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    Dear Mr. Zhang,

    I just got the information that youve done an excellent job on the speech.

    Im very appreciated that you made such a successful speech on behalf of me. Thank you.

    I wish you and your family a good time during National Day.

    Best Regards,



    Dear XXX:

    How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Your Sincerely,






    Your message have been received,but I think this still have the problems at the materials .couly you tell us what is the speciality and function for this paper, that will helpful for us to find the correct materials and the cheaper paper instead .is the paper use for drawing ? Best you can send the sample that will useful for us , You konw we hope to build relationships with you .The materials is our key issues .please add my MSN that can easy communion with you .MSN ID :forestprint@hotmail.com .Hope to hear you from soon.

    请给出五篇日常英文E-mail的范文要求各自就某一主题展开,谢谢 爱问

    Hi,XXXXX, anks。



    Hi,Mr。 XXXXXX,Ihaveaquestionoftodayshomework, nyoucallmebackandanswerme?thankyou。

    Hi,XXXXXXX,inthissummerIwillgotoOkeechobeeLake,ifyouhavesomethingwanttellme, anks。 Hi,Dr。

    XXXXXXXXX,Imlookingformydog,hehasblackhairandbigear,whitetail,ifyouseewitchdoglikethat,pleasecallme,mycellphon 。


    如何写英文e-mail?毋庸置疑传统的信函往来越来越被电子邮件交流所取代,虽然不同的电子邮件系统提供的用户界面千差万别,但是标准的电子邮件都是由以下几个主要要素组成的:To (收件人栏)—— 输入收件人的电子邮箱地址Cc (抄送栏)—— 输入接受抄送文件的人的电子邮箱地址,并且收件人知道此抄送信息.Bcc (密件抄送栏)—— 输入接受抄送文件的人的电子邮箱地址,而收件人不知道此抄送信息.Subject (主题栏)—— 输入邮件的简短文章概括介绍.收件人能在其信箱中的邮件列表中清晰浏览此内容.Message text area (正文栏)—— 输入邮件文章内容Attachments (附件栏)—— 输入邮件附带的附件信息在邮件开头的加上问候语能使信件读上去更加的友好和人性化.很常见的E-mail中的问候语和称呼如:Hello,Mike,Greetings!Hi,Jason,英文e-mail写作开头应采用倒金字塔的写作方式,即重要内容写在前面,随着叙述的一步步展开,重要性渐渐减弱.这种方式的关键在于,在紧张、有限的版面内尽快地把信息传达给读者.书写英语E-mail时可以不必拘泥正式信函的格式要求,罗嗦的格式套话往往会减弱邮件信息的强度.因此使用简单的结束语再添加上名字和缩写就已足够.现在常用的简单结束语方式如:Thanks、Regards,甚至用缩略的结束语THX(Thanks),TTFN(ta ta for now)也足以用为邮件的结尾了.以下是例文Dear Mary,I hope ererything gets well!I am a member of 2007 national pupil English summer camp.In the summer camp ,MR.Libo said that I had problems in pronunciation,so I practiced my pronunciation after the summer camp,I would like to record my pronunciation and send to you,will you please grant your instructions?With my good wishes!Sincerely yours,XX。


    Dear Helen,

    Attached excel file FYI.

    This is a new project from an US customer, we have to finished this B4 this weekend, please help to forward to related person and asked them to finish a.s.a.p.


    FYI for your information.

    B4 before

    ASAP as soon as possible


    Dear XXX,

    Good day!

    Last time we discuss XXX project. and at the beginning, this project is carrying on as per the schedule. But now we are sorry to get to know it will be overdue to complete. The main reason is some spare parts production are more than the expected.

    Please kindly understand that.

    Best regards,



    Emails are very interesting,it is faster than normal mail;it is safer and more reliable than normal mail;it can be accessed at any time,when an E-mail message is received,it can be opened and read at any time and anywhere on a computer that has internet access;E-mail messages can be sent to many recipients worldwide at once;E-mail is cheaper for persons and organisations that send e-mail to many recipients as this results in savings in stationery costs and postage ,and it can save money from buying envelops and paper,also,emails can protect the environment,because sending emails is low carbon.。

