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    如何写媒体类雅思大作文? -


    媒体包含的内容比较广泛,如print media(平面媒体):newspaper,magazine;broadcast media(电波媒体):radio,television;new media(新媒体):the Internet。我们常常使用的其他媒体形式,比如广告则属于电波媒体,电脑则属于新媒体类别。

    电视或电脑考察的频率较高一些。不过,不管如何分类,这些媒体可以统称为mass media,即大众媒体。

    与每一个人的生活都是紧密相关的,是常常会接触到的,考生要对这些方面有所了解,那么对于备考此类话题会有非常大的帮助。 另外,不同媒体类别在雅思写作考试中则会体现在不同题目上面,也就是说不同类别下面包含多个不一样的题目,比如广告方面的题目有:电视广告的利弊?广告是否会扼杀个性,使人们看起来都一样?针对儿童的广告是否应当被禁止?广告应当被禁止,因为它只有坏处没有好处,你是否同意?诸如此类。

    而且,有时在同一个题目基础上稍微变化一下,那么针对该题考生所要提出的论点和论据就会发生改变,因此,考生要多加注意。 接下来,我们通过具体题目来分析一下媒体类雅思大作文如何写。



    最后是结尾段进行总结,并简单重申自己的观点或立场。 以具体题目为例:Some people think that people who prefer to read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 此题的观点为一些人认为读书比看电视更能让人富有想象力和提升语言技能。

    考生在多大程度上同意或不同意。 拿过题目,相信很多考生会直接写同意或不同意,再指出理由,这样写当然无可厚非,但若想让自己的观点更突出,以及增强论证的力度和说服力的话,考生可以使用上述讲到的方法。

    也就是说如果观点是同意的话,就可以在论述读书的好处之后再简单论述看电视的好处,从反面论证读书比看电视更能让人有所收获。 那么,文章结构就可以这样展开,首段引出话题,表面立场,同意观点。


    读书的另一个好处是通过相对安静的环境阅读能够有利于启迪智慧,而不像看电视那样会受到很多因素的干扰。 第三段,则论述看电视的好处,对上述观点进行反驳。


    然后,通过转折的方式指出虽然电视是传递信息的一个重要途径,但是信息量太大,一时间难以接收所有信息,而且电视内容稍纵即逝,人们很难在短时间内捕捉到细节性的内容。 结尾段总结全文,重申立场。




    题目:Do the negative effects of some international media such as TV and magazine for example overweigh the positive effects?范文:International media such as TV network and magazine always gives people in an information age mixed feelings. Like many other things, media is double-edged.As primary channels of information, TV and magazine are convenient and economic sources of information for knowledge, entertainment, and shopping. Interestingly, sometimes the same piece of information varies considerably in its influences on audiences of different age. For example, in a TV commercial, a beautiful lady promotes a certain brand of perfume, which supposablely makes girls more attractive to boys. For potential grownup buyers, the ad is useful because they might be spending time searching for such products. We save time in shopping and making decision by making use of such advertisements. However, a teenage girl might get the wrong idea about the concept of perfume. She could get money from her parents to buy the advertised product. Worse yet, she might use the sex appeal strategy employed in the commercial to get ahead in the future. This is classic bad influence of media for young people's overspending and inappropriate behaviors.However, we find it very difficult to weight between merits and problems of media because they are often closely incorporated. For instance, violent scenes in movies are believed to be partially responsible for violence-related crimes, particularly those committed by young people. But on the contrary, such movies also give people a channel to release their anger, anxiety, and pressure. Moreover, these movies show us bad and evil as well as punishments for wrongdoings. Imagine we live in a world whose media is completely clean in such sense. The dark side of media does not disappear just because we do not talk about it. Nevertheless certain kinds of information such as porn are better kept away from young people.In conclusion, media should not be seen simply as bad or good because we need to use information properly to the best of our ability. But for certain segments of viewers, we should be very careful with regard to the content of information and take measures to keep viewers from possible harmful influences of media.。



    我就想:真是个好哭的弟弟。 六年后,弟弟的哭声让我到了忍无可忍的地步。






    妈妈走了之后,我看了弟弟那种得意的表情,心想:”哼,下次一定不会让你得逞。” 还有一次,我正在看动画片,弟弟睡觉睡醒了,揉了揉眼睛,看见我正在看电视,弟弟就说:“我不要看这个,我要看《奥特曼》。”







    认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容~Newspaper is the best way to get latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. Do you agree?报纸是获得最新信息的最好方式,因为它比其他形式的媒体有更多的影响力。你同意吗?思路分析:1. 肯定不是,理由如下:第一,从新闻传递的方式看,报纸远远比不上互联网。

    举例,现在人们已经可以通过电脑,手机来获取新闻信息了,这比在报摊上排队买报纸方便,舒适得多。2. 第二,关于新闻的时效性,报纸仍然比不上互联网。


    3. 第三,报纸的影响力远远比不上互联网。报纸由于收费和只在某些地方发行,所以影响力有限。


    参考范文:In an Internet age, it is ridiculous that some people still argue that newspaper is the best media with the biggest influence on the public. Personally, I totally disagree with this assertion, and my reasons would be explored as below.The first reason against this assertion is about the news transmission. Obviously, in a digital age driven by IT technology, the media of newspaper has been much inferior to the Internet, because by the latter the audience can conveniently and comfortably read news on the screen of computers at home or cell phones in walking. In other words, the Internet, instead of print media, makes news universally available for the readers.Another reason doubting newspaper is that the information in this media expires quickly. For example, the manufacturing of a newspaper is a complicated and time-consuming process, which means the update of information in newspaper is day-to-day and its news are always focused on the yesterday. In comparison, news on the Internet can be edited and issued in very minute. That is to say, in terms of the function of ensuring the freshness of news, the Internet is far beyond the out-of-mode newspaper.Besides, the claim that newspaper is more influential is also a lie. In fact, the influence of a newspaper is always limited, due to it has production costs and only issued in certain countries and areas. In contrast, online news is characterized by free of charge and boundlessness, which can maximize the impact and publicity of a news globally, because all Internet users worldwide could be potential readers of this news, with no geographic limitation.In conclusion, this assertion of praising newspaper is problematic. In fact, newspaper is gradually losing the popularity among the public, and will be fully replaced by online media in the near future.。


    2019年2月14日雅思大作文题目新技术改变了孩子们的玩耍方式,这是好还是坏?New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?解析&审题本题中有三个关键词,即new technologies,children,spend their free time,要求讨论“新技术改变了孩子们玩耍的方式,这是好还是坏?”在构思本题的时候,我们首先需要说清楚的是:哪些新技术?怎么样改变了孩子们玩耍的方式?然后讨论这种改变是好还是坏。





    这样写,大家是否觉得思路是很清晰的?接下来,请大家阅读唐老师的高分范文,看以上思路是如何具体反映到字里行间的。老师笔记01The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.In the past,most children wouldengage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a few.Those who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children's stories,and comic books.The situation is quite different now.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.In my view,this new development has more downside risks.互联网、电脑和智能手机等新技术的广泛应用,从根本上改变了儿童利用空闲时间的方式。






    。(2)widespread广泛的(3)fundamentally从根本上地(4)engage in从事(5)to name only a few仅举几个例子;诸如此类;等等(6)the great majority of。


    (7)browse around四处闲看(8)downside risks不利的风险02Though it does make children's life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.The violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing them.The cost is really high.The children's performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also suffers.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.虽然互联网确实使儿童的生活更有趣,并帮助他们以更快和更方便的方式获取信息,但互联网也使孩子们很容易对它上瘾。比如暴力枪战游戏对孩子们有很大的吸引力,以至于他们中的一些人会几个小时几个小时地玩这些游戏。



    论述方法包括举例和引用研究数据。(2)be addicted to。


    (3)appeal to。吸引(4)globally全球范围内(5)be responsible for。



    03Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children's isolation from the actual world.In the traditional games,children could learn 。


    Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.雅思写作题目讲解:对立双方题型属于大作文的“主流题型”,这一大类分为三小类。

    就“对想法的限制程度”上来说,这三小类有所区别。广大同学对此应有所理解,以此来使得自己的作文做到好的“task response”。

    这三小类具体的差别,大家可以看该博客另一篇博文,里面有细致的讲解。该雅思写作题目的对立双方:一方: 相关措施对减少社会犯罪率有效的理由另一方:相关措施几乎对减少社会犯罪率无效的理由(注意加粗斜体部分)今天考试的雅思写作题目的特点是对想法有比较大的限制,双方的理由必须围绕着一个社会的犯罪率是否因此减少,如果同学们的idea没能往这个点靠拢,那这个 idea就跑题了。

    做个假设:如果同学们将“政府应该加大惩罚的力度”,“媒体应该让更多人知道一些罪犯是如何设置骗局”,这两个idea作为一方的理 由,这两个想法无法做到很好的切题。因为该题首先考的不是应该采取哪些方式,而是为什么这些方式有效,或者无效!能够做到“切题”的idea:(同学们仔细对比下面的两个理由同上述两个稍跑题理由的区别)一方: 相关措施能够减少社会犯罪率的理由1. 政府采取的严厉的惩罚能够震慑潜在的罪犯2. 媒体对于常见诈骗方式的报道防止更多的人受骗另一方:相关措施几乎不能减少社会犯罪率的理由1. 犯罪率高很大程度上是一个社会的经济程度发达程度,财富分配,贫富差距来决定的,上述的理由无法根本上,长远的解决问题。

    下面给大家提供一方观点的其中一个理由的具体行文:社会的犯罪率部分取决于政府对待罪犯的严厉程度,一个理性的潜在的罪犯将停止对社会的伤害,当他意识到自己可能付出的代价大大超过了可能带来的利益。 一个将抢劫犯处以终身监禁的社会所面临的犯罪问题少于其他的更加仁慈社会。

    The crime rate of a society is partly determined by the level to which a criminal is penalized. Potential criminals, provided rational enough, will stop their act at the thought that the possible price they might pay would greatly outweigh the possible benefit they may acquire. And the effect of harsher punishment in deterring criminals can also be evidenced by the fact that a society treating a robber with lifelong sentence faces fewer crime problems than its counterparts with more merciful measures.。


    不容易啊..打这么多字 1. Some people think that the public library will be replaced by computers. What is your opinion? 有些人认为公共图书馆会被电脑取代,你觉得呢? 2. Countries with the mixture of different nationalities and cultures would be more interesting and develop more quickly. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 多民族多文化的国家会更引人关注,会发展的更快。

    你在多大程度上赞成或不赞成这个观点? 3. Some people claim that censorship is necessary because there are too many undesirable contents in the mass media while others argue that it will hinder information freedom. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有些人认为审查制度是必要的,因为在大众媒体里有太多不良内容,而另一些人则认为它会阻碍信息自由。讨论这两种观点并给出你的意见 4. Some people think that media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有些人认为媒体不该报道犯罪细节。

    你在多大程度上赞成或不赞成这个观点? 5. Many people think that libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software or videos. To what extent do you agree of disagree? 很多人觉得图书馆只应该提供图书而不该把有限的资金浪费在昂贵的高技术媒体上,比如软件和视频。你在多大程度上赞成或不赞成这个观点? 6. The media nowadays has provided diversified information including real and false one. Some people say that only the real one deserves reading, listening or watching. Do you agree or disagree? 当今媒体提供了多元化的信息,其中包括真实的和虚假的。

    有人说,只有真实的才值得阅读,收听或收看。你是否同意? 7. The media had published news about celebrities' private lives constantly to attract readers or viewers. Some people hold that this kind of news should be banned. What is your opinion? 媒体为了不断吸引读者和观众公布了很多名人的私生活,有人认为这类新闻应该被禁止。


