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  • 听课感想英语范文

    英语学习心得 英文 1000字

    1. True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said, "interest is the best teacher." If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English will not really very good score. Some time ago, and before meeting with old classmates and talk to the English, she said that he totally not interested in English, see English on the bored to death, I think this is bad a lot of English Student of the biggest questions facing. Look at me, very interesting study of language is one thing, by studying another language you not only have different languages and people's ability to communicate, but also to expand their horizons, there is joy of life to understand other cultures. In my efforts to find enjoyment in learning English, so that in life you will pay attention to all things English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs 。

    。 。

    you will find in English on our side, are true, not lies. 2. I do not learn English "back" word. I always object to the word back, high school reading to see a large number of students a word list with a letter to back letters of words, I do not know they did not back stand back, but I am certain that, even so you back, back the living, back in quickly, then you must also forget quickly, but it is very difficult to use these words very well. In my opinion the right way to remember the words to memory through the article, as many articles or paragraphs of the article into the capacity to improve your reading, studying grammar, word memory is very useful. Article in the new words you do not know, you can check, and I want to emphasize that you should check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then on the article, the sentence re - re-read so well. 3. I never learn English, "learn" grammar. Now, ask me what are you Appositive, what is the attributive clause, my answer could be very difficult, I very much to these questions are not interested in grammar, which may be a lot of students are not interested. How can we not then have to study grammar, but also on the statement of the right to judge them? My solution is still the article watch many, read many articles, chapters of the article into a paragraph can be said that all the elements are the best source of study, but also the ultimate purpose of our study, if we study the better, can eat into some articles into a beautiful section of the article must also bear witness to our success. 4. Pronunciation of the most important. Language learning, pronunciation and ultimately forever. Study our mother tongue through the same ten thousand thousands of times on the pronunciation and correct for, the study of all languages are such. My proposal, is my secret of success: to put a precise pronunciation of words. Some people wrongly think the most important grammar is, in fact, such ideas are wrong, the correct pronunciation, is the starting point for all language learning. If you can read a majority of the right words, then your ability to remember words, the ability to understand the article, the ability to grasp the grammar will have a greater degree of improve. Since these are all related to the issue of language sense. 5. To be read out. I strongly urge everyone to watch many articles, not just watch, you must have to want it more than try to read out, a little bit of common sense knows that an article, in order to put him in mind and understood, than simply read out the Vision watch a lot of want a lot of faster. At the same time, you will also read out the spoken pronunciation have better help. There is a lot of us are just learning English as a mixed put check diploma, diploma means, do not really want to use them, but I want to tell you, this is the case now that you want, and there have been some, then why not put Learn English in the most likely to use that part of it away? That is colloquial pronunciation. English and may be able to understand simple spoken answer will be helpful later on in life you Oh! 6. To believe in themselves. Can have trust in their own learning these things, even the most difficult on the Chinese world will be able to say their memorization, and not to mention it just in English. Sometimes we would do this and ultimately, the health of the spirit of the Arab-Israeli q. Well, I hope my words can help them to everyone! After all, each person is different, my usefulness of these methods on their own, and not necessarily to others useful only from the U.S. to find something to fit their own, I am very pleased, thank you.。


    [英语课观后感]一、教师带来的启示教师自身的良好素质是讲好课的重要前提和基本保证,英语课观后感.在听课中我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确.语言地道;2、善于利用多媒体及教师演唱、画画、舞蹈等各种自身特长辅助教学,让语言知识更立体,更直观,更生动;3、教态亲切,表情极其丰富自然,在课堂上能轻松,潇洒的进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语基础知识作后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实.同时,教师又各有各的特色,有的严谨,慢条斯理;有的活泼,妙趣横生.总之,每一位教师都以他们的学识和人格魅力感染着学生.与其说这是初次见面的师生的一堂英语课,更不如说这是老朋友之间的一场用英语作为交际手段的聚会.二、教材带来的启示紧扣教材,却又不拘泥于教材;名优教师们都给大家带来了风景此处独好的感觉,之所以给人这样的感受,是应为他们对教材都进行了深入的专研和认真的整合.这次的八节课选取的教材内容侧重点各不相同;有听力课,阅读课,口语课,甚至还有Self Check复习课.老师们的授课形式也因课而异.众所周知,英语课中最难上是两种课,一种是听力课,另一种就是阅读课.我觉得这次金华的俞爱华老师就给我们展示了一堂别开生面的听力课,教师从导入开始,就围绕听力材料有序展开了,中途的句型操练也是听力材料中的重点和难点,并且一再反复的呈现,这就极大限度地降低了听力的难度.而且,老师创新性地改编了教材中的听力材料,删除了听力中的一些干扰性强又与课堂教学目标毫无关系的句子,使听力材料真正的符合学生的需求,真正给学生学以致用的机会.另外,教师还利用书本原有听力材料,改编新的听力练习,充分的利用了材料,减少了教学资源的浪费.同样,复习课也是英语教学中很让老师头疼的一个问题,温外的林小玲老师大胆地选择了《Go for it》八上Unit3,为我们献上了一节复习课.整堂课教师都是围绕一个教学目的展开的,就是培养学生的综合语用能力,在课堂最后让每一个学生都能写一个自己最向往的旅行计划.所以虽然文本只有短短的几个文字,但是教师却把整个单元可以用于写作的单词、词组、句型,通过创设的一连串情境,运用有效的教学方法,穿成了一串美丽的珍珠项链,都说学生的文章内容有多少,和老师是密切相关的,林老师整堂课的信息输入非常的多,从activities-some students'vacation plan-the teacher's vacation plan-my vacation plan,每一个环节教师都在学生原有的知识基础上进行拓展,由点到面,由易入难,符合学生的认知规律,观后感《英语课观后感》.最后,学生生成的东西自然而然就多了.三、课堂流程带来的启示(一)导入导入是每节课的导入虽然都采取了不同的方式,如游戏、录象、头脑风暴所以在课堂一开始,就抓住了学生的兴趣,活跃了学生的思维.(二)教学过程新课程理念在名师们精深的教学思想引领下,通过精湛的教学技术,表现得淋漓尽致.著名教育家赞可夫曾说过:我们要努力使学习充满无拘无束的气氛,使孩子和教师在课堂上都能自由地呼吸,如果不能造就这样的气氛,任何一种教学方法都不能发挥作用.这几节可真印证了这句名言.别说是学生和教师,就连我这个经常在外面听课的教师也都被这些课深深吸引.这些课在设计方面就独具匠心.新目标对一堂课的好坏,最关键的评定标准就是看这节课能让学生学会什么,学到什么.所以,名师们的教学目标意识非常强,教学内容设计紧紧围绕教学目标展开,重难点突出,每一个教学步骤都有具体的任务,充分体现任务型教学的思想.同时在设计教学环节时,也结合学生实际,采用了操作性强的多种活动方式,充分调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人.课堂结构紧凑、流畅,教学方法多样.充分鼓励学生参与语言实践活动.教学手段先进,熟练掌握多媒体辅助教学手段.在教学中,老师能结合教学内容,设计贴近学生生活的教学活动,吸引和组织学生参与课堂实践,真正实现了以学生为中心,以活动为中心,以任务为中心,学生的主体性得到了充分的发挥, 教学效果好.(三) 教学评价教学中注重学生的发展,对有特点的学生,进行充分地肯定.并以其为典范在学生中推广,鼓励学生积极开发思维.例如:当一个学生不会用某一词来表达意思,学生换成另一种语言表达,老师抓住这一教学生成,恰到好处地对该学生进行了积极的鼓励和褒奖.(四)情感态度目标的落实注重启发式教学,不断引导学生通过思维活动去理解教材,掌握知识和技能.在学生习得知识的同时,更注重对学生学习情感的培养.以上每堂课中均有这样的教学片断或瞬间:教师根据教学内容设计教学情境,利用视频、音乐或教师语言的特殊语调表情刺激学生心理的情感源泉,激起学生积极、健康的情感体验,让学生有语言表达的冲动,以此铺垫下的师生、生生语言实践成了情感表达的需要,于是,英语课堂实现了学生为自我表达需要的阵地.四、值得探讨的问题1、教学的吸引力常常是以学生对继续学习的倾向性作出判断的,实际上反映了学生学习意愿、动机、毅力等方面的态度情感.学生是现实的,知道老师只是客。



    根据不同制订不同学习目标是有效学习重要环节。 总结:今天的听力材料较难,但是同学们能很好回答课后问题这就够了,不一定要了解那些细节,不可求全责备。

    根据不同制订不同学习目标是有效学习重要环节。 (一)对话(speaking) 活动形式:组对练习。

    1.发出指令,提出要求; 2.学习会话范例; 3.给对话所用句式; 4.学生组对谈论兴趣与建议。 A、教学时间分配 教育心理学指出新知识的学习需要一个接受的过程。


    导入部分用8分钟; 目标部分用3分钟; 预备部分用5分钟; 听力部分用12分钟; 会话部分用10分钟; 最后用两分钟总结本课内容和布置作业。 B、课堂板书设计 将黑板划为左右两块,左边板书教学步骤,右边板书生词和短语。

    Unit2 English around the world Readinga.Teaching aims1'. Knowledge and skills(a) Help the students master the usage of new words, phrases and sentence patterns, such as majority, native, except for, etc.(b) Help the students master the reading skills. 2'. Teaching process and methods (a) Cultivate the students' ability of self-study and communication.(b) Students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities are developed through task-based activities. 3'. Emotion and attitude(a) Help the students master the brief history of English, cultiv(转载自范文之家 http://www.541fanwen.cn,请保留此标记。)ate their sense of international culture, and develop their love for English learning.(b) Cultivate the students' team spirit and communicative skills through cooperation.b.Teaching important pointsHow to enable the students to master the reading skills such as skimming, scanning and how to guess a new word's meaning according to the context.c.Teaching difficult points1'.Help the students master the usage of new words, phrases and sentence patterns, such as majority, native, except for, etc.2'.How to enable the students to master the reading skills.d. Teaching methods1'. Brainstorming activates the students quickly and let them get familiar with the topic.2'. Task-based Teaching Method lets the students grasp the main idea and detailed information through skimming and scanning, enables the students to use their available knowledge to finish the tasks and helps them learn from doing3'. Situational Approach enables the students to be active and creative.4'. Communicative Approach develops the students' communicative skills.5'. Multi-media Assistance arouses the students' interest, curiosity and their desire for learning.您可以访问教育界杂志社官网(www.jyjzzs.cn)查看更多与本文《高中英语说课稿 》相关的文章。



    下面是学习啦带来的听英语课心得体会范文,欢迎大家阅读。 篇一:听英语课心得体会范文 通过这次的听课评课活动,我让这个接触小学英语教学时间不长的年轻教师受益匪浅。


    第一、小学英语教师的基本功 作为小学生的英语启蒙教师,教师本人的基本功能直接影响到学生英语的日后发展。从侠义方面来说包括两个方面:语音的标准及语言的流利,规范的板书。


    课堂语言除了要流畅,一定要确保我们说出的不是错误的句子,我们对学生的影响是潜移默化的,课堂上不够规范的课堂用语,可能会给学生日后的学习带来很大的负面影响。如:How to read it? How to do it? 这样的非句子,I'll give you three minutes.这样的汉语式句子都会给学生造成一种误导。

    规范的板书除了能利于学生抓住本课的重点内容,利于课文的理解外,也利于学生养成良好的书写习惯。 第二、情境的设置 英语的学习要求在语境中学习句子,在句子中学习单词。

    这就是说我们在教给学生一句话、一个词时还要给学生创设一定的情境,让学生学会在一定的情境中学会用句子、词语。 所创设的情境如何即利于课文的导入,也利于重点单词、句子的引出是一节课成败的重要方面。

    给我印象最深刻的是这样一个情境:教师问学生时间由未知到已知的心情感受引出Happy 。让学生很自然地进入课堂。

    第三、恰当的导入,自然的过渡 这几节课,我是以一种欣赏和享受的心情听完的。导入的自然,过渡的简洁而不留痕迹给我留下了深刻的印象。

    比如:在讲受Happy的过程中很自然地由于full而happy,整个课堂的八个感受由一个小故事连接而成。 第四、注重基础,适当拓展延伸 这次听的课没有想象中那么花哨,更多的是注重课文,注重基础知识。


    正是这种“磨刀不误砍柴工”的远见,提高了整节课的课堂效率。 通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,看到了自己的不足,以及自己与其他优秀教师的差距,同时我对自己也提出了许多问题去思考,怎样让自己的语言更优美?怎样让孩子喜欢上课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步。



    根据不同制订不同学习目标是有效学习重要环节。 总结:今天的听力材料较难,但是同学们能很好回答课后问题这就够了,不一定要了解那些细节,不可求全责备。

    根据不同制订不同学习目标是有效学习重要环节。 (一)对话(speaking) 活动形式:组对练习。

    1.发出指令,提出要求; 2.学习会话范例; 3.给对话所用句式; 4.学生组对谈论兴趣与建议。 A、教学时间分配 教育心理学指出新知识的学习需要一个接受的过程。


    导入部分用8分钟; 目标部分用3分钟; 预备部分用5分钟; 听力部分用12分钟; 会话部分用10分钟; 最后用两分钟总结本课内容和布置作业。 B、课堂板书设计 将黑板划为左右两块,左边板书教学步骤,右边板书生词和短语。

    Unit2 English around the world Readinga.Teaching aims1'. Knowledge and skills(a) Help the students master the usage of new words, phrases and sentence patterns, such as majority, native, except for, etc.(b) Help the students master the reading skills. 2'. Teaching process and methods (a) Cultivate the students' ability of self-study and communication.(b) Students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities are developed through task-based activities. 3'. Emotion and attitude(a) Help the students master the brief history of English, cultiv(转载自范文之家 http://www.541fanwen.cn,请保留此标记。)ate their sense of international culture, and develop their love for English learning.(b) Cultivate the students' team spirit and communicative skills through cooperation.b.Teaching important pointsHow to enable the students to master the reading skills such as skimming, scanning and how to guess a new word's meaning according to the context.c.Teaching difficult points1'.Help the students master the usage of new words, phrases and sentence patterns, such as majority, native, except for, etc.2'.How to enable the students to master the reading skills.d. Teaching methods1'. Brainstorming activates the students quickly and let them get familiar with the topic.2'. Task-based Teaching Method lets the students grasp the main idea and detailed information through skimming and scanning, enables the students to use their available knowledge to finish the tasks and helps them learn from doing3'. Situational Approach enables the students to be active and creative.4'. Communicative Approach develops the students' communicative skills.5'. Multi-media Assistance arouses the students' interest, curiosity and their desire for learning.您可以访问教育界杂志社官网(www.jyjzzs.cn)查看更多与本文《高中英语说课稿 》相关的文章。



    词汇量的大小决定一个学生英语水平的高低。因此在初中阶段除要掌握《大 纲》要求的800多词汇外,还要扩充500个左右的词汇。

    在学习词汇的过程 中,要掌握词的拼读规则,根据规则记忆单词;同时还要根据构词法知识记忆和扩充单词,通过语境理解和记忆单词也是一个最佳学习单词的好方法目前词汇在中考试题中汉译英的试题越来越少,取而代之的是词汇在语境中的运用考查比重越来越大。在进入学习英语的初级阶段时,掌握语音知识是学好英语单词的基础,读准英语音素是拼读音标的前提。




    为此要经常复习巩固每单元最后一课的“Listen,read and say”和课本附录中的"Pronunciation and spelling”,如果不重视这些内容。我觉得这可是很大的缺撼。





    将所有符合规则的单词归类记忆。如:①按开、闭音节记忆,掌握元音字母的读音②按字母组合记忆,掌握元音字母组合和辅音字母组合的读音,如:bee, meet, see, keep等等,ee字母组合读/i:/;chair, ch字母组合读/tS / 。


    如:information,共11个字母组成,可以把它“大卸八 块”,分音节记忆就会很容易。in-for-ma-tion 3.音、形、义结合法背单词将它的音、形、义结合起来,记忆牢固,速度也快。



    4.联想记忆来记单词。它主要包括以下几种形式:① 对比联想记忆:同时还可以联想到一些义同形不同的词。

    如:由cost联想到pay,take和spend,并将这些意义相对、相同或读音相同的词的用法进行比较。 ②归类联想记忆:把所学的单词按照不同的范畴分门别类, 将所学单词合理归类。






















    英语学习心得 英文 1000字

    1. True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said, "interest is the best teacher." If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English will not really very good score. Some time ago, and before meeting with old classmates and talk to the English, she said that he totally not interested in English, see English on the bored to death, I think this is bad a lot of English Student of the biggest questions facing. Look at me, very interesting study of language is one thing, by studying another language you not only have different languages and people's ability to communicate, but also to expand their horizons, there is joy of life to understand other cultures. In my efforts to find enjoyment in learning English, so that in life you will pay attention to all things English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs 。

    。 。

    you will find in English on our side, are true, not lies. 2. I do not learn English "back" word. I always object to the word back, high school reading to see a large number of students a word list with a letter to back letters of words, I do not know they did not back stand back, but I am certain that, even so you back, back the living, back in quickly, then you must also forget quickly, but it is very difficult to use these words very well. In my opinion the right way to remember the words to memory through the article, as many articles or paragraphs of the article into the capacity to improve your reading, studying grammar, word memory is very useful. Article in the new words you do not know, you can check, and I want to emphasize that you should check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then on the article, the sentence re - re-read so well. 3. I never learn English, "learn" grammar. Now, ask me what are you Appositive, what is the attributive clause, my answer could be very difficult, I very much to these questions are not interested in grammar, which may be a lot of students are not interested. How can we not then have to study grammar, but also on the statement of the right to judge them? My solution is still the article watch many, read many articles, chapters of the article into a paragraph can be said that all the elements are the best source of study, but also the ultimate purpose of our study, if we study the better, can eat into some articles into a beautiful section of the article must also bear witness to our success. 4. Pronunciation of the most important. Language learning, pronunciation and ultimately forever. Study our mother tongue through the same ten thousand thousands of times on the pronunciation and correct for, the study of all languages are such. My proposal, is my secret of success: to put a precise pronunciation of words. Some people wrongly think the most important grammar is, in fact, such ideas are wrong, the correct pronunciation, is the starting point for all language learning. If you can read a majority of the right words, then your ability to remember words, the ability to understand the article, the ability to grasp the grammar will have a greater degree of improve. Since these are all related to the issue of language sense. 5. To be read out. I strongly urge everyone to watch many articles, not just watch, you must have to want it more than try to read out, a little bit of common sense knows that an article, in order to put him in mind and understood, than simply read out the Vision watch a lot of want a lot of faster. At the same time, you will also read out the spoken pronunciation have better help. There is a lot of us are just learning English as a mixed put check diploma, diploma means, do not really want to use them, but I want to tell you, this is the case now that you want, and there have been some, then why not put Learn English in the most likely to use that part of it away? That is colloquial pronunciation. English and may be able to understand simple spoken answer will be helpful later on in life you Oh! 6. To believe in themselves. Can have trust in their own learning these things, even the most difficult on the Chinese world will be able to say their memorization, and not to mention it just in English. Sometimes we would do this and ultimately, the health of the spirit of the Arab-Israeli q. Well, I hope my words can help them to everyone! After all, each person is different, my usefulness of these methods on their own, and not necessarily to others useful only from the U.S. to find something to fit their own, I am very pleased, thank you.。


    听课是一种具有研究性质的校本教研活动,我们应从课前、课中、课后三个听课环节的要求,探讨新课程背景下听课教师在听课过程中要做哪些准备、开展哪些工作,提高听课效率,来达到共同提高教学水平的目的。 下面是学习啦带来的听英语课心得体会范文,欢迎大家阅读。




    作为小学生的英语启蒙教师,教师本人的基本功能直接影响到学生英语的日后发展。从侠义方面来说包括两个方面:语音的标准及语言的流利,规范的板书。小学英语对学生听和说的要求相对多一些,因此,教师语音的规范及语言的流畅至关重要。这就要求我们要不断修炼自己的语音语调基本功,确保我们说出的每个单词,每个句子没有发音上的问题。课堂语言除了要流畅,一定要确保我们说出的不是错误的句子,我们对学生的影响是潜移默化的,课堂上不够规范的课堂用语,可能会给学生日后的学习带来很大的负面影响。如:How to read it? How to do it? 这样的非句子,I'll give you three minutes.这样的汉语式句子都会给学生造成一种误导。规范的板书除了能利于学生抓住本课的重点内容,利于课文的理解外,也利于学生养成良好的书写习惯。



    所创设的情境如何即利于课文的导入,也利于重点单词、句子的引出是一节课成败的重要方面。给我印象最深刻的是这样一个情境:教师问学生时间由未知到已知的心情感受引出Happy 。让学生很自然地进入课堂。






