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    求几篇英语说明书带汉语翻译的随便什么产品都行谢谢了!!! 爱问知

    【Drug name】 Generic Name: Norfloxacin Capsules English name: Norfloxacin Capsules Hanyu Pinyin: Nuofushaxing Jiaonang 】 【Component of the main components of the goods for norfloxacin。

    Chemical Name: 1 - ethyl -6 - fluoro -1,4 - dihydro -4 - oxo--7 - (1 - piperazinyl) -3 - quinoline carboxylic acid。 Chemical structural formula: Molecular formula: C16H18FN3O3 Molecular Weight: 319。

    24 【Characters】 This product capsules, the contents of a white to light yellow powder。 【Indication】apply due to urinary tract infection, gonorrhea, prostatitis, intestinal infections and typhoid fever and other Salmonella infections。

    【Specification】 0。1g 通用名 诺氟沙星胶囊 药品类别 喹诺酮类 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内容物为白色至淡黄色粉末。

    药理毒理 本品为氟喹诺酮类抗菌药,具广谱抗菌作用,尤其对需氧革兰阴性杆菌的抗菌活性高,对下列细菌在体外具良好抗菌作用:肠杆菌科的大部分细菌,包括枸椽酸杆菌属、阴沟肠杆菌、产气肠杆菌等肠杆菌属、大肠埃希菌、克雷伯菌属、变形菌属、沙门菌属、志贺菌属、弧菌属、耶尔森菌等。 诺氟沙星体外对多重耐药菌亦具抗菌活性。


    药代动力学 空腹时口服吸收迅速但不完全,约为给药量的30%~ 40%;广泛分布于各组织、体液中,如肝、肾、肺、前列腺、睾丸、子宫及胆汁、痰液、水疱液、血、尿液等,但未见于中枢神经系统。 血清蛋白结合率为10%~15%,血消除关衰期 (t1/2?)为3~4小时,肾功能减退时可延长至6~9小时。



    肾脏(肾小球滤过和肾小管分泌)和肝胆系统为主要排泄途径,26%~32%以原形和小于10%以代谢物形式自尿中排出,自胆汁和(或)粪便排出占28%~30%。 尿液pH影响本品的溶解度。


    适应症 适用于敏感菌所致的尿路感染、淋病、前列腺炎、肠道感染和伤寒及其他沙门菌感染。 用法用量 口服 1.大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌及奇异变形菌所致的急性单纯性下尿路感染 一次400mg,一日2次,疗程3日。

    2.其他病原菌所致的单纯性尿路感染 剂量同上,疗程7~10日。 3.复杂性尿路感染 剂量同上,疗程10~21日。

    4.单纯性淋球菌性尿道炎 单次800~1200mg。 5.急性及慢性前列腺炎 一次400mg,一日2次,疗程 28日。

    6.肠道感染 一次300~400mg,一日2次,疗程5~7 日。 7.伤寒沙门菌感染 一日800~1200mg,分2~3次服用,疗程14~21日。

    不良反应 1.胃肠道反应 较为常见,可表现为腹部不适或疼痛、腹泻、恶心或呕吐。 2.中枢神经系统反应 可有头昏、头痛、嗜睡或失眠。

    3.过敏反应 皮疹、皮肤瘙痒,偶可发生渗出性多性红斑及血管神经性水肿。 少数患者有光敏反应。

    4.偶可发生: (1)癫痫发作、精神异常、烦躁不安、意识障碍、幻觉、震颤。 (2)血尿、发热、皮疹等间质性肾炎表现。

    (3)静脉炎。 (4)结晶尿,多见于高剂量应用时。

    (5)关节疼痛。 5.少数患者可发生血清氨基转移酶升高、血尿素氮增高及周围血象白细胞降低,多属轻度,并呈一过性。

    禁忌症 对本品及氟喹诺酮类药过敏的患者禁用。 注意事项 1.本品宜空腹服用,并同时饮水250ml。

    2.由于目前大肠埃希菌对诺氟沙星耐药者多见,应在给药前留取尿标本培养,参考细菌药敏结果调整用药。 3.本品大剂量应用或尿pH值在7以上时可发生结晶尿。

    为避免结晶尿的发生,宜多饮水,保持24小时排尿量在 1200ml以上。 4.肾功能减退者,需根据肾功能调整给药剂量。


    6.葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏患者服用本品,极个别可能发生溶血反应。 7.喹诺酮类包括本品可致重症肌无力症状加重,呼吸肌无力而危及生命。

    重症肌无力患者应用喹诺酮类包括本品应特别谨慎。 8.肝功能减退时,如属重度(肝硬化腹水)可减少药物清除,血药浓度增高,肝、肾功能均减退者尤为明显,均需权衡利弊后应用,并调整剂量。



    • Product Info • Model/Item No. : DBW-104 Country of Origin : Yiwu, Zhejiang, China (mainland) Product Specifications/Features : The wooden toys we provide are popular with the children all over the world, especially American and European Children. The children can not only get the basic knowledge from playing games. The products meet the requirement of lovely and colorful toys the children want always. Features: 1) Wooden educational toys 2) Size: 20 x 20 x 20cm 3) G.W.: 27kg 4) N.W.: 25kg Inner packing: 1pc/box Outer packing: 24pcs/ctn Carton size: 85 x 43 x 64cm Primary Competitive Advantages : . Well and High Quality Control . prompt Delivery . New Product . Competitive Prices . Fit for Gifts & Premiums . Earth-friendly Products . In a Variety of Designs . Small Order Acceptable Sales Method : Export, Manufacture 需要什么自己修改就行了。


    Nowadaya many people believe in luck。

    They believe it in love, in tests, promotions, etc。 I think of luck in many respects。

    It does not come alone。 Luck and opportunity go hand in hand with hard work and knowledge。

    I wan once assigned to work deep in the mountain。 Being from a poor family, friendless and having no influential relative to rely on, I cursed my luck and let myself drift aimlessly and idled my time away until one day I realizcd that I could better myself by working bard at my lessons and excel in academic studies。

    Unsatisfied with my surroundings, I could not sleep at night。 Listening to the sound of water rushing down the mountain, I felt I must keep going on just like the water。

    So I used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet。 While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up in my study, reading。

    Hard work is rewarding。 entrance cxamlnatlon came, I took it without hesitation。

    As a result, I distinguished myself in the test。 New I am at college, majoring in my favorite subject, Enghsh。

    I think luck is nowhere to be found but。


    Personal Computer (PC), computer in the form of a desktop or laptop device designed for use by a single person. PCs function using a display monitor and a keyboard. Since their introduction in the 1980s, PCs have become powerful and extremely versatile tools that have revolutionized how people work, learn, communicate, and find entertainment. Many households in the United States now have PCs, thanks to affordable prices and software that has made PCs easy to use without special computer expertise. Personal computers are also a crucial component of information technology (IT) and play a key role in modern economies worldwide.

    The usefulness and capabilities of personal computers can be greatly enhanced by connection to the Internet and World Wide Web, as well as to smaller networks that link to local computers or databases. Personal computers can also be used to access content stored on compact discs (CDs) or digital versatile discs (DVDs), and to transfer files to personal media devices and video players.

    Personal computers are sometimes called microcomputers or micros. Powerful PCs designed for professional or technical use are known as work stations. Other names that reflect different roles for PCs include home computers and small-business computers. Laptops are compact and portable personal computers that have many of the same capabilities as desktop computers but with reduced data storage capacity. Netbooks are small, very lightweight laptop computers that rely on an Internet connection to perform most applications rather than on stored software. The PC is generally larger and more powerful than handheld computers, including personal digital assistants (PDAs) and gaming devices.


    试翻译如下(有些单词字典查不到、可能是打字错漏): 澳洲一号生物卵磷脂,是基本脂肪酸和linoieic酸的一种来源。


    帮助维持、改善总体健康状况。 如果症状持续,请向您的专业医药顾问咨询。

    用法:每日1-2丸或遵医嘱 不含糖、酵母菌、麸质、防腐剂、人工色素和调味品。 保存在低于30度的地方。

    地址:Australia No。 1 Health Product 2Blue Gum Place Newington (纽温顿蓝胶场澳洲一号健康产品) NSW 2127 Australia(澳大利亚 NSW 2127) 批号:1737-2 过期日:5月7日 ?▂▃▄▅▅▄▃▂? ? ? ? ● ● ? ? ▄ ? ▄ ? ? / / / ╰┴╯ ? ?▇▆▅▄▃▂▂▃▄▅▆? 。

