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    【 嗨!】아녕!

    I miss you too.


    I really miss you!

    【我好想你】정말 많이 보고쇼싶었어요

    Congraturation to enter senior high school!

    【祝贺你进入高中了】고등학교에 입학한 것을 축하해요

    Oh! You are great!

    【哦!你很了不起啊】아.정말 대단해요.

    On March 23th, I saw your country from Koren' Tv - The tian fall 덕천폭포

    【3月23,在韩国电视节目里我看到了——德川瀑布】3월23일날 한국티비에서 덕천폭포를 봤어요.

    광고 방송으로 덕천폭포가 나왔어. 그래서 그곳이 더 보고 싶었고 너도 그리워졌지.


    광고에서 방송하는 덕천폭포를 보니까 그곳을 더 보기싶어요 당신도 보고 싶었지요?

    나는 학교를 옮겼어. 5년마다 학교를 옮겨야 하는데 집에서 더 가까워 .


    Every day I walked to school. It took 17 minutes from my home.


    저는 매일 걸어서 학교에 가요.멀어서 7분이나 더 가야해요.

    I take part 4th grade. My students are 27.

    【我上4年级的。我的学生是27岁。】저는 4학년이에요.저의 친구는 27살이에요.

    On wednesday I played balley ball with my co worker .


    수요일날에는 친구들과 같이 뽈을쳐요.

    On thirsday and tusday will play bedmenton at my school gym.


    왜 수요일에 학교 운동장에서 베드민트를 쳐요

    I am happy to play at school.


    저는 학교에서는 노는 것이 정말 기뻐요

    배구을(는) 수요일마다 오후 2시간 정도를 하는데 재미있어


    배드민턴은 화요일, 목요일마다 퇴근 후 2시간 할 예정이야.


    그래서 일주일이 매우 빨리 지나가.


    너는 어떻게 지내는 지 정말 궁금했어


    20일 후면 고등학교에 가면 더 바쁜가?


    Are you very busy to enter senior high school?


    우리 식구 모두 잘 지내.



    dear xx: (亲爱的xx)

    Hello! How are you recently? Being busy of study or work? I have been quite busy too, it is because of the study. I am getting more pressure at school. (你好! 最近怎样? 很忙吗? 是因为学习还是工作呢? 我最近也很忙, 因为在学校给了我很大的压力, 所以我得把学业做好.)

    I just noticed that we have not seen each other for awhile. Do you want to catch up with me one day? (我刚刚才发现我们好像好久都没见了, 你想不想在有空的时候和我一起出去玩一天呢?)

    Yours sincerely, (此致敬礼 之类的)

    John (名字)




    Dear XXX:

    How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Your Sincerely,






    Your message have been received,but I think this still have the problems at the materials .couly you tell us what is the speciality and function for this paper, that will helpful for us to find the correct materials and the cheaper paper instead .is the paper use for drawing ? Best you can send the sample that will useful for us , You konw we hope to build relationships with you .The materials is our key issues .please add my MSN that can easy communion with you .MSN ID :forestprint@hotmail.com .Hope to hear you from soon.


    Dear XXX:

    How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Your Sincerely,






    Your message have been received,but I think this still have the problems at the materials .couly you tell us what is the speciality and function for this paper, that will helpful for us to find the correct materials and the cheaper paper instead .is the paper use for drawing ? Best you can send the sample that will useful for us , You konw we hope to build relationships with you .The materials is our key issues .please add my MSN that can easy communion with you .MSN ID :forestprint@hotmail.com .Hope to hear you from soon.



    田中金属 中村様

    いつもお世话になります。 (自己公司名)の王です。




    很简单,1.收信人的公司名,所在部门,人名. 人名后加 様(さま) 表示对对方的尊敬.

    2.一句寒喧的话 いつもお世话になりまして、ありがとうございます 之类

    3.送信人的公司名,人名.但人名后不加 様(さま) 表示谦逊.


    5.最后还是一句寒喧的话,例如: 宜しくお愿いします 或是 ご返信をお待ちしております。(期待您的回信)之类就可以了.



    Dear ***,

    Congratulations on your good news of 。.

    My fellow managers and I are delighted that your work in the marketing field has been recognized this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.

    Through the five years of working together with you, many of us well aware of how much you've contributed to the association between our two corporations. We are all looking forward to

    your trip to China next month when we will celebrate your advancement in a more formal way.

    Again, congratulations to you, Mr. Haskel - good luck and good wishes on your new position as Director of Marketing Department.

    Cordially yours


    Lin Daming

    Marketing Director

    Beijing New metals

