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    可是,当看到手机上的短信还有当初看到跃然在纸上的文字的激动吗?我们是亲近了,还是疏远了? 饭桌上难得一见的亲近早已一去不复返,取而代之的是久久的平静。 果不其然,用手机短信来代替与同桌亲友的交流,嘴巴就真正的实现了最原始的功能——吃饭。

    这真的就是我们想要的吗?不!不是的,若连亲友都如此,更何况是陌生人呢?想必遇见街上的陌生人时也只能是抬起高傲的头,目不斜视地往前走吧!不禁想起姜德强,那位接到陌生人短信后义无反顾地帮助他人的“最美陌生人”。 倘若他接到短信后随手删除,或许一条鲜活的生命会就此枯萎。

    扪心自问,我们能做到吗? 18个路人的漠视仍历历在目,人与人的距离如此的近,可人心与人心,却又在刹那间变得那么遥远。此时此刻,我们还能带着居心叵测的怀疑看着跌倒在地的老人而不伸出双手吗?我们还能漠视那些在路旁哇哇大哭不懂回家的孩子吗?距离遥远不可怕,可怕的是我就在你身旁,却不帮助你。





    美国MBA文书写作范文模板是什么? -

    1. 职业规划与攻读MBA的动机 1.1 Career Goal and Why MBA 1.2 Plans after Degree 1.3 Why our School 2. 职业背景与职业素质 2.1 Professional Background 2.2 Academic Background 2.3 Leadership 2.4 Teamwork and Communication 2.5 Challenges and Lessons Learned 3. 学习计划与对MBA Program的贡献 3.1 Study Plans in the Program 3.2 Contribution to Classroom 3.3 Diversity and Other Qualifications -1. 职业规划与选择MBA的原因 1.1 Career Goal and Why MBA This ______ reveals that while I have a strong background with respect to leadership and management skill sets, I do not have a ______ knowledge base in the field of ______ . My past successeshave been that result of effective employment of my ______ expertise in ______and my leadership, management and team building skills. From a ______ expertise or functional knowledge point of view, these experiencesand successes have little or no relation to neither ______ nor ______management. This is a significant problem if I am to realize my career goals. Now that I have identified the major roadblock to realizing my career goals .what do I do next? I have developed a strong knowledge in the ______ and ______ through my education and my work experience as a ______ .Through this experience, I have also acquired excellent problem solving,integrative, interpersonal, and communication skills.I believe that at this point in my life, these skills will allow me to realise the maximum educational benefit from the ______ MBA.This combination of scientific experience and business training will help me to make an informed and influential contribution to ______ . I recognize the need to improve in many areas, especially as my responsibilities require me to combine my both of my ______ and ______ skills and [interact with functional organizations outside of technical and engineering development, such as marketing and finance].As I interact with other functional organizations within ______ ,I realize I can better contribute in a collaborative environment if I have a more thorough understanding of their needs and how these organizations run. My primary career goal is to ______.Prior to this I will complete an MBA in order to acquire the additional knowledge and skills necessary in order to be a successful entrepreneur and businessman. I have chosen to apply to ______ because the strength and quality of both its overall MBA program and its ______ concentration will provide the knowledge, skill building and team experiences needed to achieve these goals. The prospect of ______ is one of the key elements that attracted me to pursue a ______ combination/major.I look forward to working with other students from diverse academic backgrounds. Managing ______ for a ______ in the short-term, and starting an ______ company in the long-term. I know what I need to achieve these goals: an MBA. My ideal position would combine the strategic elements of ______, ______ and ______ with the ______ requirements of a ______ role in a creative industry. A key role requiring a wide knowledge base and one that would stretch me to develop further. A ______ EMBA will build on my experience, and enable me to reach my goals.Every aspect of my ______ education will be essential in helping me achieve this dream,beginning with my selection of ______ as my primary concentration. As I look forward to a profession of combining my ______ background with the business capabilities an MBA will provide, 。

    General Highlights. Continuing my education will give me the opportunity to receive formal and informal training from faculty, guest speakers and fellow students that would be very difficult to receive outside of a university setting.In addition to learning new management strategies,I will have the opportunity to learn from the faculty and students about their perspectives on current issues in the business world.I will also have the opportunity to practice my team management skills as I partner with other students in case studies,simulations and other team projects. Networking with students and faculty from different disciplines and industries will provide me with the opportunity to learn more about the business world in general.Sharing different perspectives as we address issues in the classroom will help to expand my understanding of the different roles within our respective companies and the roles of our companies in the overall economy.In addition, these relationships could provide an ongoing resource to compare developing issues in our businesses. I am applying for an MBA precisely because I would like 。

    美国MBA文书写作范文是怎么写的? -

    I came from a family who made constant use of street smarts to survive living in Nigeria. Both of my parents have not even finished secondary education. However, my hardworking mother never wanted the same fate for me. She never dare imagine me as a mainstay in the sweltering, overpopulated streets of Lagos, in danger of becoming the next victim of violence. It is a city full of tribal and religious tensions, forever waiting to explode. Yet, this was where I had learned leadership and discipline. It was hard enough to live in a dangerous neighborhood, but to concentrate in my studies while helping my parents sell market goods during my free time seemed next to impossible. I made a game out of it, giving points to myself for everyday I was able to fulfill all my duties. If I had to add the points together and redeem them in a form of money, I would now be a very rich man. With points in my imaginary bank, I was able to get a college degree in Economics. This made sense to me because I had always been interested in supply and demand. My parents daily toil in the market awakened me to this idea since I was just a young boy. I was also interested in the idea of rewarding a job well done, as I used to do to myself. An Economics degree also made me understand how some countries could rise and fall. I want to be able to control the rise of a future business. Here in the United States, I worried more about social acceptance and understanding. I am, after all, a minority among minorities, a black Muslim. The dangers that I was exposed to back home had taught me how to put on a brave front. However, I realized there was no need to be afraid. Even though there were still people who would look at me curiously when I don my traditional Nigerian clothes, everything is almost perfect. I say almost perfect, because we are always still working toward perfection. I am now aiming to enroll into an MBA program, hoping that this will enhance whatever business skills I already have. I want to be able to create a safer environment, in which my parents can sell their goods. Maybe I can convince them to start a new business, aside from selling in a market stall. An MBA degree is a special tribute I give to my parents. My parents value education, though they were not so lucky to become fully educated. It is with gratitude that I turn to them, looking back to the day I received my Economics diploma. It is with hope that I face my future, hopefully with an MBA degree that can help not just myself but my beloved parents to survive their plight.。

    计算机专业MBA留学文书范文写作内容是什么呢? -

    美国MBA留学,以下是值得MBA申请者参考的计算机专业留学文书范文: From: Fan Pu Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS University of Science and Technology Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China July 1, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program. Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my universitys unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school. He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of chinas scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class. In my experience with Mr. Wang, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Wang will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes. Yours sincerely Fan Pu Professor and Deputy Head。

    考研英语作文书现在要看哪些作文书,2012年考研 -





    文章背得滚瓜烂熟还是写错了,那么上了考场更不可能写对了。 然后就是仿写。




    如果平时不用,上了考场是想不到的。 掌握了这些,认真去做,作文肯定能拿到高分的。



    即将步入大四,早在大一的时候就已经有一个小小的目标,只是没有写出来,现在就今后的七年我做个一个职业生涯规划。大学毕业后七年规划 时间:(2009年6月-2015年6月-----24岁—29岁) 七年后成功标准:有房子、有轿车、有个理想婚姻家庭 职位方向:职业高级管理层人员 目标分解:完成大学学习获取学士学位、英语过六级、进去中型外企、中低级管理人员、升入中高层管理人员。

    一、 社会环境规划和职业分析(五年职业生涯规划)1) 近几年的社会经济情况 循环的金融危机,出现了两面,既有危机,又面临机遇。使得全球各行业都面临了一场决战,全球经济的一体化,能够使得更好,有潜质的企业能够获更高的市场占有率。

    2) 工商管理职业的特殊环境 所涉及的专业甚多,学习的都很宽泛,另有管理学都是引用于西方的管理思想,学习的更是较为落后的管理学思想,所以有必要多学习些些西方成功人士的管理思维方法,以及先进的管理理念。二、 自我评定与角色建议 a)自我评价 刚开始我也自我评定下自己,自从步入仰恩大学的开始,我就已经开始慢慢朝着接各种业务或者自己拿些东西销售之类。






    兄弟们:“有较强的组织能力,深刻的感染力,相信你能行的,能够做好管理层的一员。” 亲戚:“能够吸收先进的思想,随机应变能力强,能够很好的处理好所遇到的问题,很有潜力。”

    三、 职业目标的分解和组合 职业目标:职业高级管理层人员 目标分解明细:1、2009年—2012年 成果目标:通过自身的努力,由基层员工做起,提升职场能力,进去中层管理人员。学历目标:选修法律,考取律师从业资格证。


    经济目标:兼职年收入1.5万:年薪3到5万(不包括奖金和分红)2、2012年—2015年 成果目标:成为公司的中高级管理人员 学历目标:攻读MBA、商务英语 职位目标:企业市场部部门经理 能力目标:能够熟练的处理好部门的各项事务,有效的处理和解决下属之间的沟通和团队合作,熟悉企业的企业文化和机制,能够与董事合力开发新的公司。具备应付突发事件的心理素质和能力;有广泛的社交范围,在业界有一定的知名度。

    经济目标:年薪15万(拥有公司一部分股份) 四、 成功的标准 个人成功的标准是:职业生涯、家庭婚姻、个人地位能够协调的发展。 一开始就朝着未来七年的目标方向努力,有明确的目标,每年每个阶段都进行自我反省和自我调整,不断学习充电,面对强大的压力,能够缓解压力,即使职位目标或者经济目标没能预期的这么高,但相信总有一天可以达到的。

    这个我也不算是失败,只能是成功来了晚一点点而已。五、 职业生涯规划实施方案 与2015年的相比较的差距:1)、课本的管理理念虽然有些实践但并不能够运用于更大商场。



    六、 与成功缩小差距 A) 培训与教育相结合1)利用在校还有一年的时间,多接触法律知识以及管理类书籍,能够充分的利用所学在校进行多次的实践,汲取经验。2)充分利用公司给员工提供的培训机会,争取更多的培训机会。

    时间:长期3)攻读法律和商务英语 B)讨论借鉴法 (1)在校与老师和同学讨论交流所积累的管理经验,相互借鉴提 重事项,一起发展。(2)在工作中积极与直接上司沟通、加深彼此间的相互了解;利用校友众多的优势,参加校友联谊活动,经常和他们接触、交流。

    搞些活动创造更多的机会进行管理经验交流。C)锻炼实践法 (1)锻炼自己的注意力,在紧急的。

