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    小学生英语看图说话 有图 有英语 才行 20分钟 快


    图片上有什么?孩子们 children 男孩 boy 女孩?girl?(性别不明显,自己假定)假定全是男孩 Jim Peter Robert特征是什么?数量:3个男孩 three boys 服饰: 红色T恤 red t-shirt 7号 number 7 23号 number 23 蓝色短裤 blue shorts 黄色长头发 long yellow hair 棕色长头发 long brown hair 白色T恤 white T-shirt 黑短裤 black shorts 棕色短发 short brown hair位置:在操场上 on the playground行为,它在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想)他们在踢足球 They are playing footballJim kicked the ball, Robert ran to stop him, but he missed,fortunately, Peter caught the ball at last选手们可能会有更丰富的想象。行为的结果怎样呢?他们很开心 They are very happy 场景描述学校里,操场上 on the playground in the school夏天的下午 one summer afternoon天气晴朗 Its sunny 白云天上飘 White clouds float in the sky操场边有花有树There are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground综上所述,我们可以这样描述这幅图(仅供参考,非唯一标准答案)One afternoon in summer, its sunny, white clouds float in the sky. Three boys are playing football on the playground; there are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground. One boy has long yellow hair,he wears red T-shirt with Number 7 and blue shorts, his name is Robert,another boy who wears red T-shirt with Number 23 is Peter,he has long brown hair,the boy who wears white T-shirt and black shorts is Jim,he has short brown hair.Jim kicks the ball towards the goal,Robert runs to stop him,but it is too late,fortunately,Peter catches the ball.They are very happy.但是,这样的描述只占了分值的70%(35分),要想得到更高的分数,我们需要说得更多,需要联系自身的经历,超越图片本身。

    比如:1. 我所喜欢的体育运动 2. 某次踢足球的经历 … …以下以第一种情况为例叙述(仅供参考,非标准答案) I like football,but I am not good at it. I can play basketball very well because I am tall and I can jump so high. I have a team. There are 4 boys in the team. They are Tom,Steven,Chris and I. Tom is…(特征,特点),Steven is…, Chris is….We are good friends. We always play basketball together after class. Last week, we won a very important basketball match in my school. We were very happy and proud of it. 我喜欢足球,但是我踢得不好,我篮球打的非常不错,我个子很高,跳得也高,所以我打篮球。我有一个球队,我们有4个人,Tom,Steven,Chris 和我,Tom… …Steven … ….我们是好朋友,每天放学后我们几乎都在一起打篮球。

    上周我们在校内赢得了一场重要比赛的胜利,我们为此感到高兴和骄傲。辅导老师同样要注意以下几个知识重点:1.“There be …”句型 表示“有… …”2. 名词单复数 3. 主谓一致:单复数一致,人称一致;4. 动词时态,描述图片内容可用现在进行时,一般现在时 扩展陈述可用一般过去时,一般将来时1. 方位介词,in,on, under,by,in front of,behind, beside,next to,……。

    几篇英语的看图说话. 来看看很简单的

    Tom is a naughty boy.He doesnt like study.One day evening,he was doing his homework.A moment later,he wanted to play games.He played games until mid-night.Next day,when he has lesson,he fell asleep.


    英语小作文 (看图说话)

    John and his family went to the seaside by bus on Sunday which was a fine day. They were so happy and excited that they sang a song together in the bus. When they got there they went stright to the beach to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and the view of the sea. John and other children were too excited to sit down and went about everywhere to pick up seasheels. Aparently in relaxing they didnt realise they had heatstroke . The children looked awful. Soon everyone of the family collapsed to the sandy ground in a faint. At the moment the Sun was disapeared in the cloud but there was no indication that the familys recovery. The situation was very critical。

    (by ztlthb)。

    英语作文 看图说话

    his picture depits a little girl had just released from school and walking towards the bus stop.when she was walking she noticed that there is a wallet on the ground.

    After picking up,the little girl saw that there are 300dollars and a ID card in the wallet.

    Following the information on the ID,the little girl called the owner of the wallet.

    Then the little girl sat on the bench at bus stop and waiting for the owner to collect it.

    The owner came by a taxi and saw the little girl.

    The owner took out 100dollars to thank the little girl but the little girl did not accept the 100dollars.

    i think that the little girl had did the right thing which was waiting for the owner and return back the wallet to the owner as integrityis very important in our daily life.


    看图写话 用英语

    一、分析图片技巧:1、注意图片的主要,在查看细节部分;2、通过对任务的动作分析;3、图中显示的文字要注意查看;二、用自己的话描述:1、小男孩起床晚了,一看时间,马上要到8点了;2、小男孩提着包,没能赶上公交车;3、沿着马路,走向学校;4、小男孩赶的馒头大汗,来到后,看见一位老爷爷,他说,孩子今天是星期天;三、翻译句子:1、A small man rallies get up on the floor, a couple of hours, Mr. Makumachi arrives 8 points;2、Small man s marriage wrapping, losing power train;3、Arrival horse road, strike school;4、Small man Ranpachi urgency, coming to the doorway first place first place old age, other theory, this weekend starter weather;。

