
帮我找一些大学personal essay的范文,和兴趣有关的
1:To write about your personal experience in the past years and what you got in the period. What's more,you can state about your dream and everything you like.Best wishes.2:You may use the following as a guideline for your personal essay:(1) Your background(2) Why are you interested in this school?(3) What makes you to be qualified candidate?(3) Your goals / future plan。
申请美国高中personal essay
An example of personal essay:
First of all, it is necessary to know that when I was a child, I was treated as a king-child because I lived alone with my mother almost all my young life and because she was weak with me. I thus have to admit shamefully that I took most advantages possible and that I made a lot of whims. I obtained almost everything that I wished. I was really requiring and tyrannical with my mother but, believe me, I am not proud of it.
Another facet of my personality consists in the fact that I am strongly determined. I have set the most ambitious goals and I am convinced that I'll succeed. I'll make all which will be in my power to reach my purposes. In order to give you an idea of my objectives I would say:
“I want to become very rich, famous, well-known in the media and reach the highest spheres of the society.”
It can seem paradoxical, nevertheless I am shy and I have a lack of self-confidence. I think that it began when I was between 10 and 14 years and as I was obese. For this reason, most of the guys laughed at me and annoyed me. I was the big little boy that nobody liked. But now that I grew and that I changed a lot, as you can see it, I try to cure my shyness and to open out myself.
This period was the worst of my life, that's why I think school didn't prepare me well for adult's life.
In conclusion, I would say that they are not the only aspects of my personality. So now, I have said enough, it is your turn to discover who I am, if you want to.
如何写好personal essay
Personal Essay, also known as personal narratives, allow the writer to express himself in a rather bold manner. Such essays help gauge the writer's ability to write on a given topic in an engaging manner. As the name suggests, a Personal Essay is more or less a personal perspective. While writing a Personal Essay, ensure that the rhythm and pace of the essay is smooth. There should be more opinions than facts. Try to avoid using philosophical rants to impress the reader.Also,you can ask the 51due for help.。
personal essay是主文书吗
不是。Personal essay,也称 Personal statement,是指你对自己留学动机、计划和个人特长的一个简略介绍;而“主文书”(Main essay)则是阐述你对某一问题或现象的分析和判断,或者讲述自己的某一段经历的故事,也称 a general topic of your choice。PE/PS 虽然在文体结构上与 ME 很相似,但在写作目的、主题内容和修辞手段的应用上则有很大的差别:
写作目的: 自我介绍,让学校了解你的留学 作为录取参考,展示你的语言应用
目标、计划和特长等 能力,包括写作和分析能力
主题内容: 自我介绍 自由选题
修辞手段: 平铺直述,简洁明了 讲故事;论点论据,分析说明等
求申请美国高中personal statement或者essay开头中间
An example of personal essay: First of all, it is necessary to know that when I was a child, I was treated as a king-child because I lived alone with my mother almost all my young life and because she was weak with me. I thus have to admit shamefully that I took most advantages possible and that I made a lot of whims. I obtained almost everything that I wished. I was really requiring and tyrannical with my mother but, believe me, I am not proud of it. Another facet of my personality consists in the fact that I am strongly determined. I have set the most ambitious goals and I am convinced that I'll succeed. I'll make all which will be in my power to reach my purposes. In order to give you an idea of my objectives I would say: “I want to become very rich, famous, well-known in the media and reach the highest spheres of the society.” It can seem paradoxical, nevertheless I am shy and I have a lack of self-confidence. I think that it began when I was between 10 and 14 years and as I was obese. For this reason, most of the guys laughed at me and annoyed me. I was the big little boy that nobody liked. But now that I grew and that I changed a lot, as you can see it, I try to cure my shyness and to open out myself. This period was the worst of my life, that's why I think school didn't prepare me well for adult's life. In conclusion, I would say that they are not the only aspects of my personality. So now, I have said enough, it is your turn to discover who I am, if you want to.。
关于personal essay的问题!
首先,你最好不要写的显得你很懂得样子。因为,第一,你只是个学生,大学里比你懂的老师很多很多;第二,学校想要的不是一个高中做机器人做得很好的人,而是一个未来的电力(Or Electronic?)工程师,高中机器人做得好和工程师的差距还是很大。
如何写personal statement
【如何写PERSonAL STATEMENT]Personal statement怎么写?申请出国的同学都经历一个写PS和Essay的过程。
难在哪儿? 首先,认识自己很难。认识自己的过程就是成长成熟的过程。
有人一辈子都不能准确认识自己。 认识自己难就难在所有衡量自己的标准都来自社会,来自他人的反馈。
还有就是自己也会变化的,自己的很多潜能没来得及展示因此得不到社会反馈,这样就产生认识自己的时间差。 说了那么多,要认识自己还得通过自己的所作所为,通过反射到社会这面大镜子上。
无论镜子是平面的,是凹面的还是凸面的,我们都得照一下自己。 其次,描述自己,特别是用英语描述自己也颇具挑战性。
试想想,当录取者产生如此感觉时,你的录取几率会有多少? 那我们能够做什么?最重要的是要实事求是,不要玩弄英语技巧。写短句子,写自己熟悉的。
难道你要在万恶的资本主义社会成立团支部,党支部? 还有,如何取舍补充简历,成绩单以及推荐信以外的信息也是困难的。最理想的PS应该是不重复成绩单,简历已经描述过的信息。
一、做自己 诚实地敢于直面表达自己认为最有价值的方面。做自己是别人无法模仿的,无论你好还是不好,都是你的特质。
换言之,相信所有录取者在读几万封PS后会一分钟之内看出你的特质。 二、充分准备 特别是留下充足的时间来写。
如果要写得有味,就得有时间来保证。 三、请留过学的朋友帮助修改 语法修辞很重要,最重要的是内容。
personal statement 范文200字左右
Personal Statement 1 As I think back on the Haiderabad workshop, it is difficult to focus on just that experience, as the effects of it continue to sprout and grow in me even today. The experience of the workshop was so incredible that it also represents for me one of those treasured points of clarity that so affect the paths we take in life. In fact, I can say without hesitation that, six years later, the seeds that this workshop sowed in me have grown to be more and more a part of my life and work with every passing year. And it is my hope, and indeed my belief, that the others involved, both at MIT and in Pakistan, can say the same, for one of the inherent beauties of the workshop model is that it is not an isolated event or lesson, but a collaborative effort resulting in powerful seeds that branch out in and through all involved. Over the years, I see now in retrospect, the kernels of illumination that stem from my Haiderabad workshop experience have helped me to see more clearly at many points, having a profound and positive impact on what I have chosen to work on and learn from. In fact, as I look back over the work I have done since then, the most meaningful is somehow always a branch on that tree which sprouted in me as a result of this defining point in my education and life. In my undergraduate years, I 'tested' a number of majors. I knew that I wanted to combine analytical, creative, and social skills to be able to do something that would make a positive difference in people's lives. I started with economics and political science; and, while I truly enjoyed both, they somehow seemed not enough. Then I tried architecture, which I had always loved as well. The creative challenge of integrating environmental, structural, technological, and social parameters into unique solutions that none of these fields alone could accomplish was fascinating to me, and seemed more what I was looking for. After completing my undergraduate studies, working in the field, and then returning to grad school, though, I began to feel a bit of the disillusioning compartmentalization that I realized was what had left me unfulfilled when studying both economics and political science. How could I avoid this; why was I again feeling this? Then I took the Haiderabad workshop. In this workshop, I finally saw that all of the things I had studied and truly enjoyed until then were just 'compartments' of the whole vehicle that must work as one to truly have an impact on some of the world's most pressing problems. Of course I had felt disillusioned when focusing on solving problems from within compartments, without being able to really integrate them at the root! Focusing on the real socioeconomic and environmental problems of a community in a very extreme situation, and addressing those problems with the community through the vehicle of sustainable social and architectural catalysts, served to illuminate for me the connections between the seemingly independent paths that I had followed in my studies. And I also saw the value, to all parties, of solving social problems with, rather than for people. For the first time, it all came together, and the solutions felt real and whole. They did not pretend to be end product 'solutions,' but were in fact so much more: richly collaborative, comprehensive, and powerful enablers that could empower societies to break through suffocating barriers from the inside. The approach to this, the hands-on and collaborative workshop environment, worked in a beautifully enriching way. Academia, the local population, and the other groups involved worked together in a symbiotic collaboration that enriched both the people and the project. Individually, we were all puzzle pieces with a unique wisdom to offer, but with the inevitable missing wedges that puzzle pieces always have. Approaching the problems in the traditional way, any of these groups could have probably found a way of filling isolated wedges, but the isolated solutions would have been restricting in the long run. Working together, we were all able to fill our unique wedges with interlocking resources and wisdom from the other whole puzzle pieces. We were able to complete a much larger puzzle, be enriched with a much larger vision, and reach a much more sustainable and true solution that we could all be proud of and grow from. The ability to see this first hand through the workshop inspired me to see that, with models like this, people, cultures and disciplines around the world could come together to develop the seeds that could be the basis for a sustainable empowerment and renewal of many parts of the developing world as opposed to isolated 。