以下自我鉴定范文,仅供口腔医学专业的您制作简历时参考:口腔医学简历自我签定范文一 擅长于口腔内科常见病,多发病的诊断、治疗,能熟练地运用口腔检查工具,对病人进行检查,对龋病、牙髓病、根尖周病、牙龈炎、牙周炎有一定的检查,诊断和鉴别诊断能力,并掌握了拔牙、口腔内局部浸润麻醉、根管治疗的基本操作技能。
具有对牙体缺损、缺失等进行烤瓷冠、桩核冠、局部、及全口等美观修复的操作技能。 对于口腔外科,掌握了无菌观念和无菌操作技术,掌握了颌面外科常见病、多发病的临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断要点操作技能,作为教师的助手完成过舌系带修整、口内面部外伤清创缝合、牙周夹板固定等,并在教师的指导下亲自完成牙龈瘤切除术、牙体拔除术、脓肿切开引流等手术。
了解口腔粘膜、牙周及口腔正畸学的诊断及治疗。口腔医学简历自我签定范文二 擅长于口腔内科常见病,多发病的诊断、治疗,能熟练地运用口腔检查工具,对病人进行检查,对龋病、牙髓病、根尖周病、牙龈炎、牙周炎有一定的检查,诊断和鉴别诊断能力,并掌握了拔牙、口腔内局部浸润麻醉、根管治疗的基本操作技能。
具有对牙体缺损、缺失等进行烤瓷冠、桩核冠、局部、及全口等美观修复的操作技能。 对于口腔外科,掌握了无菌观念和无菌操作技术,掌握了颌面外科常见病、多发病的临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断要点操作技能,作为教师的助手完成过口腔唇部血管瘤切除、舌系带修整、口内面部外伤清创缝合、牙周夹板固定等,并在教师的指导下亲自完成牙龈瘤切除术、牙体拔除术、脓肿切开引流等手术。
了解口腔粘膜、牙周及口腔正畸学的诊断及治疗。 口腔医学个人自我鉴定范文三 五年的大学生活,造就了我积极向上、锲而不舍的性格,抱着“以学为本”的宗旨,我努力从各方面来完美自己,不仅系统学习和掌握本专业知识,注重外语和计算机的学习,也从政治、历史、文学等各个领域提高自身修养。
我深信,随着市场经济对人才市场的不断冲击,折射出社会需求的更是一种复合性人才。 大学五年中,我时刻鞭策自己求知、求实、求同,在各方面完善自己——这也正是我的人生准则。
口腔医学专业个人简历自我鉴定范文四 在这五年的学习生活中,我通过学业学习,社会实践,工作来不断地充实自我,为日后的人生道路打下良好的基础.在思想上,积极进取,不时地对自己作检讨,找出不足之处,进而不断改善,力求做到最好。在学习上,有自己的一套学习方法,认真学好每一门基础课和专业课,学习成绩优异.大学期间连年获得各类奖学金,通过大学英语四级以及全国计算机等级考试。
社会实践能力强,对新事物接受能力快,而在待人处事方面仍有待提高,学习的知识面还有待拓宽,在今后的日子里,不断改善,提高自身的综合素质。口腔医学毕业生个人简历自我鉴定范文五1.注重对专业知识的完善,积累经验,不断提高技术水平 专业上我不断充实理论,用心实践,不放过任何细节,达到了一名合格医生的要求,但同时也很清楚,现在的我经验还远远不够,在以后的工作当中我会虚心学习,谨慎操作,不断完善技术,成为一名医术高超、医德高尚的口腔医生! 2.做事沉稳、个性乐观、待人真诚 六年的大学生活使我从一个懵懂少年成长为一名较为成熟的医学生,性格上我追求沉稳、干练,乐观面对生活,真诚对待身边每个人; 3.善于处理人际关系,能够很好地与人沟通 £ 在校园里,我积极参加校内外的各种活动,和周围的同学、朋友、同事、老师,不管是南方人、北方人或是侨生的关系都非常融洽,相信在今后的工作中,我完全可以融入到集体当中去,和同事们齐心协力为患者服务 4.兴趣广泛,注重全面发展 热爱足球等体育运动,高中以来就参加各种足球比赛并多次获得冠军及最佳射手;喜欢唱歌、弹吉他,多次参加表演及比赛;热衷旅游,去过许多名胜;广泛阅读等 更多口腔医学简历自我签定范文,可登录应届生求职网查看 http://www.yjbys.com。
Good morning !Everyone! (or Ladies and gentlemen)It is my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I am XXX years old and my hometown is XXX city in XXX province. I graduated with a bachelor degree from the Medical College of XXX University. My specialty is XXX. Currently, I am pursuing my master degree and I will complete my master's study next year. As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern medical science. I have acquired essential and fundamental knowledge of medicine during the past XXX years. Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing postgraduate research on the XXXand obtained advanced understanding in this field. Professor XXX kindly provided me crucial guidance to analysis the diseases. Other than my major study,, I have passed CET4/6 and gained Rank 3 in National Computer Rank Examination .In June 2004, I spent a whole meaningful year in ? Hospital of XXX to undergo my undergraduate internship. Subsequently, I spent one year for residency training at the Department of XXX in the same hospital(of which university XXX. After one year internship and 1 year residency training, I not only obtained first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible health care professional. Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position. I would be more than happy to have further opportunity to speak withyou regarding my qualifications for the position.Thank you very much for your attention!。
Good morning !
Everyone! (or Ladies and gentlemen)
It is my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I am XXX years old and my hometown is XXX city in XXX province. I graduated with a bachelor degree from the Medical College of XXX University. My specialty is XXX. Currently, I am pursuing my master degree
and I will complete my master's study next year.
As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern medical science. I have acquired essential and fundamental knowledge of medicine during the past XXX years. Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing postgraduate research on the XXXand obtained advanced understanding in this field. Professor XXX kindly provided me crucial guidance to analysis the diseases. Other than my major study,, I have passed CET4/6 and gained Rank 3 in National Computer Rank Examination .
In June 2004, I spent a whole meaningful year in ? Hospital of XXX to undergo my undergraduate internship. Subsequently, I spent one year for residency training at the Department of
XXX in the same hospital(of which university XXX. After one year internship and 1 year residency training, I not only obtained first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible health care professional.
Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position. I would be more than happy to have further opportunity to speak with
you regarding my qualifications for the position.
Thank you very much for your attention!
求人帮写篇 口腔医学 个人简历
基本信息 个人相片 姓 名: XXX 性 别: 男 (贴照片处) 民 族: 汉族 出生年月: XXXX 身 高: 170cm 体 重: 56kg 户 籍: 广西南宁 现所在地: 广州市 毕业学校: 广西卫生干部管理学院 学 历: 专科 专业名称: 口腔医学 毕业年份: 2007年 求职意向 职位性质: 全 职 职位类别: 医院/医疗/护理-牙科医生生物/化工/制药/医疗器械销售人员 职位名称: 不限 ; 工作地区: 厦门市区 ; 厦门思明区 ; 待遇要求: (面谈)元/月 可面议 ; 不需要提供住房 到职时间: 可随时到岗 技能专长 语言能力: 普通话:标准 英语 B ; 电脑水平: 计算机一级,熟练掌握一些办公软件,如WORD,EXECEL,OFFICE等~~ 教育培训 教育背景: 时间 所在学校 学历 2004年9月 - 2007年6月 广西卫生干部管理学院 专科 工作经历 所在公司:。
Oral Medicine is an specialty that include oral medicine basic theory and basic knowledge, oral and maxillofacial disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention training, oral common and frequently-occurring disease diagnosis, basic ability to repair and preventive oral disease.I obtained a diploma in school and clinical, and passed the national exam to become an oral general practitioner。