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    你是指你的英语作文的主题是“电子邮件”呢,还是如何用英文写电子邮件呢?如果是前者的话你可以写“电子邮件的含义,带来的便利,包括商业来往,缩短距离,也可以提到它的一些不足,对传统的书信的冲击和那种没有实物的缺失感之类的,最后写写你自己的感受经历都可以的.如果是后者的话,范文如下Dear Tony, I am Li Hua, a boy of 16 from China. Im a middle school student. Im glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA. Im good at English and I think we can help each other to know more about America and China by sending e-mails. We can also chat on the Internet in English or Chinese. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and prefer popular music. At the same time, I like collecting stamps and traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and Ill show you around many places of interest. Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours:xxx 望采纳!。

    英语作文 电子邮件类型作文

    TO:International Youth Travel service

    FROM:Beijing Foreign Language School

    Dear sir or madam,

    Im a teacher from Beijing foreign language school.I and my students want to have a trip on our winter holiday,please warn your colleagues.

    We have several teachers and about 1,000 students, so please provide us some big coach buses;secondly, we do not want to go a place too far from our school, so please warn about the place where we will go to.

    So, thats our hope.Please reply soon.

    [NAME]from Beijing Foreign Languange School



    版主 觉得写的好要给个满意哦 谢谢 (原创)

    Dear ***

    i am gald to receive an email from you! according to your problem, i will give you some suggestions to you.First of all, i think that you can learn chinese from watching tv, everyday you can get much information in chinese to practise your chinese.Secondly, you should speak chinese as more as you can, you can chat with chinese friends like me. i think that, with lots of training, you must use chinese like your mother language.


    Wei Gang


    Emails are very interesting,it is faster than normal mail;it is safer and more reliable than normal mail;it can be accessed at any time,when an E-mail message is received,it can be opened and read at any time and anywhere on a computer that has internet access;E-mail messages can be sent to many recipients worldwide at once;E-mail is cheaper for persons and organisations that send e-mail to many recipients as this results in savings in stationery costs and postage ,and it can save money from buying envelops and paper,also,emails can protect the environment,because sending emails is low carbon.。


    翻译:春节的气象 过新年,家家户户真开心.新年真是新气象.”当然,每个地方的过法都不一样,想知道我的家乡过法吗?快跟我来吧! 农历正月初一为“春节”,是民间最重要的传统节日.春节前一天叫“除夕”,这一日,家家户户都祭祖先、贴春联,张灯结彩,送旧迎新,当晚,全家老少“围炉”吃团圆饭,送“压岁钱”.春节一早,人们着新装,携礼品,向亲友“拜年”,主宾互赠“大吉”(桔),互祝如意吉祥.春节期间,各地组织舞狮、舞龙、游标旗、踩高跷、英歌舞等活动,节目精彩,观者如山,人涌如潮,到处欢声笑语,锣鼓喧天,热闹非常. 在过年期间的晚上,舞台上大部分都是演潮剧的.过年的晚上,喜欢看潮剧的人都会来到神庙看潮剧.潮剧是用潮汕方言演唱,明嘉靖年间,揭阳潮剧已有本地特有剧目《荔镜记》、《苏六娘》等.自从新中国成立后,潮剧艺术及演出活动发展神速,揭阳潮剧团《丁日昌》等剧目曾上京参加汇演并获奖.英语:The Spring Festival weatherTo spend the New Year,every family is happy.The New Years new look."Of course,every place of the GuoFa is different,want to know my hometown GuoFa?Quick come with me! The first day of the lunar year as "Spring Festival",is the most important folk traditional festival.The day before the Spring Festival called "New Years eve," this one day,every family would first ancestor worship,put up Spring Festival couplets and decorations,send the old and welcome the new,that night,the whole family,old and young "surround furnace" eat a big dinner,send "lucky money".The Spring Festival early in the morning,people with new clothes,carrying gifts to relatives and friends,"happy New Year",the main objective to give each other "right" (orange),mutual wish best luck.During the Spring Festival,dragon dance,lion dance,organizations around the cursor flag,walking on stilts,the song and dance activities,program wonderful,visitors,however,people pour such as tide,full of laughter,a deafening sound of gongs and drums,very lively. During the Chinese New Year evening,most of them are on the stage in thes chao-ju.New Years day night,like watchings chao-ju will come to see the temples chao-ju.s chao-ju is singing chaoshan dialect,jiajing of the Ming dynasty years,jieyang chao-ju as well as for local special play "li mirror to record","Sue six niang" and so on.Since after the founding of new China,chao-ju as well as art and performance development miracle,jieyang tide troupe "DingRiChang" and so on the play had duty visit to participate in the performance and.可以吗?。


    Hi Mike,how are you going these day?Guess what,you are invited!If you are free,I hope you could come to the Festival Party with me.The theme of the party is Chinese Lantern.There will be a lot of traditional Chinese food here.In the party,you can watch the lantern show and lion dance.The music and dance will start from 8.00 p.m to midnight.I am looking forward to the fireworks at the end of the party.I cant imagine how spectacular it will be.Please do come to this party if you are available.Anyway,let me know if you will come.Date :saturday,february 15th Place:the people cinema。


    Electronic mail, or E-mail for short, is an entirely new way of communication by means of computers. Being fast,inexpensive, highly efficient and convenient, E-mail is so popular in developed countries that it is difficult to imagine modern life without it.

    Nowadays, millions of computers all over the world have been connected to form a global network called Internet. You can send or receive by E-mail a variety of information and documents such as letters, papers, video and audio files to anyone in over 170 countries in a short time. Moreover, language harriers are not a problem, because Internet software is capable of translating your mail into whatever language you want. You can also store, delete, edit, compile and search your E-maih Most importantly, E-mail helps us overcome space and time limitations in communication.

    With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the fast expansion of the information highway,wider and wider applications of Internet E-mail will be developed and E-mail will soon become an indispensable means of communication.


    Dear Mr. Zhang,

    I just got the information that youve done an excellent job on the speech.

    Im very appreciated that you made such a successful speech on behalf of me. Thank you.

    I wish you and your family a good time during National Day.

    Best Regards,


