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  • 托福仿写范文


    A foreign student who plans to go to the United States must have some definite goals in mind。

    For the student who wants to improve his English quickly and learn about American family, there may be one two disadvantages to his living arrangement; however, I believe that there are far more advantages。 First of all, some minor disadvantages of living with an American family include both a lack of privacy and little opportunity to be independent。

    For instance,the foreign student may find the family expects him to join them in group activities such as watching television and going on picnics。 At times, however, he might enjoy staying in his room to read or write letters to his family or friends。

    Another drawback to living in an American home involves who his friends will be and where he will go during his leisure time away from home。 Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to living with an American family, the advantages far outweigh them。

    By taking part in a home stay program, the student has an excellent opportunity to learn about American customs。 He will find out how to behave in different social situations such as parties and ceremonies and how to dress on these occasions。

    Also, he will learn about many other aspects of the American way of life, such as the way schools are run in the United States。 With a family close by, he can ask questions about attendance rules and school costs。

    The family will make certain that he becomes acquainted with his new way of life, and soon he will feel at home。 Anotheradvantage of living with an American family is that the students are in an ideal environment to improve his English。

    For example,each time he has a conversation with someone in the family, this native speaker can help him with the pronunciation and grammar。 Maybe the younger children in the family can help him with his homework, too。

    But the most important thing is that he will be surrounded by English most of time during his stay in the United States。 Although I agree that there may be a couple of disadvantages to living with an American family, I feel that the advantages are more obvious。

    In a home-stay program, the student can learn about the American customs in the most native way possible。 In addition, he will find himself in an ideal atmosphere in which his English will certainly improve。

    In my opinion, there are the two important goals for him to consider, and therefore, living with an American family is the best way to achieve them。



    只有不断地模仿才可以熟能生巧,那么怎样模仿才能达到最好的效果呢,今天小编就给大家介绍下托福写作如何正确的模仿范文。 首先,很多所谓的权威书籍并非权威,里面的八分范文并非八分。

    曾拿过国内一本“赫赫有名”的书给国外的老师看。 他们看后纷纷摇头,说不知所云。


    再说,目前中国人写的文章极少有考官愿意多看一眼的,更别说会够到被人珍藏的级别。 其次,即使范文够上了级别,学生是不是完全背下来了,背得恰当与否又是不得而知。

    有的学生背了片言只语,然后融合自己写的一堆病句错句,分数不理想就开始怀疑考官是否打击模仿范文的考生。又或者,考生死记硬背,看到题目类似就誉写上去,而没有考虑到题目修改所带来的变化(本书会具体解释),试问一篇文不对题的文章如何得六分? 再者,重申一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来。




    托福写作的模仿有什么需要注意的? -



    另外,纯粹出于背诵的文章,抄袭痕迹太重,对于考官来说,想要看出其中的问题,并不是件难事。 而在写作中,如果只是背了片言只语的范文,加上一些自己的错词病句。







    原句中“It is inevitable for 。. to do sth.



    significant, indispensable,crucial。. 它们都是用来表示重要性的~

    3. 给到大家两句仿写的句子,一个是关于环保的,一个是关于沟通的,这都是托福写作热门话题:

    A. It is crucial for people to take steps to keep theenvironment from

    deterioration, like taking public transportation instead ofdriving


    B. It is inevitable for the old to havegeneration gap with their


    Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on adesert





    2.仿写的时候我们直接将 of 后面跟的名词换成我们所写作文的主题相关词即可~



    Disagree.1.they will have no time to do part-time jobs and internships.they dont have a chance to put theory into practice.But we know that the most effecive study is that connectting what youve learned in books with practice tightly.2.students will feel very bored with what theyre learning,which will bring negative effects to their study.3.continuous study will even bring physical and spiritual problems.3.1 they dont have enough vacations to relax themselves.3.2 under high pressure for a long period of time,people are more likely to have some psychological problems.because of limited time,i can only offer this answer.Good luck!。


    要写好仿写并不难,注意三点 1、注意例句的结构,是用什么修辞,哪里用名词,哪里用形容词,如:语文是美酒,让我们回味无穷,要用比喻的修辞,结构上是:语文是+名词,让我们+四字动词仿句可是:语文是音乐,让我们百听不厌 2、注意例句的内容,是怎么衔接的,例如:友谊如珍珠,我们共同穿缀,连成一串串美丽的项链。

    在内容上,把友谊比做珍珠,珍珠穿起来就成了项链,由小到大的顺序,仿句可选水滴,共同凝聚,汇成一条条宽广的河流 3、那就得靠你平时的语言积累了,多看多摘抄词语吧,如日常生活的,四季的,学校的,家庭的等 希望对你的仿写有帮助吧。











    Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home

    countries. Why do some student abroad? Use specific reasons and details to

    explain your answer.

    Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home

    universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of ones college

    education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language,

    familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different


    One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual

    in todays fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by

    Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in

    order to keep up with new developments.

    Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people

    and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our

    part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we

    understand and respect other people and their culture.

    When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with

    different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on

    our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject

    them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change

    when you are away from your family surroundings.

    Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language,

    understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves

    too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal


