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  • 对比类英语六级范文


    模板一: ①It is widely believed that______(指出现象)。

    Whats more, ______(进一步阐述该现象)。 Many people strongly advocate it owing to______(支持原因)。

    However,_______(相关因素),peoples ideas vary。 ②On the one hand, some people hold that ______(第一种观点及原因)。

    On the other hand,a great many people insist that _______(第二种观点及原因)。 ③As far as I am concerned, however, ______(自己的态度及理由)。

    Therefore, it is time that_____(得出结论)。 模板二: ①A great many people______(提出观点)。

    First and foremost,some people incline to______(赞成原因1)。Whats more, they maintain that______(赞成原因2)。

    ②On the contrary, the vast majority of people assume that_______(提出相反的观点)。 ③In my opinion,______(提出自己的观点)。

    For one thing,______(理由1)。 For another,______(理由2)。

    模板三: ①With the development of society, people attach more importance to ______(提出现象)。 They regard it as______(进一步阐述该现象)。

    ②Should we______(提出观点)?______(相关答案)。To begin with,______(理由1)。

    Whats more,_______(理由2)。 ③For my part, ______(表明自己的态度)。

    Most importantly, _______(进行进一步阐述)。


    Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dis honest. Those who gain for tunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest. Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time, youll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people a round. once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.

    However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems tha t more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be cast away. They dont understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people are to be pitied.

    In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great; dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing." We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.



    本文是一篇对比型说明文,即对照两个人或事物的不同点。文章采用综合法(all-about pattern)开门见山地对所讨论的问题作了对比:第一段写对有前科者的不正确态度;第二段写对这类人员的正确态度,经纬分明。第三、四段是作者做出的总结和结论。第五段写作者的建议。



    Help Ex-cons Start New Life

    I once read a story about a person who was put into prison for his bad behavior. After serving his time in prison, he returned home.“How can you have the face to come home, go away!”his angry father shouted at him. Two months later, he was put into prison again for stealing.

    I also read a story about a different person in the same situation, but when he returned to his village, no one looked down upon him, and people helped him find a job to make a living. Five years later, he became a millionaireand contributed to the building of a school in his hometown.

    Different attitudes produce different results.

    Generally speaking, after reeducation most people have learnt their lessons and find a legal way to support themselves through honest labour. When returning to society, only a few returned to their old ways. But even though the number of the ex-felons who return to a life of crime is below 8 per cent, we should understand that these repeated offences are much worse than first offences.

    The task of guiding these people is a job that belongs not only to the persons themselves and their families, but is a task the whole society should confront.


    Keep Our Hearts Strong As the proverb goes, constant drops wear out the stone。

    Good habits help pave our way to success。 However, during the cultivation of good habits we are frequently bewildered and baffled by temptations from the world around us。

    only when we are alert and determined enough to resist these temptations can we take a right and unswerving road to success。 In our daily life, it is essential for us to be self-disciplined。

    A healthy lifestyle, which may consist of regular exercise and balanced diet, is what most people are pursuing in contemporary society。 Yet many people cannot resist the coziness of staying in and temptation of tasty but fatty food, thus giving up half way cultivating healthy habits and getting decreasingly robust。

    In addition, our progress in academic performance depends on good habits。 We must restrain ourselves from endless entertainment。

    Otherwise, distracted and indulged, we can never maintain a good learning habit, let alone achieve academic excellence。 In summary, good habits rely on strong hearts that are not disturbed by temptations。

    With persistence and perseverance, we are heading to success。 【点评】: 本次作文要求以“Good habits result from resisting temptation。





    【六级作文题目】 For this part , your are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance。 You can give explain to illustrate your point 。

    You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words。 【六级参考范文】 There is an old saying that people never judge a book from its cover。

    From my point of view, this saying also applies to our attitudes towards others: never judge a person from their appearance。 Because you never know one persons true merits if only judging from their appearance。

    It is true that an attractive appearance is of great significance not only for daily life but also for the job。 However, it is unwise to judge one person by the appearance for the following reasons。

    On the one hand, with the advancement of science technology and medical level, people can transform their surface by all means。 On the other hand, the appearance should not be the merely criteria for judging an individual, considering that are more important factors, including Courteous, kind-hearted, honest and so on。

    In conclusion, it is unadvisable to judge a person by their appearance。 Thats why I assert that we should pay more attention to ones inward and place high value on inner cultivation。


    观点对比题 Economic Development and Environmental Protection 1.有人认为经济发展先于环境保护; 2.有人环境保护先于经济发展; 3.我的看法。

    【范文】 There are some individuals who argue that, compared to the environment protection, the top priority is supposed to given to economic development。 They deem that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development。

    They are only the by products of economic development, which can be handled later when we have the time and money。 However, other individuals hold different opinions that(或者:other holders of the opposite opinions argue that ) environment protection should be attached more importance than economic development in that present serious environmental problems will threaten the health of the residents and hinder the advance of the economy。

    As far as I am concerned, environmental protection and economic development can coexist in parallel and can stay in harmony。 Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people。

    What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development of the society。 问题解决性作文 1。

    低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎 2。 低碳生活方式非常有好处 3。

    我们应该如何去做 【范文】 Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life。 Low carbon lifestyle can endow us and our society with numerous benefits。

    Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protection and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health。 We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance。

    And there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life。 For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use of private cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases。

    For another, we are supposed to cultivate the public awareness of energy conservation for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly。 For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using renewable materials。

    Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide。 In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment。


    It has been generally acknowledged,insist that it is the most important condition,anyone who wants to succeed should possess.To our surprise,according to a recent survey,60% of young people were defeated or depressed,and they encounter any difficulties,need social assistance attention.Indeed,for different purposes,this phenomenon.First and foremost,parents and grandparents spoil the child.They are more fragile,even than the previous generation.In addition,we only pay attention to the research and development of School of ability,resistance to stress.But in the end,these are not important,teenagers cant change myself,because of their limited capacity.In my opinion,ones spirit,awaken dormant led to greater success,a positive attitude is indispensable.In addition,our media publicize energetically in overcoming the difficulties.only when each departments begin to recognize the important adhere to this phenomenon,to gradually reduce.它已被普遍承认,坚持是最重要的条件,任何人想要取得成功都应该具备的.让我们惊讶的是,根据最近的一项调查中,60 %的年轻人被击败或沮丧时,和他们遇到任何困难,都需要社会援助的关注.诚然,有不同的目的,这一现象.首先并且最重要地,父母和祖父母惯坏了孩子.他们更脆弱,甚至比前代.此外,我们学校只重视研究而发展的能力,抗压力.但是最后这些并不重要,青少年不能改变自己,因为他们的能力有限.在我看来,一个人的精神,唤醒休眠导致更大的成功,一个积极的态度是不可或缺的.此外,我们的媒体大力宣传在克服困难.只有当每个部门开始认识到重要的坚持,这现象才能逐渐减少.累死了.愿你六级通过!。





    此外,大学英语考试委员会从1997年6月起,正式实施了“作文最低分”的规定:作文分大于0分,小于6分,在计算成绩时要在总分中减去6分;如果作文得10分,则最后成绩一律计为59分。 首先要了解六级写作考试大纲的内容,评分标准、原则,历年真题范围,从而掌握出题原则及规律。






    熟悉各种应试技巧:如何识别提纲中的关键词;如何将提纲转化为各段的主题句;如何描述图表内容,提出相关问题并加以分析、说明;如何开头;如何结尾等。 临场注意事项 放松情绪,消除恐惧感,必要时可借助深呼吸来缓解紧张的心情。








    建议书写较差的考生买本英语字帖练一下书写,也许你会有意外的惊喜。 阶段总结:每过一周就要问自己几个问题:所背诵的表达可以用来写什么类型的文章?该类文章的相关词汇或表达有什么?关键词如何避免重复?请记住:没有复习,没有巩固。


