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  • 雅思口语范文想去的国家

    雅思口语 最喜欢的国家


    Well, as I am planning to study in Britain, so let me talk about some thoughts about British culture.

    When I was a kid, I just know there is such a beautiful country existed, but I didn't know much detail about it. The first time I began interested in this country is because my cousin who was study in London. Every year she came back, she would tell my tons of stuff about Britain, like Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, so on. I was been absorbed by these culture which is totally different from Chinese culture.

    And when I grow up, I know more about this country. It is the birthplace of so many great minds, you know, like Shakespeare, Jane Austin, Alexander Dumas and so on. What else, I guess is because the bands I like. Such as Oasis, Coldplay, blue, Pink Floyd, and Beatles of course. I really like these bands, the strong dynamic and rhythmic.

    Another thing important to mention here is there are so many would top university, like Cambridge, Oxford, LES, Warwick and so on. That's exactly why I'm planning on studying in UK.

    In terms of personality, British people always have been considerate reserve and not opening. But I guess also depend on difference people. I don't know much about British food, but I heard fish and chips was pretty popular there.

    Ok, I guess the further information may wait the time I really arrive UK.

    雅思,托福,Gmate 有什么区别



    2、考试时间不同,发布成绩的时间也不同。“雅思”考试在中国的主要城市,每月都有,考试成绩在2至3周内就可获得; 而“托福”考试一年只有1、5、8、10、月的4次考试,并且需至2至3个月才出成绩,与“雅思”比较,考试次数少且出成绩慢。



    请问这个雅思口语题a celebrity not from your country怎么打比较好?

    "一个不是你国家的名人",这应该是个第二部分cue card的topic吧,我觉得它接下来的小问题可能会是:1.这个名人是谁。2.ta在哪些方面比较出名。3.ta对人民或社会的影响有哪些。 最后explain why you choose to talk about him/her.

    这个题你可以跟那些明星一起准备,说个你喜欢的歌星或影星,国外的。回答的话: 他的名字是。。。来自哪个国家,外貌如何,擅长唱歌/演戏,唱过哪些歌或演过哪些电影,对人民的影响就是他的作品可以让我们在工作学习之余大大relax,让我们的心情变得bright, 生活充满了fun,最后举个例子,你小时候(when I was young),哪首歌或哪个电影感动了你(I was deeply touched by。),给你留下了美好回忆(and it left a nice impression on me),从那时起我成为了他的粉丝(from then on,I became her/his fans),所以我今天选择讲他(so today I choose to talk about her/him.)



    1.韦博没有专门的雅思短期强化课程 它主要是小班型课程 外教上的口语和听力练习的比较多

    2.要看你的英语水平了 如果你英语不怎么好 外加经济不错的话 可以去学,毕竟从基础提高会很有效果,尤其是针对听力和口语 这可比出国后参加ESL课程便宜的多的多 但是语法不会讲很多 这也要看是哪个中心的了 各个中心的课程设置也有很多不一样的地方

    3. 如果你英语不错哦 你可以去专门的雅思短期培训 主要是听听答题技巧方面的 再做做模拟题 那的作文练习还是挺好的

