Happiness is a state of mind,happiness is not from the object,it is not a thing.Happy is not a chase - you do not need to firmly grasp it,because it's in your heart,you have got it.But this does not mean you do not need to contribute their energies to it.Happy like a party,you sit down to enjoy the fun - but only you want it,you are ready for it until lightly come prepared to allow himself happy bar!Let the good place bar。
一道类似中考英语作文题一道英语作文题,主题是Howtosave 爱问知识
How to save our world There is a lyric in "Heal the word": There's a place in your heart And I know that it is love。
It told me Love is the one and only one to save the world。 Many of today's environmental problems affecting urban and rural areas derive from neglect of society's long-term need for resources。
I have lived and enjoyed the natural resources and exotic animals that are still alive and well till this day and wish for the generations to come to enjoy them as we have。
有趣的一天(An Interesting Day)It was a sunny Monday。
I went out to play with my friend --- Jane。 I like to play with her, because she is a strong girl。
We rode bikes to a garden。 This was a big and beautiful garden。
In the garden, these were some roses and some lilies。 Children like to play in this garden。
We did a lot of things there。 Sometimes we sat on the grass side by side, closing the eyes and quietly and hearing the bird sing songs。
Soon we rode the bikes quickly。 Suddenly Jane stopped。
“What's the matter?” I asked her,” My bike is broken” she said, “Oh, it's too bad!” I said, “Don't worry。 ” She said。
She folded her bike, and put it on my bike, “ Let's go to mend my bike!” We went to a shop to mend it。 Then her bike was Ok。
We became very happy again。 This is an interesting day。
We had a good time together!。
每逢下雨的时节,雨水会顺着屋檐汇集而下,滴在青石板上。 那年月,没有电视、报纸,可阅读的书籍也很少,除了教科书之外,几本搜刮来的小人书早已滚瓜烂熟。
没有喜欢的娱乐消遣的时候,坐在小板凳上发呆,也是一项可以反复运用的消遣方式。 发呆并不需要十足的场景。
而在这样的一个雨季,足不能出户,又无一件饶有兴趣的事可做,那么,发发呆便是最好的选择了。 雨,时常会搅扰我的静默。
于是,借着一次探亲的机会,我终于解开了心中的谜团。 青石板还在原地。
只是在雨水“滴答”的地方,明显出现了一些“凹”痕。 很多时候,仅凭我们的肉眼,并不能立即看不出事物的某些细微变化,但是时间就像是一架高倍显微镜,让我们能清晰地感知事物任何最细微的变化。
这种变化,不仅仅反映在事物的表面,也体现在事物的内在特质上。 记得孩子上小学一年级的时候,我担心他在学校没有充足的时间锻炼身体,于是,规定他上学之前,先跳绳十分钟。
孩子觉得跳绳很难,以为自己并不具备跳绳方面的天赋。 他生气地扔下跳绳。
他想要放弃。 “如果你每天能多跳一个,就是进步。”
我告诉他。 “真的吗?”孩子天真地看着我,觉得这应该很容易做到。
“妈妈,我有进步了,我跳了六个!”孩子兴奋的叫起来。 我分享着他的成果,与他一起欢呼! 孩子尝到了成功的喜悦,他坚持了下来。
因为坚持,他现在的跳绳水平在学校的排名已是遥遥领先。 时间会改变一切!如果你制定了目标后,能够坚持脚踏实地,纵然是蜗牛的脚步,也能抵达金字塔顶。