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    介绍长江三峡的导游词Welcome to ChongQing!My name is XXX ,and my English name is Shirley.I'm very glad to be your local guide for today's visit.On behalf of our travel agency,we hope that all of you will feel as good as today's sunshine and enjoy yourselves here.In the following time we will have a visit on the There Gorges of Yangtze River-one of nature's most fantastic sights by ship.During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out,I'll try my best to satisfy you.Wish you a wonderful journey! Above all,I'd like to give you a brief introduction of the Three Gorges.The Yangtze Three Gorges is one of the ten most famous tour sites of China ,proudly stands at the first place of the best fourteen in China's hottest scenic spots.Extend about 192 kilometers ,the Three Gorges made up of Qutang Gorge、 Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge .It starts from Baidi Castle ,Fengjie town in Sichuan Province to Nanjinguan of Yichang City in Hubei province,The gorges vary from 300m at their widest to less than 100m at their narrowest.The three parts of the gorges have their own characteristics. Now,look through the windows,please.This is the first one—Qutang Gorge which wins its fame for grand precipice.The Qutang Gorge is only 8km.It is the smallest and shortest one in the Three Gorges,but its landscape is the most magnificent.The Yangtze River runs very fast here,and it suddenly looks like a thousand of seas poured into one cup. As the ship going on,we have arrived the Wu Gorge which got the name from the Wu Mountain.The Wu Gorge extends about 44km well known for its profound beauty.Traveling in the deep seems like sailing in a nature gallery.Whenever the visitors arrived here,they were all fascinated by the famous 12 peaks of Wu Mountain.The 12 peaks stand thousands of meters high above the water.Their shapes are various and each of them has a reputation based on a beautiful legend .Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the north bank.It is the most beautiful and upright one among them. Look,over there!A huge rock towering among the rosy clouds in the Qingfeng,just looks like a slim and beautiful young lady.It is the Goddess Peak .Every day the Goddess Peak is the first to great the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell.Downsream from the zigzagging Wu Gorge is the Xiling Gorge .The Xiling Gorge starts from Xiangxikou in the west and ends to Nanjinhguan of YiChang in the east.Its total length of 78 kilometers rans the longest in the Three Gorges.The name “Xiling”means “west mountains”in our Chinese becouse it located in the west of Yichang.Xiling Gorge takes on the typical scenery ot the later Three Gorges,and the scene is very splended here. Time flies,our visit is coming to an end and its very difficult for me to say goodbye to you.I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I don't expect that all of you will remember me,but I really hope that my service is of help to you.Thank you very much and best wishes to you .。


    大雁塔是楼阁式砖塔,采用磨砖对缝(意思是将砖的 6 个面磨光,用石灰、三合土、米浆粘连)的砌垒技术。


    大雁塔塔身高大,结构坚固,外观庄严、朴实、大方,充分体现了我国古代劳动人民的智慧和才能。 The Heavenly King and the Buddha in line drawings appear on the door frames and horizontal bars on the four sides of the pagoda's base. They are vividly portrayed in smooth lines and show a high level of workmanship. They serve as an important source of material for the study of paintings and sculptures of the Tang Dynasty. Out of these artistic works, the one on the horizontal bar of the west door is the most precious. It is a rare piece of art now used for the study of the Tang architecture. 塔底层四周门楣上雕刻有天王及佛像等线刻画,这些画刻工高超,形象生动,线条流畅,是研究唐代绘画及雕刻的重要资料,其中尤以西门楣的线刻画最为珍贵,是研究唐代建筑的珍贵艺术品。








    There is an interesting story about the name of the pagoda. It is said that Master Xuan Zang once stayed in a Mahayana temple in India. In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and the Hinayana. The Mahayana believers are vegetarians while those of the Hinayana are non-vegetarians. Near the temple where he stayed , there was a Hinayana temple. One day, a monk was just worried about the shortage of meat in the temple. But it happened to be the General Alms Day of the Buddha, another monk looked up at the sky and sighed, “Our beloved Buddha, the Great and Merciful, will not forget what day it is today!” At these words, a flock of wild geese flew over the temple. The head goose dropped dead to the ground. The monks were all puzzled by this, and they concluded that this must be the result of the Buddha's spirit at work: to provide them with the wild goose. Ever since then, the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in Mahayana Buddhism. They also set up a pagoda where the wild goose dropped dead, and called it the Wild Goose Pagoda. The Wild Goose Pagoda that greets us today was acturally modeled after its Indian prototype. It was given the same name in memory of Xuan Zang and in praise of Buddhism. After about half a century, the pagoda at the Jianfu Temple was built. The two pagodas face each other over a distance, but assume different styles. Since the one in the Jianfu Temple is smaller than the Wild Goose Pagoda, it is often called the Small Wild Goose Pagoda.。



    现在让我们先沿着红街走到白金汉宫,接着左拐去议会大厦和大本钟,然后在大本钟随近上船,再搭桥下船,参观完伦敦塔后,将乘船沿河返回火车站,从火车站步行回到广场。谢谢大家! 翻译: Hi, everyone。

    I'm glad to be your tour guide。Now let's take a walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace, and then make a left turn to the house of parliament and Big Ben, and then the Big Ben with near the boat, to bypass the boat again, after visiting the tower of London, will return to the train station, take a boat along the river walk from the train station back to square。

    Thank you! 回答完毕,顺祝学习进步!。


    Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service). He will travel with you throughout the trip in China. This is Mr ____,our driver. His bus number is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know. We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation。



    the Forbidden City (故宫) 开头语 The magnificent architecture, also known as the Forbidden City was open in 1925.It is one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world at large. In 1987 it was list as the World Heritage site by UNESCO. 位置和历史 Situated at the heart of Beijing, its centrality as well as restricted access, the palace was called The Forbidden City. It was built in 1406 in Ming dynasty and last 600 hundred years until 1911 in the Qing dynasty, it was finally overthrown by the republican revolutionaries. The last emperor Puyi continued to live in the palace after his abdication until he was expelled in 1924. So,totally twenty-four emperors lived and ruled from this palace. 规模 The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre-high red walls and a 52-metre-wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area as big as 12 stadiums. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate. The buildings' glowing yellow roofs levitating above vermilion walls is a magnificent sight. The painted ridges and carved beams all contribute to the sumptuous effect. 前朝 The southern portion is the Outer Court. As we can see the three main halls,we call it 3 golden halls. It was here in the Ourter Court that the emperor held court and conducted grand audiences. 后寝 The Inner Court comprising the northern portion.There are another 3 halls which are smaller than the front. An Imperial Garden is laid out at the north end. In here, it is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities. These were precisely designed in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or would even have dared to come within close proximity to these buildings. 故宫的开放 In 1914,the provisional government allowed the last emperor PuYi to continue to live in the Inner Court of the Forbidden City. Meanwhile,the Outer Court was for public display. While confined to the Inner Court, Puyi continuously used such vestiges of influence as still remained to plot his own restoration. He also smuggled or pawned a huge number of art works under the pretext of granting them as rewards to his courtiers and minions or taking them out for repair. In 1924, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City and on 10 October 1925, it was open as the Palace Museum. News of the opening was a boom. On the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill. The treasure trove left by the Qing numbered more than 1,170,000 items including sacrificial vessels and ancient jade artifacts from the earliest dynasties; paintings and calligraphy dating to as early as the seventh century; porcelain; a variety of enamel and lacquer ware; gold and silver ornaments; (antiques made of bamboo, wood, horn and gourds; religious statues in gold and bronze; as well as thousands of imperial robes and ornaments; textiles; and furniture.各种器物名词,可省略,可参考) In addition, there were countless books, literary works, and historical documents. Exhibition halls were opened to display some of the treasures. In the early 1950s, shortly after the establishment of the People's Republic, the Palace Museum staff worked with a new will and enthusiasm to restore the Forbidden City to its former sparkling fresh look. 馆藏 The collections of the Palace Museum are based on the Qing imperial collection - (ceramics, paintings and calligraphy, bronze ware, timepieces, jade, palace paraphernalia, ancient books and historical documents.别和前面雷同), equipped with controls for maintaining constant temperature and humidity, as well as safeguards against fire and theft. Besides, the museum has opened galleries to display bronzes, porcelain, crafts, jewelry, and clocks to expand the scope of its exhibitions.故宫网站上的,然后修改了修改.原版哦~~。


    The tourist friends, we now stand at the Changbai Mountain summit, our feet, our eyes, is the world's highest volcano Kouhu included in the Guinness book of world records of Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain.It is Changbai Mountain most has the charm, the most magnificent, the most mysterious, is also the most humanistic landscape. Changbai Mountain Tianchi in Changbai Mountain volcano cone on the top, a shabby volcano, after a long time water into a paste. The surface height of 2189.1 meters above sea level, the maximum depth of 373 meters, with an average depth of 204 meters, is the highest water in Northeast China, the deepest natural lake. Slightly elliptical, 4.40 kilometers long from north to south, east-west width of 3.37 km. The catchment area of 21.40 square kilometers, the water area of 9.82 square kilometers, 13.11 kilometers circumference. The total storage capacity of 2040000000 cubic meters.Tianchi ancient have "Tumen Lake", it is the fountain of meaning, is the Songhua River, the Yalu and Tumen River Three River source. And the three river, is the main moisture northeast land drainage.In particular the Tianchi and magic lies in, it only water and not into the water, but the Millennium not Jedi flowing. The ancients said its water from the sea, "sea eye.Tianchi a strange mystery, that is the Tianchi monster. The legend has long circulated and observations, written records began 100 years ago, in recent years, everfount efferent people see Tianchi monsters news, make the world puzzle and century puzzle intensified, the relevant circumstances, I will be dedicated to do the introduction.Since ancient times, people of Changbai Mountain Tianchi prostrate oneself in worship, not because people in Changbai Mountain worship. Just think, Changbai Mountain although dignified as instrument, and Northeast Asian mountains and the earth, but, if not the top of the mountain Tianchi, she can become moist northeast earth mother mountain? No source no river, no river didn't life. The people behind thousands of miles to see Changbai Mountain, why not through go through untold hardships to reach the top of the mountain? To see -- Changbai Mountain Tianchi source of this earth milk feeding. While the Tianchi in the water, but also as the mother's milk from the mother's body, interior, from the earth everfount, flowing endless. Is this a coincidence? The system isn't this the human inherent roots, find the mother, looking for the source of the life of the complex?Since ancient times, people worship Changbai Mountain Tianchi, Tianchi is fear of Changbai Mountain, according to people worship realm -- the dragon worship -- to worship the Tianchi, Tianchi is the Dragon King's palace is called meet the eye everywhere.Liu Jianfeng in the "Changbai Mountain River Hill Records" said: the hunter four to Ao fishing station, see Zhi dish peak, from a pool of water, golden yellow, first as big as a dish, top with angle, long be head shaking, such as water absorption. The fear of ascent, to a half, suddenly he heard a crash, review does not see, all the dragon, also known as the dragon.The cloud, the pool thunder, sound with shells, a hundred miles away and hear its sound, people call for the exercise.The cloud, usually water surging, sound such as holly Hom jade, people call for the Dragon King's Palace music.The cloud, every March, steep dark clouds from the northwest to the heavy rain, hail to the Tianchi not see. Read a few days, suddenly from the pool of protrusions colored clouds, and go to the southeast, only black and white in. And ten days, see the cloud from Southeast Fly, still into the pool, and the cloud is not one of them. According to legend, the Dragon King in Heilongjiang Tianchi Dragon King, go east haiyun.Now, according to all the data shows, people not only is the dragon worship and called for the Tianchi, linked to the current message Tianchi monsters in the pool, and then link to the world for the extinction of the dinosaurs verdict has been broken by our Sinosauropteryx fossils unearthed, plus the Tianchi monster like dinosaurs, can you imagine, Tianchi in the so-called monster is hundreds of millions of years ago, the descendants of dinosaurs?On this aspect, I here to Tianchi monster, further investigation.。


    Hello, everyone, and welcome you to visit the naval museum. Navy Museum is the second China Beijing People's Revolutionary Military Museum and the Museum of Aviation, organized by the Navy to build a professional and the Military Museum, located in Qingdao city of Laiyang road on the 8th, wrote the famous calligrapher Qi Gong Museum, in October 1989 1 open to the public. Its mission is to: promote the founding of New China since the People's Navy's achievements, showing the history of China's naval development, carry forward the Chinese nation has a long history, culture, carry forward the glorious tradition and spirit of revolutionary heroism, and enhance the whole nation's awareness of national defense and ocean view Arouse people's patriotism, education units, education and future generations. Qingdao is located on the 8th Laiyang Beach Road, east of Lu Xun Park and the Museum of seafood, to the west Qingdao small park near the South endless sea in the north and risers across the bridge, and beautiful environment, beautiful scenery and open terrain hospital, harbor , Terminal and a wide space, land and sea area exhibition area of effective intervention ship, the unique natural conditions. In recent years, while the Navy Museum building, while on display, the current exhibition hall have been completed and gifts uniforms, weapons and equipment exhibition and exhibition ship on the sea area in three parts of the occupied land and water area of 4,000 square meters, more than 800 exhibits. Uniform area of 900 square meters exhibition hall gift, the main display of the people from the Navy in 1949 since the birth of the different periods of standard clothing, rank badges, symbols service, special equipment, as well as operations in more than 60 countries and the armed forces of the people I presented to the Navy's precious Gift. Weapons and equipment exhibition covers an area of 2,000 square meters, equipped with small naval vessels, aircraft, missiles, artillery, weapons in the water, land and water tanks, observation equipment, such as display of the seven groups. The main exhibition area on the sea-ship show of decommissioned destroyers, frigates, submarines, and other medium-sized conventional warships. In the more than 800 exhibits, the more important items are: August 4, 1957 on behalf of the Central Premier Zhou Enlai, Chairman Mao Qinghai review into the use of military force ships of Yuleikuaiting Muke, Oct. 1, 1984 in Beijing's Tiananmen Square At the military parade to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding ceremony, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission Deng Xiaoping reviewed the "waves" submarine-to-surface missile; the first naval commander of the Navy General Xiao Jinguang had to wear the navy dress and their general take-off Doyle - 14 aircraft; Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, former deputy commander of the navy Deng Zhaoxiang General of the Navy to donate the 55-generals dress; for the people and the building of the navy to defend the motherland, coastal areas and territorial seas make an important contribution to the first generation of China's missile destroyer "Anshan"; in the coastal areas and territorial seas fighting to defend the motherland Cited for meritorious service in the military exploits of anti-aircraft missile frigate "Yingtan"; have been shot down by the United States and u - 2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of the Red Flag - No. 2-to-air missile; the Korean People's Army delegation's visit to China gave me the gift of the Navy Fleet - for some Shang Ganling the trunk full of shrapnel, and so on. Navy Museum is a force and the broad masses of the people especially the young people to carry out patriotic education of good classroom. In recent years, education in patriotism and play an active role, has been Shandong, Qingdao City, the leadership of the party and government organs sure. March 1994 Qingdao municipal government to the Navy Museum as a "primary and secondary school students in Qingdao moral base", in October the same year, Qingdao municipal government and military leaders in green body awarded the Navy Museum, "National Defense Education advanced unit", 1995 2 Shandong Province, was designated as "patriotic education base at the provincial level." Navy Museum is still in construction stage, is to speed up the pace of construction in the near future will be even more grand gesture to show the majority of the audience. Now we come to the memorial Qi. Qi Memorial Hall at Shuicheng Penglaizhen small sea。

