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  • 英语练字范文


    There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather gradually gets warmer and everything comes back to lfie. The peasants are busy with sowing. When the summer comes, the weather becomes every hot. It rains frequently and causes many floods. Autumn is the best season all the year round. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is blue and cloudness. At night, millions of stars can be seen in th sky. It's also a busy season for peasants to harvest. Winter is the last season of the year. Days become shorter and nights longer. The weather is cold and windy. In winter, leaves fall from trees and everything seems to fall into a deep sleep to prepare for the next spring.应该是这篇.。


    Dear liu mei

    You are so kind.I would like to help you.

    Main ingredient: Mosaic lettuce, yulan food, red bell peppers, and thyme small tomato, purple cabbage, fabaceous seedling, purple leaf lettuce, corn kernels, onion

    Ingredients: thousand island salad sauce

    Vegetable salad practice

    1, hua xie lettuce break into large pieces on the plate.

    2, will yulan food evenly set before them.

    3, put in red pepper circle and cut small tomato.

    4, adding appropriate fabaceous seedling and purple cabbage silk.

    5, purple leaf lettuce rolled up on vegetables and and onion rings and sweet corn kernels.

    6, put in thousand island salad sauce mix well.serve.


    Our Environment Is Getting Worse I think our environment is getting worse .Now the number of cars keeps increasing ,and a large amount of waste gas pollutes the air . The area of forests is reducing.It becomes more windy and dusty here in spring ,and the climate turns to be very dry .The rivers are polluted,and cities can not get enough water supply .Besides ,noise causes pollution,too,which may do harm to our health . So it is a fact that the environment is getting worse ,and we must pay great attention to it and do everything possible to protect our environment from being polluted。




    不过这个材料还算严谨,发来你看看吧。英文书法 在打字机发明之前,英文也是很讲究书法的,称作calligraphy,意即“漂亮的笔迹”,又因为写得好的多是以誊写为生的penman,也称作penmanship。

    陀思妥耶夫斯基在《白痴》第三章中有这样的描述:嗯,这是普通、平常、纯粹的英国字体,不可能写得更优美了,这里真是妙笔生花,精巧玲珑,字字珠矾,可谓笔法高超,而这是变体,又是法国的,我是从一个法国流动推销员那里摹写下来的:还是一种英国字体,但黑线少许浓些,粗些,深些,匀称性被破坏了,您也会发觉,椭圆形也变了,稍稍变圆些,加上采用花体,而花体是最危险的东西!花体要求有不同一般的品味,但只要写得好,只要写得匀称,那么就无与伦比了,甚至还能惹人喜爱。(图一)在古文字学(Paleography)中可将拉丁语系字体演化分为六个阶段: 首先是罗马时期,罗马帝国在扩张的过程中将拉丁文推广到欧洲各地,罗马体(Roman)一直流行到4世纪,随着西罗马帝国灭亡(公元476年),欧洲进入了中世纪; 在5-8世纪,随着各民族意识逐步觉醒,文字也开始多元化,从较规范的安色尔体、半安色尔体(Uncial, Half-uncial)演化出诸多变种,如英国的海岛体(Insular),日尔曼人的如尼文字(Runes或Futhark),法国的梅尔罗加文手写体(Merovingian scripts),西班牙的西哥特小写体(Visigothic minuscule )等,这一段称作前加洛林时期(pre-Caroline); 查理曼大帝在8世纪实现了加洛林王朝(Caroline)的强盛,阿尔昆(Alcuin)在此期间发明了著名的加洛林小写体(Carolingian minuscule),将字母大小写正式区分开,这套优美清晰的字符在欧洲迅速流传,虽然王国在查理死后就迅速衰落了,但这个字体却一直影响到几百年后的文艺复兴时期; 从查理曼帝国分裂出来的东法兰克王国在11世纪发展成为神圣罗马帝国,主导欧洲局势,于是这些哥特人后裔在宗教祭祀中使用的一种特殊字体——哥特体(Gothic)开始流行,但是这种富有装饰性的字体并不适合书写和阅读,于是又出现了许多变体,如用于写书的Anglicana(因为在英国广泛使用,故名),用于法庭记录的Chancery,和顾名思义的Secretary等等; 到了14世纪,从意大利兴起的文艺复兴(Renaissance)席卷了整个欧洲,人文主义学者们(humanist scholars)所采用的人文书体(Humanist scripts)成为主流,虽然这种基于加洛林小写体的字符仍带有某些哥特风格,1450年德国古登堡(Gutenburg)发明了活版印刷术后,老式的Black Letter不适合这种新工艺,意大利的出版商就用他们当地流行的字体印刷了大量作品,从此以意大利体(Italic)闻名(国内译作斜体已是积重难返了),而德国也吸收了人文书体的一些优点形成哥特体的一个变种Fraktur以便印刷,而且在日常书写中也产生了自己的手写体Kurrent(Old German script),它现代的版本German script 即通常所说的“花体”; 在近现代仍有许多印刷字体、艺术字体和广告字体不断涌现,比如用于铜版印刷的圆体(English Round hand)、德国设计师聚特林发展出的聚特林字体(Sütterlin)等等 说了这么多,其实常写的也就意大利体(图二)、花体、圆体几种。


    最后介绍几个站点:英文书法国际联合会网站 IAMPETH,站点提供了许多会员作品,PDF扫描图书,在线课程,甚至示范视频等一系列免费资源,很有帮助。另外,剑桥的中世纪英语书法在线课程(English Handwriting 1500-1700: An online course)则提供了更古老的材料,可窥见英文当年的风貌。

    而意大利体的学习可以参考Arrighi's Operina,这本16世纪的小册子提供了极好的范本,而且是免费发布的。注:本文参考了《包装与设计》2004年第2期中阚宇的《拉丁字体的起源与发展》。

