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    Recently we made a survey of the people on physical training. From the result, we can draw the conclusion that 35% people have take sports during their space time. While the rest have never.

    There are some reasons. Firstly, about 13% people are unable to do physical training because they dont know how to do it or it is not convenient for them to go to the training place which is far from their houses. Secondly, some people, about 34.9%, say that there are not facilities. The main reason is people lack of time, which takes up half of the people.

    However, it is important to do physical training because it can not only build up our bodies but only protect us from illness. Action should be taken by the government. Such as, providing people some training places and facilities. Above all, people should save time to do sports.

    【英语图表作文】考研英语二-图表作文写作方法和模板-非常全 - 爱问


    以下是个人在写作中摸索的复习方法。 NO.1 背诵 第三步骤就是背诵:背诵一些经典的话题范文,尽量达到“滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善”。

    例如文章里的高分佳句,可以选择性的熟记加之模仿,灵活运用到写作中去。 NO.2写作 写作写作,背完之后还是要动笔写!“好记性不如烂笔头”,可以拿考题多加练习。

    可以找有范文的题目进行练习,因为这样方便写完后能与范文进行对比。 NO.3仔细对比 第三个就是仔细对比,写完后对照范文从三个方面去研究:第一个是内容,也就是构思和原文有何区别;第二个是语言,也就是用词、用句和原文有何区别?第三个是结构,就是你的行文思路和原文有什么区别?这是第二个步骤,写作的区别其实就是写作的弱点。

    写完一篇之后及时检查文章是否切题,行文是否流畅,有无严重语法错误等,同时通过与范文的比较可以及时发现自己的不足,例如要检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。 NO.4第四个步骤就是默写:背熟后把书合上,把这篇文章默写下来。


    发现自己的错误及时更正,然后自我总结,以免下次再犯。 NO.5 模仿 第五个步骤就是模仿:什么叫模仿?就是仿写你背过的文章再写出一篇新文章。




    From the graph,we can see that many elderly people still drive in the united state from age 50 to 80. the percentage of the elderly people driving from age 50 to 59, from age 60 to 69 , from age 70 to 79 are over 90.the number just have samll change. above age 80,the percentage of the elderly people driving is 85.in my opinion ,I Think elderly people driving can be dangerous. so they should Learn statistics for making them more safe. elderly people should stop driving when they are over 80.。

    描述折线图的英语作文关于million gbp















    In recent years,_____图表所反映的现象 ,which can be clearly observed from thediagram.____用图表中的数据说明这一现象。

    Several reasons contribute to/several factors result in thisphenomenon.Firstly_________,Secondly_______,Thirdly_____.

    All in all, 总结 。



    ___本文所讨论的问题 happens every day around us.From the barchart,we can see there are mainly three causes for—____本文所讨论的问题 。While____%_________________,another___%_____________,___%____________.

    Actually,the problem can be prevented if we take necessarymeasures.First of all,_________________,then,_________,


    With the above efforts,we can reduce the problem largely.


    In recent years,____图表所反映的趋势或现象 , whichcan be read from the above diagram.___此趋势或现象在图表中的具体体现。

    With the reference to thephenomenon,I think,reasonal as it seems,___本文图表所反映的现象___is not preferable.To startwith,_______________.Secondly___________.Besides,_________.

    So it is high time_______.


    The above chart/table shows/denotes (揭示含义)/As can be seen in the above chart/table,(揭示含义).The reasons may go as follows.First,(原因一).Second,(原因二).Third,(原因三).The figures given in the chart/table indicate that (趋势/前景)/From the chart/table,we can come to the conclusion that (结论).。


    常用模板:I.In recent years,_____图表所反映的现象 ,which can be clearly observed from thediagram.____用图表中的数据说明这一现象。

    Several reasons contribute to/several factors result in thisphenomenon.Firstly_________,Secondly_______,Thirdly_____. All in all, 总结 。练习:根据图表,简要描述某城市每一百个家庭电脑用户增长情况,并试分析原因。

    II.___本文所讨论的问题 happens every day around us.From the barchart,we can see there are mainly three causes for—____本文所讨论的问题 。While____%_________________,another___%_____________,___%____________. Actually,the problem can be prevented if we take necessarymeasures.First of all,_________________,then,_________,Thirdly,___________. With the above efforts,we can reduce the problem largely.III.In recent years,____图表所反映的趋势或现象 , whichcan be read from the above diagram.___此趋势或现象在图表中的具体体现。

    With the reference to thephenomenon,I think,reasonal as it seems,___本文图表所反映的现象___is not preferable.To startwith,_______________.Secondly___________.Besides,_________. So it is high time_______。.。

    根据这个图表写英语作文 谢谢!!有追加

    Lifelong English 终身学习

    With the development of society, the lifelong education becomes more importent and more importent.There are much more competition in daily life ,so we must keep on learning.

    Lifelong education has various styles. On one hand, we can learn all by ourselves, and exchange frequently with others. Also, in this way , we can enter for the self-education examination. On the other hand, we should join some evening classes to learn new contents, to improve our learning level.

    In my opinion, I would like to enter for the self-education to learn new things in order that I can get some diplomas. Because I think many diplomas will help me to strenghten my ability and get a better job.

