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    批改作文 剑七 test2 task2

    "基本完成了任务,5.5分 具体点评如下:点评1 Nowadays,a hot and important contraversy /controversy concerning the problem whether the punishments for each type of crimes should be fixed.全句没有谓语,而且whether 后面也不是句子。

    这种错误一定要避免。可以在important后面加 is. Whether 后面可改成:whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed 2 Some people contend that the consistent punishments seems to be fairer and more clearly/clear.while a large amount proporation/去掉 of people advocate that it depends on individual situation.I will present and analyde both views here.取其把题目几乎不做改动的抄一遍,可以选择其他的开篇方式,people have various opinions concerning whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed. As for me, + 观点3 The first plain truth I want to emphasize here is that every crimes/crime has its own reasons and results/不相关,去掉,it can not be divided/judged simplity/simply from one aspect. So that the decision which considered/consider different circumstance turns to be positive reasonable. 论证有些浅,可以深度解释,也可举例,否则就成了喊口考了Furthermore, with the complicate motivation and action, there has/is not a boundry/boundary line/去掉 between two similar commitment in current days. The flexible punishment system will not fail to be one good way to show the society that the government care about them, and thus ,the general public are able to participate more in government policy determination/policy-making. Last but not least,the sdandadization of law has been improved rapidly in these years. Even two crimes lead to the same result, ones original intension to commite should be taking account /should be taken into account to replect/replace the regular law setup.4 Admittedly, fixed punishments have some merits. Under the fixed punishment system, the law enforcement officials have definite rules to follow. The crimes will make up some excuses for themselves to get/gain the jurys simpathy/sympathy , and escape from the judgment they due to/are due to receive. But with the developed law system, this problem can be solved efficiently. 跑题了这一段有一半是跑题的,要谈固定刑罚的理由,而不是如果避免法庭上不公平5 In conclusion,altough/although fixed punishment policy has deniable/undeniable advantages, I regard the flexible system as a better choice. It is the best way for us to get a clear perspevtive/perspective of what teh/the crimes got/what type of punishment law offenders should get relied on/according to their crimes what they have done/去掉.with such a perspective, we can own a more peaceful society."。



    看!家里的那盆吊兰,重新开出了花,阵阵花香扑鼻而来,令人心旷神怡。走出家门,我看见 院里那棵白杨树长出了的绿色的小芽,多像一个美丽的小天使啊!一阵春风拂过,树上已经长出来的嫩叶在风中轻轻浮动,好像在说:“好清凉的风呀!




    这个是剑桥7 test4 的小作文,请大家帮忙改一下,谢谢啦

    The given pie charts illustrate unites of electricity production by fuel score (coal, oil, natural gas, hydro power and nuclear power) in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.这里没能完全描述出图表的主要特征。

    且首段过于简单,记住首段是面子,一定要写的漂亮。As can be seen from these charts, the units of electricity by different categories of fuel were various in two countries in the different years. Specifically, in 1980, approximately half of the electricity units were produced by coal ,which shared the same production with natural gas (only 25 units) in France. The electricity units/delete production by natural gas were 20 units in Australia. In terms of//用词不准确,和后面的半句意义一样,整句就是重复累赘,production by oil and hydro power , the units of electricity produced by hydro power were 20 units, which were four times /加greater/ than those in France, however, only 10 units of electricity were made/generated by oil in Australia, which were half of those in France. To our surprise , nuclear power made 15 units of electricity in France and none of any/the others contributed /as much to the electricity/power supply in France.In 2002, the majority of//不能这样用 electricity was produce/d by coal ( 130 units) in Australia, which still made the same quantity /units/删掉 (25 units) in France. Clearly, the dominant production of electricity was by nuclear power in France with the amount of 126 units. Natural gas and oil produced very little//口语化,书面语少用very// electricity (only 2 units) in Australia. The France had the/a similar quantity by natural gas and hydro power.Overall, these figures lead us to /the/ conclusion that coal is the major source to produce electricity in Australia while nuclear power played a significant role in production of electricity in France.我一直不知道小作文要怎么才能进步,每次都会超时,用大概25分钟才能写完,而且字数都超很多(超过200)。


    万分感谢!!估计你小作文超时的原因有二,第一,不是很熟悉图表作文的套话,或者说写作模板准备不够,第二,对小作文的要求理解不到位,当然也有可能是你对如何抓住图表的main features的技巧掌握的还不娴熟。这也就导致你时间花的过多,且写出来的东西就像我们的伟大祖国一样,大而漏洞百出问题多多。







    求助帮忙看看小作文 剑桥 7 text1 的 第一次写 请专业人士给个分数 和

    第二段的第一句话要改:First,as we seen consumers of Ireland and Turkey spend most of their money on food.第二句把第二句中people前的the去掉、drinks or tobacco第一段的第一句话要修改:From the table below we can get the information that different country has different percentage of national consumer expenditure。

    批改作文 剑七 test2 task2

    "基本完成了任务,5.5分 具体点评如下:点评1 Nowadays,a hot and important contraversy /controversy concerning the problem whether the punishments for each type of crimes should be fixed.全句没有谓语,而且whether 后面也不是句子。

    这种错误一定要避免。可以在important后面加 is. Whether 后面可改成:whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed 2 Some people contend that the consistent punishments seems to be fairer and more clearly/clear.while a large amount proporation/去掉 of people advocate that it depends on individual situation.I will present and analyde both views here.取其把题目几乎不做改动的抄一遍,可以选择其他的开篇方式,people have various opinions concerning whether punishments for each type of crime should be fixed. As for me, + 观点3 The first plain truth I want to emphasize here is that every crimes/crime has its own reasons and results/不相关,去掉,it can not be divided/judged simplity/simply from one aspect. So that the decision which considered/consider different circumstance turns to be positive reasonable. 论证有些浅,可以深度解释,也可举例,否则就成了喊口考了Furthermore, with the complicate motivation and action, there has/is not a boundry/boundary line/去掉 between two similar commitment in current days. The flexible punishment system will not fail to be one good way to show the society that the government care about them, and thus ,the general public are able to participate more in government policy determination/policy-making. Last but not least,the sdandadization of law has been improved rapidly in these years. Even two crimes lead to the same result, ones original intension to commite should be taking account /should be taken into account to replect/replace the regular law setup.4 Admittedly, fixed punishments have some merits. Under the fixed punishment system, the law enforcement officials have definite rules to follow. The crimes will make up some excuses for themselves to get/gain the jurys simpathy/sympathy , and escape from the judgment they due to/are due to receive. But with the developed law system, this problem can be solved efficiently. 跑题了这一段有一半是跑题的,要谈固定刑罚的理由,而不是如果避免法庭上不公平5 In conclusion,altough/although fixed punishment policy has deniable/undeniable advantages, I regard the flexible system as a better choice. It is the best way for us to get a clear perspevtive/perspective of what teh/the crimes got/what type of punishment law offenders should get relied on/according to their crimes what they have done/去掉.with such a perspective, we can own a more peaceful society."。

    求高手点评雅思“小作文”(剑7 Test2 Task1 )


    表达年份时,可以有多种方式,除了直接写年份的数字,也可以说the year of 2004,the 2004 year等;表示“从图中看出”这个意思,还可以用from the graph,we can see。xxx is shown(illustated, outlined。

    )from the tableit could be easily seen that 。多背几个,等你一想表达这个意思时,可以随时调用。


