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    申请 北大 mba 申请书怎么写












    而MBA申请材料决定了考官对你的第一印象和个面提问思路,个面又再次确定并且决定了你的个人整体印象,所以重要的事说三遍,一定要写好材?,写好材?,写好材料。 MBA申请材料包括你的一些个人信息,例如教育背景,工作经验,短文,推荐信2封以及一些开放性问题,要提交证书,大学成绩单,收入证明,单位组织架构等资料。

    这一部分要注意凸显你的优势,工作项目成果等,让学校有继续了解你的欲望,才会给你后续面试的资格。 我主要总结了5点比较重要的地方,你可以参考下: 1. 关于教育背景和工作经验是你成长的一个纪录,当然这也是展示自己最好的机会。


    而且,想面试通过,你还要再熟悉简历,思考自己职业生涯中的亮点,因为简历里的每一点内容都有可能被面试官提问。 2. 关于短文,一般各大院校都有撰写材料的要求,学校不同,材料要求不同。

    大家在撰写材料的时候,根据院校材料要求,着重强调自己在成功或挑战事例中的作用,突出自己的管理、协调、决策等能力,同时你的成功,也有团队的一份功劳,所以别忘了突出团队合作。 3. 关于推荐信,在申请高校的MBA提前面试项目时,推荐信的作用是作为申请书的补充、为评委提供更多的信息。


    当然,在对申请人同样了解的情况下,职位和知名度越高的推荐人的意见将越受重视。 建议申请者在选择推荐人时,应当主要考虑以下两个方面的标准: 1、推荐人对自己以往工作情况、业绩和能力的了解程度; 2、申请人的职位和知名度情况。

    在以上两条标准中,申请者应当优先考虑第一条标准。 最后,一般商学院都会要求提交两封推荐信,尽可能选择可以从不同维度举荐你的领导,牛人。

    比如第一封来自自己的前领导,第二封就可以选择客户,供应商,或者有威望的行业知名人士,这也是展现你人脉网络的机会。 4. 关于成绩单,各院校MBA在提前面试材料准备中,都需要成绩单。



    包括学历、学位证书、身份证以及你获得的各种资格证书及获奖证书。 5.关于职业照,一张好的照片在准备提前批MBA面试中非常重要。

    找一个专业机构,着正装,照出气质,会给你的材料增色不少。 参考资料:HZMBA。


    What are your expectations of the MBA program? What contribution do you think you will make? How will your personal distinctiveness enrich our learning environment? First of all, I expect that I will be presented with a challenging educational environment in your highly respected MBA program。

    Your MBA program offers a solid course curriculum that will allow me to build on my previous extensive business experience to give me the skills that are required in the rapidly changing international business world。 Although my business experience is important, it is not enough in the competitive business environment today to have only practical experience。

    I believe that through your MBA program, I can learn the theories behind successful business strategies as well as learn about other organizations experiences through the reading of different types of case studies。 Reading and understanding a wide variety of case studies will allow me to learn how to approach certain business situations as well as to learn how to avoid some business mistakes that others have made in the past。

    In addition to learning in a classroom situation from my professors, I know that I will learn much more than that by gaining the life experiences of living in a foreign country。 The opportunity to learn by living and experiencing life in another country will make me a more complete business person by giving me the chance to look at the business world from another countrys perspective。

    An international perspective is essential to being successful in business as the different countries in the global business environment become increasingly intertwined and interdependent。 I will also expect to learn much valuable information from my classmates as we work our way through the MBA program together and become friends。

    Learning from the most elite students from many different cultures and developing lasting friendships with them will be another very attractive benefit of studying in your MBA program。 My contribution to this established MBA program will be that of an experienced businessperson in the most populous and rapidly developing country in the world。

    My previous experience working in multinational organizations has given me a very useful working knowledge and first-hand knowledge of the methods of doing business in China。 I have experience with both large and small businesses in China, both as an assistant engineer and a higher level manager。

    I have worked with some of the worlds largest companies in China, which gives me a unique perspective and the ability to contribute not only the Chinese viewpoint but also a multinational viewpoint to classroom discussions。 These diverse working experiences have given me a very broad-based, cross-functional knowledge of how to do business in China。

    My unique experiences in working as an assistant engineer in the computer center of Jin Jiang Industrial Co。, Ltd。

    have given me a solid foundation in actual working knowledge of computer software and computer systems。 As a sales representative for nearly four years with the multinational company 3M in the southwest region of China, I learned to analyze buying behavior and develop a full marketing plan for our products。

    I also managed a distribution network, which involved inventory planning, marketing channel studies, incentive program development and training of new business partners。 With Xerox China Co。

    , Ltd。, I performed the duties of a high-level sales consultant。

    This position involved analyzing major potential clients&apos&apos needs and developing an XES (Xerox Engineering System) solution to fit the clients&apos&apos technical specifications and budgetary needs。 I also worked for three years with China Hewlett-Packard Co。

    , Ltd。 My position as a Supplies Market Development Manager with the Consumer Business Unit required me to use my thorough understanding of all aspects of the marketing value chain, including the analysis of market dynamics and developing and implementing annual marketing plans for the entire business unit。

    My current position as a Business Director for AsiaEC。com, Inc。

    , has allowed me to take full responsibility for developing the business of an e-commerce start up company involved with IT/office equipment and office consumable products。 As you can see from my extensive and unique business experience in China, I have much to contribute to the learning environment of your MBA program。

    I believe that the learning environment can be greatly enhanced by classroom participation from the 。


    美国MBA申请书范文分析: Sample Gaduate School Admissions Essay 1 (Mastes in Education) Sometimes it takes a tagedy to emind you of what is eally impotant in life. A yea and a half ago my cousin and good fiend died suddenly. I was so sad thinking aout all the expeiences in life that she will miss y eing taken at such a young age, and what a loss this was fo the entie community to neve know what good she could have accomplished, if given time. Eventually I egan thinking aout what I was doing with the life I was still lessed to have, which led me to ealize that I was unsatisfied in my copoate jo, and 20 yeas fom now, if I did nothing to change the couse of my life, I would likely still e unsatisfied. It was at this point that I ealized it was time to make a majo caee change and go ack to the one thing I have always loved doing: woking with childen. I elieve that as a teache I will e ale to have a positive impact on my community, and even the wold, fo many easons, ut most impotantly ecause I am I motivated to help students find confidence in themselves and thei ailities, which will lead them fowad to live successful lives, theey impoving whateve communities they end up living in as well. Duing college I loved my jo at a pe-school, woking with childen anging in age fom toddles though elementay level, and I found such joy eing with them and shaing in thei discoveies and adventues. It is ased on this positive expeience, and the examples I have had in my own life of exemplay teaches, that leads me to elieve that I have the makings of a geat teache too, I just need the taining and educational ackgound to olste up my good intentions. I have a solid undegaduate educational foundation and I am eady now to devote my full time and attention to developing my teaching skills so that I will e a cedit to the pofession once I am up in font of a class of my own. I also feel that I will e ale to identify with my futue students fom a wide aay of cultual ackgounds ecause I am the daughte of immigants and am ilingual in English and Spanish. It was not easy fo my fathe to move to Ameica at 17, not knowing a wod of English, ut with the help of othes he leaned quickly and has lived something of the Ameican deam. I want to show my futue students that this is possile fo eveyone, fom evey ackgound. 20 yeas fom now, if I am lucky enough to still e aound and still e teaching, I know that I will e ale to look aound me see that I have made a positive impact on this eath y spaking the minds of childen to see what wondeful possiilities thee ae out thee if you ae willing to lean. 以上是美国MBA申请书范文的介绍,希望能够为大家进行美国MBA留学带来帮助,祝愿大家美国MBA申请成功。

    谁能介绍一篇美国哈佛大学商学院MBA申请ESSAY范文呢? - 爱问知


    Havad Business School Essay:What ae you thee most sustantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? 1. Duing my thid yea in college, I set up the fist student-un legal aid hotline in my city, offeing legal assistance to female migant wokes, many of whom wee plagued y domestic violence and unequal teatment in the wokplace. Shocked y thei situation when doing social wok, I came up with the idea of a legal aid hotline. I ecuited a team of law students, led the initial fundaising of $1500, and secued time commitment fom ou pofessos fo legal advice. The hotline stated opeation two months late. The success of the fist case was a huge encouagement. A young gil, who lost he finge in a wok accident, was efused compensation y he employe, citing no fomal contact. I spent months taveling acoss the city and going though papes to collect evidence of contactual elationship, and finally won he the deseved compensation. I continued to lead the hotline until my gaduation, when it had gown to handle moe than 400 calls a yea and won funding fom seveal Foundations. Fouth yea in opeation, it is now pat of the lagest NGO netwok in my povince. This accomplishment fulfilled my deam of helping the undepivileged. 2. I was the only "amateu" of a seven-gil team that won the gold fo women&aposs gymnastics in the Beijing Univesity Games. Afte an injuy in the team, the coach asked me to join ecause I was the "est amateu". But I quickly discoveed the ig gap with a pofessional. Seeing my teammates easily end thei legs ove head o jump with a pefect split, I could aely keep up with thei pace. I was extemely nevous to ecome a dag to the team, and uin thei "golden deam". So wee my teammates. I egged the coach fo exta intensive taining in ody flexiility. Eveyday I tained two hous moe than the team in the midst of heavy law cuiculum. I got listes on oth feet and almost injued myself fom focing too had on a split. The est of the team gadually changed thei attitude towads me and we onded moe closely. Fou months late, I could pefom as well as anyone else in the team. When we finally won fist place, the team thew me in the ai. Teas in my eyes, I could see ig smile on eveyone&aposs face. Though elentless effot I eaned espect fom the team and togethe we achieved the est. 3. In my second yea as a consultant, I helped a multinational phamaceutical company ing affodale medicine to moe than one million people in ual China. The poject was to find new gowth aeas fo the company. Accustomed to "the usual ways of usiness", the client initially only focused on lage cities. Howeve, my expeience told me that "captuing ual China" would not only pose a long-tem gowth oppotunity, ut also fill a majo gap of medical supply in ual aeas. I convinced the client to make "ual gowth" a pioity. The most challenging pat was to design a cost-effective model to seve the vast and dispesed ual maket. Having selected thity epesentative ual aeas, I led a client team acoss China to inteview local distiutos, phamacies and hospitals. Amed with fisthand knowledge, I poposed a model using innovative tools like moile clinics, makeshift wokshops and pomotion-on-the-van. We futheacked up ou ideas with concete cost-enefit analysis. The CEO was impessed y the "local ways" of selling medicine. He authoized a pilot model in five aeas acoss China. The initial esults showed good financial etun, ut moe impotantly, ought access to quality medicine fo ove one million ual people. 点评: Thee most sustantial accomplishments(三个最重要的成就)是美国哈佛大学商学院MBA申请essay最经典的题目,而且已经持续了多年。很多申请人看到这个题目都很头痛。

    第一,什么样的经历才能算是sustantial accomplishment(重要成就),如何选材成为一个难点;第二,文章限定是600字,那么每个小故事就只有200个字左右的空间来发挥,要求言辞简练精确而精彩。 这篇文章可以成为大多数尝试写HBS essay的申请者学习的范文。

    首先看作者的选材,3个小故事的选材非常全面:从内容上看,voluntee wok(志愿者活动),extacuicula wok(课外活动)和pofessional wok(专业领域)三个方面各取其一。从每个故事反映出来的作者的优秀品质上看:分别从社会责任感、坚忍不拔和创新性思维等多角度塑造出一个完整而优秀的人格形象。

    从三个故事的排列来看,作者把工作的例子放在最后是很用心的安排。 美国哈佛大学商学院的招生委员会每天读大量申请人的文章,关于工作的例子都大同小异,很难让他们眼前一亮。







    参考范文1:基于以下几点理由,我认为招生录取委员应当录取我为清华MBA: 第一,出众的项目管理能力和团队领导能力。曾成功带领团队完成了多个大型外商在华投资项目的咨询工作。













    良好的写作和交流能力 申请文书的另一项作用是展示你出色的语言能力和写作技巧。



    人物的真实性 录取委员会希望从申请文书中看到的不仅仅是特殊的背景、人格特点或技能,他们要看到一个完整的人。商学院的录取官有一个近乎固执的信念,坚持认为他们能够穿过数字和文字了解背后的那个人。



    个性化的处理 让录取委员会将你作为一个独立个体对待的唯一办法是做到个性化。你应当在写作中尽可能的做到个性化。

    随大流的文章不仅枯燥无味,而且根本无法说明关于申请人个人的任何有意义的东西。 个性化写作究竟表示什么?它意味着你在写作中丢掉一切常规的东西,只写对你真正有意义的内容,比如一个关于你的故事或一件轶事,运用你的想象力和丰富的细节描写赋予它生命力。

    当然你在写作中必须诚实。 注重细节的描写 细节为你的文章添加了颜色和调料,并赋予它生命。



    与众不同的特点 商科学生不应该害怕做一点小小的冒险来显得与众不同。这种冒险也许意味着使用一些幽默,或者引起一些小小的争议。


    从以往的经验来看,与众不同的经历和背景使申请人具有明显的优势。 诚实 不论你采用哪一种写作技巧,诚实都是高于一切的原则。




    讲述一个故事 在自荐信中讲述一个故事无疑能大大增加文章的趣味性和吸引力。最有效的处理方法是在文章的开头先讲述一个故事,随后再切入到旁白的角色来解释这件事并说明你从中学到了什么。





