
Dear Sir.
I am writing this letter to apologize to you for the mistake that we sent the shoes in wrong color. I have acknowledged that my fault has brought you great trouble and unconviniences. I hereby express my deep sorrow for this matter and we are going to do our best to make it up to you. I assure you that this mistake will not happen once again and would appreciate very much if you could give us a chance to show our sincerity on this matter.
Best regards
Dear xxx
Sorry to inform you the goods will be delayed XX days.The ETD will be XXXX then.We will try our best to our deliver the goods as quckily as possbile
Thks & reds
Opening(开头) Thank you for ordering from us. In reply to your request I can confirm that…… Thank you for your recent letter/fax. Thank you for your enquiry about our products. I am writing to enquire whether。
Reason for writing (写信的原因) I'm sorry I wasn't available to take your call yesterday.I tried to phone you this morning but you were out of the office. I'm sorry for the delay in replying to your e-mail but I needed to check some information with our shipping department. I can now confirm that your order has been shipped by air freight. It should reach you in two days. Thank you for your e-mail. There is one point I don't quite understand. Can you please confirm that the catalogue number of the item you require is 33/444-A? I am sorry to inform you that we have to cancel this order. Request for action (确认事宜) If you have any further questions please call me or e-mail me. If I can help you in any way, please e-mail me at the address below I will let you know as soon as possible if I have any further news. Please confirm that these arrangements are OK. closing Looking forward to hearing from you. I am looking forward to meeting you on May 1st. Tips: Keep your message short - people don't like long email (你的信件一定要简洁明了,人们都不喜欢太长的邮件) Don't use abbreviations unless you're quite sure your reader will understand them(不要使用缩写除非你很确定对方一定能理解) only use capital letters for special emphasis(只有在特别强调的时候才用大写字母) Don't use underlining - underlining looks like a hyperlink to a website(不要用下划线,因为看起来像一个网址) For clarity, put a complete line space between each paragraph(为了条理清晰,在两段之间要空一行) Make sure your spelling and grammar are reasonably correct(确保你的拼写和语法要正确) Never send an e-mail without checking it through carefully(如果没有仔细检查过不要随意发送) Make sure you have attached any attachments you want to send(确保你的附件都已附上) Make sure you're sending it to the right person! (确保你发对了人)。
特此致歉xxx公司行政部年 月 日答案补充 保持环境卫生和定期清扫,是每个职员应尽的义务和责任,所以道歉的必要不大,相反而应该多多宣传和鼓励这种行为。