Astheeconomyofchinadevelopssoquickly, ereisnodoubtthatmostofthemhavefellinlovewithourrexample,someforeignstudentslikeourOperasomuchthattheydecidetograduateinchineseuniversities,becauseonlyinthiswaycouldtheycontactwithOperawhenstudyinginchina. based on these facts,I think maybe some years later chinese will take the place of English and become a worldwide language.。
The importance of water Water is useful and important in our daily life。
We need water for drinking,washing dishes,cleaning floors and so on at home。 If we dont have water,firemen will not put out the fire。
Most of water is not drinkable。Many areas are short of water,so people there walk kilometers for water。
So we mustnt waste water。We should save water by taking a shower instead of taking a bath。
In a word,no water no life。
高考英语作文可以在新浪爱文资料里搜索高分模版,提分轻松又快捷!另外,向您推荐: 艺考生的救命稻草! 突破130分,快速提高30分的锦囊妙计! 6步搞定任何高考英语阅读真题,一般人不告诉他(她)! 2013吴军高考英语阅读理解3天提分秘术 众说周知,得阅读、完形者得天下! 文章看没看懂不重要,关键是要选对! 高考英语阅读的核心暗示点:词和短语! 题目(或题干)有暗示,秘笈为你精准导航! 选项与出题点之间存在逻辑关系,3天帮您梳理! 速度比完美更重要,思路比题海要有效! 2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术, 既不是神人的牛B押题,也不是最牛高考班的密卷!而是沈阳高分英语家教吴军老师从2000-2012年2700多篇高考英语阅读真题答案内幕规律衍生出的迅捷提分秘诀! 2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术是纸质的解析讲解类自学教案,而不是如同上大课般的名师讲座光盘(如高分突破,提分宝典,四步兵法,高频考点等),你可以站着,躺着,甚至在卫生间里也可以阅读自学! 立竿见影!以一顶百!9年来我们在自我独门秘笈的基础上,20%参阅了132种全国知名高考英语教案或资料(如:新东方,张清波,北京四中李俊和,管卫东,提分宝典,高频考点等)。
但发现很多名师教案与高考提分关联度小,因为相当一部分名师只是把自己在考研和雅思领域的研究成果生搬硬套到高考英语教学中(讲述的高频词汇严重超纲,甚至是大学6级的),而不是深入到2700篇历届阅读真题中潜心研究,效果可想而知。 还有些重点高中一线老师,将自己上课用的教案制作成光盘用以贩卖,其实质不过是高频考点和词汇的串讲,有的甚至用35%的篇章讲述如何记忆单词,而广告却说是提分秘笈,真是让人遗憾! 好消息!吴军老师2012高考英语3天提分秘诀仅释放了其30%的功力,就达到了90%以上的客户满意度,为了配合文科其他科目的上市,2013年吴军高考英语将释放其70%的功力,2013年高考英语提分速度和幅度将再升一倍,看完下列示例后,还不赶紧抢购呀! 目录: 一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征 二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词 三、擒贼先擒王:主旨题、写作目的题吴军答题密码 四、阅读出题点与细节题吴军答题法则 五、阅读文章结构、题材与推论题吴军突破秘诀 六、阅读词汇、文章及作者态度题吴军破解规律 希望给您带来帮助!。
身经百战的你,成绩老是败在写作上? 1。
读-写-读-写-读-写-读-写-读-写-读 这句话究竟是什么意思?意思就是让你写完一段开始下一段之前,回去读一下刚刚都写了什么。有同学认为这有点浪费时间,但实际上不是! 1)段落之间的连贯性是非常重要的-还有什么办法能比读一下刚才写了什么更简单的方式呢? 2)还能在下一段落的用词上帮到你-重复几个关键词能提高全文的一致性。
3)雅思essay部分写作的得分点主要是这几个方面 至少250个词、用时40分钟、话题类型多样 语法、词汇、文章析题程度、一致性 2。雅思写作需不要你有多聪明,而是条理清晰-选择自己最拿手的观点 雅思考试测验的是你的英语水平,而不是你的观点是不是足够好。
国内的同学都已经习惯了以观点的数量和质量来评分的学术背景,但是我要告诉你雅思是不一样的,有时候拿到9分的高分作文并没有那么多“高级”的观点,更别说一篇文章概括所有。 建议选择自己认为最拿手的观点展开,也就是不要把你知道的所有相关点都写上了,有一些就不要了。
别担心你的解答可能不是最全面的,你要考虑的是你的论述是否清晰。 3。
就写你知道的-ideas方面要放轻松 跟上一条类似,雅思是一项国际性的考试,全世界的答案都有不同的版本,有些同学冥思苦想琢磨新的idea,但其实没必要。一般时候你需要的观点都很简单比方说I disagree”, “This is not a good idea” 最实用的办法就是想想你的了解和经验。
如果你来自中国你就说中国,如果你来自日本你就说日本。 4。
举例子比解释说明更简单 考试中或多或少会有一些压力,采用最简单的方式有时候却是最有效的。建议把举例子和结束说明放在同等重要的位置。
为什么呢? 因为有些观点解释起来是很复杂的,有时候很难说清,就算说清楚了,写出来的内容也可能会太长了给读者造成困扰。 当你想描述某些状况的时候举例子是比较简单的方式,不过要确保你使用的例子要与文章主要思想有相关性。
5。字数不要太多-阅卷老师是按时间收费的 雅思essay的字数要求是最低250,但没有上限。
不过也并不建议字数超过350以上,主要是因为这几个原因: 1)阅卷老师评判essay的时间是有限的,给300个词的文章打分要比400个词的容易。 2)写的越多,暴露的语言错误会越多。
4)写的字数少,你就会在用词上下功夫,挑选最精准的那个词,这是一个重要的得分点。 5)写的字数少,你还有时间来检查自己的文章。
6。作者-认识你自己 这是柏拉图非常有名的哲学思想-“know yourself”,那在这里有什么用呢? 边写边检查自己的错误。
很多同学喜欢写完通篇检查,这个也算可行,但是你要注意的地方是你常犯错误的部分,这样也比较容易改。 7。
动笔之前脑袋里先有个大概的轮廓 Esaay的整体性是很重要的得分点,各部分要衔接连贯、顺畅。如果没有先想好框架,可能会因为一致性和文章析题程度失分。
8。注意主干内容 整篇essay都很重要,但是你要在主干内容部分下更大功夫,剩下的部分作用是帮助阅卷老师更好地理解你的主干内容。
2)每一段的topic sentences主旨句:主旨句一定要清晰,切中主题。要准确说明你这一段要讲什么,跟文章的其他部分有什么关系。
建议是先主旨句总体概括,用后面的内容来详细论述。 3)Conclusion结论部分:这应该是整篇essay中最简单的部分了,呼应引言部分,换种方式说出来就行了。
9。训练的时候不要只写整篇 训练essay的最好方式就是写整篇?对还是不对?我的答案是两者都有! 雅思考试的训练当然要注意整篇essay的写作,但不能只是这样!Essay的每一部分的写作技巧是不同的,像introduction这部分你需要解释清楚问题,body部分的话就要解释清楚你的观点,而conclusion是做好总结。
抽出点时间,分开有针对性的训练效果会更明显一些。 10。
集中于question,再回到question 之所以放到最后是因为这一点最重要。Essay失分的原因很多,比方说你的英语可能不是那么地道,这类原因可能无法避免。
但是有一点只要你想就能避免,就是没有回答题目中的问题。 很多Essay之所以失败就是因为考生没有好好读题、认真思考。
最实用的建议就是:开始写每一段之前回顾一下question,提醒自己将要写什么。 考试的时候是很容易跑题的,开始紧扣主题,但是你想到了“good idea”,然后重点就转移到这个idea上面了,如果跟主题无关,那就很容易丢分了。
School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university, are there more advantages or disadvantage on their study? 有些高中毕业生在升入大学之前会工作旅行一段时间,是否对于学生是利大于弊?
【老师点评】 本题考查间隔年的利弊。
The gap year = the Grand Tour n “间隔年”,也叫“壮游年”或者“断档年”。是指从前英国贵族子女的遍游欧洲大陆的教育旅行。
【老师11月7日预测】 (提问角度相同,工作和生活就是间隔年之工作和旅行)
An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development? 很多人在一生中不断改变自己的居住地以及工作,是好还是不好? (2013年10月19日)
In some countries some school leavers are choosing to work or travel for a period of time between finishing high school and attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for school leavers decision. Give your own opinion and reasons. Use your experience of life to explain it. 在一些国家,有些高中毕业生会工作旅行一段时间再上大学,讨论其利弊。(2009年9月26日雅思考题)
怎么写2013年6月份的英语四级作文? -
Just as is revealed in the picture above, the young, nowadays, just like the boy in the drawing, are prone to reach for what is beyond their grasp, but ignore the significance of doing something trivial and simple before accomplishing great feats. There is no doubt that the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration. As we all know, a man who does not sweep a room, doesnt mention to sweep the world. In other words, the foundations of a building must be strong, or else the whole structure will fall down someday. Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in doing every tiny thing well around you. As the saying goes, “the highest eminence is to be gained step by step.” To achieve the goal, not merely do we need ambition; we also need to realize the importance of dealing with triviality from the beginning. only in this way can we get on the way to。
谁能给一篇雅思写作讨论类的文章? -
Successful sports professions can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Body 1 (论述为什么有的人认为“体育明星的高收入不公平”) Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a persona makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sports in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of fairness is not the issue. Body 2 (论述为什么有的人认为“体育明星的高收入是合理的”) Those who feel that sports stars salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings. Body 3 (表面自己的观点) Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earning of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than more essential professionals and achievements.。
给大家介绍一下雅思写作提升的三个步骤STEP 1:词汇升级词汇升级包括升级词汇的广度和深度。其中前者较好理解,简单地说就是词汇量越大越好,特别是在写作中需要表达同样或者相似意思的时候,如果能够做到多变不重复,那肯定会给阅卷者留下深刻的印象。
比如“重要的/主要的/必要的”这个意思,几乎每篇雅思作文中都需要用到,一个important用到底和crucial,paramount,indispensable换着用的差异性是显而易见的。而所说的深度,引用雅思官方评分标准中的原话就是“use less common lexical items”。
记住,“大白菜”词汇只能拿到“大白菜”分数。赶紧用sub-standard替换poor-quality, source替换reason,typically替换usually。
另外,词汇的灵活运用也是深度的一种体现。比如表达“科技给我们带来好处”,既可以说Technology brings us benefits. 也可以说Technology benefits us. 还可以说We benefit from technology. 又可以说Technology is beneficial to us. 而We are the beneficiaries of technology. 也是一种表达。
benefit 这个词的灵活运用充分体现了对词汇的理解和运用能力。STEP 2:句型升级在雅思写作的句型方面,一直存在一个误区,就是很多考生认为句型越复杂越长越好。
比如在探讨现代家庭关系疏远话题的文章中,一种表达是So it is not surprising that they do not feel close to their families. 另一种表达是Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated from their families. 毋庸置疑,后一种表达更能吸引考官的眼球。这种句型上的变化从何而来,并非主观臆想,而是通过大量阅读和模仿原版英文材料的写作手法而来。
对于雅思考生来说,如果时间有限,资源有限,那么剑桥系列中写作部分的考官范文和阅读部分的文章就是最好的材料了。比如剑6 P168考官范文的开头:Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. 模仿借鉴类似的句型结构运用到考生自己的作文中去,阅卷的考官怎么可能会不认同呢?STEP 3:内容升级雅思7分的文章,并非要求考生所写的内容标新立异,独树一帜,只要言之有理、言之有物即可,这是由雅思这种标准化考试的类型所决定的。
另一方面,在论证过程中,前因后果得明确点明,同时运用举例、对比、反证等多种论证方法充分证实观点和主题。因此建议考生,在广泛阅读英文材料和优秀范文,积累写作素材的同时,有机会最好也能阅读国外关于大学论文写作的原版书籍资料,也可以去 北外雅思 这个网站看看哦,里面有很多的免费的资料哦,对考雅思非常有帮助的,。
雅思作文是什么样的? -
雅思作文一般来说可以分为十大类, 1.文化传统类 Some people think that cultue taditions may e destoyed when they ae used as money-making attactions aimed to touists.Othes elieve that it is the only way that taditions can e emained in the wold.Discuss oth and give you opinion. 2.青少年犯罪问题 Recent figues of cimes committed y young people ae inceasing in majo cities thoughout the wold.Discuss the possile easons and how to solve it? 3.教育类(1) In ode to impove the quality of education,high school students should e encouaged to evaluate and citicize thei teaches,ut othes think it will esult in loss of espect and discipline in classoom.Discuss and give you opinion. 4.科技类 Many employees may wok at home with the moden technology.Some people claim that it can enefit only the wokes,not the employes.Do you agee o disagee? 5.国家政策类 Some people think the govenment should pay fo health cae and education,ut othe people think its not govenments esponsiility.Discuss oth and give you opinion. 6.社会问题 Many people think that pulic liaies should only povide ooks to eades and shouldnt waste thei limited funds on expensive high-tech media,such as compute softwae,DVD o videos.To what extent do you agee o disagee with this opinion? 7.教育类(2) Some teaches say students should e oganized into goup study.Othes ague that students should e made to study alone.Whats you opinion? 8.冷门题(1) Food can e cheape if we use impoved facilities and ette machiney .Howeve,some of the methods may e dangeous fo human health,and have negative effects on local community.Whats you opinion? 9.广告类 Advetising is playing an impotant ole in ou moden society and we ae confonted with vaious advetisements on a daily asis .Do the positive effects of advetising outweigh its negative effects?What is you opinion aout moden advetising? 10.冷门题(2) Some people say that the lage amounts of money used in space eseach ae not wothwhile .Instead,govenments should make moe effots to impove the living conditions of humans on Eath.What is you opinion?。