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    a book report英语作文八十词

    I read the book Life of Pi, which was written by Yann Martel. It mainly described the harship that the main character Pi had encountered at sea for over 200 days. Pi is my favorite charater because he is so unique and sharp. He is only a high school student and his whole family died when the ship sank on their way to Canana. Pi was thrown by a cook down to the life boat with a tiger, zebra and other animals in it. He not only challenged his religious rituals and belief, but also trained a tiger living with him on the same lifeboat. THe character I dont like is Pis older brother. He always laughed at Pi and was self-centered. I had encountered some hardship for one year while living in the dorm in a middle four years ago. Maybe it was nothing comparing to Pis experience, but it was still hardship. This book taught me how to survive alone at sea and how to gain personal growth while conquering harship.。

    book report

    美丽新世界的读书报道Report on Brave New WorldⅠ. The information of the book Title: Brave New World Author: Aldous Huxley Publisher: Harper Perennial, a division of Harper Collins PublishersPublish time: 1984-03Ⅱ. The meaning of the title Brave here doesnt mean courageous. Brave new refers to new in an impressive way. And brave new world means a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve peoples lives but in fact a source of extra problems. The inspiration of the title comes from the Tempest by Shakespeare: O brave new world, that hath such people in it (Miranda). It has an ironic meaning as the title.Ⅲ. The content of the book The story is set in a state of the future world in the year 632A.F. (i.e. the 7th century after Henry Ford, the American automobile magnate). Mustapha Mond is the World Controller and makes rules over the western society. Mechanization is the only means to promote peoples material life. The world states motto is: Community, Identity, Stability. At the beginning, the author presents us by the explanation of the Director of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center how human beings are hatched from incubators and brought up in a variety of rooms: Fertilizing Room, Bottling Room, the Predestinating Room, Decanting Room, and Infant Nurseries. In these rooms, eggs are fertilized and divided into different classes(i.e. Alpha, Beta, Gama, Delta, Epsilon Grades )which will do different sorts of jobs: intellectual, manual or menial in the future. Standard men and women in uniform batches are produced from a single egg to become identical workers and operate identical machines. All of their futures are even predestinated from embryos. Mind-conditioning also takes place in these rooms: higher classes by hypnopaedia through electric whispering devices under the childrens pillows; lower by frightening sounds. All of these mean to shape human beings to a certain form of character. The upper class operates the lower and treats them as slaves, laughing at and abusing them, while operatees are accustomed to this. The life of the whole society is rigid, rotten and nasty: they take soma to calm themselves down just like having a holiday and have sex casually with anybody under the slogan: everyone belongs to everyone else, which is repeated thousands of millions of times in their childhood. It is a world without humanity, spiritual value and individual freedom and no culture or Christianity is permitted to contact. A savage comes to this “ideal” state. He is at first fascinated by it. But when he learns beauty, truth and poetry from a book by Shakespeare all excluded from the brave new world, he argues with Mond, who is in fact his father, and then stay away by himself in a deserted house out of despair and finally hangs himself.Ⅳ. My viewpoints When reading the first part of the novel, I feel it strange and interesting. I try to put myself to the society but eventually I cant imagine how we will be without history, culture, family and so on and how people can only know just work and play and then die without motions. Afterwards, I feel horrible and disgusted with their lifestyle. When I come to the end of the story, the tragedy of Savage warns me of the danger of human beings being reduced to machine with the development of modern science and technology. The book is worth reading. Something is similar to the real world: hypnopaedia to the mass media, soma to tranquilizer drugs, the world controller to the god or else. Aldous seems to describe the future of the human beings to us. People always like to imagine beautiful futures. However, this book sounds a warning.。

    英语的童话book report(不少于120个单词,要童话的)

    After reading a story of the Grimms fairy tales, I cant help rethinking the laziness and sympathy of the human beings.


    Harry is definitely the laziest person I have ever read about. His wife

    is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too. Undoubtedly, living

    comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, yet it is

    impossible. Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work

    hard and earn the bread for his family. Can you imagine that the whole

    world is full of lazy people who just wait for others food? How could

    the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, diligence is the

    essential factor which contributes to the development of the world. Its

    significant for us students to deal with laziness correctly.


    all,Grimms fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world,

    every story has its own moral, what we can do is to realize the society

    and look ahead. Besides,it also helps a lot in English,especially in

    reading skill



    求book report书写格式

    第1小节: 介绍一下书本。

    例如作者吖。 别人对书的看法吖.. 它对别人带来的影响, etc.第2小节: 开始概括书所讲的故事: 按照 setting - rising action - climax - falling action - resolution 的发式写. 就是说是 "基本资料(时间地点人物背景)" - "为故事高潮做准备的部分, 就是说是发生了什么事情而引起了这个故事的高潮" - "高潮" - "高潮的结尾, 就是说这个高潮里面所表现的问题或争执(conflict, 中文都不知道该怎么解释了。

    - - 。

    )到底是怎么收场的" - "结局(- - 就类似于王子公主从此幸福在一起的东东, 囧)"第3小节: 你对人物的作风性格, 作者的文笔的一些看法。

    . 或者是有什么不解的也可以提出来第4小节: 你从中而学到的东西, 你的一些感概。 心里面的心情, etc. 总之就是这个故事所引起你什么内心波动想法就对了 - - 我是加拿大的学生噢~ 一直以来写book report都是用这种格式的~ 有时候在第4段后还会加上自己新学到的词汇吖什么的 0 0 但那些词汇如果在中国的话我就不知道用不用了~ 哈哈~ 希望帮得到忙吧~ 写得好辛苦的说。

    急求一篇Book Report!!!


    John Galsworthy, one of the winners of Nobel Prize for Literature, is one of the most prominent English criticized realistic writer and playwright. He takes the English background from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century as his setting, using naturalism as his writing method analyzing the moral and social problem of the English. His works have strongly attached the unequal capitalist society. In his realistic novels, he not only describes the everyday life of the upper class, but also reveals their mental outlook. He has shown great pity to the poor. He has written lots of works, such as The Forsyte Saga, A Modern Comedy and The End of the Chapter.

    The Apple Tree, a medium-length novel, is also written by him. He says that it is one of his best five stories. It is written in beautiful words and is worth reading. In this novel, Galswothy tells us the love tragedy between Ashurst and Megan. Ashurst first loves Megan for the reason of pity, and then deserts her also because of pity. This paper intends to examine Galsworthys handling of Ashursts personality, to uncover the essence of capitalist society, and to reveals the fact that John Galsworthy is a bourgeois himself by analyzing his portrayal of Ashursts dual personality.

    什么是Book Report?怎么写book report

    这个Book Report就是我们中文所说的“读书报告”,当然,理解为读书笔记,读书心得之类的都行。



    急求一篇book report内容简介加两百字左右赏析 傲慢与偏见 谢高手了~






    急!!!求英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的书写格式

    1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.The second sentence should state the title of the book and the authors name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important. Refer to this person or these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters. You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence. 3. Other Characters Paragraph You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or important characters in the book. State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph. 4. Plot Summary Paragraph This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so. If you have to write a bit more dont worry. Here are the main points to cover: o State the type of book (Mystery, Western, etc.). o What place or country was the book set in? o What time period was the book set in? (19th century, the present, ancient Rome, the 23rd century). o Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. o Other notable attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.). o What is the main character trying to do? o What is the outcome of the book? o etc. Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot. You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes. 5. Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. Use this paragraph as your conclusion. It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close. o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion. (For example: "My final thoughts on A Fine Balance are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book." o Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words. o Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points. o Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book. o Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others. Dont be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book. After all, if youve read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it. Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length. Research AssistanceThis site, which claims to be the best single research source online, maintains an inventory of more than 25,000 research reports on thousands of subjects; many of which are book summaries. Most are available for immediate download. If your subject isnt already in their archives, they will do custom research and writing for you. You can download existing papers and/or order custom research papers 24 Hours a Day!。

