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Dear ***, Congratulations on your good news of 。. My fellow managers and I are delighted that your work in the marketing field has been recognized this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future. Through the five years of working together with you, many of us well aware of how much you've contributed to the association between our two corporations. We are all looking forward to your trip to China next month when we will celebrate your advancement in a more formal way. Again, congratulations to you, Mr. Haskel - good luck and good wishes on your new position as Director of Marketing Department. Cordially yours (Signature) Lin Daming Marketing Director Beijing New metals。
Dear Mr. Zhang,I just got the information that you've done an excellent job on the speech.I'm very appreciated that you made such a successful speech on behalf of me. Thank you.I wish you and your family a good time during National Day.Best Regards,XXX。
Dear Mike
I'm glad to tell you that i will have a long holiday this winter , And i want to share my plans with you ,The following is my arrangement
As you know ,the Spring Festival is coming So i will spend some days staying wite my family we will have a big dinner together in the eve of the new year
Then i will visit my relations during the first week .If possible ,my family will go on a trip to DaLian .Ibelieve it will be very intreseting
That's all .How do you find it ?wish you ahappy year too
Waiting for your return
TO:International Youth Travel service
FROM:Beijing Foreign Language School
Dear sir or madam,
I'm a teacher from Beijing foreign language school.I and my students want to have a trip on our winter holiday,please warn your colleagues.
We have several teachers and about 1,000 students, so please provide us some big coach buses;secondly, we do not want to go a place too far from our school, so please warn about the place where we will go to.
So, that's our hope.Please reply soon.
[NAME]from Beijin缉龚光夹叱蝗癸伟含连g Foreign Languange School
Dear Mr. Zhang,
I just got the information that you've done an excellent job on the speech.
I'm very appreciated that you made such a successful speech on behalf of me. Thank you.
I wish you and your family a good time during National Day.
Best Regards,