
我有一篇关于global warming的
内容第一段应该写关于你这一议题的提出背景(比如某某地发生灾害,引起关注等等),第二段写一写联合国以前的相关的内容(某某协议、会议关注这个议题),后面几段表达自己国家对这一议题的看法(例如作为一直致力于救灾;发达国家,愿意为发展中国家提供帮助等等),然后写一些建议(例如:关于某某议题,某国有如下建议:(1)成立国际救灾组织(2)……),结尾写THANK YOU之类的
什么是立场文件?为什么要写作立场文件? 当所有的调查研究告一段落,代表就应该写关于某一个议题的代表国立场文件,这样可以帮助代表将观点想法条理化,并明确在会议中希望阐述的方面的观点。我们的大会要求所有的国家在大会开始以前提交立场文件。
怎样才算是一篇好的立场文件? 一篇好的立场文件应该包括以下几个方面: [1]简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为这个议题对于其本国家以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。 [2]代表国所持有的立场、态度。
可以包括该国与此相关的国内事务和外交政策,以及在过去的国际合作中所支持过的决议等。 [3]对于该问题联合国所采取过的主要措施,代表国持怎样的态度。
[4]代表国对联合国的建议,包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施,以及国际社会应担当的角色。 [5]立场文件不需要太长,一般一页A4纸的篇幅即可。
Country: BrazilCommittee: United Nation Development ProgrammeTopic B: Globalization and poverty reductionIt is known to all that the impact of globalization on poverty eradication has become the focus of attention of governments and international organizations. The economic arguments in favour of globalization stress the positive relationships between increasing international trade and investment flows and faster economic growth ,higher living standards, accelerated innovation, diffusion of technological and management skills, and new economic opportunities.Brazil , as the first economic big power in Latin America and an important member of Free Trade Area of America,has paid attention to make common cause with other countries, and play an active role in propelling regional integration。Since 1990s, Brazilian government has realized the impendence of upgrading the competitiveness in house and taking part in the tenor of economic globalization. Thus, Brazilian governments have put up innovation and received the challenge of globalization.First, Brazilian governments adjust industrial structure and strengthen exit capacity and enter international market. Besides, we regulate the framework of exports, the finished products and the semi products in the exports is over 70%. Vehicles, airplanes, information products and other high value-added products have become a new growth point of our exports. Second, we make our national market in succession, motivate national corporations to improve their incomes. Third, we broaden the limit so as to attract foreign investment.However, while economic globalization brings Brazil huge economic benefit, it makes negative impact on our economic system, and also causes some poverty problems. But our government strives to improve the status, so we raise “Zero Hunger” project.Zero Hunger aims at ensuring social inclusion for more than 11.2 million economically disadvantaged families in the nation (data by Pnad 2001 – IBGE). Zero Hunger actions, including Bolsa Familia Program, the income transfer program that came to replace the previous administrations Food Card, have great impact on local economies. Through land reform and Community Facilitation & Development Program,Brazilian government make poor people have their own land to make a living by themselves. By actualizing poor families allowance project to realize income transfer and ensure poor peoples life.Thus, Brazil here appears to the nations:Continue cooperating with countries all over the world especially Latin America nations, deepen South American Common Market and other Latin America nations for solidarity, gather head the strength of palaver and insure self advantage.Developing countries should press on with harmonizing position, and vindicate self advantage together and reply the challenge of globalization.。
接好了Delegate: your namesSchool: your SchoolCountry: Saudi ArabiaCommittee: Security CouncilTopic: Security of Maritime Trade-Somalia Piracy IssueSomali pirates, a group of specialized vessels at sea robbery, theperpetrators of other countries. The outbreak of civil war in Somalia in1991, so the Gulf of Aden piracy in this area more frequently, haverepeatedly hijacked, the crew violence incidents. Somali pirates havebecome a major international menace to international shipping andmaritime security poses a serious threat. Gulf of Aden and Red Sea in theIndian Ocean between the Red Sea and from the Indian Ocean throughthe Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean throat,strategic importance. Rampant piracy off Somalia South Africas Cape ofGood Hope bypass forced many vessels do not pass the Suez Canal inEgypt, this threat to international maritime trade, leading to vesseldeparture and increase in freight cost, commodity inventories tight.Somali coastal areas increasingly rampant piracy is a serious threat tointernational maritime trade and regional security. To this end, theinternational community should strengthen cooperation and increase theintensity action against Somali pirates; including taking military actionagainst Somali pirates extend the mandate of the sea to the land ofSomalia. This month the UN Security Council adopted resolution No.1851, decided to license the fight against Somali pirates to Somalia toexpand the scope of the land from the sea, and has focused on thestrengthening of international cooperation and coordination. Opinion hereis that, in addition to the marine escort action to prevent pirate attacks, theinternational community should send peacekeepers to Somalia to promotepeace and stability in Somalia. However, given the risks still existedinstability in Somalia, the United Nations to send peacekeeping forcesthat the present time is not ripe.Saudi Arabia emphasized the following points:1. The international community should respect the sovereignty, unity ofSomalia, independence and territorial integrity. Somali piracy in thecoastal regions of the countrys political, humanitarian and securitysituation continues to deteriorate. The participants welcomed the UnitedNations and other regional and international level to promotecomprehensive national reconciliation in Somalia.2. Saudi Arabia unreservedly condemn all acts of piracy and armedrobbery, regardless of whether they occur within the Somali territorialwaters, or far away from the open sea off the coast of Somalia. They areespecially felt indignation is November 19, Saudi oil tanker was hijacked.3. The Arab countries adjacent to the Red Sea to the Somali coast,Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden piracy escalating concerns. Theyare determined to strengthen cooperation and mutual agreement in orderto combat this trend and to prevent it from spreading to the Red Sea.4. The Arab countries adjacent to the Red Sea to ensure maritime safetyand maritime security threats should have primary responsibility.Consider these national territorial waters adjacent international watersprogram must negotiate with these countries.5. Saudi Arabia supported the fight against piracy of regional andinternational efforts. However, these efforts must comply with therelevant principles of international law and should respect all the nationalterritory and territorial waters of sovereignty, taking into account theexisting security measures of short-term in nature and how they relate toSomalias political and security situation of contact. According to theSecurity Council the 1816 (2008) and 1838 (2008), these measureswhether in law or in practice should not constitute a precedent.6. Saudi Arabia stressed the need to strengthen Arab-African cooperationagainst piracy, particularly near the Red Sea cooperation among States.7. Recommends the establishment of the Arab countries adjacent to theRed Sea in relation to the composition of the joint bodies, with a view tocontributing to the Red Sea in maritime safety and security and theprevention of piracy to the area of possible spread. The military should beheld as soon as possible, legal, technical and Economic Committee of theConference, to do this.8. The Arab countries adjacent to the Red Sea should ensure they have theability in its territorial waters in the monitor, investigate and eliminatepirates into any attempt to the Red Sea, both in the Western Indian Oceanor Gulf of Aden to piracy, or escape and the confrontation against piratevessel.9. The Arab countries 。