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    BEIJING -- For Jin Zhenghao, this November has been the most stressful month in his 25 years of life. A financial engineering major at Xiamen University in southeast China's Fujian Province, Jin is desperately trying to find a job before graduating in June 2009. November is when the school gave him time to market himself to potential employers. Jin has sent resumes to nearly 30 companies, resulting in five interviews. So far, he has received no job offers. Related readings: Employment heads towards 'grim situation' Job fairs opened for graduates amid financial crisis China opens nationwide job fairs for graduates Now, Jin is paying 2,000 yuan (US$293) a month to live in Shanghai, the country's financial hub, in hopes of securing more interviews. "Companies either have few job vacancies or simply don't want new people," Jin told Xinhua over the phone. only a year ago, he added, graduates like him, would end up with job offers from several well-known international or domestic financial companies before graduation. "The situation is obviously very bad this year. The financial crisis is a major reason," said Jin. "I'm really worried." Many financial companies, particularly international big names, have cut employees this year due to overseas problems in stock markets. Jin is not the only one to feel the economic shockwave from the developed world. Thousands of factories which used to manufacture shoes, clothes or toys for export, have been closed or are struggling for survival as foreign orders declined. This not only means there are more unemployed people, but also fewer opportunities for first-time job seekers. Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Zhang Xiaojian said here on Thursday that 6.1 million college and university students will graduate in the first half of next year. An additional four million college students who graduated in previous years have not found jobs and will also be vying for limited opportunities. "If companies' demand for new employees drops significantly, finding a job will definitely become more difficult for college students," Zhang said. Professor Yue Changjun, an expert on education and economy at Peking University in Beijing, told China Youth Daily that 67,000 private Chinese companies closed in the first half of this year. According to Yue, this is a significant figure because private companies employed 34.2 percent of college graduates last year. "How come I can't find a job?" a Peking University student, anonymously named "Rebecca ycj", asked in a message posted on the university's online forum. The law student said she applied for jobs at several firms, state-owned enterprises, banks and even a news agency, but every time she was refused. Research from 51job.com, a popular job-seeking website in China, showed the financial service, real estate, foreign trade and manufacturing industries were the hardest hit sectors as a result of the economic slowdown. The number of job vacancies in financial services, for example, dropped by 12 percent in the July-November period, compared with the same period of last year. Zhang said the government, schools and students were moving quickly to try to address the difficulties. A total of 259 job fairs are currently underway throughout China. Nearly 30,000 enterprises, government organs and public institutions will offer more than 500,000 jobs at those fairs before November 30, said Zhang. "The major idea is to help college graduates obtain employment information, create more job opportunities and encourage students to work in less developed geographical areas where they are welcomed," he said. Prof. Li Daokui of Tsinghua University said because not all sectors are affected by the recession overseas, the prospect of employment isn't as dire as some people feel. The government announced a 4 trillion yuan stimulus package to boost the economy and domestic demand. "As long as China's economy maintains 9 percent growth, 10 million new jobs can be created every year," Li said. Meanwhile, students are encouraged to think more creatively when applying for jobs, for example, they need to lower their salary expectations or consider working in rural instead of urban areas. In a country with more than 1.3 billion people, college education used to be considered a guarantee for good income, a decent work place and a passport to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Things have changed now. Jin said financial risk management companies and consulting firms were his first choice for work because entry-level income can be at least 7,000 yuan a month。






    这个网上一搜太多了 我写论文的时候可没有你这么费劲,直接找的帮写的 后来还不是顺利通过 你如果需要我就告诉你《慧聪论文服务网》














    This thesis would not have been possible without the contributions off several people. To all of these people, I wish to express my gratitude.

    First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor—Associate Professor Zhang Yingbo, for her vital encouragement and patient guidance, generous assistance and invaluable advice, all of which have been of inestimable worth to the completion of my thesis.

    Secondly, my special thanks go to all people have helped and taught me immensely during the four years of my study in Changzhou Institute of Technology. And I would also like to thank all the classmates and friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice during the past years. They have provided me great help and comprehensive supervision through the four years. I have benefited a great deal from their advice and suggestions.

    The last but no least, my thanks would also go to my beloved parents and elder sister Amy for their boundless love and whole-hearted support over all these past years.









    致谢: 感谢我的导师XXX教授,他们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。



    她的QQ号码是XXXXX56 大家要加他为好友呀。她经常在,只不过隐身了,大家要和他说话,烦死她。

    在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意! 感谢我的养我的黄土高原,感谢父老乡亲,感谢一把屎一把尿把我喂大的父母。感谢我忘不掉的甘甜的汾河水,感谢太原那清新的带有煤渣的空气。

    感谢我幼儿园给我擦PP的小王阿姨,感谢被我在小学被我用小刀割烂裙子的女生,如果当时没有这个经历的话我现在去经历就不好了吧。 感谢幼儿园到大学期间拒绝过我的无数女生,不是你们我那有这么多时间从事我的技术研究,你们对我真好,我理解你们。

    还感谢那些被我拒绝的女生们(虽然目前还没有,但我相信以后也不会有的)。 感谢寝室里的患难兄弟,是你们4年来对我的蹂躏才使我的意志品质变的如此坚强,大学真锻炼人呀。


    感谢SARS让我可以不用去实验室,天天睡到11点。 感谢人类当今的技术,不然我就没有毕业课题了。

    没有感谢的了,再谢就太贫了。 88 各种致谢词之最 最没完没了的致谢词 首先我要感谢爸爸在一个腥风血雨的夜晚,将几千万的兄弟姊妹派遣到妈妈体内,然后也要感谢其它精子与我一同冒险犯难,当然更要感谢那一个卵子最后接受了我,在十个月后还要感谢开着「档公啊车」的出租车司机载我们全家去医院,并且感谢那一个实习医生颤抖着手,把我从妈妈体内夹出来,当然也要感谢那一个漂亮的护士姊姊拍了我屁股几下,然后感谢…… 最有种的致谢词 我谁都不要感谢,这种论文也会过,TMD是哪一个老师批的! 最莫名奇妙的致谢词 我要感谢蚊子,每当我想睡觉时,他们就会在我枕边耳提面命地说:「快起来写论文啊!」当我不理他们继续睡时,他们就会咬我一口,恨铁不成钢地说:「你还睡!」当我爬起来坐在计算机前,因为坐太久而需要活动筋骨时,他们轻舞飞扬地说:「来打我吧!」最后我把他们打死了,因着这股成就感而觉得前途光明时,黏在墙上的他们肝肠寸断地说:「去……写……论……文………」 最陈之藩的致谢词 要感谢的人太多了,就感谢天吧! 最AV女优的致谢词 我要感谢小泽圆、朝河兰、长濑爱、美竹凉子、高树玛莉亚……这些异国的友人。

    每每在夜深人静的时候,她们总是陪我渡过一个又一个写不出论文的夜晚,在我精神最不济的时候,适时地安慰我;在我思路不通之时,让我体会到通畅的快感;在我灵感枯竭时,让我了解到泉涌的喜悦,当然也要感谢我的左右手和卫生纸,他们,让一切好转。 最霹雳的致谢词 我要感谢刘文聪,他让我知道了番仔火和气油桶对于口试老师有无限的妙用! 最阿谀奉承的致谢词 学生诚惶诚恐,顿首顿首。

    学生最最最最最要感谢的人,便是学生的 指导老师。未遇 老师前,学生犹如轻尘栖弱草;遇 老师之后,学生犹如贱妾逢良人。

    每思老师对于学生的恩情,如山高如海深,学生生当衔珠,死当结草, 老师若病,学生当侍药; 老师若崩,学生当扶棺。来世必作牛作马作狗作猪,以报答 老师对学生的浩荡师恩。

    学生拜,再拜,三拜。 最懒惰的致谢词 我感谢……… 最灵异的致谢词 我要感谢竹林七贤常常在夜晚过来陪我聊天,并纠正我论文中的一些错误,使我解决了好几百桩千古的谜团。

    有时他们看我写论文太累了,也会带一些五石散给我吃,让我爽的不得了,只是也许是吃太多了,我现在有点怕阳光,白天都无精打采,而且两眼发黑,面容惨白…… 最无聊的致谢词 我感谢桌子,我感谢椅子,我感谢台灯,我感谢主机,我感谢屏幕,我感谢键盘,我感谢鼠标,我感谢打印机……… 最坦白的致谢词 我要感谢国立南京航空航天大学研究生庄孝伟的硕士论文,因为他的论文题目跟我一样,而且我又全部抄他的,所以我才能够毕业。可是我有一个小小建议,希望他下次不要写那么多,这样我打计算机手会很酸。

    最屌的致谢词 我只有要感谢一个人,那就是我自己。


    一般情况下,致谢词都是放在正文之后,参考文献之前的.因为参考文献有时后接附录,要放最后. 貌似现在论文都是:"谢辞"的不少.. 5.谢辞 谢辞应以简短的文字对在课题研究和设计说明书(论文)撰写过程中曾直接给予帮助的人员(例如指导教师、答疑教师及其他人员)表示自己的谢意,这不仅是一种礼貌,也是对他人劳动的尊重,是治学者应有的思想作风。

    6.参考文献与附录 参考文献是毕业设计(论文)不可缺少的组成部分,它反映毕业设计(论文)的取材来源、材料的广博程度和材料的可靠程度,也是作者对他人知识成果的承认和尊重。一份完整的参考文献可向读者提供一份有价值的信息资料。

    一般做毕业设计(论文)的参考文献不宜过多,但应列入主要的文献10篇以上,其中外文文献在1篇以上。 理工毕业设计(论文)正文中参考文献标引一律用上标形式的方括号内数字表示,例如[3],方括号和数字不必用粗体。

    文科类毕业论文按本专业相应标准标注。 附录是对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入毕业设计(论文)说明书的附录中,例如公式的推演、编写的程序等;如果文章中引用的符号较多时,便于读者查阅,可以编写一个符号说明,注明符号代表的意义。

    一般附录的篇幅不宜过大,若附录篇幅超过正文,会让人产生头轻脚重的感觉。 。

