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  • 商务英语memo通知范文













    e.Subject:指的是主题,即这个memo主要是说哪方面的事情。这个单词可以缩写为Sub。主题有时候也可以用Re:来表示。 Re是regarding 的缩写,即这个memo是关于什么内容的,也就是主题,它就等于subject。



    商务英语memo写作格式: 公司名称: 收函人姓名(和职务)To: 留言人姓名(和职务)From: 留言日期Date: 便函主题Subject: 正文: a.公司名称:因为大部分memo都是用专门的公司用纸书写,因此上面会有公司的名称,电话等。

    如果没有你可以把它们打印出来。 b.To:指这个memo是写给谁的。

    c.From:指这个memo是谁写的。 d.Date:指的是写这个memo时的日期。


    在较为正式的场合下,月份通常不用阿拉伯数字,也不能缩写形式。 e.Subject:指的是主题,即这个memo主要是说哪方面的事情。


    Re是regarding 的缩写,即这个memo是关于什么内容的,也就是主题,它就等于subject。 f.正文:即这个memo的具体内容。


    To: Michael Chau

    From: xxx

    Subject: The problems we discussed

    We have discussed the problem about the high turnover of our company. They can be contributed to low salary, few communication, poor working conditions. Thus, I advise to implement more activities so that all the employees will have opportunities to communicate with each other. This will be helpful in decreasing their unsatisfaction and inspiring higher performance.

    Looking forward to hearing your opinions.




    August 16, 2005

    To: The leader of student service department

    From: Li Ming

    Subject: Telephone

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory. As a university student, we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus.

    We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.



    Li Ming



    To: all department heads

    From: XXX

    Subject: facilities for disabled people

    Date: 17th, Oct, 2011

    pls tell all your stall aware of the facilities for disabled people,such as wheel chair facilities, lift, parking, etc. Thanks!



    From: Olive HR Manager

    To: All staff

    Date: 12 June, 2008

    Subject: Appointment of Francisco

    Here we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.



    Who is going to read my memo?

    What has the reader already known about this?

    What does the reader need to know?

    How is the reader going to respond my memo?





    注释:在BEC考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。但是12 06 2003 的用法仍然是可以使用的,因为BEC为英版考试。


    memo,意思为备忘录,英文格式如下: TO: (readers names and job titles)FROM: (your name and job title)DATE: (complete and current date)SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way) memo,读音为:英 [ˈmeməʊ] 美 [ˈmemoʊ] 。

    释义:n.备忘录;(美)内部通知。 例句如下: She penned a short memo to his private secretary. 她给他的私人秘书写了一份简短的备忘录。

    The entire memo took up all of two pages 整个备忘录写了满满两页纸。The memo ends: Please give this matter your most urgent attention. 备忘录的结尾写道:“请将此事作为亟待处理事项。”

    With a memo, you will not forget useful words and grammar. 有了备忘录,你就不会忘记有用的单词和语法了。Its okay, memo. Im here. 好了迈我在这。

    He wrote down a telephone number on a memo pad. 他在记事簿上写下了一个电话号码。I told my secretary to send you a memo six weeks ago. 六个星期前我就让我的秘书给你送了备忘录的。

    Read the memo and advertisement below. 阅读下面的备忘录和广告I need you to type up this memo. 我需要你帮我打这份备忘录。So I put two things in the memo already. 所以我已经在memo中存储了两个东西。


    memo(备忘录)总体上应包括这几部分:To, From, Date, Subject以及正文部分。

    具体而言: To: 备忘录对象 如果具体到人,最好写出全名,尤其不能“重名”,如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一个简单的处理方法就是use others name,比如男名Bill Gates, Michael Scofield, Jay Chou或女名Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若显示关系亲密,还可以把名字缩写,比如B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果写给上级,还应该加上尊称甚至职位,比如Mr. Bill Gates — Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou — Art Director等;现代商务写作中流行开放标点(Open Punctuation),即标点不影响理解的时候可以不用,所以Mr./Ms./Mrs.后面的省略点也可以省去,简单写成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去名字。 From: 备忘录作者 要点同上,一般不用尊称,只有对方不知道自己身份的时候才后缀职位名称。

    Date: 日期 BEC属于英联邦国家的考试,日期的写法一般为日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,注意月份用英文而不是数字,以免和日期混淆,可以缩写,比如将一月写作Jan(也可以用开放标点)。范文示例 To: All Staff From: Bill Gates Date: 7 December 2002 Subject: Staff Reward The profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy!。


    通知分为书面通知和口头通知两种,下面给你两个例子 书面通知 Notice Please pay attention,everyone.we have many new activities!Look!We have a Music Festival on October 19th.Its on the playground.The English Speech Contest is on October 25th.Its in the Meeting Hall.The Basketball Game is on December 2rd.Its on the playground,too.And we have an English Party on December 10th.Its in Room 301,Teaching Building I.Welcome to take part in the activities! No.3 Middle School Oct.10 口头通知 Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? about sixty Australian students will come to visit our school on June 15. Well meet them at the school gate at 8:30. Well take them to the meeting-room, where a get-together will be held. After that, well show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory. At11:00 there will be a basketball match on the playground. Theyll leave our school at 12:00. Please be friendly to them. We must talk with them in English. Thats all. Thank you.。

