雅思小作文开荒中,写了一篇,是剑桥4test4写作1 ,求指点,最好能
因此,从1982年开始,尽管有点推广海外的到来,国内的趋势大幅飙升,导致土著居民离开,直到1999年,有近似的两倍(5300万)为游客游客(2700万年)结束。 此外,从英国旅游者最喜欢的国家,它在1999年占法国,1000万年被授予“比例最高,其次是西班牙的流行,不到1000万人。
这个是剑桥7 test4 的小作文,请大家帮忙改一下,谢谢啦
The given pie charts illustrate unites of electricity production by fuel score (coal, oil, natural gas, hydro power and nuclear power) in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.这里没能完全描述出图表的主要特征。
且首段过于简单,记住首段是面子,一定要写的漂亮。As can be seen from these charts, the units of electricity by different categories of fuel were various in two countries in the different years. Specifically, in 1980, approximately half of the electricity units were produced by coal ,which shared the same production with natural gas (only 25 units) in France. The electricity units/delete production by natural gas were 20 units in Australia. In terms of//用词不准确,和后面的半句意义一样,整句就是重复累赘,production by oil and hydro power , the units of electricity produced by hydro power were 20 units, which were four times /加greater/ than those in France, however, only 10 units of electricity were made/generated by oil in Australia, which were half of those in France. To our surprise , nuclear power made 15 units of electricity in France and none of any/the others contributed /as much to the electricity/power supply in France.In 2002, the majority of//不能这样用 electricity was produce/d by coal ( 130 units) in Australia, which still made the same quantity /units/删掉 (25 units) in France. Clearly, the dominant production of electricity was by nuclear power in France with the amount of 126 units. Natural gas and oil produced very little//口语化,书面语少用very// electricity (only 2 units) in Australia. The France had the/a similar quantity by natural gas and hydro power.Overall, these figures lead us to /the/ conclusion that coal is the major source to produce electricity in Australia while nuclear power played a significant role in production of electricity in France.我一直不知道小作文要怎么才能进步,每次都会超时,用大概25分钟才能写完,而且字数都超很多(超过200)。
万分感谢!!估计你小作文超时的原因有二,第一,不是很熟悉图表作文的套话,或者说写作模板准备不够,第二,对小作文的要求理解不到位,当然也有可能是你对如何抓住图表的main features的技巧掌握的还不娴熟。这也就导致你时间花的过多,且写出来的东西就像我们的伟大祖国一样,大而漏洞百出问题多多。
剑桥雅思全真试题4 第一篇小作文范文
The table gives a breakdown of the different types of family who were living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
On average, 11% of all households, comprising almost two million people, were in this position. However, those consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively.
Couples generally tended to be better off, with lower poverty levels for couples without children (7%) than those with children (12%). It is noticeable that for both types of household with children, a higher than average proportion were living in poverty at this time.
older people were generally less likely to be poor, though once again the trend favoured elderly couples (only 4%) rather than single elderly people (6%).
Overall the table suggests that households of single asults and those with children were more likely to be living in poverty than those consisting of couples.
雅思写作较新考试范文分析 怎么写的有
一、整体难度分析1、 题目综述;相比以往剑桥系列真题在真实考试当中“百年难得一见”的情况而言,剑9的题目更接近现实考试,比方说Test4的大作文明显是2011年3月5日年考过的题。
2、 难度分析:图表作文对细节性的描述要求更严、难度明显增加,大作文的难度基本不变。二、A类小作文分析1、 题目内容:如上表所示(终于出现了历史变迁类的地图),并且“柱、线、饼”三大图齐聚2、 趋势分析:根据有实战指导意义,过去三年当中的冷门题型(地图以及四饼图)都被收录在剑9中3、 范文分析:范文开头段清一色的“改写”,中间分段的多少并不重要,高分范文以及考官的范文之共同点在于:用简洁的词句对复杂纠结的数据图进行了巧妙地局部特写。
三、A类大作文分析1、 题目内容;四篇全是辩论类题目(两篇agree ordisagree,一篇discuss,还有一篇outweigh)2、 趋势分析;比起剑8上面一些极少考的“分析类”题型而言,剑9更像一本“真题集”,并且证明了一个规律:A类考试当中教育类话题才是老大,辩论类的题型屹立不倒3、 观点诠释:相比传统非黑即白的辩论题,剑9的考题更加考察发散型思维的能力,以Test3大作文为例,除了增加体育设施之外能够改善人们身体素质的办法要自己去想。4、 范文分析:考官的范文依旧是“只适合观赏不适合模仿”,反而两篇一高一低的学生范文更有借鉴意义。