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  • 英语辩论型范文及翻译


    I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School.I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me.We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others.We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer.She likes green but Ilike red.Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends。



    以下这些可以给你作为立论的。 在环境保护已经成为全球最热门话题的今天,不论是国家政府,还是企业以及个人,都已经把环保事业重视起来。



    因此只有有了钱,我们才能更好的进行环保事业,从而使我们的环境变得更好。 Nowadays, environmental protection has become the hotest topic all around the globe, to which not only the governments, but also enterprises and individuals have payed their great attention. However, we have to admit that we are living in a realistic society, and there are too many goals that we're not able to achieve effectively without enough funds, in which, unfortunately, environmental protection is included. Environmental protection & pullution controlling is an undertaking with high requirements for high-tech and top talents. Without these supports, the proccess of one pollution control may not only be effectiveless, but also become the cause of another pollution. In this case, the efforts we have taken for environmental protection would become senseless. Moreover, it's essential to have enough money for govenments and enterprises to bring in hi-technologies and top talents. As a result, it's necessary to have enough money in order to carry out the undertakings of environmental protection, which is, to make good changes to our environment. 以上是我手创的,就算你去大学英语辩论会也绝对站得住脚了。

    应该对你有用。 另外给你提供一个论据,是我国一家环保企业--中国博奇环保科技最近在东证(世界第二大证券交易市场)上市的成功案例,它从侧面反映了拥有雄厚的财力对于推行环保事业有多么重要。

    以下是相关新闻资料 http://china.nikkei.co.jp/china/news/intv/intv200710220120.html 如果需要修改或扩充上面的那段立论。


    Exam does more harm than good.Exam is just like a kind of competition in the society.It makes the students know the dark side of the society earlyier than they should be.Especially nowadays that the exams are becoming more and more important,sutdents may start to cheat in the exam in order to get good but fake grade.Students' respnsibility is to study honestly,not to learn how to get to the perposes even do harm.School is a kind of small society.And exams shouldn't be the tools to make students learn how to get to a higher place.It's unhealthy and foolish as well.Students need to know there's something more important than grades,such as their hearts.But exams just make it worse.So,I don't think it's wrong to have exams,but I do think it does more harm than good.中文的翻译:考试就如同一种社会竞争.它使学生过早地接触到了社会的黑暗面.尤其是在考试越来越重要的当下,学生们有可能为了那些好看却虚假的分数而在考试中作弊.学生的责任是诚实地学习,而不是去学如何为了达到目的不择手段,甚至不惜伤害他人.学校是一种社会的缩影.而考试更不应该是让学生学会如何往上爬的一种工具.这不仅不健康,而且愚蠢.学生应该懂得除了分数之外还有一些更重要的东西——比如人的心灵.而考试却只是让他们这方面的认识变得更糟高而已.综上,我并不反对考试,但同时我也认为考试造成的伤害远比它带来的好处要多.。

    英语辩论 一辩稿

    I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends。


    1.Firstly,I think boys and girls can make friends with each other.Because the friendship can make them study better and easier to communicate with.As a saying goes,"Many hands make light work.(众人拾柴火焰高)”The problem will be solved quickly by many person than by less person. 2.Secondly,helping others is Chinese's virtue.if they make friends,they couldhelp each other when anybody isin trouble.This point counts and exalt the sprite of helping。


    Correct application of scientific benefit mankindScience is always a double-edged sword. However, a scientific and technological progress is truly useful to humans, the key is how humans treat and application of it, not just because of temporary inaccurate. Cloning may and nuclear technology really, which can be a blessing or a curse to mankind. But "technology is the essence of fear", to use technology of fear, errors instead of the technology itselfAt present, many countries have to clone attitude ", "Britain last year with ambiguous over two-thirds majority vote of the early embryonic cloning human allows the bill, and in the United States, Germany, Australia, also gradually heard on therapeutic cloning restrictions. Can say, behold a national first mastered clone technology, it means that the country has the advantage and active, but the country starting late may suffer now it is impossible to predict the lossCan say, behold a national first mastered clone technology, it means that the country has the advantage and active, but the country starting late may suffer now it is impossible to predict the loss. As when the American first mastered nuclear technology, although the technology from start to show its evil, but then again it all up to the research and experiment. From the perspective of human cloning experiments, take a simple negative attitude is worth discussing.As concerns that the cloning technology, once mature bad heart cloned hundreds of "Hitler, or cloned another celebrity to obfuscate, is the cloning of misunderstanding. Cloning be copied by genetic characteristics, but the influence of many factors in the environment of thinking, the personality may not be exactly the same social attribute, namely, no matter how cloning technology development, also can clone of the flesh, and not spirit and human cloning, and between the ages of clone a gap. Therefore, the so-called human cloning is not completely copy of historical figures, not resurrected, also need not worry more realistic character from a "self". it。


    If you are on the objection side, then the suggestion will be:

    1. Internet should not be disconnected at 11 pm each night. It is because in nowadays, almost all internet service is charged by monthly or yearly in a fix charge with unlimited data usage. Besides, some students may be working late in the evening that require internet access for their homework.

    2. The movic Brokenback Mountain contained homosexualizm concerned materials. In our country, China, this subject still prohibited to be talking in the public. It is also against our traditional culture. It is the viewer's choice to watch, but certainly not to promote this idea by public media.

    英语辩论范文 是否要有重点班

    1. Good morning everyone. First, we agree with the definition about the Olympic, what is the Olympic? Coubertin tell us the Olympic is a state of mind based on equality of sports which are international and democratic. And now, the Olympic more like a big gathering for the people come from all over the world. Beijing as the host city of the Olympic has the responsibility to pay some money for build the gymnasiums and develop the city's infrastructure. 2. We believe that opposition confuses one key word, the word “better”. Better for China or better for the world? The Olympic Games is hold for the world, so we believe the money spend on Beijing Olympic is very necessary. We think the opposition is wrong when they say that lots of investment is useless, it's just waste of money. We should find out the Beijing Olympic like a stage, every country can show their culture. The facilities like subway can convenient for the citizen travel. There will be a very good return on the money spend on the Beijing Olympic.3. We don't agree with the opposition that the money have better spend, nothing is more important than do something for the all world. The Beijing Olympic play a very important role in Chinese people's heart, everyone harvest the Olympic spirit---Unity, friendship, progress, participation and dream. We don't think we can obtain them through money.4. Today our team will prove that the money spend on the Beijing Olympic not only can help the Olympic spirit spread but also have benefit for Chinese economy in long terms. I will focus on the money spend on the Beijing Olympic have an impact on the Olympic spirit spread, and my second speaker will prove the money spend on the Beijing Olympic have change the people's life style and Chinese economy.5. Now, let me present my point. First, people will be inspired by a huge Olympic Games, tell people in spite of the differences in colors, language and races, we share the charm and joy the Olympic Games, we belong to the same world and we share the same dream. Second,some cultural concert and show will be hold during the Beijing Olympic Games, the people can know the different cultural from other countries, these cost has account for a large part of the total expense, we don't think these money have better use.6. Thank for your attentionWe want to know some foreign cultural, we need some spirit to inspire us, and the cultural, spirit need the Beijing Olympic to spread. In another word, we need the Olympic. So we think the money spend on the Beijing Olympic is necessary.。

