When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten, for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving。
As he grows into an adolescent eventually, he has overcome his egocentricity。 For him now, to give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive, to love has become more important even than being loved。
There are essential differences in quality between motherly love and fatherly love。 Motherly love is by nature unconditional。
Mother loves a child not because the child has met any specific condition, or has lived up to any specific expectation。 But the relationship to father is quite different 。
Father doesnt represent the natural world。 He represents the world of thought, law and order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure。
解析:先概括文章大意:When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten, for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving。 之后用细节来支持自己的这个论点具体这里就不赘述了。
复述的内容基本上和原听力材料一样。 综上所述,我们不难看出这类题目其实不像考生想象的那么难。
通常情况下,教授会给出一个概念的定义,例如, the coin , natural selection 等,或者一个事件的梗概,或者介绍一种现象来开始,之后会就自己前面提出的概念,故事或者现象展开论述。
在后面这个部分中,一些例子会被引进来证实和说明前面所提到的定义。 说的部分会要求考生概括听力部分的主要内容并听力部分的观点和事例进行详细论证,典型问法为: Using points and examples from the talk, explain XX (某种现象或定义)presented by the professor。
Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class。 Narrator: The professor describes the childrens psychology between eight years old and a half to ten years old, including the analysis of the differences between motherly love and fatherly love。
Summarize the main points in the professors lecture。 解析:通过听这个题目简介,考生可以得听力的主要内容是关于八岁半到十岁小孩的心理,这个内容是基于母爱和父爱差异而进行分析的。
呵呵,听力的重点内容得到了,内容的主要人物:八岁半到十岁小孩和他们的父母。 继续听。
Today Id like to talk about the love between child and parents。(这个开篇句子点名整个文章的主题:love between child and parents。
) For most children before the age from eight and a half to ten, the problem is almost exclusively that of being loved-of being loved for what one is。 The child up to this age does not yet love: he responds gratefully and joyfully to being loved。
At this point of the childs development a new factor enters into the picture: that of producing love by ones own activity。 For the first time,。
The child thinks of giving something to the maturing of love。 Eventually the child may now be an adolescent and has overcome his egocentricity; the other person is not any more primarily a means to the satisfaction of his own needs。
The needs of the other person are as important as his own –in fact, they have become more important。 To give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive。
To love has become more important even than being loved。 In order to understand this shift from mother to father, we must consider the essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love。
We have already spoken about motherly love。 Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional。
Mother loves the new-born infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation。 The relationship to father is quite different。
Mother is the home we come from。 She is nature, soil, the ocean; But while father does not represent the natural world, he represents the other pole of pole of human existence。
He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure。 Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world。
Closely related to this function is one which is connected with socioeconomic development。 When private property came into existence, and when private property could be inherited by one of the sons, father began to look for that son to whom he could leave his property。
Naturally , that was the one whom father thought best fitted to become his successor, the son who was most like him and consequently whom he likes the most 。 分析: 确定主题之后,我们来分析文章各个段落的笔记记录要点: 第一段:八岁半到十岁的孩子对待爱的转变,先是接受之后是奉献自己的爱。
此外,他们认为奉献比得到爱更能让他们感到满足和高兴。 第二段: 主要记录句子为:Essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love,Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional。
其他的信息点可以记录也可以用心记。 第三段:主要记录的句子为:Father does not represent any such natural home, he has little connection with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this period can not be compared with that of mother。
He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure。 当然考试的时候考生不可能记录的这么完美。
考生只要能把主要意思记录,例如, “natural home, thought, law和order, discipline, travel and adventure”等写下来就好了。
托福口语Task 4和Task 6的答题难点主要集中在以下几个方面。
1。 如何应对阅读和讲座中出现的与学术内容相关的部分生词。
比如,TPO第19套题的Task 6讲到了海鸟为方便觅食而出现的两种适应性进化:albatross (信天翁)长出了大翅膀,因此能长距离飞行而消耗更少的能量;fulmar (管鼻藿)进化出嗅觉非常灵敏的鼻子,因此可以很容易地闻到它的主要食物plankton (浮游生物)的味道。 这里的albatross、fulmar和plankton三个词都很重要,但大部分考生都不熟悉,因此在记笔记时只要记下它们的发音即可,而其他一些动词、副词、形容词等则可以根据上下文语境猜测出其含义。
2。 如何应对较为密集的信息。
在充分听懂录音内容的前提下,记录什么信息以及以何种顺序和语速来复述是考生在这一部分拉开分数差距的关键。 尤其在录音内容较长的Task 6部分,考生应牢记前文所述的“1+2+2”结构,在复述时做到结构清晰。
3。 语音和语调的雕琢。
语音和语调的训练是耗时最久的,需要考生长期不间断地练习跟读,并且敏锐识别语音和语调的差异,最好能请老师或是发音好的同学帮助自己发现问题。 4。
很多考生反映看着计时器答题会很紧张,影响答题效果,但考生如果不看时间,只顾低头自己说,很容易就某个细节阐述过多,只见树木不见森林,影响答题的完整度。 所以考生要学会合理分配时间,控制好语速,防止时间不够用。
首先,我们应该注意的是第一题的方法论是“一个主题句,两个细节(例子)”,再次需要注意的是答题的范围,一定是和家人或者朋友的事情,所以一个人发生的事情就尽量避免;最后一定要注意时态,这个地方问的是过去的事情,所以,通篇考虑的是过去时态,而不是我们最常用的现在式。 第二题:你是喜欢去没去过的地方旅游,还是去去过的地方旅游。
此题是典型的二选一的题目,按照上课的讲解,此题我们有三种回答方式,A好,B好,或者it depends on different situation。 使用典型的2+1的回答方式,此题可以迎刃而解,讲满45秒钟绰绰有余。
第三题 作为第一个综合口语题,第三题要求我们用45秒钟读一个学校的通知,通知很简单,就是说学校的打印政策发生了变化,以前的时候是打印免费,现在的话是只有前10页免费,超出部分按照5美分收费。 阅读部分属于典型的学校变化题目,值得注意的是阅读部分偶尔会出现学生来信的方式,这种出题方式约占20/100,所以,对于阅读的描述有2种方式: In the reading, the university is going to + 学校的变化;或者 In the reading, a student proposed that +学生的提议 听力部分大部分人都可以听懂,但是我们的挑战存在于对于听力的精准复述,包括对于听力的个别词汇的复述,如打印的高效efficient,effective 等。
所以对于听力的笔记和复述能力要求相对较高。 第四题 在阅读部分,第四题一般是关于一个专业名词,这次考的是 information overload。
按照典型的方法论,我们需要去找主题句和表现形式,换句话说,去找information overload 是什么以及它是干嘛的。 从文中我们可以找出它的表现形式:人们如何去应对information overload:处理一部分信息或者干脆不处理。
口语复习细则口语考试题型分类按出题顺序和考查能力分类 按话题选材分类ⅠIndependent Tasks独立题(口语单项题)ⅡIntegrated Task:综合题(综合能力题)ⅰReading-Listening-Speaking: 读听说综合题Task3 Campus-related Issue and Students Attitude校园事物议论题Task4 Topic-Examples课文主题与教授举例ⅱListening—Speaking:听说综合题Task5 Student-related Problem and Solutions学生困难解决题Task6 Summary知识点转述总结题 ⅠSpeaking about familiar topics;谈论日常话题Task1 Free-choiceTask2 Paired-choiceⅡSpeaking about campus situations:谈论校园情景话题Task3 Campus-related Issue and Students AttitudeTask5 Student-related Problem and SolutionsⅢ Speaking about academic course content:转述学术内容Task4 Topic-ExamplesTask6 Summary口语考试时间限制TIME TASK1、2 TASK3、4 TASK5、6读文章的时间 45s 听材料的时间 60-80s 15s准备答案的时间 15s 30s TASK5: 60-80sTASK6: 100-110s答题的时间 45s 60s 15sNotes-taking:How to evaluate the listening and making notes1 专注 2 以倾听、想象、理解为主,以记笔记为辅Components and expressionsStep expressionA Topic Statement A-1PersonallyIndividuallyAs far as I am concernedFor meIn my opinionIn my viewThrough my eyesFrom my perspectiveFrom my point of viewIn my books, the famous person I admire most is…I believe that…I think the best invention is computers.I would like to s ay that my favorite is..Ideally, I would like to be a school teacher, but there are few jobs. A-2Favorite like…most/ admire…mostI would share some statistics with you to show where our international students come from.I would like to introduce my colleague li mingB Supporting InformationB-1There are a couple of reasons.I think there are a couple of main reasons why I do think soAnd I think there are a couple of reasons for this/ that.There are two points Id like to focus on.The reason I think there is not such a strong growth in English language is that many students prefer to prepare for English while still here in china.B-2 First SecondFirst also initiallyFirst of all---whats more---in addition---additionallyFor one reason—for another reasonThe first reason is that---the second reason is that…Likewise, in terms of choices of study, by far the majority students choose to study business administration and management programsThe first point is that… another point is that….C ConclusionC1In conclusionIn a wordIn shortIn briefIn a nutshellAll in allTemplate from Task1 to Task6Task1◆Personally, I think that XXX is the characteristic/ feature/ factor I care about most while I am choosing a XXX(11sec)◆Reason and details:_______, ________,_______ (17sec)Reason and details:_______, ________,_______ (17sec)Notes: (1)第一题与考生的经历有关!基本上这种问题没有所谓的正确答案,它是在测试考生的流利程度。
(参见高分口语120 chapter 2 Toelf-IBT口语考试题型介绍 p 23)(2)需要特别注意的是在口语考试部分答题速度不是评分的要点,评分的重点在于考生是否能够在规定的时间内清楚地回答,具体评分项包括:流利度(不是速度)、发音intonation、连音sound linking、以及持续性continuity,这些才是得分的关键,当然答案的字数对评分的影响也是比较小的! 题目回答框架补充:叙述主题说明原因 (两个概念)第一概念 第一概念的延伸 第一概念的更多延伸(可选择、非必要) 第二概念第二概念的延伸 第二概念的更多延伸(可选择、非必要) Talk about an important experience in your life, and explain why it is important to you.导入主题(主旨)one important experience in my life was travelling abroad for the first time when I was nineteen.It was important for me because I visited several European countries and I also developed an interest in foreign language.1概念一I spent three months traveling through western Europe.2概念二Also, in france and Belgium, I started speaking French for the first time.例证 may favorite countries were france , belglum and Holland.例证I really enjoyed learning French. As a result of this trip. I chose French as my major in college.额外延伸I love the food and culture in these countries, I decided that one day I would go back and live there. 额外延伸I think this first trip to Europe was one of the big events in my life.Task2◆Topic Statement : Personally, I ____________________________________.(6sec)◆Supporting Information: ____________________ two reasons. (3sec)Reason and details 1:_______, ________,_______ (15sec)Reason and details 2:_______, _____。
题目:What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient。
Include specific reasons and examples。 回答:The most efficient type of transportation in my country is the railway train。
Firstly, in the month before the Spring Festival every year, the railway system mobilizes billions of home-coming people in all parts of the country, and its development is very fast。 And also, for most Chinese people, taking a train is cheaper, safer and more convenient, it has always been their first choice when traveling。
Now that Chinas building Rapid Railway tracks all around the country, the speed of trains would be increased by hundreds of kilometers per hour, which makes train traveling even more efficient。