
my favourite cartoon character is snow white.she is in snow white and the seven dwarfs.her mother died and her step-mother was very bad.she evebn tried to kill her.later she met the dwarfs in the forest.they helped her.at last a handsome prince married her and she lived a happy life.i likeher because she is brave and clever.i can learn a lot from her.
最喜欢的卡通人物是白雪公主。她是白雪公主和七个小矮人中的任务。她的母亲去世了,她的后母非常坏。她甚至(even)试图杀死她。之后,她在森林里遇到了小矮人。他们帮助她。最后,一个帅气的王子娶了她,她过上了幸福的生活。 之所以喜欢她是因为她勇敢而聪明。 可以从她身上学到很多东西。
my favourite cartoon character is doraemon.he gets to a boys home by a magic machine.the boys name is daxiong and they become good friends.daxiong always meets problems.but he doesnt like the mouse.
doraemon loves dousha cake a lot.doraemon helps him every time.doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy
多拉a梦很喜欢铜罗烧(其实就是豆沙饼),他在大雄有困难的时候都会给他帮助.多拉a梦很可爱也总是让 很快乐.
my favourite cartoon character is garfeild.
i think everyone knows him.he is a lazy but funny cat.
he was born in a kitchen on 19th.june,1978.
his favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.
he likes eating pizza very much.but he doesnt like eating fruit cake .
"money is not everything. theres mastercard & visa."this sentense is very funny.and it is said by garfeild.
garfeild makes my life so interesting.i like hin very much.
最喜欢的卡通人物是加菲猫, 想大家都知道他,他是一只懒得要命但是非常可爱的猫.他1978年6月19号出生在一个厨房里.他最大的爱好是睡觉,而且他最好的朋友是镜子.
Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,youll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They dont understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.
In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.
Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do.
Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I dont think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , never give up , believe , confidence , intelligent and so on.
I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually stronger or cooler than the real people. They can make our dream come true.
笔者认为,这种命题作文最大的特点就是观点的开放性、包容性、多元性,要考生对自己所写的短文自圆其说,言之成理。 北京市对于开放性作文一类文(13- 15分)的评分标准是:整体上,完全完成了试题规定的任务,完全达到了预期的写作目的。
具体而言:(1) 内容充实,体现了活跃的思维和清晰的逻辑;(2)交际得体,表达时充分考虑到了交际对象的需求;(3) 体现出较强的语言运用能力。 笔者研究了多年北京市高考卷、各区县模拟卷以及其他省市卷漫画作文,总结了漫画作文的一般写作思路,即用“引—议—联—结”策略展现漫画作文结构,希望对即将参加高考的莘莘学子有点启发和借鉴作用。
在动笔写作之前,考生需要对短文的内容和结构整体构思,多问几个“如何”?漫画主题是什么,如何表现主题,如何论述,如何过渡,如何联系实际,如何结尾,等等。 引:就是描述图画,引出话题。
笔者认为,如同新闻记者“如实、客观、公正”报道一样,考生描述漫画时不宜使用评论性语言,而应该抓住材料要旨,用简洁的语言,准确地描述漫画主要内容,所描述的内容为下文发表议论打基础。 漫画起始句常见的表达有: (1) As can been see from the picture/ cartoon, … (2) As is vividly described/ illustrated in the picture/ cartoon, … (3) As is vividly depicted/ revealed in the picture/ cartoon, … (4) From/ In the picture/ cartoon, we may clearly see that… (5) As we can see clearly from the picture/ cartoon, … 议:就是针对漫画描述内容提出自己的观点,解读漫画的寓意,诠释漫画价值,这是写好漫画作文的关键。
对漫画的主题应注重8个字:正确、深刻、新颖、简约。 ①正确。
选取人们最感兴趣的、最能反映人们思想感情的作为主题,文章才能最大限度地激起反响。 ②深刻。
这样可以集中精力,写得深刻,给人以鲜明突出的印象。 阐述漫画主题常见的表达有: (1) The picture conveys the message (seriously/ thoughtfully/ ironically/ profoundly) that… (2) The picture is to get it across that… (3) The author is trying to get it across that… (4) The artist of the cartoon tries to let us keep in mind that… (5) What the picture is intended to convey is that… (6) What the artist of picture/ cartoon is intended to inform us is that… (7) What the picture tries to convey is that… (8) The author of the picture is trying to make sense that… 联:根据所给漫画内容,联系现实生活,联系社会,联系个人。
当然在联系实际分析论证时,还要注意时时回扣或呼应“引”部,使“联”与“引”“藕”断而“丝”连。 常见联系实际的表达有: (1) In our daily life, … (2) It is the same with our (actual) life/ society。
(3) Similarly, it occurs to us in our life。 (4) Such a 。
My favorite books
My favorite book is a comic book. Those cute cartoons often makes me forget. I like the "comic party," "Man-Songs-off" There are many, many comic books 。 I think that the figure of the great painter, I like these cartoons. Jane and I will always keep these beautiful books, because they grew up with me. I love comics
My favourite cartoon character is doraemon.he gets to a boys home by a magic machine.the boys name is daxiong and they become good friends.daxiong always meets problems.but he doesnt like the mouse.
doraemon loves dousha cake a lot.doraemon helps him every time.doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy
It is universally acknowledged that so vivid and thought-provoking is the cartoon that one is tempted to take another look。To some extent , it imply that nothing —— in a broad sense —— is so significant as 文章的主题名词in our life。
Many argue that every member of the society has to make a pledge to struggle for the 文章主题相反的名词 。There is ample evidence that 。While others maintain that it is one thing to do A(与主题相反的观点) , but quite another to do B(与A相近的观点) 。Investigating —— more often than not —— indicate that 。
As far as I am concerned: no 文章的主旨 can be too indispensable or too meaningful。It is beyond any doubt that 这种观点是最具有说服力的(convincing) 。only when we do make continuous efforts , can we take an opportunity , whenever it occurs。
Too often we believe what accounts for others success is some special secret or a lucky break。But rarely is success so mysterious。Again and again , we see that by doing little things within our grasp well , large rewards follows。