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  • 英文逃课检讨书范文


    Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this self-criticism book with regret to you, to say to you me to cut class this kind of badly behavioral deep understanding and the decision that do not play truant any further.

    Be used as a student, originally should obey the discipline, but I break the law disorderly Ji's truancy. again, my this kind of behavior results in still between the school classmate very and bad influence, break the image of the school.Of the classmate originally should study each other, promoting each other, but I this kind of express, taking a bad head to the classmateses, disadvantage's constucting the teacher in the atmosphere of a school that the school and the hospital fasten is to very concern us, taking good care of us,So if I want to hear the teacher from now on, well appreciate to comprehend the teacher to our request, and guarantee can't Be having the similar affair occurrence.hope the teacher to the opportunity that I turn over a new leaf.the teacher hope we become the pillars of the society, arriving the teacher through this affair my deep impression very sorry and ashamed with I this kind of mood that corrupts the atmosphere of a school, make my mental state, I too thank teacher to me this time deep education.

    I honestly accept the animadversion. will also further go deep into the summary for all these I, deep self-reflection, I guarantee hereafter no longer without cause cut class!Plead the teacher believes I can remember the precept and correct the mistake

    Examine person XXX

    The day of the exergue



    Dear Mr./Miss/Madam XXX,

    I am writing this to apologize for missing your several classes.I am feeling very sorry for this. As you told us before, we students should study hard and treasure every moment in the university. So I have had a deep thought after cutting the class, and now I realize the consequence:Firstly,studying is just like a chain, and a chain is as strong as the weakest link,once I cut the class, I will fall behind others in this part, and that might be the weakness in this project which I may have too pay much more time to catch up on it. Secondly,teacher takes the responsbily of the security of his/her students in school, I am sure that you really worried about me once you know that I wasn't in your class, I feel guilty and so sorry about that.Last but not the least,I caused a very negative influence to the classmates,maybe someone will do as I did just because what I have done,thus the atmosphere of studying will become worse.

    Dear Mr./Miss/Madam XXX, I promise that this will not happen again, I will do my best in the following classes to catch up with others.

    Please forgive me.

    Yours, XXXX

    (add time)


    Dear teacher,

    I'm sorry for escaping class. My English is poor , and have no base ,so I have no confidence at all .You are a kind teacher .Althouth I made so many mistake ,you still strick on me and haven't given up me .I'm very appreciate that.

    I promise that I will go to class on time from now on ,and try my best to learn more English knowledge from you .

    Your sincerely ,***

    5th Dec ,2007


    Dear teacher: I'm sorry to have made you disappointed and unhappy because of my failure in the entrance exam to the important senior high school. I have learnt about the reasons for my failure. I had no interest in my study though I knew knowledge is very important. At school I didn't work hard at my lessons at all and as a result I couldn't understand the knowledge points I should have mastered.What's worse, I often disobeyed the school rules and regulations and caused much trouble for you and my teachers. At the moment I feel regretful that I didn't have a rich and meaningful junior middle school life. I know there is no medicine for my regrets in the world, so I will change myself from now on. I will make a careful plan to make up for my lost time and my lessons. I will make full use of this summer vaction to learn my lessons and try to cultivate my interest in my study. I will learn to control myself and behave myself well, trying not to give you any trouble. Simultaneously I will do as much housework as I can to help ease you of tiredness. Be used as a student, originally should obey the discipline, but I break the law disorderly Ji's truancy. again, my this kind of behavior results in still between the school classmate very and bad influence, break the image of the school.Of the classmate originally should study each other, promoting each other, but I this kind of express, taking a bad head to the classmateses, disadvantage's constucting the teacher in the atmosphere of a school that the school and the hospital fasten is to very concern us, taking good care of us,So if I want to hear the teacher from now on, well appreciate to comprehend the teacher to our request, and guarantee can't Be having the similar affair occurrence.hope the teacher to the opportunity that I turn over a new leaf.the teacher hope we become the pillars of the society, arriving the teacher through this affair my deep impression very sorry and ashamed with I this kind of mood that corrupts the atmosphere of a school, make my mental state, I too thank teacher to me this time deep education.。












    忆起当时,环顾现在,我当时就应该不顾有伤风化,跑出去给舍友打电话,拼死也要上课的!但,悔亦晚矣,悔亦晚矣!而其他那些诸如记错课表、钟表停走,闹铃坏掉的事情我就不想多说了,我知道这些理由说出来都是不能成立的,因为,这所有的问题都只能归结于我,还未能达到一个现代大学生该具有地认识问题的水平。未能对老师们的辛勤劳作做出回报,我越来越清晰地感觉到我是一个罪人!!! 对于我旷课的事情,所造成的严重后果如下: 1、 让老师担心我的安全。


    2、 在同学们中间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷课,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,也是对别的同学的父母的不负责。

    3、 影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,违背父母的意愿,实乃不孝。 如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已。

    深刻检讨,认为深藏在本人思想中的致命错误有以下几点: 1、 思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严重不足。就算是有认识,也没能在行动上真正实行起来。

    2、 思想觉悟不高的根本原因是因为本人对他人尊重不足。试想,如果我对老师有更深的尊重,我会提前半个小时起床,也不会在梦里对自己5:50就做好准备的事情沾沾自喜,就会更早的发现那只是一个梦,这样梦醒了也不会迟到,错误也不会发生了。

    3、 平时生活作风懒散。如果不是因为懒散、粗心大意、记忆力水平低,我怎么会把教学秘书如此辛苦制作出来的课表忘记? 4、 平时和舍友交流不足,未能做到真正意义上的团结同学,试想,若我和舍友交流充足,怎会不知道他们何时离开宿舍?若我和他们真正做到好好团结,他们又怎会不知道我在洗澡?若更进一步我和他们相邀一块上学,旷课的事还有可能发生吗? 据上,我决定有如下个人整改措施: 1、 按照老师要求缴纳保质保量的检讨书一份!对自己思想上的错误根源进行深挖细找的整理,并认清其可能造成的严重后果。

    2、 制定学习计划,认真克服生活懒散、粗心大意的缺点,努力将期考考好,以好成绩来弥补我的过错 3、 和同学们加强沟通。保证不再出现上述错误 请关心爱护我的老师同学继续监督、帮助我改正缺点,取得更大的进步。












    Self Criticism

    (称谓,通常是Dear Teacher):

    (陈情部分)i m terribly sorry that i haven t go to shcool for about 1 month.i know i ve made a big mistake.(接下来自己编一下原因吧)

    (你的保证)i promise that i will never truant again,please don t let me leave the school,it is just an accident!its really important for me to go on my studies here!i will study hard!please give me an opportunity!(这一段抒情可以自己再编)


    通常是:Your Student




    I am very sorry !beause my grandpa is ill and I have to look after him.There is little time to tell you.But I have asked one to tell you what happened to me.Don”you know?My father has advised me to be careful,and I know I am really wrong.But I am sure that I will not against the rules again!。


    I am very sorry !

    beause my grandpa is ill and I have to look after him.

    There is little time to tell you.But I have asked one to tell you what happened to me.Don”you know?

    My father has advised me to be careful,and I know I am really wrong.But I am sure that I will not against the rules again!

