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  • 英语口语实训报告范文


    1 实习时间:2012年1月2日-1月6日2 实习地点:李子园校区一栋教学楼1083 实习单位:邵阳学院4 实习过程概述 在2012年1月2日-6日,我们进行了为期五天的《英语口语》课程实习。


    因此,我们实习的第一步从语音开始,然后是语音语调,最后是实际的练习与交流。5 主要实习岗位和实习内容 怀着期待的心情,我们开始了口语实习的第一天。





    他们也给我提供了一些经验,让我借鉴。比如:有些单词要连读,如:I have a book.经常我们会把“have a ”连读,轻读。




    简单的举个例子,如“Yes”,读“Yes!”(meaning “of course it is so” ),读“Yes?”(meaning “Is it really so?” )。由此可见,语音语调是及其重要的。



    在每个礼拜的星期四,外语驿站都会举办“English corner”活动,来自各个不同的年级,不同系别的同学聚在一起用英语交流。怀揣着某种期望,我也去了,希望自己几天来的学习能得到实践。

    在“English corner”我和几个来自中文系和生化系的同学进行了交谈。我们聊了各自的学习和最近的生活状态以及将来的就业倾向。



    为了检测我们的学习成果,老师在之前给我们布置了一个任务:每个同学做一个简短的“Duty report”.我们被要求站在讲台上用英语给大家介绍一些东西,具体内容自己选择。我准备的是日本的樱花节“Blossoms Festival”我觉得这不仅仅是在考察我们的口头表达能力,更是对我们应变能力的检测。


    所以敏捷的思维也是我以后要多加注意和提高的地方。6 实习收获和重要心得体会 刚开始实习的时候很紧张,生怕自己会出错。



    同时通过交流我还感受到了中西方文化的差异,很是受益。7 存在不足和建议 通过这次实习,我在口语方面有了些提高,但仍然存在一些没有做好的地方。

    学习最重要的是持之以恒,很多时候我会觉得学习很无聊,想半途而废,所以我需要坚定自己学习的目标,静下心,切忌浮躁,坚定不移的付出努力。8 其他 一方面,希望学校多开展专业针对性较强的实习课程,更好地提高我们的专业技能。





    后来报了e-say的班,一下子报了半年的课程,之前体验过他们的课,感觉很赞,跟老外一对一说英语,老师挺幽默风趣的,总是能用他独特的方式引导我开口说~~平时上班比较累,不想跑补习班,在e-say就不同啦,每天一个电话搞定,省时省力,每天跟我的外教一对一say english,畅所欲言~~而且完全是根据我的水平来制定课程的,针对性很强~~

    平时也会利用丰富的网络资源,QQ CLUB啊,跟外教一对一发e-mail啊等等~~不光听说提升得快,连读写也进步了~~学习很全面啊~~





    英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didnt do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didnt performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didnt notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.


    1 实习时间:2012年1月2日-1月6日 2 实习地点:李子园校区一栋教学楼108 3 实习单位:邵阳学院 4 实习过程概述 在2012年1月2日-6日,我们进行了为期五天的《英语口语》课程实习。


    因此,我们实习的第一步从语音开始,然后是语音语调,最后是实际的练习与交流。 5 主要实习岗位和实习内容 怀着期待的心情,我们开始了口语实习的第一天。





    他们也给我提供了一些经验,让我借鉴。比如:有些单词要连读,如:I have a book.经常我们会把“have a ”连读,轻读。




    简单的举个例子,如“Yes”,读“Yes!”(meaning “of course it is so” ),读“Yes?”(meaning “Is it really so?” )。由此可见,语音语调是及其重要的。


    英语口语培训心得 怎么写啊?

    随着全球化进程的加快,英语的重要地位日益显著,社会对学生英语素质 的要求也越来越高。

    但现状却是大学生英语口语能力普遍较差,学了十几年的 英语还是听不懂,不会说。究其原因是学习者普遍存在学习语言的误区,他们 把英语当作一门知识来学,总是用语法去思维,认为只要学习“发音、语法、 词汇和句子”就能学好英语。

    特别是在我国的英语教学中,历来注重语言知识 的传授,使得学生过度注重阅读,翻译,写作等应试能力,忽视听力和口语能 力的培养。所以大多数学习者进入大学阶段后发现以前的学习方法并不适用于 现在对口语能力提高的迫切要求。

    因为英语学习,特别是口语能力的提高,是 一个相对漫长的过程。口语能力是将语音、词汇按照语法规则、社会经验,在 情感的控制下进行合理的组合,最终产生有意义的语言的能力。

    因此,要提高 口语能力仅靠每周几次的听力和精读课是远远不够的,大量的课外有意识的练 习和实践才是关键所在。那么如何使口语能力循序渐进的提高,笔者总结了以 下几个方面。

    一、口语的前提是听得懂 学习者必须进行严格的听力训练。“听”是一种接受性技巧,“听”是“说” 的前提,只有听得懂,才能做到“听其声而悟其义” ,才能与人交流。

    口头交际 如果没有“听”的能力,是不可能实现的。二、语音和语调 学一门外语,发音是最基本的。

    学习者一旦陷入了发音的误区,形成了不 良习惯,会极大地影响到英语的听、说、读、写、译和与别人的交流。所以我 们不能忽视对这个基础进行训练。

    在训练时要坚持听(听标准录音带)与模仿 (模仿正确发音)同步进行。发音时口型和唇齿是否到位,会影响到发音的准 确性。


    英语抑扬顿挫,讲求音律感,所以语音发得再准,语调不地道的话,英语本族人听着还是别扭。当你在跟英语国家的人真正交流 时你就能感受到语调节奏在表达思想中的巨大作用。

    所以在语音标准的前提下,把精力多放在语调上才是明智之举。平时多进行听力和朗读训练,试着寻找到 其中的规律。

    在课余时间多跟外教或口语好的同学进行交流,发现差距,弥补 不足。再者,要做到坚持每天进行语音和语调的练习,这样经过一段时间后就 会看到显著效果。

    三、词汇 许多学习者在进行口头表达时因为找不到适当的词语而无法顺利进行,或 者想好了要说的中文,却想不到对应的英文来表达。所以词汇量是决定学习者 能否将有效会话继续下去的重要因素。

    很多人认为要用英语自由表达思想就要 有庞大的词汇量,其实不然。美国之音慢速英语新闻用1500 到2000 个单词就 能说遍天下大事。

    所以我们实际上要注意补充的是那些口语中频频出现而书面 语中不太用的单词。但是仅仅是背诵有用的词汇或者句式是不够的,这只是量 的积累。

    质的突破只有在弄清句子的使用语境,比较它们并且能自如利用它们 后才能实现。四、培养语感 英语语感是人们对英语语言的直接感知能力,是对英语语言法则或语言组 织方法的掌握和运用,是经过反复感性认识上升为理性认识的经验和体会。

    语 感来自于语言实践,又指导语言实践。一个具有良好英语语感的人,他的口语 一定是说起来顺口,听起来顺耳。

    那么我们如何培养英语语感呢?笔者认为可 以通过大量朗读和背诵的方法。这种方法不仅能练习语音语调,还能在模仿和 记忆中培养语感。

    我们可以从教材或者课外资料中挑选一些优秀的文章或者段 落来进行朗读和背诵。随着朗读和背诵量的不断增加,其内容会逐渐地自然融 会到交际中去。

    五、了解英美文化 在使用语言时,我们的表达方式和思维模式无时无刻不在受着文化因素的 制约。语言是文化的载体,又是文化的一部分,它不能脱离文化而独立存在。

    任何一种语言都具有极浓厚的民族文化特色,蕴含极其复杂的文化内涵。透过 一个民族的语言,人们可以了解到该民族的风土人情、生活习惯和思维方式等 文化特点。

    美国加利福尼亚大学教授 C ·克拉姆契在其书中曾指出:掌握一种语 言并不限于学习语言本身,在语言学习中,目标语的文化知识不但是培养交际 能力的重要方面,而且本身也是教育的要求之一。英语学习到一定程度,影响 学习的主要障碍已不在语言本身,而在于对所学语言社会文化知识的了解程度,亦即在此基础上对所学语言的思想内容进行分析、推理、评价的思维活动。

    那 么即使英语的语言基本功很扎实,语音语调标准,语法规范,用词准确,表达 也流利,但如果对方听了之后仍然不知所云或感到别扭,还是达不到交际的目 的。正是由于这些原因,我们在学习英语时,不能只学习语言材料而忽视对英 美文化背景的了解,这样做犹如只抓住了外壳而不能领悟其精神。

    学习一门语 言就要知道操这种语言的人是如何看待事物,如何观察世界的;要了解他们如 何用他们的语言来反映他们社会的思想、习惯和行为;要懂得他们的“心灵之 语言” ,即了解他们社会的文化。“如何说” 、 “不说什么” ,有时候比“说什么” 更加重要。



    To most learners of English, the skill of speaking fluently is the true indicator of English ability. However, for many students, speaking is an underdeveloped skill that does not accurately reflect their English knowledge. Creating opportunities for speaking and social interaction in the ESL/EFL classroom enhances language acquisition by allowing students to practice and communicate meaningfully in English.Create An English Immersion EnvironmentFrom the first day of class, strive to make your classroom an English immersion environment, and help students understand why youre doing this. Discourage the use of the students first language as much as possible, and make your lessons a place where they feel comfortable. Make sure students know common classroom language in English, such as "What does X mean?" and "I dont understand." Take every opportunity you can get to them use English meaningfully, and dont be afraid to abandon your planned lesson to discuss other topics that come up. For example, if a student is late, ask him or her to explain why in English, then let the students talk about transportation problems, traffic or making excuses.If a student is reticent about speaking, encourage him but do not force it; all learners are ready to speak at different times. Incorporate pair work and group work into your lessons to encourage shy students to speak without feeling put on the spot. Group and pair work also lets students help each other, which is sometimes more effective than teacher intervention.Ban the DictionaryWhen youre working on speaking activities, ban the use of bilingual dictionaries. This will encourage students to use the language theyve been working on in the lessons. When students are flipping pages in their dictionaries, they are halting communication instead of speaking. Students often do not understand the words theyve looked up, and they rarely remember them. Additionally, circumlocution is an important skill for language learners to develop. When you see a student reaching for the dictionary, ask him or her to explain the word in English.Structured and Unstructured Speaking ActivitiesYour classroom activities should give students both structured and unstructured speaking practice. Lower-level students need quite structure in their speaking activities, and speaking practice will be limited to simple question-and-answer dialogues. As students progress, start using information gap activities in which students have to talk to each other to get the information needed to complete an activity. once students are more comfortable, you can move into freer activities, such as debates, sharing opinions or open conversations.Even unstructured speaking lessons need a framework, however. Students should be asked to complete some sort of task, such as arriving at a group decision or producing something to share with the class. New vocabulary can be a central part of any speaking lesson, as well as introducing and practicing conversational gambits, such as, "Im sorry, but I dont agree" or "Excuse me, do you mind if 。


    英文实习报告 3000字左右

    Professional Business English students internship clerks report My English is a business professional students. In the coming months, a graduate of this, I mainly responsible for the contents of the office clerical work. In this process, I used to see, ask and learn, understand the company secretarial work in the specific business knowledge, the school expanded expertise. For normal work after the commencement of laying a solid foundation of personal development, I should be most affected as a community and work style of people in the course of its expertise on the important role because they are in school, I did not learn of the contacts, I will in my first report on the internship accumulated during this knowledge and experience. Graduate students each practice is a must have experienced it in practice so that we understand the community, we have learned a lot in class attendance is not knowledge, benefit, also opened the horizons, increased exposure for our future further towards laying a solid foundation for the community.由于我所在的公司是北京驻乌的一个办事处,是一家私企,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。

    Shou is in daily telephone and fax machine beside. Very amount of time spent, on the first day of sitting for a day because of back pains. But after a few days on some points used every day to my office with an office girls learn some knowledge. Just enter the workplace, they found that many do not know. Now in office, there will be leisure time to look at some of the accounting books, although they have learned in the professional not put to any use at this time, but I think we should learn more, a number of skills in the future to find a job can I own several options. I work nearly two months now, in such a short span more than one friend, had finished several thought month quit. Perhaps I just started to work sometimes can not stand the manager to the "Qi", their hearts very uncomfortable and wanted to resign from their work won again. But reflecting back carefully consider further wo 。展开Professional Business English students internship clerks report My English is a business professional students. In the coming months, a graduate of this, I mainly responsible for the contents of the office clerical work. In this process, I used to see, ask and learn, understand the company secretarial work in the specific business knowledge, the school expanded expertise. For normal work after the commencement of laying a solid foundation of personal development, I should be most affected as a community and work style of people in the course of its expertise on the important role because they are in school, I did not learn of the contacts, I will in my first report on the internship accumulated during this knowledge and experience. Graduate students each practice is a must have experienced it in practice so that we understand the community, we have learned a lot in class attendance is not knowledge, benefit, also opened the horizons, increased exposure for our future further towards laying a solid foundation for the community.由于我所在的公司是北京驻乌的一个办事处,是一家私企,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。

    Shou is in daily telephone and fax machine beside. Very amount of time spent, on the first day of sitting for a day because of back pains. But after a few days on some points used every day to my office with an office girls learn some knowledge. Just enter the workplace, they found that many do not know. Now in office, there will be leisure time to look at some of the accounting books, although they have learned in the professional not put to any use at this time, but I think we should learn more, a number of skills in the future to find a job can I own several options. I work nearly two months now, in such a short span more than one friend, had finished several thought month quit. Perhaps I just started to work sometimes can not stand the manager to the "Qi", their hearts very uncomfortable and wanted to resign from their work won again. But reflecting back carefully consider further work is the change, others are not so Shoudexia work? Just started. The stem should depend on their good work, after all, and no work experience, now have the opportunity to exercise their various areas. Otherwise, someone will miss what the future. I now work, compared to other people, very good treatment, and not other people than work is not difficult, it is easy to work, the key is to learn how people speak, and the attitude of doing things. The less experience, I now have this lack. Now understand that in a school students do, how good! Sooner or later to work, 。





























