
如何写英文e-mail?毋庸置疑传统的信函往来越来越被电子邮件交流所取代,虽然不同的电子邮件系统提供的用户界面千差万别,但是标准的电子邮件都是由以下几个主要要素组成的:To (收件人栏)—— 输入收件人的电子邮箱地址Cc (抄送栏)—— 输入接受抄送文件的人的电子邮箱地址,并且收件人知道此抄送信息.Bcc (密件抄送栏)—— 输入接受抄送文件的人的电子邮箱地址,而收件人不知道此抄送信息.Subject (主题栏)—— 输入邮件的简短文章概括介绍.收件人能在其信箱中的邮件列表中清晰浏览此内容.Message text area (正文栏)—— 输入邮件文章内容Attachments (附件栏)—— 输入邮件附带的附件信息在邮件开头的加上问候语能使信件读上去更加的友好和人性化.很常见的E-mail中的问候语和称呼如:Hello,Mike,Greetings!Hi,Jason,英文e-mail写作开头应采用倒金字塔的写作方式,即重要内容写在前面,随着叙述的一步步展开,重要性渐渐减弱.这种方式的关键在于,在紧张、有限的版面内尽快地把信息传达给读者.书写英语E-mail时可以不必拘泥正式信函的格式要求,罗嗦的格式套话往往会减弱邮件信息的强度.因此使用简单的结束语再添加上名字和缩写就已足够.现在常用的简单结束语方式如:Thanks、Regards,甚至用缩略的结束语THX(Thanks),TTFN(ta ta for now)也足以用为邮件的结尾了.以下是例文Dear Mary,I hope ererything gets well!I am a member of 2007 national pupil English summer camp.In the summer camp ,MR.Libo said that I had problems in pronunciation,so I practiced my pronunciation after the summer camp,I would like to record my pronunciation and send to you,will you please grant your instructions?With my good wishes!Sincerely yours,XX。
电子邮件格式: 1、To:此栏填写收件人的邮箱地址; 2、From:此栏显示的是发件人的名称和邮箱地址; 3、Date:此栏自动显示的发件时间; 4、“Cc”和“Bcc”,如果发件人让收件人知道该E-mail发送给了哪些人,即:被抄送人,可在Cc后加被抄送人的邮箱,这叫明抄送;如果不想让对方知道此E-mail抄送给谁,则在Bcc(blind carbon copy)处填写被抄送人的邮箱,这叫暗抄送。
这样做的目的是为了保护公司隐私; 5、Subject:主题,即该邮件的事由或标题。主题要简要明可以方便查找邮件; 6、如果事情重要且急,通常在主题前加上“Urgent!!!”字样; 7、Attachment:附件,可在附件内放入文件、照片等,且要将附件的名称改为对应的名称以便收件人阅读; 8、Body of the E-mail:电子邮箱的主体。
通常包括:称呼(Dear William,Dear Rick。)、正文、结束客套话(Best regards,Best wishes。)
、发件人的姓名&联系方式&公司名称&地址。 扩展资料: 邮件的基本要素:receivers e-mail address(收件人邮箱地址),subject(主题),carbon copy(抄送),body(主体部分),attachment(附件)等。
现代常见结尾方式:在英国,这种老式结尾已经被Yours sincerely与Yours faithfully所取代。它们是更老的(archaic)表达I am, yours sincerely的简写。
如果信件开头提及收信人(recepient)的名字,并且写信人(sender/writer)一定程度上认识收信人,那么使用Yours sincerely。 如果不知道对方姓名。
例如用Dear Mr/Madam开头,那么需要使用Yours faithfully。 如果知道收信人的名字,但没有见面或没有说过话,有些人还是喜欢用比较疏远的(distant)的Yours faithfully,但多数人会使用Yours sincerely。
在美国,社会交往信件通常用Yours sincerely来结尾,而商务信件(business correspondence)中对写信人不知道姓名的人还是使用Yours faithfully。 参考资料来源:百度百科-电子邮件。
Hello, Mike,
书写英语E-mail时可以不必拘泥正式信函的格式要求,罗嗦的格式套话往往会减弱邮件信息的强度。因此使用简单的结束语再添加上名字和缩写就已足够。现在常用的简单结束语方式如:Thanks、Regards,甚至用缩略的结束语THX(Thanks), TTFN(ta ta for now)也足以用为邮件的结尾了。
Dear Mary,
My name is Zhang Hua,I am a boy of 20 years old.In 2007,I graduated from Beijing No.8 Middle School and now I am at Pe King University,majoring in environmental science and live at No.58,Zhongshan Road,Chaoyang Destrict,Beijing.I have some hobbies,such as playing football and collecting stamps.I am outgoing and would like to make friends with you. If you think you are the one,please call me at 0108195689,or e-mail me at zhanghua@gmail.com.
Thank you. Im looking forward from you.
Sincerely yours,
Zhang Hua(你的名字)
你是指你的英语作文的主题是“电子邮件”呢,还是如何用英文写电子邮件呢?如果是前者的话你可以写“电子邮件的含义,带来的便利,包括商业来往,缩短距离,也可以提到它的一些不足,对传统的书信的冲击和那种没有实物的缺失感之类的,最后写写你自己的感受经历都可以的.如果是后者的话,范文如下Dear Tony, I am Li Hua, a boy of 16 from China. Im a middle school student. Im glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA. Im good at English and I think we can help each other to know more about America and China by sending e-mails. We can also chat on the Internet in English or Chinese. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and prefer popular music. At the same time, I like collecting stamps and traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and Ill show you around many places of interest. Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours:xxx 望采纳!。
请给出五篇日常英文E-mail的范文要求各自就某一主题展开,谢谢 爱问
Hi,XXXXX, anks。
Hi,Mr。 XXXXXX,Ihaveaquestionoftodayshomework, nyoucallmebackandanswerme?thankyou。
Hi,XXXXXXX,inthissummerIwillgotoOkeechobeeLake,ifyouhavesomethingwanttellme, anks。 Hi,Dr。
XXXXXXXXX,Imlookingformydog,hehasblackhairandbigear,whitetail,ifyouseewitchdoglikethat,pleasecallme,mycellphon 。
Emails are very interesting,it is faster than normal mail;it is safer and more reliable than normal mail;it can be accessed at any time,when an E-mail message is received,it can be opened and read at any time and anywhere on a computer that has internet access;E-mail messages can be sent to many recipients worldwide at once;E-mail is cheaper for persons and organisations that send e-mail to many recipients as this results in savings in stationery costs and postage ,and it can save money from buying envelops and paper,also,emails can protect the environment,because sending emails is low carbon.。
From: XXX(你的名字) ABC company (你的公司名) Add:XX,XX(你的公司地址) Tel.: +86-XXXXXX Fax: +86-XXXXX E-mail: XXXXXX Dear sir or madam, how are you doing? 我们是某某公司的,我在XXX网上看到贵公司有生产和销售XXXX产品,这些产品正是我们目前急需采购的东西(客人应该有货号什么的),你把客人的货号告诉他,然后附上你们的要求..请对方给报价。
.Your quick reply will be appreciated! Best regards XXX(你的名字)。