Cash On Delivery, the cost of an item will be paid when the item is delivered. In stock Goods and materials that a company has available for immediate sale and delivery. Inventory The quantity of goods and materials on hand (in stock). Also, a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of products in a company's possession, produced from a survey of all goods and materials in stock. Backlog A reserve supply or an accumulation of unfilled orders. Waybill A document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods. Shipping date The date that an order actually starts moving toward a destination. Price quote An officially stated price for goods. List price A basic published or advertised price. Discount A reduction from the full or standard amount of a list price. Shipment Act or instance of shipping goods, or a quantity of goods that are shipped together. Bill of lading A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery. Invoice A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill. Receipt A written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been received. Irrevocable Letter of Credit Method of payment most commonly used for imports. The exporter is assured payment when they ship the goods, and the importer is assured that the goods have been dispatched according to their instructions. Shipping documents documents that an exporter receives from the shipping company.The following terms are often used for price quotes in foreign trade: FOB Free On Board - price includes all costs of goods on a ship or aircraft whose destination is stated in the contract. CIF Price includes Cost, Insurance, Freight to a named port of destination in the buyer's country. CIP Price includes cost of goods, Carriage (freight), and Insurance Paid by container to a named destination in the buyer's country.。
论商务英语复合应用型人才的培养 [论文摘要] 在全球一体化的大背景下,贸易往来日益频繁,对具有商务英语专业技能的人才需求越来越大.本文从行业先导和工学结合这两个方面,分析如何培养集技能与专业技能于一体的复合型涉外商务英语应用型人才. [论文关键词] 商务 行业先导 结合 一、商务英语专业的人才培养目标 商务英语专业培养出来的人才应具备从业的基本素质和能力,适应开放的外向型企业开展商务活动对专业人才的要求.通过对语言基础课、语言技能课的学习,打好坚实的语言基础.通过商务知识、商务技能课的学习掌握一定的商务知识和技能,能听懂外商一般的商务洽谈,能使用英语和外商进行一般的业务洽谈和交流,能读懂外商的信函业务单证和文件等,能用英文书写一般的商务文书.具体来说定位于业务员、外销员、跟单员等具备从事国际商务业务工作上岗资格和能力的专业人员. 二、行业先导、工学结合的人才培养模式 我国高等院校,尤其是高职高专院校,在改革浪潮的推动下,纷纷探索订单式人才培养办学模式,取得了一定的成绩.高职院校的商务英语专业在订单式人才培养,校企协作完成教学计划,校企共创考核方式等方面正在做着尝试,有了初期的理论探讨和实践基础.在教改和实践创新基础上,我们滨州职业学院进行了大胆的商务英语人才培养模式的改革,采用了“语言能力+商务和操作能力+行业知识技能”构成的商务英语行业人才培养模式.本培养模式以高职高专政策和为导向,以高职高专教改和教学实践为基础,深入探讨和实践高职高专商务英语人才培养创新模式. 这种行业先导的人才培养模式立足于“行业先导”的理论研究和实践思路,在商务英语专业传统的“语言能力+商务管理知识+商务操作能力”的复合型人才培养的基础上加上行业知识技能和特色,创建以“语言能力+商务管理和操作能力+行业知识技能”为核心的崭新行业人才培养模式,创建了以就业为主导、以行业知识技能为特色的商务英语专业行业人才培养新路. 在工学结合人才培养模式中,应重视实践教学基地建设,形成以行业发展的先进水平为标准,以专业发展实际为依据,以校内实训基地为基础,以校外实训基地为重要补充,校内校外有机结合,构建全方位的工学结合平台,有力地促进人才的培养,形成与行业一线单位合作的有效机制. 1.校内实训基地的建设 首先,可以在实训室安装国际贸易实务平台,引导学生进行逼真的商务活动模拟训练.每位学生都拥有一家自己创办的模拟公司,独立在网上虚拟从事国际货物买卖交易.学生在主动学习和实践的过程中,可以逐步养成敏锐的意识、良好的商业交往能力以及快速应变、理性分析的综合能力.教师在模拟实习中主要通过系统的教学设计、有目的地不断创设仿真商务场景,促进学生对已掌握的英语知识和国际商务知识和技能的综合运用和深度运用. 其次,还可以建立校内模拟实训室.让学生多接触外贸企业中真实的献如一些单证、说明书、手册、专利、、广告等.对于一些常见应用文体如通知、商业函件、个人、合同等,要求学生能做到填得出,写得好. 最后,成立专业教学委员会,为加强专业教学和,促进专业建设与发展,学校可以聘请企业界的管理人员、专家和行业协会的代表担任委员,成立商务专业教学指导委员会,定期举行会议和考察,商讨专业的发展方向,提出建设性的意见,审定专业教学计划,协调管生实训,指导学生就业. 2.校外实训基地的建设. 首先,校外实训可以是到基地参观、请基地人员现场教学等.校外实训可以安排学生利用寒暑假到企业进行专业认知实习和岗位认知实习,如有能力还可担任兼职业务员,指定老师加强指导,组织优秀学生参与实践,为就业做好充足的准备. 其次,注重加强校外实践基地建设,校外实训基地建设可使学生“零距离”接触生产、建设、服务和管理第一线.实训基地的建设,必须加强与企业的联合,与产业的结合,与的融合,保证其科学先进性,使学生和受训者参与生产、建设、管理和服务等的实际运作,通过实践使受训者更深刻地了解并准确把握岗位技能、要求、社会、环境和企业运作管理模式等.校外实践基地是人才培养的重要基础.要充分挖掘资源,与企业加强联系,只有形成以就业为导向,以行业、企业为依托的校企合作、产学结合的模式,才能培养出真正意义上的复合型、应用型人才. 三、结束语 对于商务英语这个较新的专业,要紧紧围绕培养复合应用型人才的目标,采用行业先导、结合的人才培养模式,把握实践性和实用性的专业特色,坚持英语交际能力和商务知识、商务操作技能并重的原则,就一定能够将商务英语专业办出特色、办出水平,培养出有特色、高素质的复合应用型商务英语专业人才,实现可持续发展. 参考文献: [1]刘春林:创新高职商务英语人才培养模式[J].《中国成人教育》,2007,(7) [2]王金洛:“工学结合”英语人才培养模式的探讨[J].《广东农职业技术学院学报》,2008,(2) [3]杨筱玲:高职商务,旨在培养应用型人才[J].《市场现代化》,2007,(6) [4]彭述初:关于高职商务英语专业人才培养的几点思考[J].《湖南冶金职业技术学院学报》,2008,(3。
The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Management Accounting: An Australian Study Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examines the development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a means of illustrating how changes in information technology allows all systems in a company to be linked to manage operations holistically. The study investigates the change in accounting systems using a sample of Australian companies with emphasis on the adoption of ERP systems including the potential impact of ERP on capital budgeting processes. The results show that ERP systems are changing management accounting practices, although at this stage, the impact on capital budgeting techniques appears to be limited. The findings contribute to the emerging body of literature on the development of ERP systems and its impact on management accounting teaching and research. Key words: Management accounting, capital budgeting, enterprise resource planning systems, information technology. 1. Introduction During the past decade an increasing number of companies have been impacted by information technology in terms of computerized transaction processing and electronic telecommunications such as that done with the Internet, intranet, and extranet. For competitive reasons, companies have had to change from manual and then mainframe systems to what has been called enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An ERP system has a common database or data warehouse that links together all systems in all parts of a company including, for example, capital budgeting with financial, control, manufacturing, sales, fixed assets, inventory, human resources modules, etc. An ERP system, by linking all systems through a data warehouse, allows a company to manage its operations holistically. A second impact of ERP systems has been a general shift to manage at the activity level rather than at the more abstract level of financial transactions. This means that management accounting, with its focus on activities, can be most effective when it is used with ERP systems to incorporate the activity level for costing and performance measurement. To be effective an ERP system will contain an extensive chart of accounts or codes for activities such as accurate recording and tracking of activities, revenues and costs. The coding incorporates stable entities of a business, such as divisions, plants, stores, and warehouses. At a detailed level there are codes for functions such as finance, production, sales, marketing, and materials management. There are also the traditional financial account codes such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, and the central ERP feature of coding processes, activities, and sub-activities. There must be consistent coding among all parts of a company in order for them to relate to one another. As the ERP system incorporates activities in terms of quantities of resources, including labour, a record of resource use is maintained. Therefore, performance can be measured in physical terms and compared to standards, which allows for the calculation of variances. This performance measurement at the activity level serves as a feedback system on efficiency and effectiveness. The confusion from abstract monetary measures is erased, and what is actually happening with the conversion of resources into goods and services can be seen. ERP systems have the potential to change management ccounting systems with more detailed, more integrated, and faster produced information. To date the research on the impact of ERP systems on management accounting can best be described as preliminary. It has involved case studies of one or two companies at a time and some field studies. The findings from these studies have been largely anecdotal. Also, some have been deductive in that arguments based on ERP attributes have been made on how management accounting should be affected. For instance, in a field study, Cook et al. (2000) described activity-based capital budgeting at a division of a US telecommunications company. The findings from Cook et al.'s field work suggests that ERP systems can increase the effectiveness of capital budgeting by anchoring financial numbers to activities rather than stopping at monetary measures with pre-ERP practices. The 。
英语专业毕业论文教学大纲 一、毕业设计(论文)工作的目的 1、培养学生综合运用所学的英语语言及文化方面的知识(基础课、技术基础课、专业课等方面的知识),用英语对英语语法、词汇、英汉翻译、英语文学、语言与文化、商务英语、教学法等方面进行相应的理论及实践的研究与探索。
2、进一步深化和拓展所学的基础知识、专业知识,提高自学能力、理论联系实际的能力和独立工作的能力。 3、对学生进行基本的科研能力训练,培养其开展科学研究工作的初步能力。
包括: ◇ 发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力; ◇ 收集资料、查阅资料、分析资料、运用资料的能力; ◇ 理论分析、实践应用的能力; ◇ 调查研究、深入分析的能力; ◇ 撰写论文的能力; ◇ 英语语言应用能力,特别是用英语撰写论文、阐述问题的能力。 4、培养学生的创新意识及独立思维、科学探索的能力。
二、毕业论文的选题 论文选题主要集中在:汉英文化对比、文学作品评论、翻译及其比较、科技英语、语言学、应用语言学、语法、外贸及商务英语等,论文写作语言为英语。 具体要求如下: 1、题目应尽量结合所学内容,从实际出发; 2、题目难易程度和分量要适当; 3、所选题目应具有一定的理论基础; 4、所选题目应尽量具有一定的实践意义,尽量避免题目过大、内容过空的现象。
题目应与导师协商,经毕业论文指导委员会讨论通过,系主任签字后于毕业论文写作前发给学生。 三、毕业论文的时间安排 毕业论文写作工作安排在第八学期,时间为8周。
论文指导教师的安排和论文题目的确定开始于第七学期初,分别于9月下旬、11月下旬、12月下旬进行论文的选题检查、中期开题报告资料的收集检查和开题报告及文献综述,为论文写作做好基础工作。 四、毕业论文的内容和工作量 1、按照本科生毕业设计(论文)的规定和撰写规范指导学生的论文写作工作。
同时根据英语论文写作的具体要求规定引文、举例、参考文献等的规范。 2、论文应包括选题的目的、意义;国内外的研究综述;问题的提出与分析;结束语等。
论文应是一个有内在联系的统一体,论点要正确,要有足够的依据;论点与论据要一致,论据要充分支持论点;要有必要的数据资料;理论、观点、概念要准确、清晰。 3、毕业论文字数在3,500—5000英文单词。
4、毕业论文的具体要求详见《绍兴文理学院本科生毕业设计(论文)的规定和撰写规范》。 五、毕业论文的过程管理 毕业论文写作期间,学生在时间上非常紧,同时又具有较大的时间自主权。
为保证毕业论文的质量及论文工作的顺利进行,除要求教师、学生执行学校的有关规定与规范外,还要求: 1、 学生在接到毕业论文写作通知和指导教师的研究方向目录单后,根据自己的研究兴趣选择导师。 2、 学院根据实际情况作相应的调整,并公布指导教师和其指导学生的名单。
3、 学生在落实指导教师后的一周内与指导教师见面,讨论论文的选题。 3、学生接到任务书后的两周内与指导教师见面,讨论对题目的理解、需做的工作、论文写作计划、主要问题与困难等; 2、在论文写作进行至3—4周时,以论文指导委员会对学生的论文写作情况进行中期检查,其中包括:对题目的理解、论文写作工作的完成情况、后续工作的安排。
3、在答辩前一周,论文指导委员会要组织结题检查,其中包括:论文规范、参考文献、英语行文、论文内容等方面。 六、毕业论文的答辩 1、答辩委员会及答辩小组 答辩委员会由7名以上具有副教授以上职称的教师组成;答辩小组由3位副教授或2位副教授加1位讲师组成。
2、答辩资格审查 学生必须按计划完成毕业论文,经指导教师审查通过、签字,并在毕业论文结题验收为合格时方可获得参加答辩的资格。学生必须在答辩前一周,将毕业论文交答辩委员会,答辩委员会将论文转给答辩小组教师评阅,评阅教师写出评语。
学生提交论文的同时需提交论文日志,不提交论文日志者不能参加论文答辩。 3、毕业论文答辩 毕业论文审查通过后,由答辩小组主持答辩。
答辩过程中,由秘书做好记录供评定成绩时参考。 七、毕业论文的评分 毕业论文的评分为:优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,优秀人数不超过参加答辩学生的20%,中等、及格、不及格不低于10%。
毕业论文的成绩由四部分组成:开题检查、中期检查和结题验收占10%,其余为导师评分(40%)、评阅人评分(10%)和答辩委员会评分(40%)。 导师(40%) 根据学生论文在调查论证、分析与解决问题的能力、英语语言表达能力、工作量与工作态度、论文质量、创新方面等给予评分。
评阅人(10%) 根据迅速的文献综述材料和综述水平、论文质量、工作量、难度及创新等情况给予。
英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective. The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively. Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。
其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。
。..1 摘要。
。.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。
。 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。
。.4 2.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。
4 2.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。
.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。
..6 3.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。
。..6 3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。
。. 7 3.2.2 Subjectivity。
..7 3.2.3 Latency 。
。7 3.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 8 3.3.1 Existential presupposition 。
8 3.3.2 Fact presupposition。
。. 8 3.3.3 State presupposition。
.9 3.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。
。9 3.3.5 Behavior presupposition。
。10 3.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。
10 3.4.1 Concise function。
.10 3.4.2 Euphemism function 。
。.11 3.4.3 Persuasive function 。
11 Chapter 4 Case Study。
。11 4.1 Research aims 。
..11 4.2 Data collection。
。.12 4.3 Data analysis 。
..12 4.3.1 Statistic numbers 。
。..12 4.3.2 Analysis findings。
。14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。
。..15 5.1 General summary 。
15 5.2 Limitations of present stud。
英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective.The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively.Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。
其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。
。..1 摘要。
。.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。
。 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。
。.42.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。
42.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。
.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。
..63.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。
。..63.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。
。. 73.2.2 Subjectivity。
..73.2.3 Latency 。
。73.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 83.3.1 Existential presupposition 。
83.3.2 Fact presupposition。
。. 83.3.3 State presupposition。
.93.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。
。93.3.5 Behavior presupposition。
。103.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。
103.4.1 Concise function。
.103.4.2 Euphemism function 。
。.113.4.3 Persuasive function 。
11 Chapter 4 Case Study。
。114.1 Research aims 。
..114.2 Data collection。
。.124.3 Data analysis 。
..124.3.1 Statistic numbers 。
。..124.3.2 Analysis findings。
。14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。
。..155.1 General summary 。
155.2 Limitations of present study 。
The characteristics of the world top 500 enterprises and its enlightenment to Chinese enterprisesA, the definition of us-funded enterprises in the worldWorld us-funded enterprises that adopt diversified business, implement the strategy of globalization, assets, strong, has a large and strong, the core competitiveness of enterprises has significant influence on the development of world economy and stability of the world's leading multinational companies.Second, the world a us-funded enterprise features1) ability to innovateEverything in the world has a production, development and decline of life cycle.Enterprise as economic actors also undergoes a start-up period, rising period, height, decay time and ruin the life course.Enterprise is the key of the length of the life cycle after a start-up period, how to accelerate the rise period, prolong their heyday, the arrival of the postponed its decline period.Product life cycle relative to the enterprise life cycle is short, the enterprise must develop more innovative products of market value, one or several products meet after rising and heyday, when its not yet enter the decline phase, the other one or several products have reached the peak.So interlocking, bobo is connected, the enterprise will be endless.In 2004, in "fortune" the world "of the" top 500 enterprises in the 21st, annual revenues of $80.501 billion of Siemens to reveal a "longevity" enterprise: the secret of technology innovation.After more than a century and a half of the long journey, Siemens technology innovation constantly, constantly develop innovative products, always all is given priority to with invention of technology innovation in the work first, attaches great importance to scientific research and development work, and constantly put scientific research achievements into realistic productivity as soon as possible.Can say, Siemens is the birth and development of enterprises in technological innovation.Technology innovation has become a strong core of the enterprise values, become thick accumulation of enterprise culture, is the source of continuously improve enterprise core competitiveness.2) the implementation of the strategy of differentiationDifferentiation strategy is the product or service provided by enterprises implement differentiation, to establish enterprise something unique in the industry, is to build enterprise core competitive ability.The implementation of differentiation strategy to make the enterprise the management in the industry competition superior and obtain higher returns.Positioning differentiation is to provide customers with unique product and industry competition is very different and super service, by customer requirement and enterprise competence of matching to determine the positioning of the enterprise, as the essence of the differentiation strategy.Porsche as Germany's small and medium-sized automobile company, in a wide variety of automotive industry, only choose sports as main products, with high and new technology to create excellent performance and is famous for its excellent quality, framed with a "technology" to harness the wisdom, roam the motorists customers.Thus formed the unique product positioning, unique customer orientation, unique price positioning, as well as to meet the needs of customers and constant innovation of technology, unique in the world of its own, as the world's largest special automobile manufacturing company, Germany's famous sports car production enterprises, become the model of implementing differentiation strategy.3) the brand advantageThe world famous brand, refers to the world market with outstanding performance, get customer recognition and favor, have a huge effect, with a strong competitive advantage of product brand, trademark and trade name.As the world famous brand, must have the following characteristics: first, has the high international reputation.Second, has the very high international reputation.Third, has great economic value.Fourth, have a high degree of international market share and market globalization.Fifth, brand culture and product has a high degree of international integration.In an increasingly turbulent and changeable market economy, brand has become a winning customer loyalty and enterprise for long-term survival and growth of the key.In 2004, in "fortune" the world ranked 70th in the "top 500" enterprises, the annual business income is 48.318 billion dollars in unilever as the world's top consumer goods manufacturers, in the process of its development, has been successful for more than international brand acquisition operation, and good at would buy local 。
3商务英语函电在商务语域中的特点3.1频繁出现商务术语(business terms)商务英语函电的内容基本上是商务方面的,在它的语言中会出现大量的商务术语。商务术语的使用会使语言表达更加言简意赅,更加节省时间,从而更加有效率。
一名读者要想完全理解一篇商务英语函电,仅仅知道每个词或整篇文章的字面意思是远远不够的,他还需要了解在文章中所出现的商务术语。商务英语函电中出现的商务术语很多,如:FOB(Free On Board)是价格术语,表示“离岸价”;D/P(documents against Payment)是付款方式,表示“付款交单”;TPND(Theft pilferage and Non-Delivery)是运输保险术语,表示“偷窃提货不着险”;B/L(Bill of Lading)是一种运输单据,表示海运提单;FAQ(Fair Average Quality)是一种品质表示方法,表示良好平均品质。
如:啰嗦的表达方法简洁的表达方法Please don't hesitate to tell us--------Please tell usDuring the year of 2004-----------------During 2004Will you be good enough-----------------PleaseCome to a decision------------------------DecideFor the price of USD 600---------------For USD 600Due to the fact that-----------------------Because诸如上述方面的例子在商务英语函电中比比皆是。这样使得作者能迅速而又清晰的表达自己的意思,从而提高双方的工作效率。
光有简单的礼貌用语如“Please”,“Your esteemed firm”等是远远不够的。商务英语函电的收信人是写信人的客户,抑或顾客。
写信应该注意礼貌原则,举例如下:一般的表达:(1)We are sorry that you misunderstood us.(2。