不成不成。李白连连点头,说道,这诗讲究的就是要有昏黄感。借使假如诗意浅露,就如酒兑了水 ,有趣了。本来如此。但是当代社会的人们只接管浅显易懂小说、散文之类的东西,而对美好、高雅的诗歌却五体投地,导致诗歌在书架上昏睡多年,每次测验,非论是高考还是中考,也非论是会开还是平常平凡考,作文的要求老是陈旧见解:题材不限,诗歌除外。世人如许萧瑟和架空的诗歌,真是过分度了。我忿忿的说。
与周瑜相遇 一个司空见惯、平淡无奇的夜晚,我枕着一片芦苇见到了周瑜。
那个纵马驰骋、英气逼人的三国时的周瑜。 因为月亮很好,又是在旷野上,空气的透明度很高,所以即使是夜晚,我还是一眼认出了他。
就在这种时刻,我见到了独自立在旷野上的周瑜。 我没有小乔的美貌,周瑜能注意到我,完全是因为在这旷野上,只有两个人睁着眼睛,而其他人都在沉睡。
那用眼睛在月光下互相打量的两个人,一个是我,一个就是周瑜了。 因为见到了我最想见到的一个男性,所以那一瞬间我说不出话来,我见到亲密的人时往往都是那个表情。
周瑜身披铠甲,剑眉如飞,双目炯炯,一股逼人的英气令我颤抖不已。 “战事还未起来,你为何而发抖?”周瑜说。
我想告诉他,他的英气令我发抖,只有人的不可抗拒的魅力才令我发抖,可我说不出话来。 我不知道又有什么战事要发生。
周瑜并没有在意我的发抖,而是将一把艾草丢进篝火里,我便明白了艾草味的由来。可是先前所闻的鼓角声呢? 周瑜转身走向帐篷时我见到了支在地上的一面鼓,号角则挂在帐篷上。
我说:“这鼓角声令我心烦。” 周瑜笑了起来,他的笑像雪山前的回音。
他放下鼓槌和号角,朝我走来。他说:“什么声音不令你心烦?” 我说:“流水声、鸟声、孩子的吵闹声、女人的洗衣声、男人的饮酒声。”
我说:“我还不喜欢你身披的铠甲,你穿布衣会更英俊。” 周瑜说:“我不披铠甲,怎有英雄气概?” 我说:“你不披铠甲,才是真正的英雄。”
我坐在旷野上,周瑜也盘腿而坐。 我们相对着。
他说:“你来自何方?为何在我出征前出现?” 我说:“我是一个村妇,我收割完芦苇后到河岸散步,闻到艾草和鼓角的气息,才来到这里,没想到与你相遇。” “你不希望与我相遇?” “与你相遇,是我最大的心愿。”
我说。 “难道你不愿意与诸葛孔明相遇?” “不。”
我说,“诸葛孔明是神,我不与神交往,我只与人交往。” “你说诸葛孔明是神,分明是嘲笑我英雄气短。”
周瑜激动了。 “英雄气短有何不好?”我说,“我喜欢气短的英雄,我不喜欢永远不倒的神。
英雄就该倒下。” 周瑜不再发笑了,他又将一把艾草丢进篝火里。
我见月亮微微泛白,奶乳般的光泽使旷野显得格外柔和安详。 我说:“我该回去了,天快明了,该回去了,猪和鸡也需要食了。”
周瑜动也不动,他看着我。 我站了起来,重复了一遍刚才说过的话,然后慢慢转身,恋恋不合地离开周瑜。
走前我打着哆嗦,我在离开亲密的人时会有这种举动。 我走了很久,不敢回头,我怕再看见月光下周瑜的影子。
一个存活了无数世纪的最令我倾心的人的影子就这样烙印在我的记忆深处。 我伸出一双女人的手,想抓住他的手,无奈那距离太遥远了,我抓到的只是旷野上拂动的风。
雅思作文高分范文:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 本文是一篇8分的雅思作文高分范文,文章中有许多的高分句型以及运用的恰到好处的高分词组、词汇,文章的题目是:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗?现将译文及范文分享给大家,希望对备考雅思的朋友能够有所帮助。中文标题:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗?译文如下: 在当代社会,似乎职业工作这在提高生产力,并给其他人提供直接的服务,而在体育和娱乐方面的名人没有做出此等贡献。
此外,缺少的一个职业专家能被另一人所代替,而缺少一位名人可能会导致某一领域发展的限制。 不可否认,由于大量的人们在专业领域工作并且直接服务于大众,他们看起来,至少表面上是与公众的生活水平的提升有着更加亲密的联系。
英文标题:Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 范文如下: It seems that, in this society, professional workers are improving the productivity and providing direct service to others, while celebrities in sports and entertainment are not making such contributions. Therefore, some people claim a higher pay for the former over the latter. However, I would show my disagreement to their statement for the following reasons. Professional workers do not contribute so much to society as celebrities in person. Any single worker in the professional field is not able to bring the happiness to such a large population as a famous person in sports or entertainment does. Also, an individual professional employee cannot similarly bring glories to the country and enhance people's sense of belongings to the nation. Otherwise, if they can, their payment will not be less. Unlike the talents in celebrities that are invaluable, the abilities of professional workers, such as doctors, nurses and teachers can be trained and copied. An ordinary person can be educated or trained to be engaged in those professional jobs, but not so many can be taught to play basketball so well as Yaomin and dance so gracefully as Jackson. Besides, the lack of a professional worker can be soon replaced by another one, while the loss of a celebrity may result in the limit of development in a certain field. Admittedly, due to the large population of people working in professional fields and the direct service people receive from them, they may seem, at least superficially, be more closely related to the improvement of the life level of the public. However, in this information age when people are attaching more importance to their spiritual life and easier in obtaining information needed, the value produced by professional workers is not so high as that brought by the celebrities. To sum up, I do not agree with the idea for professional workers to earn a higher salary than the sports and entertainment personalities. only when a man's value is measured by his overall contribution to society, can every field in the world be developed to its full.。
我也来贡献一些:version 01 old persondescribe an old man influenced you1.who was he2.when did you know him3.what he didand explain why he influeced you part31.老人的经验有什么问题存在2.喜欢什么艺术品3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢?4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度?5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好?6.老人在你们家有什么影响?7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样?8.他们对大家有什么影响?version 02 city1。
where it is located?2. what special for you?3. why you want to stay there?part 31.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future.2.上海是个怎样的城市3.都有那些著名建筑4.你想为这个城市做些什么?5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡version 03 roompart2:1.what's your favorite room in your home2.what it likes you live3.what you do in the room normallyand explain why you like itpart3:1.你认识你的邻居吗?2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同?3.你认为应该怎样改进住房?4.现在的年轻还跟父母住在一起吗?5.中国人都住什么样子的房子?6.他们喜欢什么样的房子?7.你觉得这样的房子好么?8.城市里的房子和乡村的有什么不同? 哪里不同?version 04 famous personpart 2describe a well-known person in history who you would like to meet1.who this person was2.what he did3.what was special about him or her and explain why you would like to meet him or herpart 31.你认识哪些名人?2.有一天你成为名人会怎样?3.你喜欢什么体育运动?4.你认识那些体育明星?5.你的个人爱好6。why do people want to be famousversion 05 photograph1:你喜欢照相吗?2:你一般什么时候照相3:喜欢看照片吗?4:喜欢用哪种照相机version 06 cloth 1:什么样的衣服会使人比较有性格2:你比较喜欢穿什么样的衣服3:你比较喜欢时尚的还是传统的衣服version 07 furniture version 08 holiday1.when was it2.who went with you3.where was itand explain why you like best1.what is different between you an d your parent holidy?2.how to develop china's tourist ?3.say something about tourist chang in your life and the positive/nagetive 4.how to influence social changeversion 09 creative ability什么是creative ability?creative ability对个人、社会的益处?怎。
For me, it is happy to help other on matter what the thing is. I am an easy-going and always ready to help others who are in need. I want to share a small thing with you. I went to supermarket to buy some food and drinks after school yesterday. It was nearly nine after I checked out. I hurried to catch a bus and sit down. “ I did not have changes”an old man said. The driver screamed that you got off to get changes. There was nobody to give a hand. I am so brave to give one yuan to him. Although it is small, the old man said thanks for many times. As civilized man, we have the responsibilities to help others in order to make our society more harmonious.
求雅思口语范文 关于一个崇拜的明星
人物: 崇拜的偶像 Bill Gates
There are so many people in the world, about 8-9 billion.
But the ones that really matter are few.
Bill Gates is one of the most important people in the 20th and 21st century.
I admire him so very much.
Bill Gates was the former CEO and president of the world's largest software company, Microsoft. He was also the world's richest person in the past. He is currently running his charity foundation to help millions of people in need.
He founded Microsoft and developed the company to the biggest in its industry.
He and his company changed the way computers work greatly.
80% of computer users nowadays use windows.
And our world would be very different without Bill Gates and his company.
He's well known for his wealth, for his business skills and also for his technological genius.
I admire him so much because his achievement is sky-high.
Yet, he still has time now for his family, so he's successful both in the company and at home.
And being a very rich person, he's very responsible for the community, he and one of his friends, Warren Buffet are giving back to the society through charity.
And this moves me. That's why I like him. (204 words)
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My favorite singer is Zhou Jielun.His English name is Jay Chou.He is of medium height.He is thin with short straight hair.He has small eyes.He looks cool.
Jay Chou likes playing sports.He likes playing basketball best.His favorite food is chicken .He doesn't like talking too much.He is friendly and sometimes he is a little shy.
英语作文:Tom's dream
Tom is my best friend,he likes reading and talking about news.He is very funny,and he always makes me laugh.He wants to be a reporter,I think his dream is wonderful,and the dream can helps him to study hard.He wants to write articles for the magezine.He wants to work in Beijing,because that is Chinese capital,and a good place to go sightseeing.And there are many places of interest,can see many famous people.。
A charity organization usually assume much of the responsibility for aiding the needy, providing health care, and taking care of the victims of natural disasters and so on. However,whether the assistance from the celebrities has a inspiring role to play has ignited public debate. Personally speaking, the charitable giving from social elites can benefit the need, charitable institution and themselves.First,as the attention-getting group,famous people should and could pass on active influence,for the speeches and behaviors of those top stars could set a fine learning example. For example, those nations suffering from the lack of medical care or insufficient financial support can, to a large extent, gain benefits from the generous donation from the celebrities if some natural disasters occur around the world. The warm-hearted helps deriving from generous business leaders or super stars can,in most cases,help those unfortunate countries to recover from the adversity. Also,since the support and concern from the influential figure could generate media awareness,those charities can become the beneficiaries too. The reputation and credibility of charitable institution can be greatly enhanced under the subtle impact of top stars. Last,celebrities,as a respectable group,usually live under spotlight, receive maximum praises and comfortable economic reward,hence,they are expected to make their unique contribution to the community as a returned favor. Their selfless donation could fulfill their social responsibilities, embody their kindnesses, and bring them great sense of satisfaction.Notwithstanding all that,some people might remain suspicious of my stand. For a start, some people argue that stars' assistance is limited and thus less significant in terms of resolving some international problems such as helping the population of poverty-stricken countries shake off poverty or tackling global environmental contamination. Another argument hold by some people is that the impact of celebrities might be a double-edged weapon. By that they mean, if some stars fail to practice what they preach, then, the public might lose confidence in the organizations they publicized. Some anti-drug stars ended up becoming drug addicts might be a good example.In a nutshell,I re-affirm my conviction that no matter how trivial a star's role can be,all famous people should do their utmost to fulfill their social obligations,to do some public service activities for those charity organizations can be an effective way to serve this purpose.。