
Dear Sir/ Madam: We fully understand the situation, and we admit it's our mistake, please accept our sincere apology to you. Here is the solution。
。.., if you disagree please do let us know and we will do our best to find the best solution for you. We thank you for your kind concern and letter with which we can promote ourselves,with which we can approach to the perfect. Wish you all the best yours, 。
。 下面的是谢绝信 dear whoever, thank you so much for inviting me to your dancing party, i would love to join you but i don't think I can. I was just informed that i have some other (具体的事). i'm terribly sorry, and i hope you can forgive my absence. and I hope you will truly enjoy the party. with love/regards XXX。
Mr. Paul to provide goods to delay the inconvenience caused to our company, the company therefore sent a complaint letter to him, requiring compliance with the Treaty and the integrity of, and prior to October 10 so that the goods reach their destination, or on the abolition of purchase orders.
Dear Mr. Wang,
My name is Wu Gang, the General
Manager from The First Super Store. First of all, I would like to say sorry about your new phone and thank you for telling us about these problems.
As far as your SQ200 cell phone is concerned, I suggest that you return it back to our store and we will give you another one. The charge will be all on us. In order to express our regrets, we plan to send you a gift card. I promise the new cell phone is going to be perfect!
Finally, we are sorry again and hope you will like the new cell phone! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Have a good day!
Sincerely, Wu Gang.
投诉信回复范文如下: 尊敬的客人: 您好!很感谢您对我们酒店的服务提出意见,我代表我们酒店向您道歉。
对于我们员工的失误,我们感到很抱歉,我们一定会加强对员工的管理。 我们企业坚信一个道理就是“100-1=0”。
她有两个含义:一是酒店出售的产品由多种服务项目购成,每项服务产品如客房、餐饮、娱乐等都代表着一个整体的酒店形象,如果其中任何一项产品出了质量问题,损害的不仅是这项产品的声誉,而是整个酒店的名声,故100-1=0。 二是客人入住酒店消费,其消费项目由多种服务项目购成,顾客对服务项目的任何一项不满意,他们的满意度不会因此按减法递减,而是全面否定,因为他不可能体验所有的服务项目。
所以从根本上说,服务质量是酒店的生命。 它告诉我们,对顾客而言,服务质量只有好坏之分,不存在较好较差的比较等级。
挑剔的顾客,会因为系统中一个“点”的问题,而对整个系统的其他部分予以否定。 这其实不是顾客的非理性,而恰恰就是“顾客理性”。
对此,我们酒店对 “满意”的诠释是:没有投诉,并不等于满意;没有不满意,也不等于满意;真正的满意是让顾客感动,是让顾客的积极情感发酵、膨胀,不由自主地想对别人讲述自己的被感动状态。只有这样的“满意”,才是真正的“满意情感”。
同时,我们还将制订服务质量检查程序和控制标准,建立质量信息反馈系统,收集分析服务不符合标准的原因,提出和实施改进措施。 感谢您对我们酒点的服务提出的意见,我们以后决不会出这类的问题了,我们会以最优质的服务来回抱给顾客。
我们翘首以待,期待着您对我酒店的宝贵意见,希望在新的一年里我们能够“不断地创造新服务,围绕宾客创造价值,与宾客一同成长发展!” 祝您们事事顺心! xx酒店 20xx年xx月xx日 扩展资料 处理顾客的投诉原则 第一,不能与顾客争执。我们的目的是为了倾听事实,进而寻求解决之道。
争论只会妨碍我们聆听顾客的观点,不利于缓和顾客的不良情绪。 第二,尊重顾客的感觉。
为我们下一步圆满的处理好问题打下良好的感情基础。 第三,处理的时间越早,效果越好。
Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to comlain about a Microcomputer I purchased from your company.I purchased a computer from your company on 05/07/2010 and it was delivered by your company to my house on 08/07/2010. When we opened the box, we noticed there was two dents at the back of the computer and there are some scratches on the screen.I would like you to arrange for another brand-new computer to be delivered to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would like to have my full refund.Yours faithfully, xxx。
Dear Manager,I bought a cellphone SQ200 from the The First Department Store several days ago and found that I can't take pictures and send or receice messanges because of the malfunction of the phone.Would you please check the cellphone and replace a new one for me or refund the payment.I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. Best wishes,Wang Hua。