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    I arrived in the United States on February 6,1986, but I still remember my first day very clearly。

    我于1986年2月6日抵达美国,但是我至今仍然清晰地记得我到美国第一天时的情景。 My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon。

    The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind。 From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel。

    My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work。 He promised to return the next day。


    我和我的朋友乘坐的士离开了机场并驶往我下榻的宾馆。 他帮我在酒店安置好一切后因为要赶回去工作,所以让我先独自呆在宾馆的房间里。

    他向我保证明天一定会马上回来的。 Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat。

    Because I couldn't speak a word of English, I couldn't tell the waiter what I wanted。 I was very upset and stared to make gestures, but the waiter didn't understand me。

    Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating。 After dinner, I started to walk around the city。

    I wanted to see everything on my first day。 I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try。

    在我朋友离开后不久,我到离宾馆不远的一家餐厅去吃点东西。 由于我不会说英语,因此我无法告诉侍者我想点一些什么东西吃。



    我知道这不太可能,但是我还是想试一下。 。


    xx:您好! 首先,非常感谢您这一年来对我的信任和关照。

    这段时间,我认真回顾了这一年来的工作情况,觉得来xx工作是我的幸运,我一直非常珍惜这份工作,这一年多来公司领导对我的关心和教导,同事们对我的帮助让我感激不尽。 在公司工作的一年多时间中,我学到很多东西,无论是从专业技能还是做人方面都有了很大的提高,感谢公司领导对我的关心和培养,对于我此刻的离开我只能表示深深的歉意。


    真得该改行了,刚好此时有个机会,我打算试试看,所以我决定辞职,请您支持。 请您谅解我做出的决定,也原谅我采取的暂别方式,我希望我们能再有共事的机会。

    我会在上交辞职报告后1-2周后离开公司,以便完成工作交接。 在短短的一年时间我们公司已经发生了巨大可喜的变化,我很遗憾不能为公司辉煌的明天贡献自己的力量。

    我只有衷心祝愿公司的业绩一路飙升!公司领导及各位同事工作顺利! 致 礼! xx xxxx年x月x日。


    翻译成英文吗?Company covers an area of 20,000 square meters, construction area of 7,000 square meters, advanced production facilities, with five standardized processing workshops, three regulating the storage temperature and humidity, a cold storage; installation of two Japanese production of the 60 K and 120 K-steaming green Green tea production line, there are sets of the system early tea, refined processing equipment, the processing capacity of 1,000 tons and above. Standardized production companies, has made national export certification and registration of food hygiene in food production QS certification, product won numerous national, provincial tea and tea quality awards in Japan, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions and Majority of the domestic market, by the favor of consumers and merchants, Fujian Province is steaming green tea exports one of the major manufacturers. Products: organic green tea, organic tea, organic white tea, organic tea, flower nectar. Quality assurance: a long memory, traceability management, state-level standardized production demonstration area. Focus on the production of each session. So that every factory are the only products of the logo can be traced back. More than 20 companies in the export production of Japan, Europe and the United States tea experience. Cai Cha, the tea master experience mature. Advanced equipment. Large cold storage preservation. Our guarantee: All raw materials from the self-Tea Garden. Ensure that no pesticide residues. All products ensure compliance with production standards. All products clearly identify the production date.。

