
Hello everybody! My name is Nicole. I come from Shanxi province and now study the program - Master of teaching in China Northeast University.I have been studying in this university for 4 years,and achieved the bachelor degree in biology major.But why did I choose a subject unrelated to my bachelor background as the further education? The reason was that after graduation from my bachelor study, I descided to obtain some working experience by engaging in some pratical jobs.I used to work in an insect meusem for showing the exhibiting section and providing background knowledge to visitors, and I also have 6 months working experience as a tutor in the laboratory.That job was about working as an teacher assistant and student supporter for helping student to finish their experiment. And I also conducted a field trip for taking students to countryside and help them to recognize different species.
In this working process, I noticed that I often felt struggle to teach student in an efficient method.Sometime I could find huge amount of background knowledge,but I didn't know how to convey the information. Therefore I choose the program - Master of teaching for improving my teaching skill,and I have a great interest in English learning,that is the reason why today you see me standing here. I always dream about one day, I can tell what I have learnt to some internationals,but I know improving language ability is a long-term issue.So I regard today's presentation as my first step, and hope you all enjoy it!Thank you!!
When you walk in the clean and spacious streets, when you shut the garbage on the floor, do you think this comfortable, beautiful environment of the creator? It all creation, hard work is the great industrious sanitation workers crystallization. Just when the day dawn, hard-working sanitation workers armed with a broom, summarized son, came empty street, hard to sweep up the street to. They put every local streets are clean up the house, from left off a corner, never dropping a speck of dust in the world autumn leaves as fire, sanitation workers with the joy of harvest, with a bright smile, confidently waving a broom, originally filthy streets to clean up organized . One day, I rode a bike wandering in the streets, a thin figure sanitation workers came into my eyes. Suddenly, from the head over a black taxi. Just after the car beside that sanitation workers moment, opened the window, then, a nasty man threw a bag of garbage from the window. looking at the spotless street suddenly a pack of lies do cause vomiting garbage, as if a dirty white adorable angel around dirty, ugly devil. I could not help but heart "Ko Deng," look, perhaps out of pity for sanitation workers. at this time, I saw that a white hat with a white mask, with orange sleeves skinny arm sanitation workers took a large broom and pinch sub strode hateful garbage bag next to him, forcefully incorporated into the garbage pick-son, poured into a roadside garbage trucks. the sanitation workers move, won everyone her favor, we are in the heart of this honorable man thumbs up.。
Look Deeper in Natural CalamitiesLike endless nightmares, there have been many natural calamities recently, such as the earthquake in Yushu and the volcano eruption in Iceland which caused great loss. It seems that natural disasters will always accompany us.As many people believe, natural disasters are usually harmful, or even terminal. We can't have forgotten the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, which taken away over 50,000 lives. Anyhow, we aren't capable of preventing natural disasters from happening, which is rather depressing. We can be well prepared, though. It is necessary for us to be trained for handling the emergency.However, we still need to look deeper, which may aid us in handling many of the natural calamities. Seeking for causes of natural disasters for many years, people have achieved much progress at the same time. Some natural disasters, like muddy flood and landslide, have something to do with human activities, which should be deeply looked into. Now we are getting more and more sources from the environment, and keep creating waste on end. All what we've done has led to large quantities of problems, including natural calamities. With the wildly release of CO2, the Global Warming has becoming more and more serious, which contributes to drought and floods in different parts of the world. In 2008, south part of China suffered from a horrible snowstorm which lasted for almost one month. At the beginning of this year, farmlands in south-western China dried out due to the abnormal weather.Without humans' effect, those disasters may still happen, while how can they appear so frequently? In the past,we seldom have the El Nino. But at this point,we experience it every year. These facts all infer that the environment is settling an account with us for our greed and stupidity. If we cannot make up for our mistakes, our guilty will suffer before long.Our ancestor have told us to live in harmony with nature centuries ago, while still some people takes no notice of that. We must change our behaviours now, not just for a solution to reduce the damage of natural disasters.only when we begin to respect and love the nature will we live a better life. We really need to look deeper, and try to treat the nature more friendlily。
When you walk in the clean and spacious streets, when you shut the garbage on the floor, do you think this comfortable, beautiful environment of the creator? It all creation, hard work is the great industrious sanitation workers crystallization.
Just when the day dawn, hard-working sanitation workers armed with a broom, summarized son, came empty street, hard to sweep up the street to. They put every local streets are clean up the house, from left off a corner, never dropping a speck of dust in the world autumn leaves as fire, sanitation workers with the joy of harvest, with a bright smile, confidently waving a broom, originally filthy streets to clean up organized .
One day, I rode a bike wandering in the streets, a thin figure sanitation workers came into my eyes. Suddenly, from the head over a black taxi. Just after the car beside that sanitation workers moment, opened the window, then, a nasty man threw a bag of garbage from the window. looking at the spotless street suddenly a pack of lies do cause vomiting garbage, as if a dirty white adorable angel around dirty, ugly devil. I could not help but heart "Ko Deng," look, perhaps out of pity for sanitation workers. at this time, I saw that a white hat with a white mask, with orange sleeves skinny arm sanitation workers took a large broom and pinch sub strode hateful garbage bag next to him, forcefully incorporated into the garbage pick-son, poured into a roadside garbage trucks. the sanitation workers move, won everyone her favor, we are in the heart of this honorable man thumbs up.
AN ADVENTURE HOLIDAY:It was a normally day at school until I decided to skip the rest of my classes. that's where my adventure holidays started.I found underground casino , more accurately a poker house. Around full ring game up to 8 or 9 people sitting on a round table , betting out the money outta there pocket, winner takes it all. I decided to take a shot. I sat down with 200 yuan in my pocket(dont ask where I get the money, kids are rich these days). 20 mins later, I got 1200 yuan in front of me. I was like WOW i could really make a living off playing poker. few hours later, no sign that anyone wants to leave. I'm still running pretty hot, collecting money from everyone on the table.5 hours later I had 100,000 Yuan . I couldn't believe what I have accomplished, what I made that day, probably more than most the people that can make over a year !! I wasn't stupid,got up and left, with profits over 100K.Great day , but most to people were calling me scumbag, not only I took their money, but hit and run too.WHO GAVE A SHIT right ?lol I had a great adventure on a beautiful day off of school.My job:As you may guess, My job is different from others , that's right, I am a whore.As a young kid I had fantasy that one day I could be the world famous porn star.But that didn't go well。
. my mom told me the only way out for life is dedicating yourself into academic filed, I hated it . It took few years to make me realize that school isn't the right thing for me in my life。 lol little off the topic , but you'll like it next.So yeah, I lost my V-card on my 13th birthday and I've been love it since.So far I slept with 131 male and 73 female, dont get it twisted, I dont normally do 3some or any orgy, I just do it one outta time.It trains my skill everyday , I can give great head , doggy style and shit。
i guess that made my success to an whole other level, i gotta say, practice and experience is the key to success . I gained a bigger vagina from my job as you can tell that I am a full time prostitute now .I also made a shot tons of money cross the few years, I love my whore life!knock knock。..hey whats up homie. I was wondering what u been up to.Whats going on with your music its kinda loud huh. u better turn it down before I drop my poop all over your mouth you bitch !! oh ya, remember last time you asked me to lend out my blow-up doll, time to give it back bro, I need to use it lately , kinda horny these days。
. oh well , i'll be downstairs waiting you to give it back , or you bet your smartass I will break all your chair legs and shove all of them into your anus.it's your call bitch !choose one outta three.Hope you have a great day :)。
谁有大学英语竞赛C类 作文的范文呀 发给我几篇吧
初赛(2009年)Task I Dear Tom, As you know ,I'm organizing a two—day debating contest which is to be held on May 1-2, I am working on a schedule for it now and I will have to send it by E-mail tomorrow. I need some new ideas urgently. Please help me out and give me some fresh ideas by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, would you please contact some of our teachers and invite them to be judge? Let me know their names by Friday. Thank you.Task IIReport on the Changes of Fashion for Young People in Recent Years in ChinaIntroduction This report sets out to present how fashions for young people have changed in recent years in China.Findings According to my survey, I have found the following three points:1、 Nowadays, the young are seeking for individuality instead of uniformity in the old days and they want the clothes to be unique.2、 Thanks to the mass data, the young people are deeply influenced by the fashion trend throughout the word. The North Korean style in hugely popular among them in recent five or six years.3、 The general trend is to be casual and simple. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the young people in China now are looking for individuality, casualness and they would like to follow the fashion abroad. 决赛Task I To: the Personnel Director and the Training ManagerFrom: assistant to the Customer Service DirectorDate: 23 June 2009Subject: decreasing sales As requested by the Customers Service Director , I have done a survey concerning our decreasing sales. This survey shows that our staff are not interested in helping customers and they are unhappy in their jobs. Therefore, our sales have been decreasing for several months. I think we should give bonuses to the best seller every month to improve our staff's enthusiasm. What's more, we should have some special offer every day to attract more customers.Task IITake My Advice on How to Control Stress As the competition between students increases, more and more students feel stressful about their course. As far as I'm concerned , we can take the initiative to reduce the stress. Firstly, make a plan for everyday study. For instance, you keep learning English for two hours every day, and within the two hours, you will learn 10 new words and read 2 articles. This way you can learn more than 1000 words three month later and your reading ability will improve as well. Therefore, you don't have to stay up late before the English examination. As long as you keep learning every day, you will find you are well prepared for the exams already. Secondly, do something else to divert your mind before exams. For example, if you can play piano, play your favorite songs for one or two hours and you will feel relaxed. To conclude, keep learning regularly and cultivate a hobby and you will find yourself relaxed about your course.。
在别人有难的时候,我们要献出一点爱心,也许能够挽救一条生命,也许能帮助别人。 5月12日 星期一 多云 今天,我和往常一样过完了这一天。
这几个字使我深受感悟,妈妈告诉我说:1976年7月28日凌晨在河北省、唐山市瞬间夺去了24万2千7百69人的生命,我想:在32年后的今天却发生在四川省、汶川县的这场大地震,还会造成多少生命瞬间从这个世界上离开呢?我们还不得而知。 5月19日 星期一 晴 这次地震发生不久后,这个消息马上传遍全中国,大家都很震惊。
今天还有一个仪式,就是:所有升旗完毕之后降半旗,2:30全国人民都肃立,所有车辆鸣笛。所有车的鸣笛声我都记得清清楚楚,车鸣笛的时候就像人在哭,顿时感觉特别可怕,默哀完毕后,我看到班级同学几乎都crying了,这一刻,我想喊:中国加油!四川加油! 8月8日 星期五 晴 今天是全国人民值得庆祝的一天——第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会在北京开幕了,在庆祝之时,我们也不能忘了正住在营救棚里的四川人民。
我一直在想:四川人民能看到奥运会的开幕吗?能看到全国人民的心和他们紧紧连在一起吗?能看到……我想对他们说:你们要坚持住,将来你们要重建美好的家园。 10月18日 星期六 阴 这几天,我在新闻里看到很多爱心人士纷纷到社区捐赠冬天衣物和捐款。
灾难,总是不可避免的,但更重要的是面对灾难的态度。 一方有难,八方支援。
灾难无情人有情,我们无法阻挡灾难的发生,但我们可以用爱心去战胜灾难。 高尔基说过:“谁不爱孩子,孩子就不爱他,只有爱孩子的人,才能教育孩子。”
可见,教师热爱学生是教育的需要。 记得一天中午,我班上女生小丁同学的妈妈气喘吁吁赶到学校,一见到我眼泪就夺眶而出,哽咽地说:“孩子她爸不行了,我现在要接孩子回去。”
小丁的母亲已下岗,现在家庭经济的唯一支柱也要塌了,小丁今后的生活将怎么办呢?想着想着我再也忍不住眼中的泪水…… 放学前,我紧急召开班委会,把小丁同学的事告诉了班干部,让大家要关心小丁她,并帮她做好课堂笔记。班干部们主动要求当天就去小丁家关心安慰她,我便从衣兜里掏出了二百多元钱交给班长让他们去买点慰问品送给小丁,并告诉他们分批去,当晚班长带两个同学先去, 明天刘 老师再带几个同学去。
让小丁同学时刻感受到同学们的关心。 第二天一早,当我走进教室时,被眼前的景象深深感动了,讲台上放着一个红纸贴的捐款箱,全班同学正等着我来主持捐款活动,我的双眼顿时模糊了,含着泪说:“谢谢同学们,我代表小丁同学谢谢大家。”
这天全班同学自发地捐了一千五百多元钱。 送走了父亲,小丁同学又回到了学校,但她脸上再没了笑容,小丁同学上学回家的路上再也没有了风雨寒暑相伴的父亲魁梧的身影,学习上也退步了,为了安抚一颗过于哀伤的心灵,我特地安排了两个热情的女生,每天和小丁同学结伴上学回家,而我也常常挤出时间加入她们的行列。