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    TPO15口语Task6听力文本 急求

    Birds have some of the best vision capabilities in the animal kingdom. Some bird species have vision that is 8 to 10 times greater than humans. Overall a bird's eyes are extremely important for its survival. One aspect of birds' eyes that plays a role in helping them survive, in other words to find food or to avoid predators, is the position of the eyes in the skull.

    Some birds have eyes that face forward on the skull, kind of similar to how humans' eyes are positioned. Forward-facing eyes allow a bird to clearly see and judge distances because it can focus on objects with both of its eyes and correctly perceive height, width and depth. One type of bird with eyes positioned in the front of the skull is the hawk. Hawks eat animals like mice. Hawks have such good eyesight that they can spot a tiny mouse in the field from high up in the air. They spot the mouse and swoop down to catch it. Without such good eyesight, they would not be able to spot or catch their food.

    Other birds have eyes that are located on each side of the skull. This positioning of the eyes can help a bird to avoid predators. Instead of just seeing what's directly in front, they can see things that are on either side, permitting them to watch for danger in all directions. Imagine a duck waiting near the edge of a lake. It needs to spend time eating grasses and insects. But it also is on constant lookout for danger from its predator like the fox. An eye on each side of the duck's head allows it to see a fox approaching from either side. If it spots a fox, it can then fly away to safety. The placement of the eyes are critical in helping the duck avoid predators.



    Professor: As I said, tone quality differs from instrument to instrument. The question is why. Why does one instrument sound more beautiful than another, even if they look identical? 教授开篇说不同乐器的音质不同,为什么两个看起来相同的乐器,但一个却比另一个发出的声音美妙呢? 整篇文章都在回答这个问题,所以 C 选项正确:导致Cremonese violins发出美妙声音的一些因素。



    原句讲了两个重点,一是人口估计不准,二是U这个地方的居民能自给自足。A选项的前半正确,但后半句说不依靠农业明显是错的,不选;B说不确定是否能feed,跟原文相反,不选;C选项不但因果关系有问题,而且原因说不能feed他们自己,也与原文相反,不选;正确答案D,重点说的是能support他们自己,尽管没有说人口估计不准,但原文的转折重点体现在后半句,所以正确答案是D 2。

    surpass超过,不懂的可以拆分,至少有pass,应该与超过有关,而选项中与超过有关的只有B,就算不认识也可以通过前缀ex-表明XX之外,说明与“过”有关。A在XXX之前,C挑战D比XX持久都不沾边儿 3。

    EXCEPT题,排除法。 A的permanent settlement做关键词定位至第二句,A正确,不选;B的self-sufficient自给自足作为形容词很难在原文中找到,但第一题简化句子题的那个句子中有这个信息,所以这个选项正确,不选;C的other larger settlement没讲,错,选;D选项同样出现在句子简化题的句子当中,正确,不选 4。


    代入原文,原文讲由于一些不明的原因,很多bowl被抛弃了,仍然是XXX状态,在整个近东地区发现了若干只,A没卖出去D没画上都不沾边,B没使用代入是说得通的,但原词没有unused的意思,不能选 5。 以beveled-rim bowls和专有名词做关键词定位至第五句,原句讲早期的一个考古学遗址上发现了这个style,特别具有这一过程的特点,被称为beveled-rim bowl,但仅凭此句无法选出答案,于是向下,下一句说由于是用mold做的,因此只有数目不多的standard size,所以正确答案是D。

    B说形状和装饰变化很大,C说各具特色,这都不是mold能够完成的,因此与D相反,都错;A的discard原文有讲到,但原文也明确说不知道什么原因,所以unpopular错 6。 问题中无明显关键词,排除法可行。

    A选项的nonagricultural和agricultural原文首句确实有讲到,但没有指出哪个行当的地位更高,也无法推断,所以不选;B选项说有的从事农业有的从事其他,基本是第一句的同义改写,所以正确;C的both原文没讲也无法推断,原文讲到的是undecorated的实用产品,不选;D的四千年确实有讲到,但不是仅在四千年才被认识到,不选 7。 以textile production和四千年定位至第二句,原文讲一群群人,大部分是女性,从事纺织,在later三千年时候就对经济很重要,并且是中央管理的,所以正确答案是A的important commercial value。

    B的not well organized和D的in their homes都说反,不选;C的没有记录原文没说 8。 interpret翻译,理解,所以正确答案是D的understand。

    不认识的将选项代入。一个workshop包含一堆channel,大概50公分深,出现burn mark,并且填满了灰,这可以被什么为workshop的遗迹,A记录为B争论为C展示为都没有D理解为说的通顺,所以正确答案是D 9。

    问整段的目的,优先考虑中心句,首句说有记录表明,原来是family member做的很多东西现在交给artisan做了,不知道选什么就看最后一句,说某种类型的mass production也出现了。选项中讲到mass production的只有B,故正确。

    A的productivity,C的early form of urban settlement没讲到,不选;D的weaving and pottery过于细节无法覆盖整段,不选 10。 legible易读的,易辨认的,所以正确答案是recognizable。


    看一个东西很放松,也就是说不费力气,容易看清楚,所以正确答案是recognizable。 B的enjoyable容易欣赏虽然也沾边儿,但原词没有这个意思,不选 11。

    以cylinder seals做关键词定位至10,000-5,000 BCE之后的那句。讲的是从第一次出现cylinder seal起,scene就非常精致,体现了专家的做工,所以正确答案是B,professional是specialist的同义替换。

    看不懂的话还可以往后看一句,similarly说明下一句的内容和这句相似,同样可以看到professional。A的比较,C的first example原文都没讲,都不选 12。

    以late U culture做关键词定位至最后一句,原文说late U显示了第一个monumental,relief和一堆东西,最后的半个分句说展示了一种mastery只有professional才能做到,所以正确答案是A的复杂的relief carving。 没看到答案的可以往回看上句,说从第一次出现cylinder seal起,scene就非常精致,同样能选出答案。

    B虽然提到monument,但不是很多个,只是第一个,不选;C的stamp和D的stoneware都没说,不选 13。 以surface of the cylinder做过渡点,所以正确答案非A即B。

    由于A的this指代的cylinder与之前的cylinder衔接非常紧密,因此A被排除,所以正确答案是B 14。 A variety选项对应原文第二段,正确,选 Cylinder seals选项的比较原文没说,不选 The monumental选项错,原文没讲做monumental sculpture的specialist和做小规模relief scenes的是同一伙人,不选。


    Professor: OK. But is it a pre-modern technology? I mean, hydroponics isn't really my specialty but from the research I have read, we are talking the nineteenth century, maybe the seventeenth century if you really stretch it. 前面学生说他想写与农业相关的东西,教授回答说只要是前现代的养殖技术就可以,然后学生提到水耕法,教授用but转折进行提问:水耕法是前现代技术吗?这虽然不是我的专业,但据我所知,它是19世纪的技术,甚至可以追溯到17世纪。

    言外之意是水耕法并不是前现代的技术, 按时间来看,它是一个相对现代的技术,所以B 选项正确。








    谢谢采纳我的建议! !

    TPO 27 听力Lecture第2篇 第3题Why does the professor discuss the

    根据原文:"Density is determined by how trees grow. Trees, old trees that don't grow in the tropics grow seasonally, they grow faster early in the year in the springtime than they do later in the year. So early growth wood is relatively porous. Late growth wood is denser, less porous. And this variation shows up in the trees growth rings. The denser layers are generally darker than the less dense layers. We call this variation the density differential." 教授这里提到树的年轮是想引出“不同密度”这个概念。


    后来这个概念也用于说明好的木材都是密度差别较小的。总而言之,这里提到树的年轮就是要解释什么叫“木材的密度差别”,因此 D 选项正确。

