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  • 雅思口语范文2015


    雅思口语答题参考:special gift1。

    special gift:Describe the best present/gift you have received :i。 Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?ii。

    When did you receive it?iii。 Detail information about the present。

    Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home。 She bought a electronicdictionary as birthday gift。

    I like the electronic dictionary very much。 Itsblue and quite small。

    It fits into my pocket。 I remember at that time, my wife said to me :"she decided to immigrate to Canada with me。

    In future, we must studyvery hard 。 And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English。

    " On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate toCanada finally。 Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary , I made suchrapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English。

    1) In China, when will people send the present?Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party。 During SpringFestival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and foods。

    2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the presentthat people now are receiving, whats the difference between them?( try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the giftchildren received now )Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before。 For example, I often received anotebook as gift。

    But now, there are various gifts to choose from。 Such asflowers, wine, food, clothes etc。

    3) Just image the gift in the future children will receive。In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectualgifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on。

    4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive。In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other。

    I think flowers will bethe most popular present。 雅思口语答题参考:buildingbuildingWhat is the interesting building in your country?What is it located?What is it used for?Explain why you think it is the most interesting?I think the interesting building is the Great Wall。

    It runs across northChina like a huge dragon。 It was used to enemies。

    Soldiers used to keep watch onthe Great Wall。 When the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers。

    I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building。 Because it is oneof the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man-made objects on earththat could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon。

    Also, the Great Wallhas become a symbol of both Chinas proud history and its present strength。1) Are there some old buildings in your hometown? Where and Describe it?Wenfeng Tower, built in 1420, is located in the southern of Anyang City。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the Godof Heaven and pray for a good harvest。 Nowadays, it serves as a museum of history。

    Murals of Wenfeng Tower give visitors a feel for the great artisticachievements of ancient Chinese civilization。 In a word, I think the Wenfeng Tower is the most interesting building, and it is the oldest building in my hometown。

    2) Compare the differences between the constructions in your city with them in20 years ago? Describe the building styles in detail?The traditional buildings are made of the red brick and always have curvedeaves。 Thousands of buildings look the same。

    But now, various buildings withdifferent colors and styles have been going up in my hometown。 In addition, roomis equipped with kitchen and bathroom。

    This is very convenient。 3) What are peoples attitudes to old building today and that of our latergeneration? Should we protect them? Why?People, including our later generation, advocate that government should protect old buildings 。

    Because old buildings represent the great artisticachievements of ancient Chinese civilization。 4) What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?Oh, modern buildings are for us to live and work, while old buildings are for us to visit and research。

    5) Compare the differences between house and apartment? In China, there is a big yard beside house, where we can plant some flowersand trees etc。 But house is more expensive。

    Apartment is convenient and cheap but small。 2008年雅思口语新话题卡解析(一):Music HallDescribe a theatre or music hall that you have seen or been t0You should say: where it is what kind of music is performed there why people go thereand explain your impressions of this place------------------------------------------------------------------------------解答思路:把4个subtitle按照主次进行描述,侧重点放在最后的个人感觉上。



    Off the top of my head,I want to say something about the cute little girl in POVOSs shaver advertisement I saw on the TV the other day.The 20-sec advertisement begins with a very pretty-looking and lovely baby sitting there,and being kissed by both of her parents.Then she is pulling her hair and complaining in a cute voice:“All the men are the same,and they never take account of womens opinions.I am always hurt by dads remaining beard.How terrible!”Then,there is a voice-over:“You wont have remaining beard if you use POVOSs shaver.” The clip ends with the POVOSs slogan:“It is about time to solve the problem of remaining beard.” as well as its big visual on the screen.The little baby in the ad is about one year old.Short curly hair,big black eyes and sweet smile make her look adorable.I like this kid because she is so impressive that she makes this short advertisement stand out quickly among so many dazzling commercials.Her facial expression as well as her posture well present the idea this clip aims to produce.I have to admit the fact that this ad is very successful because of the little baby.So cute!。



    雅思口语part2范文describle a child who made you laugh

    对了 我现在学的ABC天卞英语中心的助教和我提到 事实上想征服英语应该是不费力地。

    坚持需要个适宜的学习空间以及实习口语对象,这取决于外教资质 口语标准才是最好 坚持每天口语学习 1 on 1加强化教学才能有非常.好.的学习效果!完成课堂后需要重复温习课后录音反馈 把所学知识融会贯通。然后要是真的无对象可练习的环境,最好能去听力室或大耳朵获取课外教材研习 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 不知不觉的语感就加强起来 学习效果会非常达成目标的;楼主,我月号考的就是这个题目!这个题目准确应该是童年听过的音乐或歌曲吧..你可以把准备过的印象深刻的音乐或歌曲嫁接上来.我就乱编一通,说小时侯家里人带我去学小提琴,还没进门就听到了一首从那刻起就深深印在我脑海中的歌曲KANON IN D然后就把准备过的音乐话题接着说就行了.最后再说一下这首歌对今后的人生产生了怎样的影响就行了。




    加粗的部分是关于雅思口语的。 学为贵雅思给不同雅思水平阶段的考生推荐备考书籍 许多烤鸭对于雅思学习的教材有着各种各样的疑问:这本书写的是什么?我应该买什么书?今天小贵贵就为大家介绍一下咱们学为贵的雅思真经教材,并为不同阶段的你做一个修炼手册的推荐! 一.听力真经修炼手册 1.《雅思王听力真题语料库》 语料库是每个烤鸭的必备书籍,语料库中所有材料首先建立在对2015年之前所有的语言类书籍的研究成果,特别是对剑桥1-10计算机分析成果之上还包括广大考生所提供的考试回忆。


    本书适合听力基础比较薄弱,刚刚接触雅思的“小白”,建议没有考过雅思的考生先用语料库打好单词基础,在此之上再加入听力技巧的使用,并用剑桥真题来做考前模拟。 2.《剑桥雅思听力考点词真经(剑10版)》 所谓考点词就是在测试环节中表征测试目的的词汇。


    这些同义替换是剑桥官方要求考生所必需掌握的听力词汇,也是雅思听力考试的精髓。 这本书在总结这些考点词的基础上还配有词汇的音频。



    这样才算真正做完,做懂一套雅思真题。 二.雅思口语真经修炼手册 1.《雅思口语冲击波之提分宝》 想要说出一口流利的口语,前期的输入过程是必不可少的,这本书为烤鸭提供了输入过程所需的词组,加分句,逻辑框架等。

    如果是刚刚入门的小烤鸭,首先需要掌握的就是万能功能句,以及跟着刘波老师亲自录制的音频跟读背诵;如果是基础段的烤鸭,重点在地道的词汇,词组,常用语法以及回答题目的逻辑方面,所以要掌握词汇加分句,语法加分句和答题逻辑,熟能生巧,提高流利度。 如果是目标6分以上的烤鸭,一定要能够把积累的词组和语法加分句在当季的话题中使用出来,并学会如何拓展逻辑和答案,切记,流利度很重要~ 三.阅读真经修炼手册 1.《剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经》——基本功 任何一个高手都是从小白成长起来的,需要练就一身扎实的基本功,《考点词》就是屠鸭中阅读这门科目的基本功。



    2.《雅思阅读真经总纲》——内功 想要驾驭一门绝世武功,就要有雄厚的内力支撑,在屠雅这场恶战中,《总纲》就是你的内力来源。先不说行业中独一份的水墨风排版,教主洋洋洒洒的文字将真经派的做题方法诠释得简明扼要,剑指雅思官方出题思路,直击解题要害。


    3.《雅思阅读真经五》——实战 聚集好内力,那么现在就要释放洪荒之力啦!我们使用的法器就是教主和万千烤鸭的心头之爱《雅思阅读真经五》。 首先,依靠之前积累的词汇基础和做题方法,接下来就要带着方法用《真经五》进行单题型练习了,将单题型练习好,那么在强化阶段用剑桥真题练习套题时,会有事半功倍的效果。

    在做每一篇文章时,第一遍按照解题步骤做题,订正完答案后找到每一道题的答案出处,分析错误原因,总结相应的同意替换,其间遇到不熟悉的单词可在后面的单词表内查询,最后将总结出来的同意替换与后面的同意替换表格对应及记忆。 其次,每篇文章的后面都有总结好的学术场景词汇和同意替换,并且会反复出现加强敏感度。

    最后,悄悄告诉你《真经五》还有预测功能哦,其中的文章可能会在你接下来的考试中遇到~比如《猛犸象》,《冰箱制冷》,《超市的起源》等都在之前的考试中原文出现过,《印度深井》已经被收录在了官方剑十第一套题目中。 所以,通过做《真经五》中的题目,将做题方法和考点内化,养成自己的做题习惯,方能修炼成屠鸭高手。

    四.写作真经修炼手册 1.《雅思写作真经总。

