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    调皮的表妹作文 简介:我的表妹今年5岁了,她天真活泼,机灵顽皮,非常可爱.一天中午,我和表妹坐在床铺上玩耍.她歪着脑袋,右手拿根红色的小塑料管,眨巴着一双明亮的大眼睛,调皮地对我说:“姐姐,咱俩用这根管子吹气,比比谁的气力的大,好吗?” “好…








    剑10 test1 小作文什么意思

    剑10test1小作文,家用能源和气体排放The above two charts depict the Austrilianhousehold energy use and the corresponding gas emissions of each type of energyuse.From the first pie chart we could see thatwater heating and heating are two major types of energy use, which occupies 30%and 42% of all the energy used in one household. Other appliances use 15% ofthe energy, and then refrigeration, lighting and cooling, which share the left13% of energy.Figures in the second chart are quitedifferent from that of the first chart. Heating, which consumes 42% of a household'senergy, only emits 15% of all the gas that one household produces. But the gasemission and energy use of water heating are pretty even, at around 30%. Costs only7% of all the energy, refrigeration produces 14% of all the gas, which goes forthe condition of other appliances and the figures are 15% and 28%, and for thecondition of lighting, 4% and 8%. Cooling consumes 2% of energy and contributesto 3% of gas emission.To sum up, water heating and heatingconsume 72% of energy and produces only 47% of gas. Refrigeration and otherappliances, though only use 22% of energy, emit 42% of gas.大作文, 教小孩是非观要不要从小时候就开始教, 要不要punishmentIndeed, children need to learn how to tellright from wrong as they grow into adults. But as far as I am concerned, it isbetter for us to teach this ability to them when they are older rather than atan early age. Moreover, certain punishments are required to make sure childrencould behave themselves.For starter, it would be easier for us toteach children about the difference between right and wrong when they becomeolder. Young children, due to their lack of life experience, have difficultiesin understanding moral lectures. However, after they grow up a little, theycould better digest the meaning of what is right and wrong based on their pastexperience, thus will grasp the notion of right and wrong more easily andthoroughly.Similarly, older children tend to know moreabout punishment, and will be able to learn from the punishment caused by theirfail to recognize the distinction between right and wrong. Punishment mighthave long-lasting influences on younger children for they are too fragile. Olderchildren, on the other hand, could handle punishment more with ease and couldfigure out the reason they got punished. Therefore, they could gain betterunderstanding about right and wrong than younger children do.The sort of punishment for parents andteachers to use whey they are trying to teach children about good behavior is asubtle issue. But the function of punishment is undeniable. It is necessary topunish a child because of his or her wrong acting. I suggest to use criticizeor physical training, such as asking children to do cleaning, as punishment.To conclude, teaching children about rightand wrong should be waited until children become older. Accompanied by certainways of punishment, the teaching process would be more productive.。

    剑10 test1 小作文什么意思

    剑10test1 小作文,家用能源和气体排放 The above two charts depict the Austrilianhousehold energy use and the corresponding gas emissions of each type of energyuse.From the first pie chart we could see thatwater heating and heating are two major types of energy use, which occupies 30%and 42% of all the energy used in one household. Other appliances use 15% ofthe energy, and then refrigeration, lighting and cooling, which share the left13% of energy.Figures in the second chart are quitedifferent from that of the first chart. Heating, which consumes 42% of a household'senergy, only emits 15% of all the gas that one household produces. But the gasemission and energy use of water heating are pretty even, at around 30%. Costs only7% of all the energy, refrigeration produces 14% of all the gas, which goes forthe condition of other appliances and the figures are 15% and 28%, and for thecondition of lighting, 4% and 8%. Cooling consumes 2% of energy and contributesto 3% of gas emission.To sum up, water heating and heatingconsume 72% of energy and produces only 47% of gas. Refrigeration and otherappliances, though only use 22% of energy, emit 42% of gas.大作文, 教小孩是非观要不要从小时候就开始教, 要不要punishment Indeed, children need to learn how to tellright from wrong as they grow into adults. But as far as I am concerned, it isbetter for us to teach this ability to them when they are older rather than atan early age. Moreover, certain punishments are required to make sure childrencould behave themselves.For starter, it would be easier for us toteach children about the difference between right and wrong when they becomeolder. Young children, due to their lack of life experience, have difficultiesin understanding moral lectures. However, after they grow up a little, theycould better digest the meaning of what is right and wrong based on their pastexperience, thus will grasp the notion of right and wrong more easily andthoroughly.Similarly, older children tend to know moreabout punishment, and will be able to learn from the punishment caused by theirfail to recognize the distinction between right and wrong. Punishment mighthave long-lasting influences on younger children for they are too fragile. Olderchildren, on the other hand, could handle punishment more with ease and couldfigure out the reason they got punished. Therefore, they could gain betterunderstanding about right and wrong than younger children do.The sort of punishment for parents andteachers to use whey they are trying to teach children about good behavior is asubtle issue. But the function of punishment is undeniable. It is necessary topunish a child because of his or her wrong acting. I suggest to use criticizeor physical training, such as asking children to do cleaning, as punishment.To conclude, teaching children about rightand wrong should be waited until children become older. Accompanied by certainways of punishment, the teaching process would be more productive.。


    Children's education has long been our concern since Plato once uttered, "Education is where a country should start at." However, it is still a controversial issue after all these years among people who are particularly concerned about it. Some people believe that it is parents' responsibility to cultivate their kids to be fully aware of what a social being should look like; others, whereas, argue that schools should take over this for the ultimate goal. In this essay, I would put this issue in question and further analyse both sides before presenting my personal perspective. On one hand, parents, as the first touchers of their kids, should tell them how to differentiate right from wrong. Given the time parents spend with their kids, they can be more likely to observe everyday change of their children. As a result of this, they are accountable for how their children normally behave in reality. More importantly, considering the fact that people according to their social being are usually placed into diverse norms, parents, as a family, as a part of community and as individuals in the society, should appropriately behave in action so as to deliver a message to their kids in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted. On the other hand, academic institutions should take the responsibility for educating students to be entirely ready to enter the society. After leaving parents for schools, kids almost devote their most prime time at schools with their peels, their friends and their teachers; therefore, schools ought to put much emphasis on their growth as a person. Consequently, students could learn what they cannot acquire from home, such as communicative skills, understanding of various cultures etc.。

    剑桥雅思5 test1 tsak2范文

    Test1 Passage 11-3.A题干中的all过于绝对化,所以不选,B题干中only太过于绝对,亦不选。

    C题干中说到字典出名因为参与的人众多,而我们在文章第四段第11行可以找到Johnson decided he did not need an academy…这句话足以证明当时并未招聘很多编撰人员。D题干中提到约翰逊字典主要集中于当代文本中的语言,我们可以在文章第六段第三行Johnson wrote the definitions ….to his own time 找到对应点,还可以在文章第六段倒数第三句中找到living一词跟题干中的contemporary一词属于同义替换。

    E题干中的time limit与文章第六段中的第九行deadline一词属于同义替换。F题干中提到在字典编撰的过程中忽略了以前的字典编撰者的工作,而我们在文章第六段第十行找到he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries,正好矛盾。

    G题干中提到约翰逊字典讲述了词义的细微差别,我们在文章第六段倒数第三句找到shades ,而这个词就是题干中subtleties的同义替换。H题干中提到字典的定义以原创著称,而我们在文章第六段第八行找到he did not expect to achieve complete originality,正好矛盾,故不选。




    雅思作文批改 剑2 test1 小作文 (高分求修改)

    The (graph 是曲线图,应该是表table才对) gives information about the consumer durables owned in the UK over the period from 1972 to 1983.As can be seen from the table, the greatest increase (可以考虑加上during this period)was found in telephone ownership, rising from 42% in 1972 to 77% in1983. Next came central heating ownership, which rose considerably by 27%, form37% in 1972 to 64% in 1983. The percentage of households with a refrigerator grew 21% during the same period and of those with a washing machine by 14%. In addition, households with vacuum-cleaners, televisions and dishwashers increased by 8%, 5% and 2% respectively.In the year of 1983 their introduction,television ownership stayed in top position in terms of households with, which is about 20 times larger than (telephone错了,应该是 dishwasher 才对哦!) ownership. It is also interesting to notice that 18% of households had a video recorder in 1983. (Of course the reason was because they were the new invention of that time! 这句是的替你加上的,你不须一定要接受。

    )(Another new invention was the dishwasher, their figures only started to show from the year 1978,also because they are kind of luxury, too expensive and no really a nessesity. Therefore they showed a very slow increase from 3% to only 5% in five years 这是的替你补充的,同样是,你可以加或不加上去都任随你。)In conclusion, there were striking differences in percentage of households with in(within 是一个字) the 11 years spanning from 1972 through 1983.原文写得甚好,只有一个明显的错处(把 telephone 当作 dishwasher)。


