[小学英语看图作文]小学英语看图作文 (经典文章,与大家分享!)Please look at the picture carefully and tell the class what you see in the picture and how you understand it. Write what you would say on the lines below.Possible version:I think the picture shows us our beautiful earth on which we live. I can see in the picture green grass, trees and butterflies flying happily here and there. What a peaceful and beautiful sight! I can also see a hand, which, I think, stands for every citizen. As is known to all, our earth is being polluted. A lot of animals are endangered. To protect our environment and live in harmony with animals is every citizen's duty. only when we realize the importance of our environment can we really do something to solve the problem of pollution.春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休,小学英语看图作文,小学生作文《小学英语看图作文》.一息尚存须努力,留作青年好范畴. —— 吴玉章但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚 —— 郭小川人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来! —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值. —— 歌德社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备. —— 易卜生 〔小学英语看图作文〕随文赠言:【失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路.】。
中文翻译一:图一:The earth have already warning One earth smoking,it said:our earth is dooming,pollution have already increasing acute.The earth need our protect. For example,our human beings always got the bad gas,cigreatte,will let somebody doesn't have the long life.So the earth also need our protect,our human being polluted the sea,polluted atmosphere ,polluted the river,the factory discharged the bad gas,this picture told us,earth need protect,human being should care about this things.地球正发出警报 一个地球口里叼着一口烟,说明我们的地球正在被毁灭,污染已经日益严重.地球需要受到保护.打个比方吧,我们人类长期吸入有害气体,如香烟,就会缩短其寿命.那么地球也是一样的,需要被保护,我们人类对海洋的污染,对大气的污染,对河流的污染,工厂的肆意排放污气,这幅图是告诉我们,地球需要保护,人类需要重视这个问题.图二:The innocent patient The patient is innocent,but in this social so many patient to see the doctor,became take the money to the doctor,gave the extra money to the doctor.If need a bed should give the doctor extra money.The patient to see the doctor,just got the sick,dortor will let the patient's relative gave the hospital five hundreds to the six hundreds RMB,it's my experience,so we don't need to gonna the hospital,because we doesn't money.The patient is innocent,so I hope that doctor can know how to make a good doctor,let the patient will be fine and their care about their money.无辜的病人 病人是无辜的,而现如今是社会许许多多的病人去看病的时候,变成了要交钱给医生,塞红包给医生.要个床位也要事先塞红包给医生.医生看个病,就是场感冒,好让病人的家属交500——600元,这事情是我的亲身经历,敢问,现如今是连病都看不起了.病人是无辜的,希望医生能够有医德,善待病人和他们的钱包.图三:Become the cold people The tap always open,all the water on the grand,and then that person very angry,said some bad words and go.So the other person Ethics heart but how about you? In this social the people to be cold more and more.One day ,an old man fell down on the ground,a group of people to have a look,but nobody to gonna let that old man stand.Many people to have a look,only one person said,that person is terrible guy,let somebody fell down but not let that person stand.But that person just said not do anything.The people became cold,I thought we should improve the people include the students to study accept the teach,one child doesn't have the good study is not enough,it doesn't said he is a good child,one person doesn't say he is really rich so he is a good person,a good man.We should teach their others,improved the people's accomplishments and quality.变得冷漠的人们 水龙头开着,地上都是水,然后那人咒骂了一句,自己也走了.话说,别人没公德心,那你呢?现在的人们日益变得冷漠.一天,一个老人跌倒了,一群人围观着,但是,却没有一个人前去把老人扶起来.大家都看着,只有人说,那个人怎么那么没良心,撞了人也不扶,但是,却没有人前去扶起老人.人们正变得冷漠,应该需要提高全民包括学生读书以外的教育,一个孩子不是只有书读的好才能够说明他是一个好孩子,一个公民也不是只有他有钱,他才是一个好公民.我们应该想到在这以外的教育,提高公民的内。
写作原文 AS Is(注意大小写) shown above, a funny hen claimed that her eggs with(that后面应该跟的是从句,从句中应包含谓语动词,建议将with改为have) no edge and the like which is the most fundamntional(拼写错误,改为fundamental)。
(作者这句话是要表达什么内容?)Simple as the drawing is, the symbolic meaning behind ti(改为it) is as deep as ocean(注意句末标点)Honesty is not only necessary, but also indepensible(拼写错误,改为indispensable)。 As the old Chinese proverb says:"Honesty is gold。
" However,in no country other than China, it has been said that, the problum(拼写错误,改为problem) of opposite the pormise(拼写错误,改为promise) more serious(句子逻辑关系不明确,改为the opposite of the original promise is more serious),and people fail to attach attention to the "gold"。 Individuals and organizations can make money, take porfits(拼写错误,改为profits) and even obtain wealth by attend promise。
To be honest can also have added (改为add) benefit of increasing one's knowledge, giving us a new perspective of outside world。 According to a survey conducted by China Acadmy(拼写错误,改为Academy)of Science(CAS),honesty can relieve not only pressure but also anxiety and such problums(拼写错误,改为problems)as depression, stress, isolation and solitude(注意句末标点)All in all,obtain(改为obtaining,一句话中只能有一个谓语动词)the promise plays a key role in our daily life。
The unhonest(改为dishonest,表示“不诚实的”,没有unhonest一词), in view of the complexity of such issue,we must treat it socially,economically and culturally。 with(首字母大写) a proper law, an up-to-date solution, a right perspective and alert public,it will be a matter of time before the problum(拼写错误,改为problem) becomes things of the past。
(最后一段缺乏逻辑关系,建议重写) 总体点评 作文能够按照写作要求来写,写作格式基本符合要求。但是文中的问题较多,比如:单词的拼写问题、语法问题、句子的逻辑关系问题等。
希望作者在后面的复习中,先不要急于写文章,从基本的入手,先积累词汇、学习基本语法、积累并模仿高分语言佳句;将重点放在语句模仿上,有空多读外文期刊,了解英语的地道表达,从而不断提高自己的写作水平。 建议作者将每周的时间做一个合理的规划,一周练习一篇作文即可,在练习这篇作文时,可先积累此方面的词汇,之后两天可查找有关方面的经典表达及例文,然后再模仿佳句,等这些都做到位时,再组织文章。
看图作文就是要求根据图画(或表格)的内容展开合理的想像,写出文章的一种写作方式.看图作文应做到以下几点: (1)认真读图,弄清大意:读图时要充分理解图画所表达的内容,弄清图中的人物在干什么,弄清图画背景与人物之间的联系,弄清事情发生的经过. (2) 理出要点,拟定提纲:读图之后,要根据图画表达的主要内容,理出表达的要点.列出要点时要注意分清主次,不能看到图中有什么就认为什么要写.看图作文时描述图画内容是不可取的,应充分展开想像使图画活起来.理出要点之后,就可以根据要点拟定提纲,即把整个图画中要表达的内容先用一句话写下来. (3) 紧扣要点,扩写成文.在列出要点后,依据已经写出来的话语扩写成一篇短文.扩写时,可运用想象适度发挥,紧扣图画的内容,进行适当叙述,连贯通顺即可. (4) 通读短文,修正错误.写好文章之后应通读全文进行检查.在检查时,应着重看短文是否扣住图画的内容,要点是否有遗漏.同时,还要注意有无语法错误,如时态、人称等,是否符合文体特点、格式等等.。
考学生or烤家长: 写作原文 In the given picture, there are many parents standing at the gate of (outside)the examination room。 As we see, they are so worried that the sweat began (begin)to pour down their face。
In china, it is common knowledge that the exam decides (may determine)the future of children。 Hence, it reflects the problem that the (加上current Chinese表意更完整)educational system is unreasonable。
In fact, the problem has existed for several years。 Especially in china, the examination score decides the children's development in the future。
(语法正确,但句意不合理。改为the examination score may influence children's future development。
)In a sense, the examination seems to be the only standard that chooses the talents(can be used to select talents)。 Furthermore, it is so terrible educational system (the educational system is so terrible)。
I think we must take some effective measures to solve this problem。 In my opinion, we should adopt the following measures。
On the one hand, we should reform the educational institution and establish a more flexible approach to choose the talent (select talents)。 On the other hand, parents should give up the idea that the exam is the only key to judge (measure)children's ability。
总体点评 本文立意正确,内容切题,结构完整,需注意以下问题:1、文章的立意虽然正确,且深入切题,但文章的内容不够丰富充实,原因分析不够深刻。 第二段在分析造成现象的时候提出了三点“考试决定孩子的未来”“考试是选拔人才的唯一标准”“教育制度很差”——“考试为什么会决定孩子的未来,它怎样决定了孩子的未来?”“为什么是选拔人才的唯一标准?(在现有的实情方面,因为其他方法难以实施和操作)”“教育制度很差,体现在什么方面?”2、文章内容的衔接逻辑不是很清楚,如第二段先说“考试决定未来”后说“考试是选拔人才的唯一标准”,而实际上“正因为在目前考试是选拔人才的唯一标准,所以考试在某种意义上决定了孩子的未来”。
因此,建议作者以后在写作之中不要提笔就写,先列出一个大纲,把自己的思路理顺,使自己的文章逻辑清晰,通顺流畅。 参考分数(满分20分):12 英语写作水平的提升需要不断地练习,在改正错误中不断取得进步,不怕犯错误,怕明知道犯错误却不面对。
On a clear day ,I and my friends play soccer on the playground.when we are playing happily,a group of children older than us grab our site.They robbed us that I feel wronged.Therefore I go home and look for my father to vent my spleen.While my dad listening to my face,He is furious with himself immediately.Then he takes me to get level with these chindren.My father Criticizes them calmly,but as soon as they hear that they are annoyed and give him a good hiding.Finally, we have to go home without argument.My dad feels very beneficial about that today's children are too difficult to control and at the same time he continus to watch TV helplessly.
主体就是这些了 你自己再加点吧 我没太多时间
The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the development of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. As a result, children today are experiencing more and more enjoyment. Their parents will give me unlimited allowance to satisfy them so as to encourage their children to study harder. Consequently.children are turning in to "little princesses" and "little princes" in today's society. This is definitely not the outcome we would love to see. Since children are going to be the future of our society, it is important to train them to develop a sense of independence as well as responsiblity rather than laziness. Parents should realize the seriousness of this problem soon and start to take actions to rescue their children. Otherwise, our society will eventually move towards a direction that everyone doesn't want to face.