Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily,myparents,mybotherandI.Myfamilyisprettygood.I'mreallyhappy. Mybrotherisshyandfunny.Heisgoodatsportsanddoeswellinvolleyball.Buthehatesstudyingandhisgradesarebad.Heliketellingjokes.Healwaysplaysjokesonhisfriendsandmyfamily,andalwaysmakesuslaugh. Myfatherisadoctor.HeworksinahospitalofSanya.Hedoesn'tlikewatchingTV,buthelikesreadingnewspaperandreaditeverynight. Mymotherisawaitress.Sheworksinarestaurant.Shehasgoodhabits.Shelikeseatingvegetablesanddrinkingmilkeveryday.ButIdon'tlikemilk.Itisawful.ShelikeswatchingBeijingOperaatfreetime.Shesaysit'sgoodforhertokeepyounganditcanmakeherrelaxed. Myfamiliesarealwaysdoingwhatisbestforme.Theyarealwaysonmyside. Iloveeachpersoninmyfamily.Ilovemysweetwarmhome. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家.
Icouldonlytellhimthetruth.Ratherthanscoldme,hepraisedmyhonestyandthenencouragedmetoapologizetoourneighbor.IlearnedfromthisepisodethatnotonlydoesDadtakecareofourhealthbuthealsoteachesushowtobegoodcitizens.HowluckyIamtohavesuchagoodfather! 不知道行不行啊!
我有一个幸福美满的家庭,家里有爸爸、妈妈,弟弟,一个可爱的我.I have a happy family,home,and a father and mother,brother,a lovely of I.我的爸爸个子高高的,喜欢穿西装,他在我心目中是最帅的.My father is a tall,like to wear a suit,he is the most handsome in my mind.爸爸非常有爱心,他不但非常爱我,还很喜欢我们楼道里的其他小朋友.Father is very good-hearted,he not only to love me very much,also like other children we corridor.爸爸平时喜欢看报纸,连睡觉前都要看一会.Dad usually like to read newspaper,even before sleeping wanted to see for a while.妈妈瘦瘦的白白的,头发长长的.Mother is thin,white hair long.她不但是我的妈妈,还是我的知心朋友呢!She is not only my mother,or my bosom friend!我们还彼此给对方起了外号,妈妈叫“糊涂虫”,因为她有时候装糊涂,所以我就老喊她“糊涂虫”.We also each other to each other up the nickname,the mother call "idiot",because she sometimes playing dumb,so I be old to shout to her "idiot".妈妈就叫我“跟屁虫”,因为我老是喜欢跟在她的屁股后面.Mom just call me "heels,because I always like to behind on her ass.我是家里最小的一员,眼睛长的大大的,小巧的鼻子,红红的嘴巴.I was a member of the youngest,big eyes,a small nose long red,red mouth。
十分可爱.Very lovely.我活泼开朗、待人热情,也像爸爸一样有爱心,喜欢帮助别人.I lively,cheerful,treat people hospitable,also like my father has the compassion,likes to help others.这就是我的家庭,一个非常美满幸福的家庭.This is my family,a very happy happy family.。
My Family
I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my parents,my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are businessmen. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family.
My Family I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my parents,my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are businessmen. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family.我的家庭我有一个幸福的家庭。有5人在我的家中。
My Family
I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my parents,my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are businessmen. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family.
I live in a warm, harmonious and happy family, father, mother, grandfather, and Nainaidoushifen like me, love me, especially my mother. Wodemamazai Jiedaolishangban responsible for family planning, education, particularly busy. Despite this, mothers day Haiyaoqinzisong Woshangxiaxue, Geiwochuanyifu, 2:08:12, pack their school bags, buckets, laundry socks 。 All in all my life is the mother of all agents. I would like to state that I do not, but my mother did not believe me, Zongshuowoshige children. Babazaijieli Banliaoyigexiao Diyangmaoshanchang, Zhengtianzaiwaimian involved. All in all, I live in a family, it is really my pleasure