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  • 201412月四级作文范文


    以我之见,我认为您的作文应该是有跑题的嫌疑.首先今年四级的这篇作文,非常的接地气.直接从我们大学生活出发.再揣摩一下出题者的意图,是要让考生有话可说.总管近几年考试题目,毕竟四级考试的作文题在审题上并没有过多的为难考生,所以对于今年12月的四级作文,应该就是从它的表面意义出发.最深刻的课程,考生可以选择自己最喜欢 的,也可以是感触颇丰的课程.而您写的【困难的课程】不免有点泛泛之意.但若是文章内容牵涉到了具体哪一门课程的话,那就自然好,还可以算作切合题意.如果只写困难的课程给您学习上一点阻力,涵盖的是所有这类课程的话,那还是挺危险的.总之,四级考试已经过去.希望您能拿到自己满意的结果!希望我的答案可以帮助到您 !不要忘记采纳哟~您的采纳是我回答最大 的动力哦。


    I have met so many friends in my college life. They have exerted enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive friends is my roommate, Li Ming. In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Ming did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness. I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother supporting the whole family. Finally, under great pressures, he balanced his life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row. The experience of Li Ming can be one of the most convincing cases of the power of persistence and will. He left a deep impression and imposed a durable influence on me. Indeed, friend such as him can be regarded as asset and property in our life. We have rights to choose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enough to choose friends who can bring us “positive energy”.【参考译文】 在我的大学生活中,遇到了很多朋友。






    The Most Beneficial Activity in My Campus It is well known that university is greatly different from high school mainly due to that university will hold a large number of activities, which benefits college students a lot. From my perspective, the most beneficial one is “Long-distance Running for Love” organized by the Students Union when I am a freshman. The money collected by this activity is contributed to Project Hope. It is really my honor to participate the long running, because it benefits me greatly not only in body but also in mind. To begin with, the activity reminds me of the great importance of physical health. Before I go to college, I only focus on academic achievements while the physical health misses my attention. But, the long-running tells me in time that a sound mind lies in a sound body. Additionally, during my participation in this activity, I am informed well that there are still many children in rural areas who have to drop out of school because of impoverished families. Thus, for one thing, I fully realize the great importance of helping them fulfill their dreams. For another thing, I cherish the opportunity to study in university more, for when compared with those children in poverty-stricken areas, we should harbor a grateful heart. By and large, although I have taken part in many campus activities, I deem the long running for love most beneficial to me. And I am looking forward to that more wonderful and meaningful activities will be held in our campus.【参考译文】 众所周知,大学与高中截然不同,主要原因是大学里会举办很多校园活动,而这些大学活动使大学生受益匪浅。我认为最有益的校园活动是大一时,由学生会举办的“爱心长跑”。

    这次长跑筹集的善款用于捐助希望工程。 我很荣幸参加了这次长跑,因为这次活动使我的身心都获得了很大裨益。





    A course that has impressed you most in college There are many courses in each college year. But the course which impressed me m。



    Time: 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 2006

    Place: room of the company


    1. Wang Ming, general manager

    2. Li Fei, sales manager

    3. Liu Li, production manager

    4. manager

    5. Sun Yu, minutes keeper


    1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

    2. heard the working report from the department managers.

    3. announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July.

    4. No further business. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.


    你好!智课网(Smartstudy)为您解答 四级考试既是一场智力赛,又是一场拉力赛,在这场竞争激烈的赛事中,只有那些燃料充足、动力充沛的人,才能脱颖而出。

    为此,智课网小编特意为您奉献这道备考大餐,给您的备考加足劲头! 基础复习 四级考试逐渐淡化了“纯粹”考查词汇和语法知识的模式,而是将词汇和语法渗透到各个题型中,这其实加大了试题的难度,同时也对考生的词汇和语法掌握程度提出更高的要求。现在,大家要坚持继续背诵单词,巩固对重点语法知识的掌握,不能松懈。

    1. 词汇:继续加强,不要松懈 攻克四级考试的单词关需要的不是临时突击,而是日积月累。考生要把记单词变成一项日常的工作,坚持每天都温习前一天背过的单词,并记忆新单词,这样才能将词汇烂熟于心。


    2. 语法:依然重要,参考真题 考生在做四级真题时,要有意识地思考每道题目的考点,这其中就包括语法考点。在考前这段有限的时间内,考生没有必要全面地复习语法知识,建议大家将语法复习的重点放在四级考试的完型填空和翻译真题上,对其常考的一些重要语法点,如虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句以及动词的非谓语结构等给予高度重视,并参考个人情况做好查漏补缺工作。

    题型突击 关于题型,这里主要针对听力、阅读和写作这三大题型提出一些备考建议,希望能够帮助考生在接下来的备考中做到有的放矢。 1. 听力:培养习惯,精听真题 通常来说,相对于其他几个部分,听力更容易通过短期冲刺来提高分数,所以应成为考生冲刺阶段关注的重点。

    考生在这一阶段应保证每天至少听三十分钟左右的听力真题,可以以五天为一个阶段,争取在考前完整地听完五六套听力真题,具体的方法如下: 第一天:完整地听一套四级听力真题。在听的过程中,要集中精力,但不要因计较听懂多少而影响情绪,尤其要注意听的过程不能间断,不要因遇到听不懂的单词、词汇或句子而中途中断音频。


    在听完这一遍之后,再把原文拿出来大声地朗读一遍。 第三天:跟读音频。




    通过这样的精听训练,考生不但能够熟悉英语的语感和发音特点,还能训练自己对英语的反应速度,提高做题效率。 2. 阅读:改掉旧习,注意方法 相信考生在近半年的备考中已经增加了不少的阅读量,在最后的冲刺阶段,建议考生要着重训练阅读速度。


    建议大家在备考阅读时注意以下几个方面: (1) 考生在看文章时,不要每次只看一个词,而是要加宽自己阅读时的视幅,每次看4~6个词,不要用手指或笔指着单词挨个读,而应用眼睛扫视。如果考生在最开始感觉不习惯或吃力,可以先训练自己每次看两三个词,然后通过多次练习来逐渐达到要求。

    (2) 重点阅读和次要阅读相结合。每一篇文章都有核心内容和次要内容,考生要学会分辨这些内容,并在阅读中做到有主有次。

    通常情况下,应该重点阅读的内容包括:①小标题,对于一些设置小标题的阅读文章来说(尤其是快速阅读),小标题具有重要的提示功能;②每段的首尾句,首尾句通常包含体现这段主旨的重要线索,应该仔细阅读;③表示逻辑关系的词,这些词汇不仅仅起到衔接句子的作用,同时也能提示考生哪些句子是有效的信息。 (3) 在阅读中遇到不懂的词(组)或句子等,不要在其身上逗留太多的时间,应尽量保持阅读的连贯性。

    如果这部分内容涉及出题点,考生可在看完具体的题目后回原文定位时,再仔细分析和判断其所表示的含义。 3. 写作:研究范文,适当练习 写作素材的积累是建立在大量的阅读基础上的。





    In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject。

    Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous。 To begin with, examinations lower the standards of teaching。

    Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques。 No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations。

    In addition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits。 As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively。

    In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students'academic development。 If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?。

