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    因为旅游所能接触到的人和事是相当有限的, 他们并不具有对本国整体的代表性,而很多人觉得眼见为实,嗯,就是格外的相信自己看到的,从而愈发强化了这一偏见。

    可以举例子解释,比如说来北京上海的游客觉得中国非常的现代化,富裕; 但是实际上很多地方十分落后,他们没有看到,只相信自己的所见,就形成了偏见; 其次,由于对于外国风俗习惯的不理解,会产生误解,比如外国人不吃狗肉,那么来到广西看到狗肉节,会觉得中国人简直是太残忍了,但是实际在中国人看来吃狗就和吃所有的牲畜一样,没什么问题。 是不是足够详细了? 自己查查翻译成英文吧,偶是雅思大作文老师。

    这是六月预测题吧~这么辛苦 给分吧吧吧~~~ 哦 还有solution, 那就根据原因来啦~~比如说,当地政府加强对于国际游客的宣传,比如说印 brochure 给他们介绍风俗习惯。; 然后游客自己要注意啦 去之前要充分的了解目的国, 然后多多的思考 摒弃偏见。








    China is very famous for its food in the world。

    There are many kinds of food in China。 Theyre Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shanghai food, Hunan food and so on。

    Generally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light, Sichuan food is very hot, Shanghai food is rather oily, and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste。 Mapo Beancurd, steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs, spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious。

    In the north of China, people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings。 In the south of China, people eat a lot of rice and seafood。

    Chinese food is good in color, flavor and taste。 So I like it very much。


    雅思大作文写作模板: 开头段:两句话001 转述原文00The issue of increasingly longer life span is of much contention to the general public.002 提出文章要探讨的内容00Therefore, this essay aims to identify the possible effects that this change has brought to both individuals and society.00中间段:00建议写三段00两种处理方式:第一种先写两点对于个人的影响,再写对于社会的。00第二种先写寿命长对于个人和社会好的影响,再写坏的影响。

    00结尾段001 总结文章影响00Therefore, although senior citizens might, to some extent, deprive the younger generation of their job opportunities, they tend to enlighten the whole society with their experience and care.002 提出建议(主要针对年轻人)00Therefore, the youth are suggested to confront this situation. If they could not be offered the opportunities, it would prove that they were not so capable as the old generation, when the only way out was to learn from old people and try to gain more experiences.希望可以帮到你!。


    大作文的类型:1. 单边支持,反对探讨双方2. 陈述利弊3. 半支持,半反对4. 分析解决5. 多重选择构成:引言段 + 主体段 + 结论段1.引言段组成:开头句(Opening sentence)+ 中心论点步骤:引入话题,同义转述,再根据写作任务表达中心论点。

    A. Opening sentence 五种方法:(一)引人入胜思路:用一个比较有趣的话题先吊起考官的胃口,并吸引他们往下看题目1:Many schools demand the students to wear uniforms. Some people think that such a practice can undermine their personality and individuality.范文:The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wearschool uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of greatinterest to many people.备选:Be of great concern for many parents——引起父母的关注Be of great importance to many scientists——对科学家来说至关重要Be of great significance to both A and B——对于A 和 B 都是非常重要的题目2:人类如何定义和追求幸福,这样的问题引起公众广泛的争议。范文:The question of how human beings can define and pursue happiness isa matter of much contention among the general public .备选:The question of _____________ has been widely debate in the world ofpolitics.(二)力排众议思路:先驳斥大众的某个普遍但却错误的观念,指出其与现实不符,然后提出自己的想法或正确想法,并在主体段列举各种理由、证据以及活生生和例子来论证。

    套路:Although it is + 副词 + 过去分词 + that…,this is。题目1:The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life.范文1:Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy life style and proper condect are no longer to young peoples needs today, this is actually not the case.题目2:越来越少人照看年老的亲属,而是把他们送到专业人士那边去。

    范文2:Although many people subscribe to the belief that their oldrelatives can be taken better care of in a nursing home, this is in fact acommon misconception that we need to clear up. From my point of view, it is theyounger family members who should really be responsible for looking after theseold people during the rest of their lives.释义:①普遍认为…,但事实并非如下。Although it is commonly believed that ?, this is actually not thecase.②许多人认同这样的观点…,但事实上这却是一种我们需要去澄清的普遍错误观念。

    Although many people subscribe to the belief that 。, this is infact a common misconception that we need to clear up.③大众观念认为?.,但是现实状况却远比这种观念复杂得多。

    Although conventional wisdom has it that?., the reality of thesituation is often far more complicated than that.释义:subscribe to 订阅、同意、预订 conventional wisdom 大众观念(三)放眼世界思路:从“时间”或“地点”的跨度着手,比如:过去怎么样?题目1: Some people support the development in agriculture, such as farmingindustry and the scientific creation of new types of fruit and vegetables.Others oppose this development. Discuss both views and state your opinion.范文:Recent decades havewitnessed a major transformation in agricultural development, where industrialtechnologies are being employed and new varieties of crops are being created.Yet , opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions.From my opinion of views, this is a really complicated matter, and we needfurther investigations to understand the bigger picture.备选:Recent decades have witnessed an increase awareness of释义:understand the bigger picture 了解事物的全貌题目2:With divorce rates and family break downs increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close they used to be.范文2:Divorce and family breakdownwere virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however , almost half of allmarriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance betweenfamily members in modern society.(四)兼收并蓄题目:谁该为修路付费,个人还是政府?范文:Somepeople hold the opinion that the government should make more investments isexpanding and improving road systems, whereas others who are not so convincedpresent the counterargument that it is the responsibility of the growing numberof private car users to deal with the huge costs. In my opinion, both sides ofthe argument have their own reasons, and we need a detailed analysis to get tothe root of this controversy.(五)异军突起题目1:谈个人科技的发展与贫富差异.范文1:With the huge expansion of high technologies available toindividuals, it is sometimes argued tha。


    我才考了雅思,对写作深有感触,可以把经验传授给你.最开始的时候我也是看到作文一个头两个大,特别是图表题连笔都不知道怎么下,结果到考试的时候写得之流畅,而且时间分配非常完美,刚刚20分钟写完图表,40分钟用到最后一秒写完大作文,而且写到了最后一行.现在我来分别回答你的问题.1,你作文需要这么长时间是不是中途停笔下来思考的时间太久?我也是.最开始由于还不熟练,老是需要为了一个句子的表达甚至一个单词的选用想半天.我平时自己测时间也是一直超过40分钟,但是不多.所以这个首先是要多练.写多了,你会发现很多词语和句子都是通用的,比如形容一个观点错误,可以用fallacious和flimsy,形容一个观点站不住脚可以用dont hold water和cant bear much analysis,表达某人认为什么可以用some one hold/argue/believe/prefer sth.当然通用的东西很多,不只这些,我一时无法具体说明.你想嘛,议论文就是表达观点,自然很多话语可以通用.写多了熟悉了就手到擒来.streec $法我觉得挺好用的,你想不到具体怎样写说明你联系能力不够强,这个要多动动脑.而且很多时候扯几句空话就够了,不需要好实质性的内容.比如说tech&effiency,你可以说“网络购物是高科技的产物,它方便了人们的生活,以前人们需要花hours去逛街购物,现在只需要几分钟,然后右手轻轻一click,就完成了一笔交易,大大提高了社会的效率,在这个告诉繁茂的时候,使人们可以在有限的时间内做更多的事.”你看再加上段落开始的一句主题句,这段就基本够了,一个分论点就完成了,其实很容易.你只是需要几句话把这个点和这个事联系在一起,就看你会不会扯.而且实在想不出来的时候,可以举例,这个方法更简单,刚才那段就可以写成你以前逛街逛得累死都逛不到喜欢的东西,现在网上轻松找到想要的云云,就OK了.2,我跟你一样,开头也不喜欢用模板,觉得没创意.而且用模板也非常危险,会导致你跟别人的文章雷同,分数会很低.这种情况下,一,你可以参考很多雅思写作书,挑出好的句子,把他们杂糅在一起.比如,一个句子是I prefer sth because of the special advantages it enjoys,另一句是for me,I would choose something for the following reasons.你就杂糅成personaly,I prefer sth for the following reasons.我举这个例是有原因的,因为for the following reasons作为第一段的结尾句可以引出下文,在逻辑上是很好的衔接,所以不要看它简单,却很实用,而且也可以勾引考官读下去.二,你可以用特别的方式开篇,比如用一句old/famous saying,比如谈论什么东西的两面性的时候,可以用no garden is without weeds,表达什么事物都有好坏.然后用sth is also no exception/just like sth.或者用某个调查表明什么什么,然后自己编造一个,反正没人去验证它的真实性.或者举个实例开头,比如写青少年犯罪,我是这样开头的:a fire broke out.a house was burned down.five people died overnight. but to most peoples great shock, the arsonist was a only 15-year-old girl.用这样故事性的开头我相信是人都会产生兴趣.当然到底用什么你在实践中多考察,也跟题目有关.另外我注意到你只提到了突破十天这本书,我当时备考参考了很多很多书,都是在图书馆借的,不用花钱,大概4,5本写作书的样子.听起来很恐怖不可能看完,其实不然.首先你根本不用全部看完,比如我对作文结构很了解了,是想搜索一些好的句子借用,就直接看目录,找到句式介绍的章节,然后快速浏览,看到好句子做个标记,全部浏览完后再倒回去自己看.然后在平时练习中就可以把书翻开,尝试把这些好句子用进去.那么结构方面的就可以完全不看,或者你翻一下,看这本书介绍结构的内容好不好,好,就可以看一看,不好就完全不看.一般来说,一本书不可能每个方面都很完美,我就记得我在a书上学了很多好句子,在b书上看了很多图表题的好范文,在c书上看了很多大作文的好范文.所以各有所用.3,支持点不需要很强硬,我有朋友在新东方教托福写作,触类旁通,他说这种考试最看重的是语言是表达,不是你的论据有多强,只有有逻辑,没有大问题,就不会影响分数,所以这点不用担心.比如我考试的作文我就感觉论据不是很充分,但是语言是有史以来最好的一次,所以照样得了高分.另外,我发现雅思作文话题是重复的,它只是把以前的话题换个表达方式摆出来,我这次考试的文章就是之前看到过的,我朋友也是.所以你就多多练习真题的范文,也不用每篇都写,混个眼熟,在心里思考一下论点;或者看看范文,总结一下人家的论点,学下人家的语言;然后挑几篇顺眼的自己写,练手感,我就是这么做的,感觉不错.没必要非要找难写的写,这样只会打击自己,就找自己有话说的题目写,重点在于锻炼大脑.说一下,时间真的很重要,我考完后感觉,写作文的时候是真的没有多余的时间思考的,两篇作文我都是只短短地在动笔下思考了一两分钟,中途几乎没卡壳一路写下来的,时间都刚刚好.所以你平时练习一定要以写一篇文章已经很顺手了不需要长时间思考了为目标.你没提到图表作文,我觉得图表作文提高是最快的.因为一开。


    1. David is my good friend. He is funny. He like sports very much. Hes good at running and swimming. But he cant climb a rope.(大卫是我的好朋友。 他很风趣。 他非常喜欢体育。 他擅长跑步和游泳。但他不会爬绳)

    2。Let me tell you something about my new house. Its very nice and big. There is a living room, a dining romm, a bathroom and a kitchen. There are two bedrooms, one is for my parents, the other is for me. I like my new house.(让我给你说说我的新家。 它又大又漂亮, 有一个客厅、餐厅、卫生间和一个厨房。 有两间卧室,一间是我的父母的,另一间我的。我喜欢我的新家。

    3。I am a middle school student. I have a lot of interests. I like basketball and football very much. I often d some reading in the evening. Sometimes I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I enjoy myself in my free time.(我是一名中学生,我有许多的兴趣爱好,我非常喜欢篮球和足球。在晚上我经常读书,有时在周末我帮我的父母做家务。我的业余时间过得很快乐。



    1金融危机给我们带来的影响 一、更多企业会倒闭。

    特别是一些外贸企业,受国外金融危机影响,出口亏损,当企业资不抵债的时候,就会倒闭,而企业倒闭自然会殃及百姓。 二、企业再掀裁员潮。

    企业生意难做,就会想办法压缩成本,减少生产,就会在裁减员工上打主意,而一个家庭如果有一位成员被裁员,就会影响到家庭生活。 三、工作越来越难找。

    企业都在倒闭,在裁员,哪里还会想到增加新员工啊?所以大学毕业生找工作会更难,不行的话就到农村去种地吧! 四、工资别想再提高。在全球金融危机中,加薪会逐渐变成很难的事情,你的工资收入可能会降低,奖金会越来越少甚至想都别想了。

    所以你如果是靠工资的消费人群那就要注意减少开支了。 五、百业萧条钱是宝。


    现金会越来越珍贵,钱会越来越觉得是钱了。 六、商品价格会下降。

    随着需求减少,各类商品价格会下降,想买房子的别急,有人估计国内的房子价格会在未来一到三年左右的时间会跌去50%。 七、捂紧钱袋别“烧包”。

    即使你是有钱人,即使你是大款,也别再“烧包”了,别再“斗富”了,别再“潇洒”了,还是把好日子当作苦日子过得好! 八、“量入为出”为上招。一个“美国老太”和一个“中国老太”的故事几乎是尽人皆知。

    媒体的渲染和引导,让不少中国百姓尤其是年轻一代,十分羡慕美国人“潇洒一挥”的消费模式,贷款消费、提前消费的观念几乎深入人心,“卡奴”、“房奴”、“车奴”大量涌现。 现在是这些“奴隶”们反省的时候了! 九、股市别想轻松解套。

    股市大量缩水,曾经想到股市上淘金的希望破灭了,连机构都叫苦不迭,咱们这些散户还有什么盼头?只当是把这些投入到股市上的钱支持国家建设了吧! 十、穷人日子最难熬。中国尚有许多的穷人,在这场金融危机到来的时候,本来捉襟见肘的日子就更难熬了,好在大家过去都有过苦日子的经历,好在现在的政府会关心弱势群体,因此挺一挺也就过去了。

    One or more enterprises will wind up。 In particular, some foreign trade enterprises by foreign financial crisis, the export losses, the time when companies are insolvent, it will collapse, and enterprises have closed down and people will naturally be affected。

    Second, corporate layoffs。 Enterprise business and will think of ways to reduce costs, reduce production, will be seen it fit to lay off its staff, and a family if a member is laid off, this will affect family life。

    Third, more and more difficult to find work。 Enterprises are closed down, in the lay-offs, where new employees will think ah? Therefore, college graduates will find jobs more difficult, if not to the rural areas to farm on it! Fourth, wages should not even think about a further increase。

    In the global financial crisis, the pay rise will gradually become a very difficult thing, your wages may be reduced, less and less money or even 。 So if you pay by the consumer groups would be necessary to pay attention to the reduction in expenditure。

    Fifth, business is slack in all the money is Po。 Including investment, consumption, trade will be cold。

    People will become more and more attention to cash。 Cash will become increasingly valuable, money will become more and more think it is money。

    Sixth, commodity prices will fall。 With the reduced demand for all kinds of commodity prices to fall, Do not want to buy a house, it was estimated that the domestic price of a house in the next one to three years time will be lost around 50%。

    Seven other purse捂紧"burn bag。" Even if you are rich, even if you are wealthy, but also do not "burn bag", and not to "fight the rich", and do not "cool", or the good old days of bitterness as a better life! Eight, "living within our means" for the trick。

    A "United States Granny" and a "Granny China" almost everyone knows the story。 And guide the media played up, so many Chinese people, especially the younger generation, are now envious of the Americans "cool wave" of consumption patterns, consumption loans, advance the concept of consumption is almost the people, "card slave", "Slave Housing," "Cart slave," a large number。

    It is these "slaves" have the time to reflect on! 9, the stock market should not even think about easy release。 The stock market has shrunk a lot, think of the stock market had hopes of gold, and even institutions叫苦不迭, what we盼头these retail? only when it is put into these stock markets money to support the national construction of it! 10, the poor the most difficult days。

    There are a lot of poor people in China, in this financial crisis comes, the day would have stretched even more difficult, the good news we have had past experiences of bitterness, good government is concerned about vulnerable groups, so quite a Ting will be 。


    你好,很高兴为你解答:雅思写作,你可以看看希望能对你有用:International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?Tourism is a very big industry in the modern time and is growing quite rapidly. Thousands of people travel everywhere to various destinations every year. Arguments have come up regarding the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in places and on its local inhabitants and environment; however, I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages of international tourism.People travel for various reasons; we travel for business purposes, holidays, visit friends and relatives etc. Travelling is mostly seen as a recreational activity. Tourism has many advantages. Tourism can play a tremendous part in a countrys economy, the more tourists visit a country and spend money there, the better it is for the country; that way more money is circulated within the country and even the stability of their currencys rate of exchange persists if not improve. Vendors and shops get to sell more goods and make an income. Tourism also has its non-monetary advantages; it brings cultures and people closer. People from all around the world get to share their culture with each other and even learn more. This is a good opportunity in education.Tourism seems to have some disadvantages too; However, I believe the problems caused by tourism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. A lot of people believe that tourism can destroy or deviate culture and causes quite an impact on visited locations, such as pollution and littering. People can adhere to their own beliefs and way of life if they want to; no one can really forcefully influence someone to change from their morals and ethics. Pollution can be avoided by increasing usage of environmental friendly vehicles used for tours and rents, warnings and visual education on littering and smoking, specific times can be allocated for tours to certain areas, such as peak times where local inhabitants feel uncomfortable due to too many foreigners.Where there are problems there can always be solutions. Tourism brings great amount of advantages for any place in many ways and is a “win-win” exchange process. The very few problems caused can always be avoided or taken care of. I believe tourism should be highly promoted, specially in traditional and poor countries with natural beauty such as Thailand.(雅思7分作文)祝你好运,取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在百度HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~。

