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  • 教育邀请函英文范文


    邀请函 假定你是李华,你的一位美国朋友Jane在中国学习中文两年,即将回国。

    现在由你给她发E-mail,邀请她参加为她举办的欢送会,要点如下: (1)祝贺她顺利通过考试,她的学习进步很大,为她骄傲; (2)感谢她帮助你们学习英语; (3)时间:星期六晚六点; (4)地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间; (5)路线:在你所住宾馆门口乘坐332路公共汽车可直达。 注意: (1)须包括以上主要内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯; (2)词数:100左右。

    开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party Dear Jane,Congratulations on your passing all the exams. """""" """""" """""" Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【猜题理由】该素材围绕与学生的日常生活相关的话题,体现"生活化"的特点。

    本篇写作要求写一篇邀请函,能够充分体现生活实际和语言的交际功能。 【构思点拨】写邀请函时一方面需要说明邀请理由,另 一方面要把活动的时间、地点、乘车路线等细节问题一定要交代清楚。

    【参考范文】 Dear Jane, Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. All you have gained is the result of your hard work. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English We'll always remember the wonderful time we spent together. It's pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? We'll have dinner together. By the way,you may take Bus No. 332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club. I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead! Yours faithfully, Li Hua。


    InvitationDear Jack,Long time no see,how is everything going on with you?How time flies!We have already graduated from our school(或者是university).Therefore,I think that it is necessary to hold a graduation party and I have made it on this coming Sunday namely June 27th.The place is set at my home at about four o'clock in the afternoon.However,we should wait for the graduation ceremony is over first of all.I am looking forward to welcoming you to my home.希望能帮上你喔!。




    [范文]Dear Professor Wang,We kindly request the honor of your presence to celebrate the l6th Annual Teacher's Day, for banquet at the Grand Hotel at six o'clock p. m. on September Eighth, two thousand and three. We look forward to your attendance.Yours sincerely,。


    这是我以前做作业时写的,曾多次被老师叫好哦! Dear American: Nice to meet you! Would you like to make friends with me? If yes, please come to our home China and taste a very delicious traditional food, dumplings! I personally really like America, because it is a very nice country and the people have very nice manners. I hope that you will accept this invatation. Bye!! From A person who is looking forward to America 亲爱的美国人:你们好! 我们可以和你们交朋友吗?如果可以,请来我们家尝尝我们中国的传统食物饺子。

    我非常羡慕美国,因为美国很干净,美国人又懂礼貌。很高兴你能收到这封邀请函,谢谢 想和美国人做朋友的人 第二篇: Dear Edel(随便一个名字): Hello! It's soon my birthday! I am so glad that I am going to let my friends celebrate my birthday with me. So I am running a party, lots of people are invited and you are one of them! At my party there will be lots of games and other fun activites, it will be really good! Of course the better the more people! Date: 13.5.2010(我是澳大利亚人,所以按照这里的规矩,日期是从日写到年的,不确定你想要怎样) Saturday Time: 9AM-10PM Hope you can come! From Alice(你的名字) 亲爱的爱迪(随便一个名字): 你好! 我的生日快到了!我很高兴我能够让我的朋友们与我一起庆祝我的生日。

    我现在在准备一个聚会,很多人都被邀请了,你也是其中一个!在我的聚会里会有很多游戏和其他好玩的活动,非常有意义!当然,人是越多越热闹了! 日期:2010年5月13日 时间:上午9点到晚上10点 希望你能来! 爱丽丝 敬上 小菜一碟!以后有英语的问题就问我吧!我很不错的!(不过实在要承认,我的中文都没英文好。



    Dear sir/madam: It's our great honor to invite you to visit our shcool xxxx located at (address), on xxxx(date). We are looking forward to seeing you.If you have any question, Please feel free to contact us.yours sincerely xxxx(name)xxxx(title)xxxx(date)。


    Room 501, Building 3

    No.7 Huanhu Road, Jiangnan Municipality

    Dear Professor Zhang,

    This is XXX from X class, Nanfang High School. We will hold a small-size seminar on "City Transportation" in our classroom at 3:30pm on Jun.22 (Friday). Since you are a well-known expert in this field, we sincerely invite you to this seminar. We all look forward to seeing you there.

    Yours truly,




    它不仅表示礼貌庄重,也有凭证作用。 1>格式要求。

    请柬一般由标题、称谓、正文、落款四部分组成。 标题即用大字书写的“请柬”两字,在第一行中间,或者占用一页,当作封面。

    称谓即被请者的单位名称或姓名,另起一行或一页顶格书写,姓名之后写上职务、职称等,如“同志”、“先生”、“教授”、“经理”、“主任”等。 正文应写清活动时间、地点、内容、要求,并用“敬请参加”、“敬候光临”、“敬请届时光临”等语结束。

    落款即发函者的署名与发函日期。 2>请柬的形式要美观大方,不可用书信纸或单位的信函纸草草了事,而应用红纸或特制的请柬填写。

    所用语言应恳切、热诚,文字须准确、简练、文雅。 2、 针对商务或个人: 邀请信(邀请书) 邀请信:邀请信是为了增进友谊,发展业务,邀请客人参加庆典、会议 及各种活动的信函。

    1>称谓。 2>开头:向被邀请人简单问候。

    3>交待时间、地点和活动内容、邀请原因等。 4>参加活动的细节安排。

    5>联系人、电话、地址、落款、日期。 XXX, CEO (被邀请人姓名) XXX, VP Sales (被邀请人职位) XXXXXXXX Corporation (被邀请人所在公司) (Address) (被邀请人所在公司的地址) It's our great honor to invite you to visit XXX(活动名称)located at (address) (活动名称)in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation. Please use this invitation letter to attend our activity. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. Yours truly, XXX (邀请人姓名) Vice President Sales (邀请人职务) XXX Company (邀请人公司名称) Dear sir/madam: Thank you for your letter of [date](来信日期). I'm glad that you are also going to [place] (活动地点)next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair](展览名称). Our company is having a reception at [hotel] (酒店名称)on the evening of [date] (日期)and I would be very pleased if you could attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, [name] [title] 邀请参加演讲:Dear sir/madam:I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference (会议题目) in [city] (城市)on [date](日期).As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic ""(演讲题目) from [time] to [time](演讲起止时间). There will be an additional minutes for questions(安排提问时间).Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need(是否需要演讲设备). If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date](最晚知晓日期), I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, [name] [title] We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our (推介会名称). The presentation will take place at [location](活动地点), at [time] (活动时间)on [date] (活动日期). There will also be a reception at [time](签到处开放时间). We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend. [company](公司名称) is a leading company of high-quality . As you well know, our recent marketing activities have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new activities this year offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar activities from other media (对报系本年度活动的赞美) . We look forward to seeing you on [date] (活动日期) . Just call our office at [phone number](办公电话号码) and we will be glad to secure a place for you. Sincerely yours, [name] [title]。


    请柬(Invitation Cards)又称请贴或邀请书,广泛应用于日常生活以及外事活动中。例如:举行婚礼、宴会、舞会、茶话会、招待会及重大活动的开幕式和闭幕式等。




    英语请柬中的邀请套语“Request the pleasure of the company of”,相当于汉语中的“敬请光临”字样。

    宴会性的活动内容,例如:桥牌(Bridge),鸡尾酒会(Cocktails),茶会(Tea Party),舞会(Ball)等一般不出现在请柬的正文中,应在请柬的左下角注明。




    1、婚礼请柬(Invitation Cards on Wedding)

    Mr.and Mrs. Dave Brown

    request the honor of your presence

    at the marriage of their daughter

    Susan Lora


    Mr.Michael Fredrick Hardiman

    Sunday, the twenty-fifth of May

    at five o"clock

    church of the St. Johnson

    Los Angeles

    2、舞会请柬(Invitation Cards on Dance Party)

    Mr. and Mrs. Luther Basler

    request the pleasure of your company

    at a small dance

    Friday, the ninth of April

    at seven o"clock

    The Kentshire House

    Please reply

