.S. If youre married and your spouse is transferred for work, you wont have to worry about finding nursing work in your new community.Scheduling flexibility. More than half of the nations professional nurses work full time. You could work the day, evening, or night shift. Nurses can work three 12-hour shifts and have four days a week off! Some professionals are part-time or per-diem nurses. Many nurses like the fact that they can combine a real career with the demands of raising a family.The best of both worlds—a profession that offers both collaboration and independence. Yes, nurses often work in teams. But they also have a great deal of autonomy. With advanced education, many nurses enjoy a great deal of independence as managers, educators, researchers, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and more.Nursing is a great second-career choice. In fact, nursing has become one of the most popular choices as a second career, in part due to salary levels. Nursing allows single parents to support their families on one income, and for two-income families, nursing provides an additional and flexible financial resource. And as people are laid off in other industries or decide to find more personal satisfaction in their work, nursing offers the chance to fill that need and help them make a real difference every day. The University of Rochester School of Nursing has a program specifically designed for students who already have at least a bachelors degree in another field and want to become registered nurses. Its called the Accelerated Bachelors and Masters Programs for Non-Nurses (APNN), and it provides the education you need to enter a wide range of generalist nursing roles in just one year. There is even a three-year option for those who wish to become nurse practitioners. Find out more.Competitive salaries. More job opportunities for nurses translate into higher salary and competitive benefits for you as a future nurse. According to the U.S. governments Occupational Outlook Handbook, earnings for registered nurses are above the national 。
Dear Mr.***,
From your advertisement, I learned about your position for a registered nurse.
As you will see from my attached resume, I have over *** years of nursing experience. Presently I work in **** Hospital and would like the opportunity to move into public nursing.
Throughout my nursing career I have demonstrated the ability to build excellent relationships with both the patients and my peers on the nursing staff. I am loyal, dedicated and willing to work hard within a team.
Thank you for considering my application. If you should wish to contact me immediately I can be contacted at either of the above number, otherwise I shall call your office in the coming week to arrange an interview for a mutually convenient time.
Dear Mr.***, From your advertisement, I learned about your position for a
registered nurse.
As you will see from my attached resume, I have over *** years of nursing
experience. Presently I work in **** Hospital and would like the opportunity to
move into public nursing.
Throughout my nursing career I have demonstrated the ability to build
excellent relationships with both the patients and my peers on the nursing
staff. I am loyal, dedicated and willing to work hard within a team.
Thank you for considering my application. If you should wish to contact me
immediately I can be contacted at either of the above number, otherwise I shall
call your office in the coming week to arrange an interview for a mutually
convenient time.
Sincerely, ****
“Nursing has broadened my horizons…its caused me to focus outside myself and my own little world…I like being in a profession that helps people. And I find the body of knowledge Ive gained is helpful in everyday situations. Plus, nursing gives you lots of varied opportunities for a career…you can change from one realm of nursing to another…and the flexibility of the schedules offered is a definite plus for those of us trying to balance family life with work.”As the nurse quoted above states, there are many reasons to consider becoming a professional nurse. In addition to the career advantages and personal satisfactions, the demand for registered nurses in the U.S. health care market has never been higher. Today people ranging in age from their 20s to their 50s are changing careers and moving to nursing. Theyre finding that when theyve already trained and worked in another field, they can leverage their knowledge and training in a new career that offers them challenge, stability, and fulfillment.One profession, lots of possibilitiesAs a professional nurse, you can use your knowledge and experience in so many different ways. You could organize a disaster relief effort…manage a hospital…educate the community…deliver babies…shape public policy…or make new discoveries doing critical research. Each day is anything but routine—nurses must always be ready to think on their feet.Check out some of the specialties and career paths available for nurses today.Youll find the question should be less about “Why be a nurse?” and more about “What kind of nurse do you want to be?”Consider all the benefits of professional nursingPersonal satisfaction and growth. As a nurse, youre making a real difference in peoples lives every day. No two days are the same, and nursing provides you with knowledge and experience you can use for yourself, your family, and your community, in addition to your patients.Career mobility. once you become a registered nurse (RN), you can take your career in other directions, too. You could work on the front lines in trauma care or in the justice system as a legal nurse consultant. You can work as a teacher, a writer, or as a researcher…interact with children or the elderly…work directly with patients or direct a health care agency. The opportunities are virtually unlimited—especially for nurses who continue to learn and educate themselves in their fields of interest.Job security. Because theres a shortage of nurses nationwide, you can find career options no matter where you want to live in the U.S. If youre married and your spouse is transferred for work, you wont have to worry about finding nursing work in your new community.Scheduling flexibility. More than half of the nations professional nurses work full time. You could work the day, evening, or night shift. Nurses can work three 12-hour shifts and have four days a week off! Some professionals are part-time or per-diem nurses. Many nurses like the fact that they can combine a real career with the demands of raising a family.The best of both worlds—a profession that offers both collaboration and independence. Yes, nurses often work in teams. But they also have a great deal of autonomy. With advanced education, many nurses enjoy a great deal of independence as managers, educators, researchers, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and more.Nursing is a great second-career choice. In fact, nursing has become one of the most popular choices as a second career, in part due to salary levels. Nursing allows single parents to support their families on one income, and for two-income families, nursing provides an additional and flexible financial resource. And as people are laid off in other industries or decide to find more personal satisfaction in their work, nursing offers the chance to fill that need and help them make a real difference every day. The University of Rochester School of Nursing has a program specifically designed for students who already have at least a bachelors degree in another field and want to become registered nurses. Its called the Accelerated Bachelors and Masters Programs for Non-Nurses (APNN), and it provides the education you need to enter a wide range of generalist nursing roles in just one year. There is even a three-year option for those who wish to become nurse practitioners. Find out more.Competitive salaries. More job opportunities for nurses translate into higher salary and competitive benefits for you as a future nurse. According to the U.S. governments Occupational Outlook Handbook, earnings for registered nurses are above the na。
377 College Ave.
Our Town, USA 12345
(222) 789-1011
Southern State RN license # 3344478
Malpractice insurance through Corporate Coverage Company
2000 BSN, Southern State University, Our Town, USA
Graduated magna cum laude
Fluent in English. Eight years of Spanish study (ages 11-18 and currently studying).
Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Working knowledge of Access tables and queries. Working knowledge of Big Name Electronic Health Records.
2003-200X RN
Visiting Nurse Service, Our Town, USA
Home visits to post-surgical and elderly pati哗肠糕段蕹灯革犬宫华ents
2000-2003 RN
Good Samaritan Hospital, Our Town, USA
Medical-Surgical and Recovery Room
1997-2000 Nurses Aide
Haven Health Care, Our Town, USA
Nursing home care for elderly Alzheimers patients
2004 Poster presentation on Caring for Diabetics After Surgery: What the Family needs to know, Southern State Nurses Association Annual Conference, South Springfield, USA
两则护士求职信 护士求职信(一) 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先,感谢您在百忙之中展看我的自荐信。
我是XX大学护理学院XXXX届应届毕业生。 我校自建校以来,一直保持着治学严谨的优良传统。
我热爱护理事业,殷切期盼能够在您的领导下为这一光荣事业添砖加瓦,并在工作中不断学习,进步。 最后,请接受我最诚挚的谢意! 护士求职信(二) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是**中医学院临床医学的应届本科毕业生。
步入医学事业,解除人类疾病的痛苦一直是我的梦想,医学院的几年砺炼为我实现梦想打下了坚实的基础,专业特长更使我明确了择业目标:做一名临床医师。 选择了医疗事业,选择了医学院校,立志救死扶伤的信念便铭刻于心。
贵院科学的管理体制和明达的择人理念;使我坚信到贵院工作是我的明智选择。 最后,祝贵院广纳贤才,再创佳绩!。
Dear Sir or Madam,
I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in____________(报纸名称)of________(广告发布时间).
Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a __________(工作名称). In the one hand,_______________________________(第一个原因). On the other hand, __________________________________(另一个原因).
Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________(电话号码)
Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely
Li Ming