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  • 写信的英语范文


    一般格式 英文书信的构成可分为8个部分:信头(Heading),日期(Date),收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address),称呼(Salutation),信文(Body of the letter),结束语(Complimentary close),署名(Signature),附言(P.S.) 信头(Heading) 信头是指发信人的单位名称或地址.一般情况下发信人只需把自己的地址写(打字,手写均可)在信的右上角,离开信纸的顶头约1英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如下:①齐头式 ②缩进式 注意:写地址的次序与中文不同,应先写门牌号码街道,然后城市和国名.写地址时采用齐头或缩进式,以及每行后要不要加标点符号,都没有固定的规定.如写给经常往来的亲友,这项地址也可以省略.日期(Date):写日期注意下列各点:①年份应写全,例如不能用“99”来代替“1999”;②月份应写英文名称,除May,July外,可用缩写,如:Sep.,Oct..但不要用数字来代替,如7/4/99 或7,4,99,因为在英国此日期代表 7th April,1999,而美国则代表4th July,1999.③日期可用1,2,3,4…11,12…21,22…31等,也可用lst,2nd,3rd,4th…11th,21th…22nd…31st等.日期的几种写法:a.July 7,1998 b.1st October,1998 c.30 Nov.,1997 d.Sep.3rd,1999 ④特别注意英文书信日期应紧接着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误.收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address) 写信人的地址和日期写好以后,接着就要写收信人的姓名和地址,一般的事务信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件要写,而在给极熟的朋友的信中则可省去.这一项写在日期下一行的左上角.收信人姓名写一行,收信人地址可分两行或三行写,和写信人的地址一样,上下可取齐,也可以向右缩进.在姓名前一般要加上称号,称号因人而异.①对普通男子用Mr;②对未婚女子用Miss;③对已婚女子用Mrs,对婚姻状况不明确的通常用Ms(后跟本人姓); ④对男子用Master;⑤对教授或博士(医生)用Prof.或Dr. 称呼(Salutation) 称呼指的是信文开头的那种称呼,如Dear ,Mr,Uncle,各种称呼因人而异.在称呼后面一般是用逗号,但也有用冒号的.现归纳如下:①对父母、兄弟、姐妹等;a.Father,b.My dear Mother,c.Dear Sister,d.Dear Tom,②对亲戚:a.My dear Auntie,b.Dear Cousin,c.My dear Cousin。


    Dear Mercy, 亲爱的梅斯, How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well. Don't worry. I think you have to improve your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English. The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation. Looking forward to your reply. 过得可好。







    期待你的回复。 Best wishes, Li 丽 书信的英语作文带翻译篇二 Dear Robert, 亲爱的罗伯特: I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation. 我很高兴收到你的来信。





    John 约翰 书信的英语作文带翻译篇三 Dear Lucy, I am so glad to receive your letter and happy to know that you have a pleasant holiday. Please send my sincere wishes to your parents. I have a happy holiday just like you do. This holiday, I visited to Guangzhou with my parents. Guangzhou, also known as the Flower City, there are many flowers along the both sides of streets. It's very beautiful. Besides, the environment is clean and the climate is comfortable. There are many skyscrapers in Guangzhou, especially in the downtown. We visited to many tourist attractions. They are all worth visiting. I hope you can visit there personally one day. You must like it. Best wishes. Sincerely yours, Alva 亲爱的露西: 很高兴收到的你来信,并得知你度过了一个愉快的假期。请代我向你的父母送上最真诚的祝福。




    希望你有一天能亲自去看看,你一定会喜欢那里的。 此致 敬礼 艾娃。


    英文书信是一种最常用的应用文体. 英文书信的格式信头(Heading) 指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角.一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了. 英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名;然后再写日期.标点符号一般在每一行的末尾都不用,但在每一行的之间,该用的还要用,例如在写日期的时候.日期的写法 如:1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997; 30th July,1997等.1997不可写成97. 信内地址(Inside Addressz 在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的地址通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能.将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左角上,要求与对信头的要求一样,不必再写日期.称呼(Salutation) 是写信人对收信人的称呼用语.位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号(英国式),也可以用冒号(美国式). (1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My dear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏).例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等. (2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen).注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式.Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式. (3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字.例如:Dear Prof. Tim Scales, Dear Dr.John Smith.正文(Body of the Letter) 位置在下面称呼语隔一行,是信的核心部分.因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂.和中文信不 同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!(你好!)正文有缩进式和齐头式两种.每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式.但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起.商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法.结束语(Complimentary Close) 在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号.不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同. (1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等; (2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等; (3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等.签名(Signature) 低于结束语一至二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别.职务、职称可打在名字的下面.当然,写给亲朋好友的信,就不必再打了. 附言(Postscript) : 一封信写完了,突然又想起遗漏的事情,这时用P.S.表示,再写上遗漏的话即可,要长话短说.通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头. 注意:在正式的信函中,应避免使用附言. 9、 附件(Enclosure) : 信件如果有附件,可在信纸的左下角,注上Encl:或Enc: 例如:Encl:2 photos(内附两张照片).如果附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs. 我们有时可看到在称呼与正文之间有Re:或Subject:(事由)字样.一般在信纸的中间,也可与“称呼”对齐.还应在底下加横线,以引起读信人的注意,使收信人便于在读信之前就可了解信中的主要内容.事由一般在公务信函中使用,也可以省略. 英文书信的格式及信封的写法 1、信纸的右上角写上日期,如September 8,也常用简写Sep. 8;非正式的信件,年代常省略;正式的书信则不只会写上年代,还会把发信者的住址写在日期的上方. 2、接下来在信纸的左方写收信人的称呼语,通常用Dear开始,再接着写名字(一般都用first name ),如Dear Susan (亲爱的苏珊);至于名字的后面则通常打上逗号或留白. 3、称呼语写完后,通常会先空一行才开始写信的本文. 4、本文结束后,再写上结尾语,如See you (再见)、( With) Best wishes(祝你平安)、Yours always (永远是你的挚爱)、Yours ever (永远爱你的)、Your friend (你的友人)、Truly yours (挚友)、Sincerely yours或Yours sincerely或Sincerely (最诚挚的友人)、Love (爱人,避免用在两个男士间的信件)…等.注意 (1)结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点. (2)若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend;如果是儿女写给父母,就用Your loving son(daughter);对长辈则写Respectfully yours,至于生意上的往来就用Faithfully yours. 5、在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号. 二、英文信封的写法 1、在信封的左上角写「寄信人」的名字和住址. 2、在信封的中间或右下角偏左的地方写「收信人」的名字和住址. 3、寄信。


    Dear Mike,

    I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students cometo our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. At weekend he alwaysgoes to factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me




    精选范文①101 Hankou Road Shanghai, China 12th Feb., 1982 The Registrar Oxford University England Dear Sir, I wish enter an Oxford College to study for an Arts degree in English Literature. I enclose a list of my qualifications, and you will see what I have been studying at…University for the last three years. I have, of course, No English examination qualifications. Could you kindly suggest which of the various colleges would be most likely to receive my application so that I can apply to them individually? Looking forward to an early reply, I remain, Yours truly, Denis Green P. S. Kindly send me a syllabus. ②生日贺信Dear Bob, Tomorrow is your birthday. I imagine your family is planning a celebration for you. I write this letter to offer you my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for merry returns of the day. With my sincere wishes for your success, Yours truly, Tom ③圣诞节及新年贺信Dear Mary and Helen, A merry Christmas and a Happy Year to you! Allow me to offer you Season Greetings. May the New Year will bring you a bright and prosperous(繁荣) future. My family who are well and happy, join me in my good wishes. Yours very sincerely, Barbara ④感谢信Dear Sir, With feelings of deep gratitude I address you to give my thanks for your noble and generous efforts by which my son was saved from the lake. Surely, if it had not been for your help, my son would not be alive now. I shall be most happy to have a chance of serving you in return. I extend you again a thousand thanks for the great favor. Yours faithfully, W(转载自第一范文网 http://www.diyifanwen.com,请保留此标记。)

    ang Bing⑤Dear Harry, I expect to leave Shanghai for Nanjing next Monday and intend to stay there for a month or so. You told me you had been there for a long time and knew a lot of people. I, therefore, shall thank you if you will kindly let me have one or two letters of introduction to them as I am an entire stranger in that place. Yours, John ⑥申请信(申请作为研究助理)Dear Sir, I'm a graduate student in the Physics Department of Qinghua University. Recently I read that you are hiring an assistant to do research on solar physics. As you can see from my re' sume' (简历).I have had experience in this field. I'm very interested in your project and hope to work with you. My telephone number is 83745102. Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Wang Ling 练习①假定你的名字是李桦,你给World Youth杂志寄去了你的姓名住址,征求笔友。下面是你收到的一封信,请给此信写一封约100字的回信。

    (1999)16 South Street Epping T33 B54 UK 6th Jan.,1999 Dear Li Hua, I got your name and address from “World Youth”and I would like to be your penfriend. I am a boy of 14. I live with my parents in Epping, a town near London. I go to the Epping School. I'm in form 2. This term we have maths, physics, biology, history, English and physical education. For my foreign language I take French. I would like to take Chinese only they don't teach it here. After school I like playing football and I am on the school team. I also like collecting stamps. Can you send me some Chinese stamps? Please write and tell me about yourself and your school. Your new friend, Alex Baker。


    Dear Mum and Dad,

    How are you doing ? I'm writing to you about my gratitude for your having brought me up and my future plan.

    Dear Mum and Dad, I am already 18 years old, which shows that I have grown up. Whenever I am thinking of this, I can't help feeling grateful to you . It is you who first give me encouragement when I meet with difficulties, especially when I am not getting along well with my studies. Indeed, your inspiration seems to be a lamp, which offers me light of hope, courage and confidence. And more importantly, you are always teaching me to be good to others, and try to contribute to our society.

    Dear Mum and Dad, I an now a senior three student , who is facing the competitive national college entrance examinations, So first of all, I ought to try my best to pass the exams. I am sure that through my great efforts I can and will be able to realize my beautiful dream of being a key university student. Then, I will strive to be an independent youth. The social situation I will be facing must be more competitive, so I will develop and prepare myself to be a youth with a strong sense of cooperation and competition. Believe in me, Mum and Dad, I will make a difference.

    Best regards to you .

    Yours sincerely,

    Wang Hua



    A Letter to A Schoolmate

    June 23, 2001

    Dear Xiao Wang,

    I'm very glad to learn that you're going to visit me during the week-long holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute here.

    I have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows. On the first day you arrive, I'll show you around our campus. On the second day, we'll visit the art gallery and the music hall. Next day, we'll climb a hill in the northeastern part of the city. On the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful bird's eye view of the city. During the next three days, we'll make some short trips to some places of interest nearby, such as the Swan Cave, the Golden Lake, etc. On the last day, I'll see you off at the railway station.

    Please remember to call and tell me your train number and time of arrival so that I can meet you at the railway station. By the way, it's very hot here and we have a lot of sunshine, so don't forget to wear you sunglasses.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Sincerely yours,

    Zhang Ying

    写信日期称呼正文第一段:表示欢迎正文第2段:活动安排第一天的安排第二天的安排第三天的安排第4-6天的安排第七天:送行正文第三段(注意事项): 注意事项一注意事项二结束语结尾礼词签名




    June 22rd,2009

    Dear Li Ming

    Sorry for answering your letter a little bit late, I am terribe busy during these days,as you know ,we are holding an very big exhibition. Our exhitibition mainly about the dynasties between Tang and Song.Daily open hours Mon.--Fri. 9a.m.--5.00p.m. Weekends 8;00 a.m.--6:00p.m.

    On every weekends ,we will invites famous historitor to tell us the story which behined the objects that we are exhibiting.

    The students can get 80 percent discount, the price is 40RNB per student. There is no the minimum number of students necessary for it.

    Wish you visit our exhibition as quickly as you can. And you can enjoy yourselves.

    Yours Mr. Robinson


    Dear Ralph,

    I'm a middle school student. I'm writing to tell you my problem which has troubled me for a long time. It is the relationship between my mother and me. My mother is a university professor,who works very hard. She is strict with me,but she is so busy with her work that she finds little time to talk to me. I love her and I do well in my studies,but I still feel a little afraid of her because she loses her temper easily. I don't know how to communicate with her. Maybe it's because we have seldom sat down and exchanged our feelings and thoughts . I hope we can know more about each other and understood each other better. I do hope we'll be closer. What can I do?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best wishes!

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Xiaohua

