This house was rent by my wife and I from(去掉from) this January After asking the details of the problem and issuing(换个词 tell就可以了) me a reference number,the staff guaranteed me that the central heating system would be checked and fixed within two days.However,till now,I still did not sea any personnel was sent here.(However,till now,I still did not sea any maintenance personnel here)With the changing climate,my house was as freezing as hell Whats more,the situation was further aggravated by a heavy snow yestarday.I am quite dissatisfied with your service and I request an immediate solution.Failing that(没碰到过这短语,我很菜.),I will forward my complaint to local fair trading department.题目的第二个要求是你要那个机构怎么做 你只写到一句 i request an immediate solution.是不是写的太少了 可以具体一点.大概在6分左右吧,几乎没有大错误,就是题目的第二个要求写少了,多写点.。
雅思G类范文开头: Dear professor Moss: 雅思G类范文正文: I am Sandy Lee, an undergraduate student of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering。
我是Sandy Lee,是电气与计算机工程系的本科生。 (首先说明自己的名字以及是什么身份。)
At the beginning of this semester, I registered one of your courses, African Literature and Culture。 It is a two-hour course held on every Thursday afternoon。
(阐述内容) Yesterday, I received a notice from my department that a major course, Computer Principle, would be changed to Thursday afternoon。 This major course conspicuously influences my credits and it is every important to me。
昨天,我收到了一个主修课系里的通知,微机原理,将改为在星期四下午上课。 这个主修课程关系到我的学分,这对我来说是非常重要的。
(阐述内容) Unfortunately, I can not study your course this semester。 Because of your reputation and my enthusiasm in literature, I hope I could study this course in next semester。
(阐述内容) I also heard that another course of yours, China Literature, is held every Friday afternoon。 我还听说一个另一个课程,中国文学,是每星期五下午进行。
雅思G类范文结尾: If the registration of this course hasnt closed yet, I will be so glad to participate in your class。 Sorry to bother you, your help will be greatly appreciated。
Sincerely yours, Sandy Lee 雅思G类范文就是以上就是小编为大家整理的内容。 关于雅思G类资讯类考题范文分析,希望大家能够认真准备。
下面新东方网雅思频道就为大家整理了8个非常有特点的书信的结尾范例,供大家参考借鉴。1. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year? Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year。
I better get to work now. Ill talk to you again soon。Take good care of yourself.Ben在结尾时,提出一个问题作为下次聊天的话题,同时也很自然地传递了祝福。
2. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know。I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care。
Ben用If you want to talk more aboutlet me know。告诉我如果我还想继续讨论上一次的话题尽管提出来,因为某一个话题可能一次是不够讲的。
3. OK, its kind of late, so Ill quit for now. I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep。I hope to hear from you agan soon.Take care。
BenOK, its kind of late。我觉得这种结尾方式最简便了,无需更多语言,因为充足的睡眠当然是非常重要的。
Kind of 的意思是有一点4. Well, its now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means its 4:30 p.m. in Beijing. I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day。Take care! Ben用相隔遥远的两个地方的时间这么一对比,觉得挺有意思的,反正我自己是很少算得这么准的,只知道我们这儿是白天,美国就是晚上了:)5. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor. That is something Im good at。
Take care.Ben我的朋友经常都会很客气地用Let me know if you这样的方式问我是否需要更多的帮助等。我当然是抓住一切机会多提问啦!因为问得越多,从他那儿了解到的东西就越多啦。
6. OK, thats it for the moment. Ill be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope。Take care!Ben朋友没有直接说I hope you can write to me tonight, 而是很委婉地说Ill be looking for a message from you,这种间接的提出希望和要求的表达方式很新颖哟,还有点不露痕迹的意思!用一下试试看:)7. Well, since I dont have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, Ill quit for now. I hope you had a good time with your friend.Talk to you soon.Ben这里用两个since (表原因)来给这封邮件画上句号,很自然也很贴切。
8. OK, thats all for now. I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport. Talk to you soon。Ben!这里get a little sleep 用得很好,把sleep 当名词用,而且搭配动词get, 可以丰富我们过去单一的表达,如:I need to sleep for a while.通过上面的解析和例子,我们就可以看到很多雅思G类小作文的书信写作部分都是有着一定的固定模板的,所以大家只要在写作的过程中掌握的一定的规则之后就可以有很大的发挥余地,写好书信也就不难了。
雅思大作文不论是A类还是G类,一般是说明文或者议论文,但主要以议论文为主,育儿类是重点,其次是就业类(比如工作、收入等问题) 这是部分关于G类大作文的预测,可做一下参考: 1. Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspaper, magazine, television, radio, and even the Internet, are publishing stories of peoples private lives. Should this practice be banned? Give your reasons.. 2. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job satisfaction, working hours, and the opportunity to travel are more important. Discuss both arguments and give your opinion. 3. There are a lot of professions in the modern society, including policeman, doctor, farmer, manager, lawyer, scientist, artist, and teacher. Which profession do you think should receive the highest salary? Give your reasons. 4. Some people think anyone can be a good teacher with suitable training, while others argue that there are certain requirements that cannot be achieved just by training. Please discuss both sides and give your own opinion and some relevant examples. 另外提醒一下 雅思考试的写作题目在不断变化,当我们雅思考试过关后,出国求学也有大量的论文要写。
建议最好还是从基础提高写作能力,从读懂题目、实用结构、寻找论点、必备词汇、语法基础等几个方面来提高雅思写作能力,我们可以多看一下他人的范例,以及往年的真题,扩大自己的视野,针对不同的类型做到心中有数,看到后知道往哪方面入手,联系到我们的现实生活,是写作的最好素材。一定要多练习! 祝你好运!加油!。
洛阳大华雅思提醒您,A类小作文:5.16雅思A类小作文:流程图大作文:Many schools encourage students to evaluate and criticize theirteachers in order to improve the quality of education while others say thiswill lead to the loss of respect for teachers. Discuss both views and give youropinion。
大学英语四/六级CET4/6,托福 TOEFL , 雅思IELTS,GRE,G-MAT,托业TOEIC,剑桥商务英语BEC, 中级/高级口译,PETS …… 您是否因它的口语考试而苦恼?韦博英语为您的认证考试提供辅助教学帮助,独特的高端教学法配合您的专有级别,因材施教。
。1 We need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence. Do you agree or disagree?正:1.阻止了暴力泛滥2.促进了性别平等的发展,遏制了性别歧视(性别平等:gender equlity;性别歧视:gender discrimination)可举例3.保持了社会的平稳发展反:1.若是男人领导则有可能在国与国之间产生冲突和紧张,对世界和平发展不利2.无法给士兵动力2 Some people think cultural heritage being used to attract tourists will harm our heritage while others think that is the only way to protect it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.正:1.历史遗迹对人们有教育意义(educational)2.可以放松人们的身心3.开阔人们的眼界4.促进国与国间的文化交流反:1.对环境有影响3 Some advertising is showing too much information about snacks and toys to children so it should be banned. Do you agree? 正:1.广告让我们省钱省时2.能给孩子提供娱乐反:1.广告上泛滥暴力与色情2.零食太多fat导致肥胖(obesity)3.玩具表面有很多细菌(germ)4 The exterior of a building is more important than its function. To what extent do you agree? 正:1.功能房屋在城市人民生活中起重要作用2.提供人们娱乐3.多功能房屋会创造很多就业机会,会创造经济增长反:1.统一的房屋样式会让扼杀设计师创造力5 Some people think intelligent students should be taught together with other students. Do you agree? (其实我觉得这个算好写的了在这10个里,其实问的就是该不该合作学习)正:1.会发挥学生潜能2.促进学生智力发展3.为不好的学生消除学习障碍反:1.会让学生觉得单调不给学生动力2.扼杀创造力6 The spread of English is making many languages die out each year. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?正:1.广泛使用英语会促进国家间交流2.英语好可以找到工作3.促进旅游业发展4.可以开阔人眼界反:1.对小语种的发展构成威胁2.导致很多移民,就导致很多文化冲突7 There are more children under 15 in many countries. What are the problems this may cause for these societies and how can they solve them? (这个题我简直写的时候要疯了。
..)原因:1.不实施计划生育(family planning)2.反而鼓励多生多育3.在非洲国家认为多生能创造财富4.人们的意识不高解决:1.当然是计划生育要实施了。
..2.多建设一些公共设施帮助孩子健康成长3.学校多开设一些课帮孩子成长8 Some people believe that governments spend too much money on space research and national defense. This money should be spent on arts such as music and painting instead. Do you agree or disagree? 正:1.丰富人们的生活2.开阔眼界3.促进交流反:1.对世界和平造成威胁2.产生紧张和冲突9 Raising the price of fuel is the best way to improve the environment. To what extent do you agree? 1.对国家发展不利2.产生紧张冲突3.对汽车拥有者有不利影响解决:1.提高人们环保意识2.开发新能源10 Wild animals should not be used as sources of food and clothing. Do you agree? 1.人和动物的联系紧密2.破坏动物就是破坏环境就是破坏人类自身3.在人和动物间起冲突解决: 1.保护动物2.可以试着让政府出台法律保护他们3.提高人们意识4.遏制捕杀就这么多啦楼主。写的乱七八糟的。
文章字数不能少于150字,建议大家用20分钟完成。 作文二(大作文):G类写作的第二篇文章,题目中会给出一个看法、论点或某个特定题目的问题,大家需就此提供事实性的信息、概述或提出一个解决方案、论证一个观点、或评价观点和论据。
但是就小作文来说, A类反而比G类更容易写。雅思写作A类小作文包括了数据描述,地图题型以及流程图。
数据描述中又有不同的数据表现形式,比如柱状图,饼图,曲线图等。A类小作文之所以简单在于它并没有G类小作文当中所需要的purpose 和 tone, 也就是一篇文章的目的和基调。
相比之下,G类小作文的情况要复杂得多。大致的类别包括: 投诉信,道歉信,咨询信,计划改变信,感谢信,求职信,推荐信等。
再者,G类小作文的基调也要相对复杂,可以被很宏观的分为 formal, informal 和 semi-formal. 那么这种formality 的不同将会导致基调以及用词的不同。具体内容笔者将在以后的随想中予以解释和探讨。
但是学术类和移民类的大作文还是有一定的差别。学术类的总体偏向更深的社会层面,比较少涉及生活层面,而G类更加偏向社会问题和更带有争议性的问题,比如像 ‘house 好还是 apartment 好’;‘冬天好还是夏天好’这样的题目一般都出现在G类的考试里。
至于比重,学术类里出现的说明文和议论文居多,而移民类更加偏向于生活和社会现象较浅的层次。 最后从A类和G类的解题来看,G类的题目也相对比A类好理解得多。