Due to the personal reason, I have to leave the company for a week. Sorry about the inconvenience. Since my absence might affect to the business, here is the arrangement. please don't worry about it.
first of all, Mr XX will be responsible for what I did before. He is an excellent test engineer. I believed he would be able to finish the job on time with the same quality.
Secondly, I have written down a detailed plan for the testing. All test engineers have evaluated their task. These evaluations have reached reasonable degree.
Thirdly, If any emergency happened during my absence, you can call me regarding the problems.
based on the arrangement stated above, I would believed the test will be completed with the desired quality and within the required time.
We are sorry to inform you that the goods shipped this week have been inspected by the Shanghai Customs yesterday due to the incorrect Customs code. We need to prepare new documents to the Customs for declaration. Therefore, the date of shipment is delayed to around November 20th. Currently we are submitting the report to the customs and will notify you the latest progress timely.
We apologize for the delay, attached is the Customs inspection record.
标题: incorrect information
Dear Jenny,
I am sorry but I made a mistake abour our order quantity requirement in my last email. I do apologize for that.
When I said that our minimum quantity for each toy is 10,000 pieces, I actually mean that the minimum quantity requirement for the item you appointed is 10,000 which is not for other items.
I am sorry for the trouble caused by my mistake, which could concern you. once again, I do apologize for this.
楼主注意, 和客户打交到这种错误还是少犯好, 小心客户不高兴, 丢了单子是大事。 多道歉几次, 礼多人不怪。
1、Thank you for contacting us.
2、Thank you for your prompt reply.
当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”
3、Thank you for providing the requested information.
4、Thank you for all your assistance.
如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”
5、Thank you raising your concerns.
就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.”
6、Thank you for your kind cooperation.
7、Thank you for your attention to this matter.
8、Thank you for your understanding.
9、Thank you for your consideration.
10、Thank you again for everything you've done.
英文电子邮件的写作特点和格式 一、主题 主题(Subject)框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是一个单词,如greetings;长的可以是一个名词性短语,也可以是完整句,但长度一般不超过35个字母。
YES:Supplier training NO:professional trainees from sister company should abide by rule of local company(太长) 主题框的内容切忌含糊不清。 NO:像News about the meeting 这样的表达, YES:应改为Tomorrow's meeting canceled。
YES:New E-mail Address Notification;Detailed calculation NO:detailed calculation 视信的内容是否重要,还可以开头加上URGENT或者FYI(For Your Information,供参考),如:URGENT:Submit your report today! 二、称呼 1、E-mail一般使用非正式的文体,因此正文(Body)前的称呼(Salutation)通常无须使用诸如Dear Mr. John之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。
YES:Tommy,或者Mr. Smith。 2、称呼和正文之间,段落之间,正文和信尾客套话之间一般空一行,开头无须空格。
如: Jimmy, I received your memo and will discuss it with Eric on Wednesday. Best, David 3、人家的名字千万不要错,老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: Howard E. Wyatt, Dr. Howard E. Hyatt 4、多过一个男人,用Messrs,就是Misters的意思,不过不要跟名字,跟姓就行啦. YES: Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury 。女人呢? YES:用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子: Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray 。
男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ;Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn 。 5、有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔,有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用Ms.算了. Ms. Sarah Gray 6、职衔短可以一行过,长就下一行吧.例如: Ken Green, President /Ken Green /Vice President of International Operations NO:Ken Green /Vice President of Unicom China YES: Ken Green /Vice President, Unicom China 7、老外的名字有时有Jr. 或 Sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人: YES:Michael J. Smith, Jr. /Michael J. Smith Sr. 8、用人家的名字总好过人家的头衔称呼. 如果没有名字,或者是很正规信的信件,可以考虑这些: Dear Committee Member: Dear Meeting Planner: Dear Colleagues: To All Sales Reps: To Whom It May Concern: Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Madam or Sir: Dear Purchasing Agent: 如果是全公司: YES: Gentlemen or Ladies: Ladies or Gentlemen: 9、有时见到人家用冒号就说人家错,其实也未必啊,看: YES:Dear Mr. Jones: (非常正规) Dear Joan: Dear Jim, Jim, (非正规) 三、拼写 1、E-mail的非正式的文体特点并不意味它的撰写可以马虎行事,特别是给长辈或上级写信,或者撰写业务信函更是如此。
写完信后,一定要认真检查有无拼写、语法和标点符号的误。当然Outlook Express等软件的'拼写检查'功能可以助你一臂之力。
2、外国国名尽量用大写.是为尊重,也方便邮差. 3、标点要准确 NO:He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment. YES:He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment. 4、大小写要注意 非必要,不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人。 NO:MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样。
YES:要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了。 四、结尾部分 A、书信的结尾致意要留意,弄清大家的关系才选择用词,例子: 1、 Very Formal非常正规的(例如给政府官员的) Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully, 2、 Formal正规的(例如客户公司之间啦) Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Yours truly, 3、 Less Formal不太正规的(例如客户) Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially yours, Yours cordially, Cordially, 4、Informal非正规的(例如朋友,同事之类) Regards, Warm regards, With kindest regards, With my best regards, My best, Give my best to Mary, Fondly, Thanks, See you next week! 有时在we, I, and you之间选择是很烦的事-- 如果是公司代表联络生意之类,可以用: We will reimburse you for these legal expenses. Sinopec will reimburse you for these legal expenses. 如果单纯说你自己,可以用: I found the brochure very informative. 有时可以一起用啦。
: We are pleased to offer you the position of sales director, and I am looking forward to our Tuesday morning meeting. 那么I和you呢?好烦好烦.一般来说,收信人的利益比较重要,名义上都要这样想.给人尊重的语气就一般不会错了. 多用you有时会有隔阂的感觉. You will be pleased to 。
邮件开头的礼貌用语 英语怎么说
Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。
Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”
Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。
Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.
就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.”
I am just wondering if you have received my previous email. I am sending it again just in case you might not have got it yet.
If this product does not meet your current requirements, it would be nice of you to keep it in your database in case you will need it in the future.(我要是给客户写信我是不会写这句的)
Sorry for any incovenience that could cause.